PSI Scientifi c Report 2009 Cover photo: Pallavi Verma (left) and Wolfgang Märkle investigating Lithium-Ion Batteries using a scanning electron microscope. PSI Scientifi c Report 2009 PSI Scientifi c Report 2009 Published by Paul Scherrer Institute Editor Paul Piwnicki English language editing Trevor Dury Coordination Evelyne Gisler Design and Layout Monika Blétry Photographs Scanderbeg Sauer Photography (pages: 1, 4, 6, 18, 19, 88, 100, 106, 114) All other pictures: PSI Printing Sparn Druck + Verlag AG, Möhlin Available from Paul Scherrer Institute Communications Services 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Phone +41 (0)56 310 21 11 www.psi.ch PSI public relations [email protected] Communications offi cer Dagmar Baroke ISSN 1662-1719 Copying is welcomed, provided the source is acknowledged and an archive copy sent to PSI. Paul Scherrer Institute, April 2010 Table of contents 3 4 In alliance with the global research community Foreword from the director 7 SwissFEL 17 Research focus and highlights 18 Synchrotron light 28 Neutrons and muons 36 Particle physics 40 Micro- and nanotechnology 44 Biomolecular research 48 Radiopharmacy 52 Large research facilities 54 Proton therapy 58 General energy 68 CCEM-CH 70 Nuclear energy and safety 82 Environment and energy systems analysis 89 User facilities 90 PSI accelerators 94 Swiss Light Source SLS 96 Spallation Neutron Source SINQ 98 Swiss Muon Source SμS 99 Ultracold Neutron Source 101 Technology transfer 107 Facts and fi gures 108 PSI in 2009 – an overview 110 Commission and committees 112 Organizational Structure 113 Publications In alliance with the global research community Dear Reader, Source SLS. About 2000 researchers from Switzerland and many The three greatest challenges facing our society today are to fi nd other countries take the opportunity of carrying out experiments a secure, climate-neutral supply of energy, to provide an aff ord- here every year, which is why we also call PSI a “User Laboratory”. able way of maintaining health for a population that is growing older and older, and to preserve an environment in sound work- ing order to pass on to our descendants. User Laboratory worthy of a Nobel Prize Scientists around the world are developing novel industrial processes and innovative instruments and materials, as well as Venkatraman Ramakrishnan from the MRC Laboratory of Mo- new drugs, to help achieve these goals, but we can only purpose- lecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, has been taking measurements fully look for innovation if we already have a good fundamental regularly at PSI since 2003. Three of the important publications understanding of the underlying processes involved. This is that led the Nobel Prize Committee to award the 2009 Nobel Prize where basic research comes in. For example, we need to under- for chemistry to Ramakrishnan – together with two colleagues stand the processes associated with disease in an organism – were based on measurements he obtained at the SLS, and on before we can develop eff ective drugs to combat it, which have experiments at other synchrotron facilities. Ramakrishnan is just minimal side eff ects. one of many who are happy to return repeatedly to PSI. In fact, However, basic research is not simply a systematic precursor to 1225 applications were made for measurement time in 2009, but applied research. It should rather be regarded as a knowledge- only about a half of these could be accepted because of capac- oriented, free-ranging form of research, focusing on the sheer ity constraints. The quality of the facilities, the variety of tech- acquisition of knowledge. Pure research means following our niques on off er and the support provided by our experts are all own curiosity, with the sole aim of contributing to our understand- crucial reasons why scientists choose our establishment. ing of the world around us. At the Paul Scherrer Institute, we carry out both fundamental and applied research. In order to do this, we design, develop, con- SwissFEL – an important contribution to struct and operate world-class, large-scale, complex research Switzerland as a research location facilities, and make them available to the Swiss and interna- tional research community. Why? PSI is currently carrying out intensive research into a new large- Many problems in physics, chemistry, biology and the materials scale facility. This will be available to scientists from 2016 and sciences can only be solved by carrying out experiments on will make it possible to carry out hitherto impossible experiments. large-scale research facilities, of a type that cannot be operated The large “Swiss X-Ray Free-Electron Laser” project – abbrevi- by university departments themselves. At PSI, we have three ated to SwissFEL – will help to secure Switzerland’s future as a unique, large facilities on the same campus: the SINQ neutron world-class research location. spallation source and the SμS muon source, which are both Our specialists are now using the expertise they acquired at the powered by a proton accelerator, together with the Swiss Light facilities operating today to develop a facility that is techno- “Swiss universities make intensive use of PSI’s large-scale facilities. Long-term, close collaboration based on mutual trust is vital for ensuring that a research activity is a success for both sides.” Foreword 5 logically unique and will set new international standards. Sci- implemented fi ve full, and two associate, professorships with entists at PSI have generated new ideas to make the SwissFEL the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH Zurich and more compact and more economical than the other three X-ray EPF Lausanne) and the University of Bern, in the research fi elds lasers in the world; of these, one has already been in operation of solid-state physics, particle physics, structural biology, radio since 2009, in the USA, while the other two – one in Europe and chemistry, radiopharmaceutical technology and heterogeneous one in Japan – are currently still under construction. catalysis. The SwissFEL is a national Swiss facility that is strongly oriented In 2009, a total of 44 scientists from PSI acted as full, associate towards the research interests and experiences of the Swiss or honorary professors, or lecturers. Most of this activity took universities and Swiss industry, and takes into consideration place at ETHZ and EPFL, but PSI staff also lectured at the Univer- their strategic research plans. Thus, the summary of potential sities of Zurich, Basel, Bern, Geneva, Groningen, Tübingen and scientifi c applications of the SwissFEL has been compiled in Freiburg im Breisgau, as well as at the University of Applied Sci- close collaboration with approximately 25 university research ences Northwestern Switzerland. About 40 additional PSI scien- groups. At the same time, PSI is also making an important con- tists also undertook lecturing assignments at various other in- tribution to the continuing competitiveness of Swiss industry. stitutions of higher education. Fruitful interaction between universities and research institutes can only be established on a long-term basis if both sides ben- Joint professorships with universities efi t from the co-operation. The high scientifi c quality of the re- search performed at PSI is an important argument in favour of Swiss universities make intensive use of PSI’s large-scale facili- collaboration as far as the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technol- ties. Long-term, close collaboration based on mutual trust is ogy, the universities and the universities of applied sciences are vital for ensuring that a research activity is a success for both concerned. Just as important is the fact that the large facilities sides. Joint university professorships have proved to be one and methods at PSI complement the research opportunities useful instrument for strengthening the framework for such col- available in the universities’ own laboratories. For PSI, joint laboration. professorships off er an opportunity to become more actively There is a long tradition of PSI staff lecturing at the universities, integrated into Switzerland’s academic system. And through and we have pursued this form of co-operation even more as- being part of the lecturing structure, the Institute also has a siduously since the autumn of 2008. In joint selection panels, chance of enthusing the best students, at an early stage, in its we look for ideal candidates from the universities and PSI who own research fi elds, and providing them with systematic support. are not only performing top-level research and feel at home do- If your reading of this Scientifi c Report has made you want to learn ing academic teaching, but can also take on the required role of more about us, please visit our new website at: www.psi.ch. bridge-builder between the universities, PSI and their specifi c research environment. At PSI, we act strategically when we select research areas for joint professorships, in that we aim for a close link between important key areas in our own research activities and those of Professor Dr. Joël Mesot the partner universities. Therefore, in 2009 we appointed and Director, Paul Scherrer Institute SwissFEL 7 8 SwissFEL – Project overview and new developments The next large facility to be built at PSI, an X-ray free-electron laser, has a new name: “SwissFEL”. This replaces the former name, PSI-XFEL, still used in last year’s PSI Scientifi c Report. The name change has a twofold motivation: fi rstly, it marks the transition from an R&D- dominated phase to a project preparation phase; and secondly, it emphasizes that this next major research facility, though located at PSI, provides extraordinary research opportunities for the research community all over Switzerland and beyond. SwissFEL is an essential part of PSI’s strategic focus, which will attract top scientists from all over the world and further enhance PSI’s acknowledged position as a world-class research institute.
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