Research Article Curr Trends Biomedical Eng & Biosci Volume 17 Issue 4 - January 2019 Copyright © All rights are reserved by Atia Atiq DOI: 10.19080/CTBEB.2019.17.555966 Computational Tool for Calculation of Tissue Air Ratio and Tissue Maximum Ratio in Radiation Dosimetry Atia Atiq*, Maria Atiq and Saeed Ahmad Buzdar Department of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan Submission: November 27, 2018; Published: January 03, 2019 *Corresponding author: Atia Atiq, Department of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan Abstract Air RatioThe radiation (TAR) and therapy Tissue field Maximum is advancing Ratio continuously(TMR). Newton to achieveDivided higherDifference degrees interpolation of accuracy method and efficiency. was used The to purposeinterpolate of thisdata work between is to tabulatedenhance the values. efficiency In order of toradiotherapy shorten the machinecommissioning commissioning time, technique by applying of interpolation computational was used;tools into which interpolate calculation dosimetric of dosimetric quantities quantities Tissue were made for certain depths and field sizes with reasonable step size and remaining values at different depths and field sizes were obtained ofby tabulatedinterpolation. data It to was make found it continuous. that interpolated The results results obtained considerably in this agree technique with the were measured in agreement data and with so this measured method data could and be henceused efficiently could be usedfor interpolation as input data of in above radiotherapy mentioned treatment dosimetric planning quantities. process. The The data interpolated obtained by results this technique were well is within highly accuracyreliable andlimits can and fill this the methoddiscrete canset significantlyKeywords: Radiotherapy; improve the efficiency Interpolation; of machine Tissue commissioning maximum ratio; and Tissue resultantly air ratio; improve Commissioning treatment planning process. Abbreviations: PDD: Percentage Depth Dose; TMR: Tissue Maximum Ratio; TAR: Tissue Air Ratio; SSD: Source to Surface Distance; BJR: British Journal of Radiology Introduction element of treatment using radiation as all the treatment planning In radiation therapy, it is essential to calculate the dosimet- is based on data obtained during dosimetry [5]. To ensure that ric quantities such as Percentage Depth Dose (PDD), Tissue Air malignant part get the prescribed dose, it is essential to perform Ratio (TAR), and Tissue Maximum Ratio (TMR). The basic depth dose calculation by managing radiation beams which are char- dose data was determined by dosimetric measurements taken in acterized by various parameters in the treatment machine. This dummy patients (phantoms), which have density nearly equal to process of delivering radiations is called treatment planning. In human body tissues, with ionization chamber placed in them [1]. advanced radiation techniques, treatment planning is generally A system for absorbed dose calculations has been developed to performed with computing software’s. These software’s are used foresee the depth dose distribution in patients going to be treat- for identifying and locating anatomy of patients and the machine ed. The radiation dose deposited by ionizing radiations within the parameters to simulate the actual treatment [6]. We intended to patient or medium varies with the varying depth. This variation - ematical and computational tools not only to verify the measured Source to Surface Distance (SSD). While calculating absorbed dos- increase the efficiency of the radiation therapy by applying math is due to different parameters like depth, beam energy, field size, dosimetric data but also to aid in rapid machine commissioning. es, greater considerations must be given to these parameters as they cause changes to depth dose distributions [2]. Plenty of ra- Material and Method diotherapy units, such as linac and cobalt-60 units, accomplish the In the process of treatment planning many methods have been treatment of cancerous parts. To treat cancerous tissues, cobalt 60 adopted to calculate variation of dose in the patients. Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) and Tissue Phantom Ratio (TPR) are among [3]. gamma ray beam is used for more than fifty years in radiotherapy the two methods used for photon beams. First method devised for Nowadays these units are used in conjunction with comput- the calculation of dose was PDD but it has restriction that it de- er-controlled devices [4]. Determination of dosimetric character- pends on Source to Surface Distance (SSD) and this limitation was istics of all radiation beams is important so that most appropriate overcome by introducing a simpler quantity TPR [7]. Although de- set of treatment planning parameters is chosen. Dosimetry is vital pendence of PDD on Source to Surface Distance can be overcome Curr Trends Biomedical Eng & Biosci 17(4): CTBEB.MS.ID.555966 (2019) 0053 Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering & Biosciences by the use of quantity Tissue Air Ratio (TAR) but its usefulness PDD [13]. TAR and TMR should be measured with great care as is only for beams having low X-ray energies i.e. in gamma beam - radiotherapy, so this quantity was in use when high-energy beams tire commissioning process must be performed methodically and they vary with varying field sizes and increasing depths. This en were not common. steadily which may require several months. Dosimetric data is it is time consuming to generate dosimetric values for all depths dose with a certain depth in phantom to the absorbed dose at the obtained for certain depths and field sizes in phantom. However, The quantity TAR can be defined as the quotient of absorbed - same depth in free space [8]. D TAR = d ……………….. (1) and field sizes. As it is desirable to save time and improve the ef D fs ficiency of radiotherapy process, so values of TAR and TMR are and the rest of data is obtained by interpolation. This work aimed D Where d is the absorbed dose at certain point d in phantom calculated for some field sizes and depths with discrete step size and D fs is the absorbed dose in free space at the same point. The Newton Divided Difference Interpolation method had been used limitation of TAR for megavoltage units is because of the fact that at enhancing the efficiency of treatment plan and for this purpose at high beam energies it becomes cumbersome to make measure- to calculate absorbed doses at various depths first by keeping constant. Newton divided difference method is the polynomial in- make measurements in air so we can say that Tissue Phantom field size constant and then at various field sizes by keeping depth ments in air [9]. With high energy beams it become difficult to terpolation technique used for obtaining intermediate values and Ratio TPR and Tissue Maximum Ratio TMR are the alteration of is based on difference tables [14,15]. This method was prefera- Tissue Air Ratio, which makes them acceptable to be used for high - - ble because it finds no difficulty in calculating interpolated values energies. Tissue Phantom Ratio is defined as the quotient of ab equally spaced. Important characteristics of this method are as ence depth in water phantoms [10,11]. for those data points that neither are in definite sequence nor are sorbed dose at a given depth d to the absorbed dose at fixed refer follows. D TPR = d ………………..(2) Dt 0 i. In interpolation, the values of x may or may not be equally Where t0 is taken to be the reference depth. Although TPR can spaced. be normalized to any reference depth but for most clinical pur- ii. The x values used in interpolation can be randomly selected poses, 5cm is taken to be the reference depth. TMR is the special case of TPR in which reference depth is taken to be the depth of also increasing. D maximum dose d max [12]. i.e. increasing suffix of x does not mean that values of x are D TMR = d …………………. (3) D d max points is shown in Table 1. This work aimed at calculating, inter- For pictorial understanding of this method, table for five data Because of insensitivity of TMR on SSD, it has been found use- polating, and analyzing Tissue Air Ratio for Cobalt-60 Gamma ful for isocentric treatments whereas for any variation in SSD in- ray beams and Tissue Maximum Ratio for 4 MV and 6 MV photon verse square correction must be applied for dose calculation by Table 1: Difference Table for five data points. beams at different depths and field sizes. Sr. no. x f Zeroth difference First difference Second Difference Third Difference Fourth Difference 0 x0 y0 f[x0] f[x1,x0] 1 x1 y1 f[x1] f[x2,x1] f[x3,x2,x1] f[x3,x2,x1,x0] 2 x2 y2 f[x2] f[x3,x2] f[x3,x2,x1] f[x4,x3,x2,x1] f[x4,x3,….,x0] 3 x3 y3 f[x3] f[x4,x3] f[x4,x3,x2] 4 x4 y4 f[x4] Results and Discussion - ly. Tables were drawn with depths varying from 1 cm to 26 cm. One of the most important factors in the process of treatment TAR and TMR at constant field size and varying depth respective Step size was taken from 1 cm to 20 cm depths and after that only using radiation beams was to determine dose characteristics such even numbered depths are taken i.e. 22 cm, 24 cm and 26 cm. The as TAR and TMR. Interest was to determine these characteristics depth of 1 cm had been assigned depth of maximum dose i.e. dm mainly because aim of this work was to use this data in treat- [16]. With increasing depth, values of TAR decreased as was clear- ment planning process and also to study physics behind radiation ly depicted in Table 2. For the purpose of interpolation, separation beams. The main objective of this work was to evaluate, measure was chosen to be 5 cm.
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