lOOO FINQER RIMQS TO CHOOSE FROM AT ALLISON’S JEWELRY STORE. Clinton Independent. VOL. XXXV.—NO. I ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1900. WHOLE NO.—1778 Natbanlal J. Clarke vs. William Swarthout CIRCUIT COURT. et. al. Bill for Foreclosure. Fred R. Everett ON THANKSGIVING DAY for plaintiff; A. G. Shepard and Edwin H. THE BROTHERHOOD. PREMIUMS AWARDED THEIR fflRST BORN, Lyon for certain Defendants. Soiuo Inttrcitlni Cases Noticed For Trial Occurred * Very Pretty Weddlug at the Emma Gleason vs. Samuel B.Gleason. Bill Their Annual Meeting -Election of Officers To Exhibitors at the Poultry and Pet Stock The News Flashed Over the Wires Freni at the December Term, Now In Session. for Divorce. Fedewa A Walbrldge for plain ­ and a Royal Banquet. Home of Mr. end Mrs. J. H. Wolcott. Show, According to Points Scored. tiff; Spaulding, Norton A Dooilng for de- Denver to at. Johns, a Child Is Born. The December term of the Circuit feudaut. The regular annual meeting of the The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wol­ The following is a list of the awards Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 8 . Oorbit received Job Naldrett vs. George E. Bliss. Hill of senior and junior chapters of the Broth­ cott was the scene of a very pretty made by James A. Tucker, the expert Court for Clinton county, with Judge Complaint. Spaulding. Norton A Dooilng a telegram from Denver, Col., on Mon ­ erhood of St. Andrew, of St. John ’s event last Thursday afternoon when judge at tbe Poultry and Pet Stock day morning last, date Dec. 2, 1900, Stone presiding, opened on Monday for plaintiff; John G. Patterson and Fedewa church, was held at the hospitable and their oldest daughter Stella became show in St. Johns recently, according last, with the following cases on the A Walbridge for defendant. hearing the glad tidings that a Charles Snelllng. Special Administrator, Christian home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. the wife of Rev. G. H. Miller, of to the points scored by birds on ex hi daughter had been horn that day to calendar : etc. vs. Henrlette M. Gibson, et. al. Bill of Scofield, on Oakland street, last Fri­ Steubenville, Ohio. bition : Mr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Bardwell nee CRIMINAL. Complaint. Charles Snelllng and Fedewa A day evening, after the regular Friday About fifty guests witnessed the im­ EXHIBITORS. Walbridge for plaintiffs; Spaulding, Norton I va Shepard, who it will be remem­ The People vs. Herbert M. Holmes. Bur- A Dooling and William H. Castle for defend ­ evening service at the church. pressive ceremony which was perform­ Wm. Maus, Thos. Abby, Geo. Thomp­ bered spent nearly a year in the home glury. 8. R. Smith for the poople; K. 11. Lyon ants. The home was delightfully warmed ed by Rev. A. Blnkhorst, in the hay son. J. B. Keisling, Wm. Bunge, E. B. of her aunt, Mrs. Corhit. accompanied for the accused Casper L. White vs. Sarah. J. Wblte. Bill window of the front parlor, where The People vs. Lawrenoe Kuvan. Grand for Divorce. Spaulding, Norton A Dooilng and brilliantly illuminated, and was Smith, Geo. Lapham, Geo. Stoerck, Jr., by her sister and mother, and who was Larceny.•arceny. n.£. K. Smith fortbefortlie peoplpeople; Spauld- for plaintiff; William M. Smith for defend ­ rvaded with an air of welcome, the wlille lace curtains and smilax form W. N. Beddeout, L. Mull, D. Kneeland, married here in February last.* She, dlu(T,<11 up. Norton St DoollugDoolinp for the aocaocused. ant. K;eof which Is found In comparatively ed a pretty background. The house Charles Chant, Bunge & Stoerck, ana who is now the happy wife and moth­ The People vs. Edwin S. Koons. Forgery. Ambrose J. Hoag vs. Annie E. Huntley, few homes. was decorated throughout in green Charles Munger, St. Johns; George er, has the unbounded best wishes of S. K. Smith for the people; E. H. Lyon and J. et. al. Bill for Foreclosure. Fedewa A and white. H. Fedewa of Counsel for the accused. Walbrldge for plaintiffs; High A Everett for Mr. Scofield is one of the lay readers Harvey, Charles Tompkins, F. H. Nix, a host of admiring friends here, who The People v*. Edgar Walker. Burglary. defendants. in thetne church.enuren. Superintendentsuperintendent ofor the At the hour of three thirty sweet J. E. Hill, and R. Thompson, Ovid ; rejoice with us in the happy and suc ­ S. K. Smith for the people; E. II. Lyon for the Victor Clavey vs. Frank Clavey et al. BUI Sunday school, Director of the Broth­ melodies of Lohengrin ’s bridal chorus, Ralph Hoge, Hubhardston; Frank cessful issue of their first born. accused. of Complaint. Spaulding, Norton A Dooling erhood and an all-round churchman, “Faithful and True ” filled the house, Gruler and D. Hale, Fowler. for plaintiff; Fedewa A Walbrldge for de ­ The People vs. Jasper Crandall and Minnie giving more of his time, money ana when the groom entered attended by Barred Plymouth Rock. Crandall. Maintaining house of 111 fame. fendant. energies than any other person in the Rev. Ilarland Feeman as best man, BU8INE8S LOCAL8. S. R. Smith for the people; E. U. Lyon for the Charles Travis Administrator, etc. vs. Cock—1st. F. Gruler. 0OU points; 2d, T.Abby< accused. Frank M. Parks, et. al BUI to set aside Deed. church at the present time. If he is followed by little Helen Louise, sister 88 points; 3d, O. Chant, 864 points, liens —1st To Bingham Township Taxpayers. Edwin H. Lyon and Heury Walbrldge for ever discouraged no man knows it. of the bride, as ring bearer. The little id, 3d. F.Gruler. 91 If.00*. wW. Cockerel—1st. The People vs. James Cordray. Indecent 2d, F. Gruler, liSk. 00)4 points; 3d, D. Knee ­ I will be at the town clerk’s office to exposure. S. R. Smith for the people. plaintiffs; Spaulding, Norton A Dooilng for He keeps, it to himself; prays for miss was daintly gowned in pale green defendants. land, 004 points. Pullet —1st,2d, 3d. F. Gruler collect taxes at one per cent, on Fri­ The People vs. A. W. Hawes. S. K. Smith strength and pushes on toward his silk and carried a silver tray on which *14. 01)1 91k points. Breeding pen —1st, 2d, day, Dec. 7th and 14th, and every day for the people. Robert F. Miller vs. Dora Besley. Bill to Set Aside Mortgage. Fedewa A Walbrldge Heavenly Father1. rested the wedding ring, hidden In 3d, Oruler, 183*. 181, 181 points. thereafter, to and including, January The People vs. Fred Fuller. Burglary. for plaintiff; A. G. Shepard aud Edwin H. It is oftea said : “ What would we the petals of a large white rose. Miss White Plymouth Rock. 9,1901. After January 9, 1901, 4 per S. K. Smith for the people; Leet St Kirby for Lyon for defenadnt. do without Mr. Scofield ?” Do we ap­ Edna L. Frink, cousin of the bride, Cock—1st. Bunge, 904 points. Pullets —1st, the accused. 2d, ’Id, Mull, 921k, Sc!k, 024. cent will be charged. ISSUES OF FACT AND LAW. Dora Besley vs. Minnie Ryan. Bill of Comr preciate him as we should? Should we acted as maid of honor, wearing a J. M. Cramer, plaint. A. G. Shepard A Edwin H. Lyon for not give him a better support? Yes! gown of white swiss mull and carried Buff Plymnouth Rock. Hiram M. High vs. William M. Lelaud Sher­ plaintiff; Charles Snelllng and Fedewa A Cock—1st, Hill. 804 points; 2d, Hoge, 874 Treasurer of Bingham. iff of Clinton County. Jury by Plaintiff Re­ Walbrldge for defendant. Then will we rally to his assistance ? a large boquet of white chrysanthe ­ >tnU. Hen —1st, Hill, 00 points; 2d, 3d, plevin. Hiram M. High and Fedewa St Wal- Ezekiel L Brown vs. Alonso E. Dunn. Sher­ Mr. Scofield ’s greatest earthly Joys and mums. unge St Stoerck, 89)4. 804 points. Cockerel— Will and Ed Osgood are going to bridge for plaintiff; Spaulding, Norton St iff etc. George N. Berry. Adm.,eto. and David satisfaction, outside of his home, are The bride entered alone, gowned in E1st, 2d. 3d. Harvey, !#f*. 02k. 92!4 point*. Pul- give a sideboard away Jan. 1. Ask Dooilng for defendant. C. Smith. Bill to remove cloud and Cross leti-lst, Harvey, 08k points; 2d, Bunge St The Third National Bank of New York, a Bill. J. Earle Brown A Edwin H. Lyon Wm. found in the churoh. dotted mouseline de sole with chiffon Stoerck. 0*k points; 3d, Harvey, ttU points. them about it. Corporation, etc. vs. George A. Steel. Tres­ M. Smith for Alonzo E. Dunn, Sheriff, etc. The meeting was opened with prayer trimmings, preceded by Miss Cathe­ Breeding Pen —1st, 2d, Harvey, 186)4, 183k pass on the case. Spaulding, Norton St 1 fool­ for plaintiff; Geo. N. Berry, Adm., etc. and by the Director, Mr. Scofield, after rine Kneeland as fiower girl, who wore points; 3d, Hill 1814 points. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wil­ ing for plaintiffs; Fedewa St Walbrldge for David C. Smith Rollln H. Person for Herbert Sliver Wyandotte. liams, South Bingham, on Thanks ­ -defendant. E. Johnson, Willard C. Lyon for Isaac Brown, which occurred the election of officers a pretty gown of white mull. After for defendant. for the ensuing year, which resulted as congratulaMons a dainty wedding Cockerel—1st, 2d, Keisling, 90,.. 87W points. giving day, a 9 pound daughter. Carl Hacker vs. Frederick Mankey. Ap­ Pullet —1st. 2d, Keisling. 8»k, 884 points. peal from Justice Court. John G. Patterson John Wlrth vs.
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