/ .--- I I Page FolU'te!!n THE >JEWISH . POST Thursday, September 17, 1964 . The . local' m~ $0 elected ororld News'" Briel Team . \' L~bpl! %'iQIJ,isfs;.Natne ,Bone/s' the following, slate. Of '1?~!"'1"S to its I Dusseldorf Actions Committee for'1&.~~::g qro~onaf'eo~tUnn -..',:" year: M. Gray, M.L.A., , , - The ,Dusseldorf I:b"gher Court has ordered the confiscation of the anti­ ~bor Z·. Movemen1'~.Western . Semitic book, "Conspiracy Against the Church," which created a stir lCanada't . ... ,,/1 _ . ediate last year whenCopies were sent by anonymous sources to each member past presiden " eldrnan, presi- of the Ecwnenical COWlcil. Edited in Madrid and printed in Austria, Strains for Camaras 743-page volume is written in Nazi style lind includes thousands of dent; G. ~er,.' . president; ','The 'Store that Shows You How" anti-Semitic comments and "examples." Mrs. L. N 2nd v e-president; Chartered Accountant 2 Locations WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1964 No. 39 J. Shwartz, er; B. Glass, , Telephone 832-1042 318 Smith st. .WH 3-6595 recording secretary (J~), and Polo Park Shopping Centre Haifa 2631 Portage Ave. Winnipeg SUnset 3.;6070 . Mrs. O. Ohaikin, reco.rdini' secretary Council Pope Paul VI's reply to an appeal by the Documentation Centre here (English). that he should speak out in favor of excluding Nazi criminals from Office Phone Bea. Phona benefiting from the statute of limitations, has been described by Tuvia £11IiJI'man & mig"l WHitehall 8-44e4 .rUstice 2-4886 Friedmann, 'h~ad of the centre, as "evasive." Under the statute all Board and Room Available Max Yale Diamond ;American Prelates S~eking 20 years after the end of the Second World War. The Pope's reply is . Excellent ~cconunOdationroryoung' Barristers and Solicitors . B.A.: LL.B. identical with that to the American-Jewish delegatioh which visited him recently, and is confined ·to an expression of good will towards the person in private home. Phone Trust Banister and SoUcitor 402 Royal Building Notary Public Jewish peopl~ and to genera1condemnation of ,the wrongs committed ED 4-0706 after 4 p.m. Edmonton Alberta Strong Declaration 'onJews 618 AVENUE BLDG. against the Jews. Furnished' ROom for 'Rent Teleph9~e ,422-4489 I Winnipeg Manito~ Borne (J'TA) - The controversial draft declaration on Jews, prepared at the Vatican for discussion at the current session of the Ecumenical Council, is exp ected to be presented before the COWleil Fathers this " , Flundshed :room for .rent with week, as the majority of fue American cardinals and bishops attending the session were mobilizing them­ London kitchen privileges. Suitable for B. P. McDaniel. Q.C. (1919-1947) selves to actively demand a ~nger statement whic:h would absolve the Jewish people of all traces of ,I, business girl or woman. Close to BERRY MlNUK I S. J. Sallan. B.A., LL.B., Q.C •. The final list of 1,700 candidates for 650 seats in Parllrunent in the BritISh , , B.A., LL.B. coll~ve guilt for. the crucifixion of Jesus. bus. Phone JU 6-3167. The-American bishops have selected '-'-----~~----~-----------___:_-­ general election October 15 published this week listed 39 Jewish candi­ Ii ) I I' Barrister and Solicitor McDANIEL & SAFIAN ttom among themselves number it was Wlanimotlsly decided to work West Germany, Belgiwn, Austria dates. These include 25 Labor candidates, 1Ihree Conservative, nine ,:' HARRY PECK a: I J. SCHWARTZ Room for Rent Off. WH 2-1030 Res. JU 6-1961 Barristers '" Solicitors of speakers to participate in the de- for the improvement of the current and Latin American countries. LibeJ:al and two Communist. The 36,000,000 British voters include an . estimated 300,000 Jewish voters. Jews do not comprise a majority ,in The. division is now mapping .ts Room for rent - witIlh or without 421 Somerset Bldg. 104 Sterling Trust Bldg. bate at the Council on 1lhe document draft. The bishops agreed that, even The original draft -. presented The strong Labor Zionist move­ Winnipeg 1 Manitoba Regina Phone LA 3-7674 Sask. on the Jews. It reported that about in the time of Ohrist, the Jews to the Council at its second ses- an constituency but in several they could determine the election if Bond drive straJtegy and. will shortly board. Kitchen privileges. Close to all voted for the same candidate, which Jews never do. menJt team Ito lead the 1964 Israel bus. ate. 9, 300 Enniskillen Ave., 40 prelates have, requested Ito be 80 could not ?e held ~sponsible for sion last year but not acted on _ Bond drive was named last week. release a calendar of fall events to or phone JU6-1619. A. I. SHUMIATCHER, Q.C. chosen. The number will have to be the cruelfunon. One bishop asserted repudiated the deicide charge spe­ J. Schw~, .recently named line up support for the drive, with M. C. SHUMIATCHER, B.A.• LL.B. restricted by common agreement. ~t the Jews are no more respon- ciJIcally. That statement said tbat LL.M;.. JUR.D. All but one of the five American . Sible for the death of Jesus than Christ died to atone for the sins New York treasurer of fue movtmlent, has ac­ an accent on benefitting from re­ Wanted Also of the British Columbia Bar cardinals here have indicated that were the people of Dalkls for Presi- of all mankind, and that the Jews cepted chairmanship of the Bond Second year ArlsStudent in West A mural inscription that has been criticized as offensive to Jews has been demption of 1954 Bonds. Sweiden & Rice they will supWrt. actively a dent Kennedy's assassilllltion. could not be held to special ac- . quietly removed by 1lhe Mormon Pavilion at the New York World's action . and Harry Peck, veteran Kildonan needs gas pool for Univer­ &- Chartered Accountants stronger deClaration. The excep- Get flacking countability. However, this draft sity. Plhone ED 4-4679. Slu...io.lt:!,.I' Slu...ialc/u11' Fair. The inscription, "They crucified the Son of God," was taken down ~paigner 'in Histadrut, UJA and Joining Messrs. Schwartz and BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS tion .is James Francis Cardinal The fight for a stronger 'draft is was withdrawn as a result of from beneath a picture of the crucifixion of Jesus. Asked Who the word Israel. Bond campaigns, will serve PeCk on the Bond executive are AM 2-1717 207 Lindsay Bldg. Winnipeg Mcintyre, of Los Angeles, who b<;ing backed b~ Joseph Cardinal objections of bishops from Arab "they" referred to, an elder of the church said that .t referred to BOWLERS WANTED Grain E2:cbange Bldg. Ca}gary, Alta. , I once ~lined to sigu a petition R,ltter of St. Lows, ~d Albert Car- countries and the conservative the Jews. as co-cihairmen. L. Tannenbaum and J. Cutler. Anyone interested in a five pin , '.1 condemning anti-Se\Ditism in the dinal. Meyer of Chicago. Francis theologians of the Roman Curia. mixed bowling league;- contact Mrs. c·") . 1 Soviet Union on the grounds that' C:a~lnal Spellman of New york has Subsequently, the draft was con­ Samplings of opinion among a wide variety of Jewish spokesn:llen and ".c' ' ) his anti-Communist views were sllrularly expressed the view that siderably revised, stating only that political experts indicate that President J olmson will receive over­ J,WMC S/Qtes Membership'Meeting ~~~9_~~i~078, or Mrs. T. SHOCTOR, KENNEDY & PEKARSKY (,: .. ;: r: already well enough known. the deicide ~geshoul~ be strongly the Jews of "our time" are not whelming. Jewish support in the November election, according to the 'rhe Jewish Women's Musi~ Club ":;.,;; L,:J The fight, of the American pre- ~efuted .. He JS recovermg ~m an responsible, and eliminating use of New York Tim~s. The report said ,that the President showed reporters awards are given to students of high Furnished Room for Rent BAR R 1ST E R SAN D SOL I CIT 0 R S at the Democratic National Convention last month a .poll stating he will hold a meinbemhlp coffee party th Josep~ H. Shoctor, Q.C. Donald W. Kennedy, B.A., LL.B. h:l ~tes to secure '1- clear-cut CoWlcil lllness m N~ York, ~d .IS ex- 1,the word "deicide." . In addition, scholastic ability at ' e Bar nan Furnished room with garage for Daniel U. Pekarsky, B.A., LL.B. , statement cle~ 1lhe Jews of all pect~~ to ~rrlve here m time to the revised draft contains what could expect the support of 97 per cent of Jewish voterS. The Tinl!es Thursday, oct. I, from 11:30. a.m. and Hebrew University of Israel. rent. Nice home; close to bus stop. PHONE GA 4-0664 charges of deicide is led by Richard partiCIpate m the debate. many Jewish leaders regard as an story quoted· Jewish organization leaders, rabbis, writers, and patlty', to 4 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Harold The latest ·proqect has been to ;P.;;h;;;on;;;,;,e..;J;.;U;..;2;.-.;;4.;;05;;;9~,... ______ 400 Toronto-DomlnlonBank Bldg. Edmonton, Alta Cardinal Cushlng,of Boston. It is The stand of the American pre- unfortunate stress on the Churah's leaders l1nd workers as susbaining the !'S1imates of the. preponderant ' M. Margolis, 209 Scotia Street. Con­ backed by a ',great majority of die lates on exonerating the Jews traditional hope for 1lhe ·conversion Jewish voter support for the Johnson-Humphrey <ticket. RiC'hard Nixon venors are Mrs. S. Litsky and Mrs. 240 American bishops attending the from the charge of deicide is of JewstoChristianlty. The text is estimated to have received about 15 per cent against the late President stUdentsgive awards at the Ito t1hegrade parochial 4 and 7school level BoardFurnished and room Room suitable 'Available for stu- r.~============~~~~~=:;===~ , John F.
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