ST. GABRIEL PARISH BULLETIN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2019 Parish Center 2559 - 40th Ave. 415-731-6161 Fax Number 415-731-1270 Website: www.sgparish.org Office Business Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9AM - 5PM (Closed for lunch, 12PM - 1PM), Fri. 9AM - 12PM Open for Meetings, 9AM to 9PM, Monday - Friday Parish School 2550 - 41st Ave. 415-566-0314 San Francisco, California 94116 PASTORAL STAFF/ ADMINISTRATION Rev. Thomas Hamilton Pastor Rev. Paul Zirimenya In Residence Rev. Freddie Thomas In Residence Mrs. Gina Beal School Principal Mrs. Nancy Becerra Director of Religious Education Confirmation/Youth Minister [email protected] ST. GABRIEL PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Sr. Bernadette Hart, R.S.M. As a worshipping, believing, and caring community, St. Gabriel Parish Pastoral Associate participates in the mission of Jesus Christ, remembered most in- Mr. Matthew A. Shea tensely at Sunday Assembly through proclamation of The Word and Pastoral Associate the sharing of the Eucharistic Meal. This Community, so nourished, Homebound, Hospitalized & RCIA lives its faith in prayer, education and outreach. PARISH CENTER SUPPORT STAFF SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Mrs. Cheryl Bailey Parish/School Bookkeeper Saturday Vigil Masses: 5:00 pm Ms. Luana Letele Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM Parish Secretary [email protected] Weekday Masses: Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Saturday: 8:30 AM (Wednesday: Communion Service 8:30 AM) LITURGICAL SUPPORT Mr. Rob Grant Communal Reconciliation Service: every first Saturday at 3:30 pm in Music Minister [Sat. 5:00 pm] the church with individual confession and absolution. Mr. John Hurst Music Minister [Sun. 10:00 am] Individual Reconciliation (Confession): By appointment with any priest. Mr. David Lorentz Music Minister [Sun. 5:30 pm] Infant Baptism: Please contact the Parish Center to schedule baptism Mrs. Nancy Porter preparation if needed. Baptism is administered any Sunday at Wedding Rehearsal Coordinator 1:30 pm. Marriage: Please contact the Parish Center at least six [6] months prior to the proposed wedding date. First Communion, Sunday School, Adult Education, Anointing of the Sick, R.C.I.A., Confirmation: Please call 415-731-6161. Welcome New Parishioners! Would you like to register in our parish or join our mailing list? Please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket, or leave it at the Parish Center Office. NAME:_________________________________________ HOME PHONE:______________DATE:_______________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL:_______________________________________________CELL PHONE:______________________________ DECEMBER 1, 2019 ADVENT READING REFLECTIONS This year the Liturgy Committee is sponsoring a 4-week FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Sunday Reading Reflection for the four Sundays in Ad- vent. The sessions begin today, Sunday, December 1st HOPEFUL EXPECTATION from 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in the Parish Center. The focus Our liturgical year begins with the season of Advent—a will be on the Readings for the First Sunday in Advent. time of hopeful expectation of the coming of the Lord. On The next 3 week’s reflections will take place Saturday the First Sunday of Advent we look forward to the end of mornings from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM. time when we will awaken to the dawn of Christ’s new December 7th—Second Sunday’s readings day. December 14th—Third Sunday’s readings Today we hear Isaiah speak of a day when God’s pow- December 21st—Fourth Sunday’s readings er will have brought universal peace and God’s Word will Each session will include a video on the readings, reflec- have instructed all people, radiating God’s tion questions, and time for personal reflection and dis- “light” (teachings) into all of human society. Only when cussion. Please join us! humanity walks “in the light of the L” (Isaiah 2:5), when all people desire to be instructed “in [God’s] TODAY IS SVDP ways” (Isaiah 2:3), will the world be set aright and our SANDWICH SUNDAY! deepest longings fulfilled. The reading from Romans calls Today, December 1st, the St. us to “awake from sleep” for this final “day is at Gabriel Conference of SVDP hand” (Romans 13:11, 12). Together this Sunday’s scrip- will be collecting wrapped sand- tures proclaim our Christian faith that Jesus is the One wiches for the needy. Please who will finally come to fulfill God’s plan of salvation. bring your offering by no later than 12 Noon. Members Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. of SVDP will be outside of church before and after Mass to receive your donations. Cash donations are also wel- comed and appreciated. Many thanks for your generosi- ADVENT GIVING PROGRAM ty! We would like to seek the generosity of the St. Gabriel Community to share their blessings with the following COMMUNAL RECONCILIATION organizations for our annual Advent Giving Program: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2019 Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly There will be communal reconciliation on Saturday, De- Gift cards of $25 from Target, Safeway, cember 7th, at 3:30 PM in the Church with individual Walgreens or Trader Joes confession and absolution. Epiphany Center (30 Women) SAINT JOHN OF DAMASCUS Gift cards of $20-$25 from Target (c. 675-749) Diapers; Size 1 through Size 5 December 4 From almost 1300 years ago, Gubbio Project John’s message for the church’s spir- New socks, toiletries, large Hefty trash bags, ituality and mission is surprisingly Non-dairy creamer, 1lb bags of sugar, 1lb cans of coffee contemporary. Pope Benedict said that in our modern culture of images, We will continue to collect items through December sacred images often speak more elo- 15th. There is a barrel in the vestibule for you to place quently than words. This your donations. Thank you for your generosity! “incarnational theology,” the concept that visible, tangible elements can TODAY’S READINGS give believers access to divine realities beyond, found an First Reading — All the peoples shall stream toward the eloquent champion in John of Damascus. He challenged L’s house (Isaiah 2:1-5). the Iconoclasts (image-breakers), whose misinterpretation Psalm — Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord of the biblical prohibition of idolatrous images (Exodus 20:4 (Psalm 122). -5) led them to campaign for the destruction of all sacred Second Reading — It is the hour to cast off the dark and art. Before this controversy, however, John bore witness clothe ourselves in the light (Romans 13:11–14). to Christ in a way that provides a timely example for Gospel — Stay awake! Be prepared! The Son of Man will Christians in today’s pluralistic society. Succeeding his come when you least expect (Matthew 24:37-44). grandfather and father, John served as chief financial The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. officer to the Muslim caliph, professing his Christian faith without compromise, while winning the esteem of his Is- lamic sovereign by his competence and integrity. No READINGS, DECEMBER 8, 2019 wonder John could eloquently defend icons as “windows SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT into heaven”—he had already learned to see Christ in the Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; living icons of people different from himself yet fashioned in the same divine image! Rom 15:4-9; —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Mt 3:1-12 ST. GABRIEL FOR SICK RELATIVES SCHOOL NEWS AND FRIENDS Keep up to date with all the news and excitement at PRAYERS FOR THE SICK St. Gabriel School. Follow us on Facebook @ St. Ga- In the coming week we ask your prayers for the following: briel School, SF or instagram @stgabrielschoolsf Deanna Aguello, Lauren Belluomini, Madeleine Bonpin, Billfield Cheng, Mary B. Chien, Delia Dumantay, Pedro D. SANTA’S Dy, Dan Feeney, Victoria Fox, Shirley Latham, Michael BREAKFAST Madden, Janet McCarthy, Marian Ritchie, Erlinda Ronas, Santa’s Breakfast will Alfredo Siy and Louise Vaillencourt. be held on Sunday, December 7th from RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 8:00 AM—12:00 PM in Bedford Hall. Stop December 8, 2019 Religious Education Classes by and enjoy a yummy December 15, 2019 Religious Education Classes breakfast prepared by December 22, 2019 Religious Education Classes SG parents, shop the holiday boutique, en- For more information, please call our Director of Reli- joy children’s games gious Education, Nancy Becerra, at 415-731-6161 or and much, much email her at [email protected]. more. Tickets to this event can be purchased on our website at stgabri- FIRST COMMUNION elsf.com or at the door. Chapter Five in your First Penance Book is due on Tues- day, December 3rd. “COMING UP CHRISTMAS TIME!” You are all invited to enjoy a special Christmas Concert CONFIRMATION on Thursday, December 5th at 7:00 PM in St. Gabriel's PROGRAM Church. Gabriel's Crooners will be joined by the Cru- The next session of the Confir- sader Mixed Chorus, directed by Laura Flaviani, and mation program is Sunday, Riordan's Jazz Band, in a medley of Christmas songs December 8th from 3:00 PM guaranteed to put you in the Christmas spirit! The con- - 6:30 PM (preparation ses- cert is FREE! Donations are welcome, and will be donat- sion followed by Youth Mass ed to the victims of the recent fires. in Church). WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY/PRAYER GROUP ST. GABRIEL LADIES The next Women’s Bible Study/Prayer SODALITY OF THE Group will be on Tuesday, December MIRACULOUS MEDAL 3, 2019 from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM at PRESENTS: the Parish Center. This group meets CHRISTMAS LIGHTS! every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the All ladies of the Sodality and their month. This is a drop-in study group guests are invited to the Annual and all are welcome! Please join us! Christmas Luncheon on Saturday, December 14th at Grace Lutheran SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Hall, 3201 Ulloa St, San Francisco.
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