• HOW TO GET THE LEADER =1 Just Fill in the Form On Page 16 And Return It to Us! — Serving the Town Since 1890- usrswia Stood Cba PotUft Paid U WtatfkU, N J. Thursdty, April 27,1995 Every Tfwndi; 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS JOB DESCRIPTION OF DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY TABLED Mrs. Jacobson Elected President of School Board, Mr. Toriello as Vice President, Without Opposition The Westfield Leader Named Official Weekly Newspaper for Board; Friday, May 26, Canceled For Intermediate Schools and High School; Background Checks for Coaches and Custodians Explained ByTUCKKKTRIMBr.K Recently elected members, Mrs. on a rotating basis for advertising, among Parem-Teachef Organization S/ir, lally Wmimtur Thr WtitfMUtiJfr Virginia "Ginger" L. Hardwick and but Superintendent of Schools, Dr. andParent-Teacher Association Presi- Mrs. Susan Jacobson was elected Keith S.HerteJl, and incumbents.Mrs. Mark C. Smith, told him The Leader dents was this solution is "the least President of the Westfield Board of Darielle M. Walsh and John M. has the greater readership in the dis- disruptive." Education on Tuesday in front of the Toriello, were sworn in right before trict, and lo rotate papers may miss In response <o a question from almost 50 residents who attended the ihe meeting began. Assistant Super- some citizens. Board member William J. Sweeney. meeting. Mrs. Jacobson was proposed intendent in Charge of Business, Dr. William D. Peek, Board Attorney, Dr. Smilh saidheaskeii the Wclfield by hoard member. Dr. B. Carol Robert C. Rader, announced,and were said another local weekly newspaper Hduculinn Association to keep to Die Molnar.und there were no other nomi- therefore eligible lo vote. is not legally eligible for the advertis- originally scheduled 182 leaching nees (or the position. Mr. Toriello was unanimously ing and public noticesbecausei! lacks days, bul "this was not acceptable" l<> Hoard member Mrs. Melba S. elected Vice President of the board. the minimum number of paid sub- ihe association. Nixon abstained from the vote, and He was nominated by Mrs. Walsh. scribers. Adaily paper wasalso named The board also voled to table the board member Thomas P. Madaras who cited his clear thinking and ex- as an official paper because. Dr. Rader approval of the job description lor arrived after the vote was taken. perienced leadership. explained, sometimes a quick turn the new Director uf Technology until "Mine is ;i vision of shared leader- The board also appointed Tlie around is needed. the meeting next week, citiiig Ihr Claialc Studio for Tho WestfieV Lender ship," The newly-elected president Weslfieid Leader as the official The board also approved a pro- need for more informal ion from sin CLEANING UP WESTFIELD—Saul Dritlel, Hie President or Westfifid Area told the board. "We must work to- Chtmbtrof Commerce, fills a bug of materials from around (he shrubbery in weekly newspaper for legal advertis- posal from the Superintendent lo rounding school districts as tn their one of the downtown parking lots during the town's Cleanup Day which was gether to accomplish the numerous ing and public notices. Mr. Toriello amend the school calendar so !he last experiences on hiring from the pn hdd April 22. issues on our plate," she added. suggested using several newspapers day for the six elementary schools vate sector versus an educator, nnj will be Friday, June 23. School will comparable salaries. be canceled on Monday, June 26, and Mrs. Hardwick questioned why IIR1 the school year will end on June 23. new Director should report tt> liv ShopRite Opposition Attorneys Summarize; Dr. Smith added that school will be Assistant Superintendent ofCurricu canceled or Friday, May 26, for the lum and Instruction, saying her vi two intermediate schoolsand the high sion uf the position was more on line school, who already have June 23 as with someone on the "culling edge' Case Might Be Decided Tonight or Saturday their last day. Dr. Smith did not want of business technology, bin Dr. Smith to change that dale for them because said the person is rather in ;i support Planning Board Hearings Have Run Two Years With About 44 Sessions ofgrajuat ion activities already sched- position loimplemcnl technology into uled at the high school. the curriculum..say ing"ourclearria--i "These are always hard decisions," is lo work harder nn integrating <« li By JEANNE WHITNKY The ho;trd musi arrive at a deci- garner a. two-thirds majority vo(e duce the effects of increased traf- Dr. Smith said. The current school nology throughout llie cui i i»u!iiin hJI Wamtif" Thr VtruflMitm Dr. Smith admitted (his fw, [urn in the Town Council. fic in town brought about by calendar provided for f 82 days of 1 The Westfield Planning Board sion in liic proposed North Av- difficult at thetwo coinpui i ifinn . enue slon1 by Ihis Saturday, April (n his closing statement April ShopRile were not "win-win" so- instruction, and the teacher contract will begin deliberations ton ight lo is for only 181 days. The extra day, recently installed because of "lark ol lutions. considertheShopRiteappiicution 29, Mr. Jeremiah said. 21, the attorney for Village Super- built in for a potential "snow day," expertise." "This is an applicant wins, the Dr. Molnar suggested the IJiu'tii i in light of the existing zoning or- ShopRilc's attorneys extended markets, Dean Gaver, repeatedly was not necessary, he noted. community loses ease," he said. report directly (olheSuperiiilenrler; dinance on (he basis of what is lias the W-tiay deadline they had re- advised the Planning lioard to Although acknowledging to Dr. Mr. Fahey exhorted the board lo Molnar the situation of canceling of Schools, and Mr. Madar:ts wjitilnl heard over the past two years oi' quested for the decision by one "look at reultty." more specific performance resporisi week, after ;t zoning ordinance Mr. Gaver said many of the is- have thccouragelo decide against school on May 26 for high school and hearing, the board's attorney, Wil- intermedi.iie siudents bu( not for el- bilities listed, suchas;i l"i ve-ycar plan. ShopRite, saying the town has liam S. Jeremiah, 2nd, said April that would have outlawed retail sues raised over the course of the ementary schools could be hard on annual costs,an ongoing relationship grounds to fight a battle in court, with vendors, and Ihe necessity lo 21. use of the proposed sile could not 44 sessions did not relate lo the parents, Dr. Smith said the consensus case and were "out of context." if need be, in support of such a "Do you think we would have decision. invesled all Ihis money fora facil- "You are nut a rubber stamp," Council Members Welcome Colonial Avenue Owner ity thai wehad any doublsaboul?" he said. he said. Mr. Butler supported denial of Calling the proposed site plan the application afterciting a 1991 First Town Policewoman Withdraws Plan for Deck for ihe store, "a dead-end Grand New Jersey Appellate Division Canyon," attorney for Reilly case where a Planning Board re- Two Appointments Made to the Downtown Committee, Inc. Zoning Board Holds First Meeting Under New Ordinance Oldsmobile, William Butler, in jected a subdivision with a two- By PAUL J. PEYTON ber of the Westfield MainStreel Steei By JEANNE WHITNEY his summary statement, walked way driveway onto a slate high- S,m tally Wriunfot Thr VfnfirU Uxfrr Sptttetly Wntlrn/o'Thr WtMrfitM UtiJ*r J. Malgeri. of properly located at 316 ing Group, lo the Downtown Com Lenox Avenue, fora non-professional the board through the several is- way because itconflicied with the The Westfietd Town Council mittee. Inc. The Westfield Board of Adjust- use of 250-square feet of office space sues uf traffic jams, noise and stale highway code. North Av- greeted its first femaie police officer, Mr. Speclor is a ihird-gcneralion ment met one week after its regularly in iiprnlessional and residential zone. effect on South Chestnut Street. enue is also known as Stale High- Tuesday night, following her swear- downtown Wcstficld husincssmitn scheduled meeting Monday night in ing-in to her new position. Mrs. and property owner uiul wasannrigi an effort to gain more time 10 review Mr. Malgeri said his proposed ten- way No. 28. Sandra I.. Chambers replaces Officer ant, Jonathan Klausner, is a computer Mr. Oaver said many of the rial member of the commiuec lie the cases before it in light of the Related Story Arthur J. Bruschetli who resigned lo currently servo a.s the Chairman ol revised land use ordinance to the consuliani who would be away from safety issues raised during the accept a position with Ihe Scotch the office more than half of the lime. On Page 2 ihe MainSlrcet Promotions Commit Master Plan which was passed by the hearings were not created by ihe Plains Po'ice Department. Ice. He has been a member of ihe Town Council on Aprii 14. Mr. Klausnersitid he intcmlccJto work proposed ShopRile. Prior to taking the oath of office to Weslfield Area Chamber of Com The portion of the revision affect- al night, also. Traffic expert testimony has accept her new position. Officer The board agreed to the occupancy "They already exist," he said, nierccfor22yenrs. Mr. SpeciorgraJu ing the ShopRite application was mil indicated that if ShopRite were Chambers was introduced to those in ated from the town's school system of the two offices by a non-profes citing a curve in North Avenue passed, failing to garner a required built.SouthChestnutStrect would attendance who included several of and from Washington University in two-thirds majority due to a protest sional willi Ihe following three con- her officer classmates at ihe John H.
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