THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya .r, (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CVII-No. 42 Price Sh. 40 NAIROBI, 17th June,- 2005 GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE The Accountants Act-Appointment of Members of the The Bankruptcy Act-First Creditors Meeting, etc. ........ 1332-1333 Board, etc ......................................................................... Local Government Notices ................................................ 1334-1340 The State Corporat~onsAct-Appointment of Director, etc. ........................................ ,........................................... Disposal of Uncollected Goods ......................................... 1340 The Electric Power Act-Proposed Grant of glectric Loss of Policies ............................................................... 1340-1341 Power Production Licence .............................................. Change of Names .............................................................. 1341 The Films and Stage Plays Act-Appointment of Members of the Film Censorship Board ........................ The Kenya Cultural Centre Act-Appointment of SUPPLEMENT No. 43 Council Members ............................................................ Legislative Supplement LEGALNO ICE NO. PAGE The Antiquities and Monuments Act-Declaration of Monument, etc ................................................................. 60-The* Hort~cuitural Crops Development Authority (Control of Mangoes) (Revocation) The Local Government Act-Revocation of Order, 2005 ..:.... : ............................................... 355 Nomination of Councillor, etc. .......................... .......... 61-The Horticultural Crops Developmelit The Law of Succession Act-Appointment ..................... Authonty (Export) (Revocat~on)Order, 2005 .... 356 The Children Act-Appointment ................................... 62-The Horiicultural Crops Developnlent Authority (Onion Marketing) (Revocation) The Magistrates' Courts Act--Increase of Limit of Order, 2005 ....................................................... 357 f Jurisdiction ....................................................................... (published as Special Issue on 8th June, 2005) The Exchequer and Audit Act-Appointment of Chairman of the Departmental Tender Committee, etc .................................................................................... 1299 The Registered Land Act-Issue of New Land Title SUPPLEMENT No. 44 Deeds, etc ......................................................................... 1300-1301 Legislative Supplement The Customs and Excise Department-Goods Held in LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE the Customs Warehouse, Kilindini ................................. 1302-1306 63-The Banking Act-Exemption ...................... !... 359 Probate and Administration .............................................. 1307-1 33 1 64-The Land Control (Minimum Acreage) The Advocates Act-54th Quarterly Report, etc .............. 1331 Regulations, 2005 ............................................... 359 The Physical Planning Act-Completion of Part 65-The Traffic (Amendment) Rules, 2005 .............. 360 Development Plan ........................................................... 1332 {Pr~bllshedas Special Issue on 8th June, 2005) GAZE'ITF NOTICE NO. 45l 7 GAZETTE NOTICE h1O. 4520 THE ACCOUNTANTS ACT THE JCCOUNTANTS ACT (CQ?. 531) (Cap. 53l ) THE REGISTRATION OF ACCOUNTANTS BOARD THE EXAM INATIONS BOARD APPIMNTMENTOF MEMBERS OFTHE BOARD APPIM< MENTOFCHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN OF IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 12 ( l ) of the EXAMINATIONS BOARD Accountants Act, the Minister for Finance appoints- IN EXERCISE of thc powers conferred by paragraph 2 ( l ) of the Fbunh schedule to the Accountants Act, thc M inister for Finance oaniel Mutisya Ndonye, . jntj- Joseph Nguthiru King'arui, appo vincent Onaoma xamsara, Francis N. xibera tpror.), and Erastus K. Gitau- George Godia (P!pf.j. Bob Karina, Moses N. Anyangu, ' to be Chainnan and Vice-chairman, rcspectively. of the Examinatiops Johli Karimi Njiraini, Board, fOr a period cf three (3) years, with effect from lst January, Jack N. Ranguma, 2005. ' to be members of the Registration of Accountants Board, for a period Dated the 26th May. 2005. of tluee (3) years, with effect fro'm lst January, 2005. DAVID MWIRARIA, ' s'liltister for Fjk/l?'lcc. Dated the 28* May, 2005. ' DAVID M WIRARIA, Minister for Finance. GAZE'ITB NOTICE NO. 45l 8 . THE ACCOUNTANTS ACT (Cap. 531) GAZETTE NOTICE N0. 4521 THE EXAMINATIONS BOARD THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT APPDINTMENT OF EXAMINATION BOARD Lcap. 446) .. IN BxsRclsE of the powers conferred by section 15 (l) of the THE NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION 0F KENYA Accountants Act, the Miiister for Finance appoints- Appolxa-MEx.r op DIRECTOR Francis N. Kibera.lprof.), jx ExERclsE of the powers Jonferred by section 6. (1) (c) of the George Godia (Prof.), state comorations Actthe Minister for Epergy appoints- Enos 0. Oyaya, , stepllen Lugalia, SALIM SULEIMAN NJoj lomk iK Kaarihmigia N, jiraini, to be a member of the' Board of Dircctors of National Oil Corporation Edward M. Karani, Of Kenya, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 13th June, kan'itlli M. Murimi. 2005. Tbe appointment of Amb. Mwanyengela Ngali*, is rtvoked. Titus J. K. Gatere. o ated tjje j3th June2* 5. Shellomith L. Bobotti. , SIMEON NYACHAE, Elizabetll Ng'ang'a, Minuteryor Energy. Frederkk Fanuel Odhiambo, +G x g;a6/x(s Charles K. Wachira, ' ' ' . SD G. Ogutha, to be members or the Examinations Board, for a period of three (3) years, with'effect f'rom lstlanualy 2005. Dated the 28th M ay, 2005. DAVID MWIRARIA, Ministerfor Ffnunce. owzsrjs xovjcE No. 4522 'IRIE STARE CORPORATIONS ACT GAZFI'I'E NOTICE NO. 4519 fcap. 446) THE ACCOUNTANTS ACT (C Tlœ KENYA PIPELINE COMPANY e . 531) APPOINTMENTOF DIRH ORS 'I'lœ REGISTRATION OF ACC' OUNTANTS BOARD APYINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN stateIN C oErXpoErRatCioInSsE A ocft the powers conferred V section 6 (1) (e) of the . , the Minister for Xnergy appoints- nirIdN SEcXhEedRuCleI StEo othf et heA cpcoowuenrtsa cntosn fAercrte, d thbey pMairmalsmteprh f2o r( 1F)i noafn tche Gyaemoregse x Wknaacnhji/lx ' apm ints- oerishom L. Majanjak Daniel Mutisya Ndonye. and to lx members of the Board of Directors of Kenya Pipeline Company bseph Nguthiru Kinfarui, for a period of three (3) years , , with effect from 13th lune. 200,$. The to - clpirman and vice-chairman. respectively, of the Reeistmtion aplmintment of Josepll *'. n aemba', caleb L. txali, and Aisha R. of Accountantq Board, for a period of thre,e (3) years, with e Cfect from 'M12 H'jit. is revoked. lstzanuary, 2* 5. oa tr.tj tjje jatjjiune, ax s. Dated the 26th M ay, 2005. SIMEON NYACHAE, DAVID MWIRARIA, . uinutoryor Energy. Ministerfor Ffaa e. *G.N. 19X/2(m , 16747/2* 2 and $2227/2*3 17th June, 2œ 5 THE KENYA GAZEU E 1297 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 4523 GAZETI'E NO3VE NO. 4526 TIIE STATE CORPORATIOM ACT Tl.lk KENVA cul-w ft,u- CENTRE AcT (Cap. 446) (Cap. 2 l 8 ) THE KENYA ELECTRICITY GENERATING COMPANY APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL MEMBERS ' jusuaxo IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3' (1) ùf the APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS Kenya Cultural Centre Act, the M inister for Gendfzr, Sports, Cujttlre IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (l) (c) of the and Social Services appoints- State Corporations Act, the M inister for Energy appointsz- Jacktone Veskeys Hongo, Dennis Kashero, Mnsa Ndeto, Paul Onsongo, Dorcas Flörence Kolnbo, Rose Kwena, to be members of tlle Böard of Directors of Kenya Electricify Emily A. Akuno (Pfof.), Generating Company Limited, for a period of three (3) years, with David Mulwa, effect from 1st May, 2005. Joseph Munmgu. Hasmurk Devani, Datçd the 6th Jupe, 2005. Beatrice Mwangi, SIMEUN NYACHAE, Muncne wa Mumbi, ' Ministerfor Energy. Director. Department of Culture, Ministly of Gender, Slxlr*, Culture and Social Services, Permanent Secretary, Ministe of Geilder, Sports, Culturc and Social Scrvices, GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 4524 to be members of the Kenya Cultural Centre Ctpnci/. TI!E ELECTRIC POWER ACT Dated the l0th June, 2005. (#tJ. l l of l 997) . (). c. M, Avacxo, PROPOSED GRANT OF ELE/TRIC IVWER PRODUGIONLICENCETO Min.lstervtbr Gender, &?@r/.!', Culture Jl?.d Sockil s'erviceç; IBERAFRICA POWER (E.A.I LIMITEDFOR THE 56.346 MW D/E.$j.1L POWER GENERATING PLANT AT NAIROYI SOUI'H THE M inistcr for Energy, upon tlc recommendations of the GAZU TE NOTICE N0. 4527 El tticit'y Regulatory Board (ltthe Board') made pursuant to section 9 o? the Electric Power Act ('fthe Act''), proposes to gtant an electric TIIX ANTIQUITIES ANl7 MONUMENV ACT power production licencc (s6proposed licence') to Iberafrica Power (Cap. 215) (E-A.) Limited (qeproposed licensed') under section 123 of the Act. DECLARATION öF MONUMBNT 'rhc proposed liccnce shall authorize and entitle the proposed liccnsec (0 gcnerate elcctrical energy for sale . from the power IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (1) (/) of the generating station situated at Nairobi South on Land Reference No. Antiquities and Monuments Act, the M inister of State for National L.R. 209/8253 comprising a 56.346 MW . diesel power generating Heritage declares the building specified in the schedule, which he plant procurcd, constructed, installed, owned, mainmined and operate,d considers to be of historical Interest, to be a monument within the by the proposed licensee. ' meaning of the Act. Any person wishing to make any representations or express Any objection to the. declaration of the said building as a objeetions
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