The Masa tonal system Amedeo De Dominicis University of Tuscia, Viterbo (Italy) [email protected] Abstract (Masa, Musey, Lame) and a North subgroup Masa language, vùn màsànà, is classified in (Zumaya). the family of Chadic languages, one of the four By H. Tourneux, it would be acceptable to families of the Afroasiatic phylum. keep the Masa group inside of the Biu- P. Newman (1977) proposes that Masa group Mandara branch, while dividing it in a North is considered as an independent branch. set including Masa, Musey, Azumeyna, This classification was resumed by D. Zumaya and a South set including Zime and Barreteau with the collaboration of P. Newman Mesme. (1978), using the inventory by C. Hoffman Here we will base on a spoken corpus (1971) and by Caprile-Jungraithmayr (1973). recorded in December 1999 in Bongor (Chad). Then the following languages relate to Masa We want to analyse the phonetic and branch: phonology of tones in Masa. They have lexical Masa (= Banana = Masana), Musey, Zimé and grammatical functions. But if you analyse (Lamé, Pévé, Dari), Mesme (Bero, Zmré), their syntagmatic distribution in monosyllables Marba (= Kulong = Azumeina), Monogoy. and polysyllables, then you find that tones are After this classification, H. Jungraithmayr somewhat conditioned by the nature of the (1981) proposed a division all over again in preceding consonant or by the application of a three groups, the Centre-East group being fixed tonal pattern. We argue that Masa shows constituted by: a Kotoko subgroup (two only two tonal registers and we demonstrate languages) and a Masa-Musgu subgroup (7 that by means of three rules these registers are languages: Musgu, Masa, Musey, Marba, reduced to one. Thus we could conclude that Monogoy, Mesme, Zime). from a phonological standpoint Masa could be In 1987 D. Barreteau adopted the classification classified as a tonal or pitch accent language. proposed by H. Jungraithmayr, Masa branch being reattached to the B sub-branch of the 1. The Masa distinctive units Biu-Mandara branch. In this classification the Masa groups is composed by a South subgroup Tables 1-2 give the list of distinctive units. SHORT Opening LONG front back front back i u 1st degree ii uu e o 2nd degree ee oo a 3rd degree aa Table 1: Masa vowels. Typology of African Prosodic Systems Workshop Bielefeld University, Germany May 18-20, 2001 TAPS Proceedings De Dominicis r a l l a o r t l l l l e a n a r a l a a i v e t t a l o tt b l a n a e o l a e - od e l v i a il o l V t b D G P B A a a l L a P B I E B I E B I E B I E B I E B I E B I E B I E ¡ ¢ ¢ £ £ Unvoiced ¡ op t ¤ ¥¦¥ §¨§ Voiced ¤ S © Implosive © e Unvoiced ¡ t a c i r ff Voiced A ¥ ¥ Unvoiced e v ti a c i r F Voiced ¦ ¦ ¨ Nasal t n a r Lateral ono S Trill ¦ t n a m i !"!#! ox r pp A Table 2: Masa consonants in initial (B), intervocalic (I) and final (E) position. 1.1 The tones 1.1.1 Nouns: monosyllables of CV, CVV and In Masa the tones have a double function: CVC type - a lexical distinctive function; The high register - a grammatical function in the verb, where the It is opposable to the two other registers aspect is expressed by tone. independently of the nature of the initial Out of context and in the connected speech, consonant of word: previous studies attested the existence of three phonetic registers, as showed by C. Caitucoli $&%%('' ) ) * * ≠ $ $ % % ' ' ) ) * * (1) H M $ (1983: 3), D. Barreteau-M. Dieu (1986: 7) and $&%$ %('' + + * * $ % % ' ' + + * * $ “Ptilostomus afer” Melis (1999). But we analysed a spoken corpus ) ) / / ) / / ) “coasts” ,.-, - , - - where the tonetic data did not show more than , + + / / + / / + Feretia apodantera “ ” ,.-, - , - - two levels. , ) ) ) ) “joke” - - - - 0 0 0 Even if the phonetics does not corroborate the 0 + + + + “masa game” - - - - 0 0 0 identification of three tones, let us suppose to 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) “human” - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 deal with three. Well, we will demonstrate that 1 + + + + + + + + “tobacco” - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 from a phonological standpoint Masa is a two 1 “turtle sp.” tones language. Let us follow the lexical filing by Melis (1999). 2 ) ) 3 3 ≠ 2 2 ) ) 3 3 (2) H L 2 - - - - 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 Gyps bengalensis “ ” - - 4 4 - - 4 4 ) ) 6 6 ) ) 6 6 “animal skin” - - - - 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 “calms” - - 4 4 - - 4 4 5 5 5 5 6&76 ) ) 7 6 6 ) ) 7 7 “pottery” 5 5 5 5 “fishing basket” TAPS Proceedings De Dominicis 6&76 7 6 6 7 7 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 “salty” ¢¡ ¡ 4 4 ¡ ¡ 4 4 ) ) ) ' ' ) ) ) ≠ ¥ ¥ ) ) ) ) ' ' ) ) ¥ (8) HH LL ¥ “a few” ¢¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ' ' ¥ ¥ ' ' ¥ ¥ “who already gave “cold” 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 birth” “pot” ≠ The mid register (9) MM LL: not attested opposition It is opposable to the two other registers, but the opposition to the low tone is possible only 1.2.2 Heterotonic words on a reduced number of initial consonants: we One will notice that a certain number of will see their inventory in section 3, treating oppositions is impossible on the second tonological problems: syllable; here we simply signal them and we will explain the reason of it in the section 3, ≠ / / + + 6 6 / + + 6 6 (3) M L / treating tonological problems. - - - - / / 6 6 / / 6 6 “rafter in the granary” - - 4 4 - 4 4 - Hyparrhenia a) The high register: “straw, 3 3 3 ruf3 a” 4 4 - - 4 4 - - ≠ £ £ $&%$ %('' ) ) ' ' ) ) £ £ $ % % ' ' ) ) ' ' ) ) (10) HH H$ M + + 3 3 + + 3 3 “2nd pers. fem. sing.” © © © © - - - - £ £ $&%$ %('' ) ) ' ' + + £ £ $ $ % % ' ' ) ) ' ' + + “francolin” “bird sp.” © © © © “involuntarily” + 6 6 ≠ + ¤¦¥¤ ¥ + + 6 6 ¤ ¥ ¥ (4) M H ¤ (11) HH ≠ HL: impossible (HL not attested) ) ) 6 6 ¤¦¥¤ ¥ ) ) 6 6 ¤ ¤ ¥ ¥ “genius, spirit” 3 ) ) 7 7 6&'6 ' ) ) * * ≠ 3 3 ) ) 7 7 6 6 ' ' ) ) * * (12) HH M3 H + + $ $ + + $ $ “bush” §¨¡§ ¡ § § ¡ ¡ 3 3 + + 7 7 6&'6 ' ) ) * * 3 + + 7 7 6 6 ' ' ) ) * * 3 Ficus sp. “ ” ) ) $ $ ) $ $ ) Acorypha glaucopsis “ ” §¨¡§ ¡ § § ¡ ¡ “not thick” “fast” ) ' ' ) ) ≠ ) ¥ ¥ ) ) ' ' ) ) ¥ (13) HH LH¥ The low register ' ' ) ) ¥ ¥ ' ' ) ) ¥ ¥ “cold” 4 4 4 4 It is opposable to the two other registers, with “dream” restrictions view before: ≠ 3 3 + + 6&'6 ' ) ) 3 + + 6 6 ' ' ) ) (14) MH MM3 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ' ) ) 6 6 ≠ ' ' ) ) 6 6 (5) L H ' 3 3 + + 6&'6 ' + + 3 3 + + 6 6 ' ' + + “pipe” ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ' ' 6 6 ' ' 6 6 “vagina” 4 4 4 4 “speed” ) ) / / ) ) / / “neck” - - - - © © © © / / / / “Kaya senegalensis” ≠ - - 4 4 - 4 4 - (15) MH ML: (ML impossible) © © © © “Auchenoglanis occidentalis” (16) LH ≠ LL: (LH = LM) ≠ / / 7 7 6 6 / 7 7 6 6 (6) L M / ≠ 4 4 4 4 (17) LH LM: (impossible opposition) / / + + 7 7 6 6 / + + 7 7 6 6 / “wound” “genet” b) The mid register: 1.2 Nouns: the polysyllables 3 + + 6&'6 ' + + ≠ 3 3 + + 6 6 ' ' + + (18) MM M3 H ¡ ¡ ¡ Given the weak percentage of trisyllables, it is ¡ 3 3 + + 6&'6 ' ) ) 3 3 + + 6 6 ' ' ) ) “speed” ¡ ¡ ¡ practically impossible to find some minimal ¡ pair oppositions in this category. We will limit “pipe” ourselves therefore to disyllables, to ≠ demonstrate the relevance of the three registers (19) MM ML: (ML impossible) realized. 3 ) ) 6 6 + + * * ≠ 3 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 3 3 ) ) 6 6 + + * * ¥ ¥ ¥ (20) MM HM¥ 3 3 + + 6 6 + + * * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 3 3 + + 6 6 + + * * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ “Flaucurtia flavescens” 1.2.1 Isotonic words “race of the hedgehog” $&%% ) ) 7 7 ) ) 6 6 ≠ $ $ % % ) ) 7 7 ) ) 6 6 (7) HH MM$ - - - - © © © © $&%$ % + + 7 7 + + 6 6 $ % % + + 7 7 + + 6 6 $ “fish sp.” ≠ - - - - (21) MM LM (not attested) © © © © “wisdom tooth” TAPS Proceedings De Dominicis + + 2 2 ) ) 7 7 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ + + 2 2 ) ) 7 7 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 4 4 ¡ ¡ 4 4 ¡ ¡ © © © ≠ © 7 7 6 6 + + * * + + 7 6 6 + + * * + + (22) HM HH: cf. supra (44) L M H 7 “fish trap” 4 4 - - - - 4 4 - - - - 5 5 5 (45) L M M 5 “crevasse” (23) HM ≠ HL (HL impossible) The diagrams L H H and L H M are not (24) LM ≠ LH (LM = LH) attested. ≠ 2 2 2 2 + + 2 2 2 + + (25) LM LL2 ¡ ¡ 4 4 ¡ ¡ ¡ 4 4 ¡ ¡ ¡ 2. Tonological problems “disease of the low 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 stomach” 4 4 4 4 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 4 4 4 4 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ “locust sp.” 2.1 In the tonal system: 2 or 3 tones ? In Masa nominal paradigm the possible tonal oppositions H/M/L are entirely determined by c) The low register: the nature of the initial consonant. Indeed, on the first syllable if the high register cf. previous oppositions concerning the high can mark terms having for initial any and mid registers. consonants of the system, it can not oppose to the mid register except that in words having as 1.3 Summing up initial either unvoiced stops and fricatives, the , £ Whereas in monosyllables the three registers implosives / ¢ , / or the glottal / /, or the nasals can oppose each others, even if with some and the sonorants, or approximants / / and / /, difficulties concerning the L/M opposition (cf. and to the low register except that with words 3, 5, 6), in polysyllables one could have noted having for initial, either the voiced stops and that a certain number of oppositions were fricatives, or some nasals and the sonorants, or either impossible or not attested in the minimal the glottal / £ /. pairs permitting to show their relevance (9, 15, Moreover, the mid register can oppose to the 17, 19, 21, 24, 25). Below we give the list of low register on the first syllable only in words attested diagrams. having for initial, either nasals, or sonorants, or the glottal / £ /. Thus, this behaviour divides the inventory of ) ) 6 6 ¤¦¥¤ ¥ ) ) 6 6 ¤ ¥ ¥ 1.3.1.
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