: www.inagicv; *al!ey.cbm ; JESTAVMLMLE.C-COFY_ , Twin Fallsi ld B l H i ^h o /9 6 th year, No! _______________________ ^ unday,_ABnlJ5,:20( _________ $1.50 ------ C(X)DMCtfMb j W i N G m " " W e a t h e r lo lu n tte e r ^ ^ - V Today:!.M ostly ' w o r k:p a y ss o f f fb r Bl(lo c k yandmilder.' )P worker geajarsupforne: S:xtcM llerige;e in House Hardball:: Polkics bel ^ . ByMlcbwjaelJouroee- la rgse. e part; be_ V. vpted.to.pui ^ PageA2 • i|mejj<mlews Writer ' . ' ' put3lock»s:nairie^rthe” r '.•attrilributed to tbp ofKeire m p th o rn e ’s n o m in e e •;.-herr faithful •. liist-and whwhy she lobbied other ' appdintmilent aren’t sos< subtle ,, jjv -■ . -'xwiNi»■ FA LLS r F o r four y e a r s - ' . frien<sndsm th^ ' .•••committee ie members to'do the;'! >• By S haron BlockBl headed the group womieTien’s o rsa- • sam e. , . '. D istric t 23’s'3 ’sXentral^Cp_mniittee:^ —-—^omanlarcHna?a ayisthe-hean and uul 6 f ' ■ ' nation iz a t wro • Since BlockBl took over -the' ^ . meiiiD^. al R ep ublican P a rty *-and lo b bb i ie d h a r d h e lm ; th e5 ggroup’s membership • It didn’t’t impressir the commit- ■ eredinparksSaturdi 'ell.'' fo r herselec-hi , has doubledled a n d its m onthly lun-:.. • TWIN-FALLS Randy. •. te^ at alLI. SSi h a r b n B lo c k s p e r - . _ for Easter treasures: - ■ Althoug >ugh sh e w orked w ith 'the. '^ -doii.: cheonshavetve become-a forum fnr • ' Hansen-had some-pp o w e r f u l.___ceLve dually,Ily, loyalty, was more ; —^ageH B l- -T-win-Fall ^lls^epublican-Womien^— ..diitcussing'tl5 the issues. The grou]^ a llie s :— powerful . ■ as a vfeluilunteer, she was. hand- le, more In . has also beibecome a strong fuhd- • His form er colieagueu e s in th e A fte r wirmi ^ paid for her efforts inning'the committee’s S ecretsiln 1970, ab.barrelof'. i last three raiser foror the local party,' House used their influeLlencewith nomination,])n, leaving Hansen out with a seat'in the Idaho do nrs e than in Hemplemana n sa id . , local'party mernbers* toI try to ;in th e cold. B iH d io a c d v e w a s te ddumped m in a- House of)f Representadves.I d. Block, was a p p o in te d n involved “Sharon1 h as w o r k ^ v ^ h a rd get the popular formerir lawm^- . tb the Hous , p i t a t t h e Id a h o N aticidonal pov* 1 ouse'Friday by Gov. ' D ir k K e m p th b r n e ’s Women,”' forAeRepu(publican Party and she e r b a c k to th e S tateh o uuse. s D irk K em pthi Engineering'and appointnicJrient of Block - and her • : ' p th o m e .' ^all the yearsjve beenton. : , h a s ' d o nne. e a good job," . They wrote lettersrs, niade .“There’si’s a.j s t r o n g s e n s e , o f ' boratory ■ nominatiJtionior ,the.post over man* as a . Environmental Laboi with the Republican V , phone calls, .and didi all: they “:duty In thele Central( Committee - r e p o r t o n . " o m e p reretty t big names - can, in ' caught fir e -b u t a rei . '^ d Marilyn ,HempIemaiWsttict23, ,,. r ' Plea'lease ^ BLOCK. Page A 5 . ' could to persuade legBgislative: : .p^ase, ... the incident remiainsn s s e c re t. That’s why Hemplem ase see APPOIHT. Page A2 .' PagoB l . member of legislative I^ ---- ----------------- igress,— S m j t e i Bustjliwork 6 on taax cut ; The A»so(etatedrted Pre— •' < ' SmalUuslness succes ■ - ^WASHINGlJGTON—-W riting-die-^ ■Veterinarian-builds^-?»a-fausi-" !nt,a.tax_check.£his-.~; ■ ness. ’ . , might g^t some of it . ■T .'.back.' P a g e D l Despite parpartisan differences,' P^dentBushlush and Congress are V closer th a n evee v e r to a n a greem ent ; S p o k T s . on ta x c u ts that-wbiddUii give m il-' ’ lio n s p f A m en ■ Rebirth of a program:n : B: u r l ; ^ s lericans a tax rebate this year andind let them 'keep ii. , tennis p rb ^ '^ was nenear greater shareire of tiieir earnings . ' death five y e ^ ago.>. ButB with________• • ■■ tne energy of a new coach'ahd.co ' Aldioughdiethe Senate vofed ear- the d^ire of its athlettletes,the lie r th is m onthn th to trim B u ll’s .10- tennis team is as popup ular'as. year tax curfnrfro m ||1.6 .^trillion to , .$ 1 .2 trimon,I, thatth is riot die final • word-on its; bOVI v er^ size. Even gt P a g e 0 1 :• : * the lower amoim ount, everyone ......... ■; “ piiysW com ee ta cbiild get a tax • '- - - ^£UkHLd.ihe.ta]i,ta jy :y flfjty.f»TT m rri ■■ ■ y.._. ...^ rie d .^ ^ : House ^e^23B ; Shanlaron .. ••^^Sejri.rJohaiS . Block \ton the bbttle,5, but;:fa Saturday in' the • Democrats* ., .w e e k ly ra djio io address that the - . Randy H a h ^ couldd winv, the - . lower figurere stillj would'mean virar, to d { ^ editorialIsays. S£ . “die largestt taxta cut in a genera- • P a g e A 1 4 tion" whilei preserving-enoughpr biidgiet su^lus)lus money for priori- _ .' ties such as 1education,.debt. ,- 'V l ^ n o N ' .niMtruaucuT^^ rediicrionanddid defense, slxtternriafold Nlok Braaic .“W h ile eachsch bf'my 99 Senate >r, a Christmas ^ f t frorn (ils .church,eh near hit family’s home>m« north Of the canyon a c k h o m e : ' w eit ot Shoifionii I . colleagues andndIwanttoadd,'cut,.- 1 ' ■ ' Spypy^lane ‘•’ • . ' ' • f' ' amon rides on his four-wheeler, tweak, tinkercer and rework the budget agreeneement, the Senate ■ewmen noFfllh. • retuj sscj™ . reached a truetrui compromise,” • i theii; S - In thfie S pring a] ’s accident . said Breaux;c; who.w brokered the ab>SS;ff.. , ' S e n a t e '.dealal v/ith Majority ' -V base .-L e a d e r T ren t Lc -Satu It Lott, R-Miss.. ' fami]ilydiscove]afterteen’! ^&|jjjjJ ' With Mondayday’s tax filing dead* .• >n to beliesive, BgJHB line almost at hand,h the chances. [■ B B have improved■ed forI an. immediate . ByDenlseTutTumor . ta x r e b a te aIS s well.v The Senate - T ln w ^ e w iw 5rsaseasoi ■ writer ■ M a y il , 2 606: Today b^a n aS‘ ■ ■MHBh voted overwheL'helmingly to renirh • days, w ith Tanner off: to> school,s< Bjl i C T $85 billion to) taxpayersta> In the fis- TW IN FAA LI L S - M iiuons o f p eo p le ai vork, Nick, Jfannah and I af<at7>om er~^^^^B||| K w ra - -^.cal year-tharbiiPbegan OctrTas a , tiiig iii c h u rc ’• • '“Thursday, j arches’thiis m orning listening t : m any other lunch...dt H |B | . modest way of stimulating the •mons a b o uIt t at hope that can conquer ad r je lt such agony in m y enrii economy. Therhe House is less . ' ty. It’s a sem e a r e sit* ’ Denny off to'wo irmon the B r^on family haslg to s er- ■ Iioentout tOluir express the pain I felt." en d iu siasd c, b utu t th e re is momen- ilmbstayear. : S e c t i o n BY SECTa c t i o n . • adversi- ' / have never., '-Entxy ^m thejo! jou rn al ' tum in b o th partp arties to give some- . ster Sunday, the Bramonstiasbeen an Word!;'connote o fS h e rrlBB tumr on - . Uiing back assocI soon as possible, Section A Sectic nth away from-an onniversvj ', Under a plaitlian by Sen. Ernest ,' «On;D . Id have vranted to celebrate sday was a cool and windyidy ' Hollings, D-S.CS.C., an estimated . Weather 2 Money.y ... i l -6 . one-year anni a r e less nniversary of the acddent atha r y th ey 1 .decided to take a lunch- 1 2 0 million taxitaxpayers who paid Nation Classifie(ified .6-20 ,16.yearroldI NickN Bramon paralyzed fror uer the . That Thursd!w Y am aha 400.,A n obedien ' . incom e ta x e s oro r payrollI taxes this waist down.1. ■ • • • . World:..12*13 : that left'. Nick Bramon .< he left a note like hhe e w a s . year would get checks of $500 „ _ “We’re a close family;" 'romthe ride on his new~ supposed to,'Sb his pai .each as earlyf as July if the pro- : . Opinion ..14:15- S e c tiotion E . Dad Denniss BramonI told die Triumph I wouWn’t wbrry. Fron - posal wins finalnal approval before re s . 1-6 s 1Lions Club last ^ horhe in the Snake F , then. A secondid wayV tb returri tax- ' l^e. d o e v e iy th iiig dollars is to adj . Section B : u»y...d.Vbbv a ’ togeUier-hui“ W®- iph over a d v e rs ity - a -•..Canyon,-where his-dadid'oper- I adjust withholding ----- - fiunting, fishbig.
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