THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 The MERCIAD Vol. 78 No. 7 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 38th St. Erie, Pa. 16546 November 10, 2004 The Merciad is also available at merciad.mercyhurst.edu What are NEWS: You’re hired you doing Election round-up for break? By Holly Burns Contributing writer PAGE 2 As fall Break approaches, Mercy- hurst students are trying to decide how to spend their time off from : classes. Some students will go home, FEATURES rest up, spend time with their families or work. Megan Corrigan However, some students will be cooked up an traveling to other states, and even internship other countries, to participate in mis- sion projects through Service Learn- ing, Campus Ministry and the Mercy PAGE 4 Institute. One group of students will be participating in the SOA Rally in Fort Benning, Ga. This is a protest outside OPINION: of the School of the Americas to fi ght for its closing. Often referred to as the “School of the Assassins,” the School Final thoughts on of the Americas is a military school election 2004 in Fort Benning that trains foreign militia leaders. Every year, approximately 10,000 PAGE 6 people from all over the United States come to protest against the school. Several years ago, research showed Katie McAdams/Photo editor that some of the world’s most brutal ARTS & Recruiters fi lled the gym for the annual job fair. dictators had graduated from the School of the Americas. ENTERTAINMENT: Moreover, some of them had been Job Fair brings employers to ’Hurst trained for terrorism. In today’s El Arranque society, with terrorism being such a “I also had a recruiter from Hyatt, and expose themselves to the corpo- constant issue and threat, many people comes to By Jonelle Davis who recruits from major universities, rate world,” said Hvezda. feel that this school should not be in Mercyhurst News editor tell me that we here at Mercyhurst are Although the Job Fair takes exten- existence. the best career service department. sive planning, Hvezda feels that “it’s This is why Mercyhurst students PAGE 8 The booths have been torn down That’s quite a compliment.” our mission and our passion to do this have decided to participate in the and the Mercyhurst Athletic Center One major aspect of the job fair for Mercyhurst students.” demonstration. The students will is back to normal, but the success of that needs improvement is student The Career Service Department undergo non-violence training before SPORTS: this year’s job fair has left the Career attendance. starts the planning a year in advance leaving on the trip because it is im- Services department excited about This year a total of 623 students with intense planning six months portant that they understand that this their work and ready to make im- attended the job fair, which is only a prior to the event. is meant to be a non-violent protest. provements on the next job fair. little over 10 percent of Mercyhurst They have already set the date for Students will leave for the trip on Nov. Basketball According to Robert Hvezda, Di- students. the next Job Fair, which will be on 19 and will be returning on Nov. 22. rector of Career Services, the fair According to Hvezda, students Nov. 4, 2005. Another group of students will be previews was a success. should take hold of the opportunities One student who did attend the job spending their fall break in Honduras. “Overall, I thought it was excellent. given to them through this job fair. fair was sophomore premed student, There will be 12 students going on PAGE 10 & 11 I had a lot of complements from “When students say that there is Melissa Vasquez. Vasquez felt that, the trip, along with several faculty recruiters. I even had some students nothing for them at the job fair, it’s overall, the job fairs at Mercyhurst are members. stop and tell me how nice it was,” not understandable to people who benefi cial to most students. said Hvezda. know how important it is to network Please see Job FairPage 3. Please see break onPage 3. Upcoming Campus Events Wednesday, Nov. 10 Future plans for ’Hurst Film: When the Cat’s Away, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., PAC. Master plan will create more opportunities for students Ice Skating: Open Skate, 9:30 Briggs/ Lewis area. In fact, the only By Jason Endress outdoor facilities of that kind are in p.m. until 10:45 p.m., MIC. Contributing writer that area, leaving the entire freshman area with the MAC as the only outlet Though most of the charges lev- for activity. Sunday, Nov. 14 eled at Mercyhurst College during Garvey also noted that the new gate the Council meeting on Oct. 12 on Parade street is the response to a Performance: Claremont Trio, concerned boisterous college stu- student government request to help 2:30 p.m., PAC. dents, the notion that the college has deal with increased traffi c. some sort of nefarious ‘master plan’ Garvey noted that “the student in- to alienate and irritate its neighbors Ice Skating: Open Skate, 7:45p.m. put here is certainly signifi cant” and arose. that “students will have input into the until 9:15 p.m., MIC. This idea hearkens back to the Parade site.” neighborhood campaign earlier this Beyond the park, there are no ma- SAC: Food for Finals, 8 p.m., year against the college’s efforts to jor developments or projects for the Student Union. build the Parade street parking lot, 2004-05 academic year. which, among other things, charged The main campus has nearly reached that Mercyhurst had designs on its target enrollment, as well as overall properties stretching all the way to plan. Index Pine Avenue. There are, however, a number of News..................................................1 The future Parade street park was loosely defi ned long-term plans in portrayed by one neighbor at the place. News..................................................2 council meeting as part of a system- One of the more exciting plans as News..................................................3 atic effort on the part of the college to far as students may be concerned is encourage its neighbors to move away the potential addition of a 24-hour Katie McAdams/Photo editor Features............................................4 from the area, leaving Parade street restaurant in Spencer’s Plaza, opposite The Mercyhurst master plan can be found in Old Main. Features............................................5 clear for further expansion. of CVS. President Garvey dismissed this Garvey stressed that such a venture quiring more space,” Garvey noted. in the area, causing complications Opinion.............................................6 charge as “nonsense,” stating that would be a partnership with the cur- Eventually, McAuley will be used as for housing (each pair of buildings Opinion.............................................7 the new park “has nothing to do with rent owners. offi ces for Student Services, and there houses around fi fty students). the neighbors, it’s to take care of the Students returning for the 2005-06 will be a new female dorm, and male In the distant future, there are also A & E.................................................8 students.” academic year will not, however, have will be moved to Baldwin Hall. plans to knock down some apart- A & E.................................................9 Garvey noted that between the expanded housing options. Another part of the overall plan is to ments in the Briggs and Lewis area Mercy apartments and Baldwin Hall Those who have seen the 2005-10 add another parking garage adjacent to build larger four or five story Sports..............................................10 there are around 800 students that plans for the campus may note certain to the garage next to the Hirt Center. housing facilities, but not for at least Sports...............................................11 do not have access to outdoor rec- additions and wonder when they will Garvey pointed out that to construct fi ve years. reational facilities, like the volleyball take shape. the garage the college would need Sports..............................................12 courts and basketball court in the “All of these ideas depend on ac- to tear down the apartment building Please see future onPage 2. PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD November 10, 2004 NEWS To contact: [email protected] Election round-up Federici not surprised with election outcome were in the 18-24 age range. This two times in a row. That is like By Jenny Allen is the same percentage of young lightning striking twice.” Contributing writer voters as in the 2000 election, Not only was a second close but the actual number was up win important for President After a long night of waiting significantly. Many of these Bush, but it was important for on Tuesday, Nov. 2, Sen. John people were college students and the United States Senate and Kerry called President George fi rst time voters. House of Representatives as Bush late Wednesday morning to Though fi rst time voters were well. Federici said, “While the concede the election to the Presi- expected to help Sen. John Kerry election was not a realigning dent, who was likely to win. and polls leading up to the one, it was a large sweep for the After many long months of election gave him a slight lead, Republican party.” campaigning and close votes in President Bush took more young “The Republicans picked up the battleground states, President votes than expected and capital- seats in the Senate and House,” Bush successfully earned a sec- ized on the strong Republican he said. “In all the main catego- ond term in the White House. vote in the South and Midwest. ries they won.” This year’s presidential elec- Dr. Michael Federici, professor The Republican sweep of the tion was a hotly contested race of political science at Mercyhurst federal government forces the which brought many voters to College, said that it looked like Democrats to look at their party the polls.
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