The Church of Saint Philomena Livingston, New Jersey Ascension of the Lord May 13, 2021 THE CHURCH OF ST. PHILOMENA Saint Philomena Church is served by: Mass Intentions !" # $% !%" &' %( ) '*R, "-"% # . ' %# # /! " . . , ! # 0 % R" #$ % / %&' () *+ , %# & %" 1'- -../ 0# ! " 1# 2 0 134 ' #!$ % & #!$'()# ! :`C7.1CR.QQR `87 R R Q% .1J1 `77 R R * * Catechecal Center: 973R R *5 %1H1J1 `77 R R - '" * :`1.1VG1 V71118 ].1CQIVJ:8Q`$ / 0# " $QVI:1C .V :c7 :c ].1CQIVJ:8Q`$ $QVI:1C .V%1H1J1 `7' HV7%1H ].1CQIVJ:8Q`$ " # $% 6 &7R5 - & 2#O5 ' P / * - 5 &' ( : 0#;# 5 - '" * ) " * + & . 4# " & 1 %23 ! " 0 .6 *1 *< = /3= * : =3 # $ 386 SO. LIVINGSTON AVENUE, LIVINGSTON, NJ R ## 3 / # A. 0 * & & # 03 ' . . > * &&* R * ? 36 & . *<# *<#&& < @ # * .A 3@ # <# <B A 3 & . 3 @ # & * . * # * P ?@ # #& ? > . 0 & 3 C # * . 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ucharisc Adoraon takes place each Monday 1 * A<AGJA<A)<AG<A KLJ-A 1IIVR1: VC7 `QCCQ11J$ .V 7 ]I : :JR " # * AJ)A<A<K LJ- HQJHC%RV : 7 ]I 11 . .V Q0VJ: Q 8 %RV G0A and Benedicon. :B"# * AJ)A<GA<A KGLJ&A &)A )A<A J'GA A< <AGJA<A< Prayer for Spiritual Communion AK LJ-)AGJ-0A Dear Jesus, I believe that you are truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive your Body and Blood. Since I MEMORIAL CANDLES cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at #%" least spiritually into my heart. Stay close to me, Jesus, so that I may be close to all our sisters and brothers, especially those who are most in need of your loving care. Amen. &" # $ ) "% *"% +, ' $- . '- % -/. '( " " 0 MAY 9, 2021 )*+',$-,$'/0/-,'/ /*/+$1 ,*,2',+/-,5'/',$/*/',2$1 5)'0-,$1,-$2+$*$+-)-$*/+/-+5 + -*))$1'+7/''/ */-+17 O R R P 88 8 58 8 8 * # -#P * # 6 * # . P-# 8 8 58 8 * . 6 #0 .. 58 8 6 < 0 # & *< 0# 58 8 &*0 # 6 3 * # A 58 8 8 # . 0 * # . * # . P 58 8 Stewardship of Treasure 58 8 ,! !! 8 5 > . & N<3 8 58 8 8 5 58 8 > . 7 4 N<G3 58 8 8 N<3 58 8 8 4 > . B&OO N<)G3 . B *2& N<)3 5 N<G3 " ## <: ' NG3 7 !!-!! Helen Mc Cann and Salvatore Costanza > . NG<3 B *2& N<3 FOR ALL THOSE WHO ARE ILL !-!! AT HOME OR IN THE HOSPITAL > . ()JJ+ NGG<3 AND FOR THEIR CAREGIVERS: B *2& N<3 Susan Allanson, Pat Ambio, Meghan Amorim, Patty Arnold, Ei- leen A. Azzinaro, Laurissa S. Azzinaro, John Bagasse, Linda Be- lardo, Joseph Bolognini, Christopher Browne, Kelly Burke, Patty Online Giving Calabrese, Kathy Cambell, Anthony Caruso, Stacy Cavello, Dr. Alfred Christopher, Maria Cipolla, Vincent Cipolla, Jorge da Cos- Is now ta, Gary DaVila, Mike DeCastro, Deborah DeMarzo, John available!!! DeRosa, Laura Dowe, Lyra Dowe, Joey Foglio, Tina Galante, William Garrett, Joseph Genovino, Michelina Giuliano, Ismael with Grizarry, Gino Ghirelli, John Groome, Kerry Groves, Anthony Iannone, Haley Jacob, Elizabeth Johnson, Susan Amy-Kelly, IT’S SAFE. IT’S SIMPLE. Martha King, Jack Kruger, Ken Lordi, Cheryl Mactal, Peter Mal- loy, Eugene Marra, Henry Masias, Theresa McGurk, Margaret Mc IT’S CONVENIENT. Hugh, Pat Miller, Angie Martinez, Matty Molinaro, William O’Neill, Sr., Chris Parnau, Suzanne Rapa, Maria Rella, Philip Ric- Online Giving is now available for parish- cio, Sylvia and Ray Sanchez, Patricia Sarasohn, Kathy Sasse, Ga- ioners, making donating simple, safe, and briella Scalera, David Smeraldo, Gabrielle Spano, Justin Tchao, secure. Visit our Parish website: Salvatore Tino, Jr., Frank Tumminia, Anthony Trapanese, Steve Tumminello, Venisa Tyson, Nancy Valdivia, Grace Venza- www.stphilomena.org Conley, John Farro Vitale, Rosaria Viviani, Nicole Wallace, Jon and click on the link in the upper left cor- Weinstein and Amber V. ner of the home page. .V.:]CV Q` .V 101JVV`H7 Excerpts from the Diary of Saint Fausna O)5 . . & N % M . .P ! "#$$$#"%%& SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Welcome to our parish! Q`RQ`1`V !" “O Blessed Mother, you received the good news of the ##" $ %&" "' incarnation of Christ, your Son, with faith and trust. %% "% (" "')#" * ' Grant your protection to all pregnant mothers facing difficulties.” USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, We invite you to celebrate . “A Prayer for Pregnant Mothers” The Eucharist Praying Parents %JR:7:_ : %`R:77 75 7!^Ancipated * +, - . /(0''1 %JR:77 75 7575:JR7(( # 2 VV@R:77 7:JR7!^QJR:7 Q+`1R:7_ 3 " 2 7^QJR:7 Q: %`R:7_ Eucharistic Adoration: Sunday, May 16, 2021 ,0V`7QJR:77 Q 7! 9 am to 1 pm Novena to St. Jude and Benedicon 7! Proceeds to benefit youth being Reconciliation: served by the Pontifical Missions. : %`R:7T11:30 AM, 4:30 PM or anyme upon request. Sponsored by St. Philomena’s Ministry to the Sick: Youth Ministry and Confirmation +Q` .QVQ`:R0:JHVR:$V:JR .QVV`1Q%C71CCQ`.Q]1 :C1<VR5 Candidates. HQJ :H .V3VH Q`784QC75QII%J1QJ11CCGVG`Q%$. Q .V .QIVQ`:J7]V`QJ]V`I:JVJ C7Q` VI]Q`:`1C7.QIVGQ%JR8 Help us stay in touch. Marriage: .1]: 7V:` .V]:JRVI1H.:.:R:J%J]`VHVRVJ VR 5QJ :H .V3VH Q`7: CV: QJV7V:`GV`Q`V7Q%`1VRR1J$`Q` :cVH QJ.Q11V.:0VI1J1 V`VR QQ%`]:`1.HQII%J1 7 ample preparaon. Marriage is for a lifeme, not just a day. and communicang with you electronically was a key fac- tor. At this me we are asking all parishioners to provide us with their current contact informaon, parcularly email :RR`VV81I]C7VI:1C%: :c ].1CQIVJ:8Q`$:JR 1JHC%RV7Q%`J:IV5:RR`V5].QJVJ%IGV`:JRVI:1C:RR R`V8#.:J@ 7Q%* $ 5 8 )77@E;@#776A8F:7(35D3?7@FE3D7 #AI"77F;@9 8KAG=@AIA83F77@397DKDEA>6I:A 5 ?;EE76D757;H;@9F:7;DE35D3?7@FE7;F:7D3BF;E? 5 ADA>KA??G@;A@ADA@8;D?3F;A@`H.G1(.Q];( (D#;=K$735A@";=73D7:A>6;@9EB75;3>5>3EE7E JJ%:C]]V:C 5 A@):GDE63KE3F(B?)B?;@F:73;F:AD 5 ?3F;A@$88;578ADF:AE7F77@EI:A67E;D7FA47;@ Q:C7$ 58 5 8G>>5A??G@;A@I;F:F:73F:A>;5:GD5: Q :CCVR$VR %>73E753>>735A@";=73F./((00AD QRR: V7$ 5 8 7?3;>GE3FEFB:;>D7>769?3;>5A? ``QIRQJQ`( Russel Barling Sales Associate | Parishioner GELEX LLC. 973-868-6792 (Cell) where perfection is standard [email protected] General Contracting • Improvements • Repairs 973-994-4323 2 E. Mt. Pleasant Ave. 908-967-8190 Livingston, NJ 07039 [email protected] License #13VH09273700 Joseph M. Shook Jr., Manager “One of the most elegant N.J. Lic. No. 3612 boutique funeral homes Michelle Argast, Director in New Jersey” N.J. Lic. No. 4828 468 Pompton Ave. (Rt.23), Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 • 45 Roseland Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068 973-239-1489 • www.shookscedargrove.com | 973-226-1111 • www.shookfarmer.com • Wills, Trusts, Estates and Goldberg Podiatry Center, LLC the DURKIN FIRM,llc Probate Litigation Dr. Karyn L. Goldberg Liz Durkin, Esq. • Variances, Zoning, and Land Use Board Certified in Foot Surgery • On Staff at Saint Barnabas Medical Center 354 Eisenhower Parkway Plaza II • Suite 2550 • Residential and Commercial Livingston, New Jersey 07039 Real Estate Closings
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