LGE SIXTEEN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16,1988. lEtt^ntnn ii^ U i AVSBAOiO DAILY OlltOIILATION fer Uw Moatli et Mbueh, 1988 TUB WBATHEH Dllwortb-Comell Post, American Stephen Frey Is ,ln Hartford with Forecast of U. s. Weather Boreso. SCHOOL STREH REC Legion has turned over the sum of BRITISH WAR VETERANS 18 men of the company serving town Mid a recreation committee Hartford J80 to’the treasurer of the Manebes Manchester REUNION DINNER with the composite provisional com­ for the entire town was created. 5,848 -ED McENELLY’S VICTOR ter Chapter, American Red Cross. liC iiA IIO N PLANS Specifications for renovating tha MesnbM- at the Andit AUXILIARY ik BANQUET pany on duty In the flooded areas. Partly dondy and colder tonight; II r e c o r d in g o r c h e st r a The amount represents proceeds Date Book The men will be relieved by ar­ Elast and West Side Recreation Bareon of Olrealatlona. from the benefit dance held recently FOR COMPANY K rangement with Captain Joseph buildings are still to be figured. A Friday fair. Thursday ETenlngr, April 16 at the Rainbow Inn, Bolton Notch, Zimmer, commanding the prot^on- TOBEFORMUUTED project for the work will be sub­ MANCHESTER — A (JTY OF VILLAGE ( HARM ^rpM clnf 8;S0 to H;»0. AdmlMlon 8Sc for the relief of flood sufferers. Tonight Annnal Affair to Be Held in al company, for the supper tomor­ mitted to WPA authorities later. It April 18—Eaater ball of Knights Tinker Hall Tomorrow Night row night. It is expected that the la planned. VOL. LV., NO. 169. (daeallled Adverttiing on Page 10,). of Columbus at Sunset Ridge club. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 16,1936. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Sundquist AJso Raster dinner at Y. M. C. A. —Entertainment Program. Will Celebrate Re-Assembly Manchester men will close their A conference of members of the (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTEj and their three .months, old daughter, by Ever Ready Circle, King’s duty In the Hartford area soon. Committee to Meet On May Recreation commute and the Board ABOUT TOWN Sandra, moved today from an apart­ Daughters. Chef Arnold Paganl of the com­ of Education haa been plaimed tq ment In the Rublnow building to 17 Mons-Ypres Command, Brltlah pany will prepare the supper and a settle the queetlon of responsibility Ridge street. Dr. Sundqulst’s office Tomorrow War Veterans Auxiliary, will hold Following Period of Duty program of entertainment will be Chapman Court, Order of Amar- April 16 — Manchc.ster teachers' 7 to Draw Up Program for for the two recreation buildings. Awaits Thurston’s Ghost will continue to be In the Rublnow get-together at Y. M. C. A. Ita fourth anniversary banquet to­ given by the committee In c'harge. Town Counsel WIUluip 8. Hyde 4ath, will hold Ita regular meeting building. morrow evening at 6:30 In Tinker in Flood Area. The supper will start promptly at PRESIDENT PLEADS FRANCE WQGHS Trlday evening at 8 o’clock In the Also Annual banquet Mons-Ypres hall. A turkey supper will be serv­ 6 p. m. the Summer. > has ruled that the school board has ; Muonic Temple. After the bual- Post, B. W. Veterans Auxiliary, control and It Is expected that an Tomorrow evening, the Young Tinker hall. ed and the remainder of the eve­ ITALY DEMANDS RIGHT aesi there will be a aocloLUme'WItb arrangement will be worked' out People's League of the South Meth­ This Week ning will be spent In games and ADVERTISEMENT OWN POWER TO Yefreabmenta In charge of Mra. odist church will hold a business Company K. 169th Infantry, will whereby the school board will sub­ ;.t3eorglana Zimmerman, chairman; April 17 — Three-act play, “The dancing. hold a reunion banquet at the State Plans for conducting a town-wide let the buildings to the Recreation FOR CONSERVATION meeting followed by a social hour at Patsy ', by Paint and Powder club . Mr. and Mrs. John Marahall of Try a French corsage with your outdoor recreatun program this Mr. and Mrs. Ward Dougan, Mrs, the home of Miss Evelyn Boer of armory tomorrow night In honor of committee. _ . Mary Oouglu, Mrs. Gladys Durkec, at High school hall. Waterbury will entertr.ln with vocal the reassembly of the company af­ evening gown for tonight’s K. of C. summer will be formulate'’ at a PLA Y L^H A N D Highland Park. Cara will leave the Next Week selectlona and Miss Jean Marahall Ball. This is a new type corsage meeting of the Recreation commit­ ^ "Mrs. Daisy Canade, Miss Helen south terminus at 8:1.1 o’clock and ter the period of duty In East Hart­ that harmonizes with any costume. ADVERTISEMENT TO CONDUCT ITS OWN April 20 - “PatBy" play by Sun­ with the Highland Fling and Irish tee scheduled for May 7. It is ex­ T.,Orawford, Mrs. Minnie Goslec, .Mrs, all dc.sliing traiusportation are ask­ ford and Hartford In connection Chief Executhre Pledges Fed­ Xdna Hoffman and Mrs. E.sther set Rcbckah lodge in Odd Fellows Jig. Piper Ernest Dowd of the with flood patrol. Pcntland, the florist will have It pected. It will be the first summer Mrs. Wm. Kronick of The Wllrose ed to be there at that time. hall.. Manchester Pipe Band will play for ready In time If .you call him at since the assets of the Ninth School ‘pa r ley AVERS \ Break With Britain, Resigna­ ^^mdberg. At the present time— Lieut. once. Phone 6247, Dress Shop returns tonight, from a April 25—Army and Navy club the exhibition dancing. Other local district were taken over by the two-day New York buying trip. eral Aid to Save Nation’s 8 t Mary’s Ladles Guild will meet The membership drive being con­ Lradics' Night, Army and Navy club. musicians and vocalists will enter­ {tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’^c k In ducted this spring by the Young Re­ Coming Eveniii tain. G.O.P. ACCEPTS tion from League Are Pos­ publican club of Manchester was April 27—11th annuol concert of Resources, m Cornerstone PEACE NEGOTIATIONSi . !the Guild room. Officers and representatives of .. discussed at a meeting of the mem­ Beethoven Glee club at High school g. - ,W “ “ “ ■ local ex-service units will attend sibilities; Premier Says B C The Woman’s Home Missionary bership campaign committee In the hall. the social event. IDEAS OF F.D.R 91-YEAR-OLD NEGRO ft' ipoclety of the South Methodist Municipal building last night. An­ April 29—Father, mother and son IS FATHER OF 37 Wants No Interference by : ■, Mhurch will meet Friday afternoon other session of the committee, of banquet of DeMolay at Masonic Mrs. Hattie Binka la In charge of She Can Meet Any Danger, JAMES BRinO N , 9U 2:30 with Mrs. Ine* Truax of 73 which Robert Dougan Is chairman, Temple. the supper cornn.lttee assisted by Brookavllle, Fla., April 16.— VVjster street. was scheduled for next Tuesday May 2—Dance, Auxiliary Univer­ Mrs. Cordy, Mrs. Grimley, Mrs. Waahlngton, April 16.—(AP)— (AP)—Ambrose H. Douglas, 91- League of Nations; II Dnce^ night in the East Side Recreation Kane, Mrs. McConkey, Mrs. Stan- Hale's Annual Spring Curtain Event Says Hoover and Landon sity of Healing Arts, Jack and Jill The cornerstone of the new $12,- ARTIST, IS DEAD year-old negro. Is the father of ' P u t Noble Grands Miss Emily building. club. nage and Mrs. Bristow. Paris,, April 16.—France took 37 children and his wife Is an -Kluman, Miss Edith Walsh and May 4—All-mcmbershlp meeting 000,000 Interior Department build­ Have Adopted Farm Plan careful stock of Its own military expectant mother. Sends His Proposals tol J to . Frances Chambers are attend- of Chamber of Commerce at Coun­ ing was .laid today by President strength and hastened to Increase It Twice married, Douglas' off­ try Club. 3 b f the sessions of the Rebekah FOR SALE STARTS THURSDAY > Roosevelt who pledged renewed today, fearing that the entire sys­ Portrait Painter of Outstand­ spring by his first wife number­ Sktate assembly In Waterbury today STAMP COUECTORS PLAN May 12-15—Annual Herald Cook­ S-Room House, all Improvements, Federal efforts to conserve the Na of Administration; Echoes ed 20 boys and 5 girls, all but Geneva; Britain Works to; „ SMrs. Emma Nettleton and Mrs. ing »School. se.Bslons at State Thea­ 2-car garage, 5 ndnutea from tlon’s natural resources. tem of collective security, built up two now living. A widower at I, .^^atktns of Glastonbury, past presl- TO SEE EXHIBITION ter In morning. renter. 2 aerea land. ”As I view this serviceable new of the Recent Primaries. under the League of NaUoni since ing Ability, Resident Here, 72, he married hts present wife, Bring About Armistice bi] f iPtats of the uscmbly, will remain May 23 —3fith anniversary enter­ 2-ramlly Duplex House, $4,500. 1 0 0 0 P a ir structure,” the President said, "I the World War, might collapse. Minnie, In 1917, and there have SPVer for the past presidents’ confcr- tainment and dance of Scandla like to think of It aa symbolical of been 12 children, 11 of them liv­ i.^nce tomorrow. Lodge, Order of Vasa, at Orange JAS. W. FOLEY Virtually all French soiircea Dies in Hartford. ing. •• - Souvenir Block of Commemo­ the Nation’s vast resources that we anticipated that a .Inal showdown East Africa. hall. Phone 8790 are sworn to protect and this stone Washington, April 16.—(AP) —A He was born In slavery at Lll- fc w The CYP club of Center church rative Series to Go On Sale contention by the New Deal high on sanctions at Geneva not only Ilngton, N.
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