^0 MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Sept, 7, 1984 OFFICIAL NOTICE Cars/Trucks for Sale 71 Cars/Trucks for Sale 71 TOWN OF MANCHEOTER INVITATION TO BID For a long-lasting fire, CONNECTICUT Sealed bids will be received ct]oose hardwood logs ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• BOARD OF TAX REVIEW In the Office of the Director The Board of Tax Review of of Generol Services, 41 Cen­ that-produce a shorter % JEEP CJ7, 1979 — New 1980 FORD GRANADA - the Town of Monchaatar, ter Street, Manchester, Con­ flam e and burn less ra ­ USED CARS FALL SPECIAL soft top. Some minor Excellent condition. Coil Conn, will ba In session In th t necticut, until September 19, pidly than soft woods. If body rust. Good running 646-0777. Municipal Building. 41 Can­ 1984 at 11:00 a.m. tor the fol­ ter Street on the followine lowing: aroma is the most Impor­ condition. S3700, negotia­ day during the month of Sep­ FURNISH AINSTALL-CAR- tant consideration, select 1983 Buick 1982 OldsmoBiU 1982 Buick ble. Coll 643-4038. PONTIAC GRAN PRIX tember. PET - READING ROOM, JU- wood from frulf trees. If Rivioro Firmza EUctra Estuto 1977 - Air, stereo, power September 19,19S4 - 7:00 P.M. NIOR ROOM, MARY you hove fireplace logs CHENEY LIBRARY - Fully equipped with 4 dr. Sedan, AC, Auto, 1979 C H E V Y M O N TE windows, locks, tilt, (Wedneidoy) Assesiors Of­ for sole, find buyers the v-8. Wagon fice. k in g s DAUGHTERS CARLO — V 8, (small), cruise, ralley wheels. ROOM, WHITON MEMO­ quick and easy way ... leather Interior 13,820 miles Fully equipped. V-8. Air At this time the Board of Tax RIAL LIBRARY. automatic, power steer­ First-$2150. 643-9477. Review will be hearing only with 0 low-cost ad in ing, power brakes, air appeals related to the ossets- The Town of Manchester Is Classified. 643-2711. ’ 1 3 , 0 0 0 ’ 6 , 6 9 5 * 1 1 , 0 0 0 Sunny today conditioning. 75,000 ment of Motor Vehicles. on equal opportunity em­ Manchester, Conn. 1977 CAMARO - Good ployer, and requires on offlr- and Sunday m iles. $3195. Brown's shape. $2800. Call 647- Doted: September 5,1904 motlveactlonpollcyforollot 1982 Dodgo AriM 1981 Chuvrolot 1981 OldsmoBilu Saturday, Sept. 8, 1904 T ire Shoo, 333 M ain 7958. BOARD OF TAX REVIEW Its Contractors and Vendors Save money on cleaning See page 2 Street, 646-3444. Frank M. Stomler, os 0 condition of doing busi­ products by using ammo- 4 dr. Sodan Stdan 88 Royal Vice Chairman ness with the Town, os per Cumuro Single copy: 254 1982 FORD EXP — Excel­ Federol Order 11246. nld, diluted to the Air, Fully Equipped 4 dr., Auto. 6 cyl. 8 cyl., fully equipped 012-09 strength recommended fiatirlip tpr M frali 1970 CHEVY MALIBU — lent condition. Low mi­ Bid Forms, plansond specifi­ In running condition. cations ore available at the on the bottle, for washing 0 leage. Must sell. Call ’ 6 , 2 9 5 ’ 6 , 9 0 0 ’ 8 , 0 0 0 .General Services Office, 41 walls and v/lndows. Bring $300. Call 742-6537 after 742-9073. POLICE VEHICLE BID Center Street, Manchester, 4pm, except weekends, The Town of Coventry, Con­ Connecticut. extra money Into your necticut is accepting bids tor home by selling no- anytime. 1973 MERCURY COU­ the purchose of a new 1984 or TOWN OF MANCHESTER, 1981 Buick Rugal 1980 Buick 1982 PlymoutH GAR — 351. Cleveland, 1985 model vehicle to be used CONNECTICUT longer-needed Items with ROBERT B. WEISS, a low-cost od In Classi­ Coup* Rugul Coup* 1975 SUBARU GF - 5 runs but needs work. $200. tor police service. AM bids GENERAL MANAGER Rtliant Sadan speed, A M -F M . Can be must be In by midnight, Sep­ 006-09 fied. 643-2711. All power, red, V-6 and Stock #2062 Call after 6pm, 649-7754. tember 14, 1984. Delivery Air, automatic States seen at KInderCare, 394 must be mode within 90 days sun roof Low Mileage W. Center St. Call first PLYMOUTH FURY of the bid being awarded. The ’ 6 , 4 9 5 ^Commission 646-7090. SALON, 1977 — Power Town reserves the right to ’ 7 , 8 6 0 ’ 5 , 9 9 5 accept or reject any or oil reach p act steering, power brakes, bids. automatic, air, AM/FM Specifications ore ovoMo- Side Accent stereo, V-8, 4 door, 86,000 ble at the Office of the Town CAll 19B3 Buick 1983 OldsmoBila 1982 Buick miles. Priced to sell. Manager, 1712 Main St., Cov­ Century 4 Dr. Cutlass Regal 4 Dr. on trains entry, CT 06238. Stock #2055 $1100. Call 649-2287. 007-09 Stock #4507A Stock #2038 backs higher By M ark A. Dupuis 1952 PLYMOUTH CON­ 647-9946 *8695 *7,995 *7,995 VERTIBLE — Good run­ BECAUSE YOU never United Press International ning condition. S1950. know when someone will be searching for the Item TO SUBSCRIBEI HARTFORD - Metro-North will 742-9600, keep trying. 'S'*.. you hove tor sole. It's postal rates continue to operate commuter better to run your wont TOYOTA CELICA ST, . CARDINAL BUICK . trains between southern Connecti­ 1980 — 5 speed, AM /FM od for several days ... TODAY! cut and New York under an Alpine cassette, new ra- canceling It os soon os 81 Adams St — Manchester Shaw board that must approve requests dlals, 44,000 miles. Excel­ you get results. United Press International to raise postal rates, concludes the agreement expected to cost the lent condition. Has to be .... largest postal rate proceeding ever state an additional $3.5 million or \l seen. $5500 or best offer. 6 49 -45 71 ^ WASHINGTON — The Postal held. It covered more than 35,000 more, officials said Friday. Call 649-6909 after 6pm. Cars/Trucks for Solo 71 Cars/Trucks for Sole 7i Cars/Trucks for Sole 71 ' ( loiich hirsl ( lass Rate Commission recommended pages of evidence and testimony The agreement requires Connec­ Friday that the U.S. Postal Service from more than 100 witnesses, ticut to pay 60 percent of the New 1963 F O R D F A LC O N raise the price of a first-class The cost of mailing a letter was 8 CONVERTIBLE. Excel­ stamp from 20 cents to 22 cents and last increased in November 1981 f Haven line's operating deficit and lent condition. $1850 or h r equipment co.sts. which have been hike the cost of a postcard to 14 when it went from 18 cents to 20 m . best offer. Call 742-8517 cents. cents. equally split with New York since days, 742-9273 evenings. The proposed change, less than A 22 cent stamp would generate the previous agreement was the U.S. Postal Service requested $700 million less revenue for the adopted in 1971, MolorcvcIes/.BIcycles 72 fhe M OKiaary last November, could take effect Postal Service than the 23 cent rate as early as February, requested by its board of go- Ba.scd on lust year's unaudited The Postal Service had asked for verners. The governors, made up operating deficit of roughly $64 4m . \ '\. MEN'S 10 Speed 27" Le- a 23 cent first-class stamp and of nine presidential appointees, million, the new agreement would — (A Tournour model, French wanted to charge 15 cents for Postmaster General William increase Connecticut's costs by made bicycle. Needs W SEO C /lg BROTHBRSV postcards, which now cost 13cents. Bolger, and his deputy, could $3.5 million to $4 million, said -X yY V work, parts. $40. Call The rate commission, however, consider the recommendation as William E. Keish, a spokesman for J A ■ \ \ M3-2880. found the Postal Service underesti- soon as Monday at its monthly the state Department of mated its growhfg"volume of both two-day meeting, Transportation. first-class letters and bulk adver- The board can either accept the IN I \ 1 9 8 2 HARLEY- UP! photo ' L \ DAVIDSON — Bought In Using mail and overestimated its change, ask the rate commission to Although the agreement will cost N .'. ^ L .'. \ 1983. Low mileage, ex- labor expenses. reconsider, or agree under protest Residents of Surigao City in the the state more, DOT Commis­ tras, npinf condition. residents of the central and southern Commission Chairman Janet to let the new rate go into effect and sioner J. William Burns said it ■’ •• -Vsell- Call 742-9073. Philippines begin to rebuild their homes part of the country. The Philippines is Steiger said the lower recommen- ask a federal court to review the addressed non-cconomic issues dations reflect the continued matter. Friday after the islands were struck by a seeking U.S. disaster aid. and strengthens Connecticut's role growth in the economy. To break even in the next fiscal typhoon that killed more than 1,400 D o 1X. ^*' 4 * ^ Pec Vehicles 73 in the operation of the railroad. O J 1PHOTO-GUIDE " I think it is a fair and equitable year. Bolger has said the Pdbtal 10 18 ; FATTEBN aaaeaaaaeaeaaeaeaeaeaaa rate," she said. "Consumers are Service must generate $3.2 billion He said the agreement will give getting their money's worth." more than it would accumulate Connecticut access to all Metro- Pretty blouses with a - In addition to the 22 cent charge with the current rates, Philippines seeks U.S. aid North records and the right to side-accented yoke and a for the first ounce of first class In pressing for the rate hike, the review Metro-North's budget and choice of sleeve lengths. Very good condition. Full mail, the commission recom- Postal Service predicted it will lose No. 8316 with Photo- rear back.
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