Cover photo credit: Long-time PCA Partner, San Francisco Jr. Giants The “way” and “we” of culture Jim Thompson at the 2016 National Youth Sports Awards Sponsored by Deloitte As a non-profit social entrepreneurship, Positive Coaching Alliance is in the culture sport as a whole. Those coaches and athletes change business. We partner with thousands who most strongly identify are “Elevaters” of schools and youth sports organizations, (not elevators, which provide passive rides to helping them transform their cultures to passengers, but people who actively elevate better serve millions of youth. We want every situation they face). to replace the prevailing win-at-all-cost The demands of that identity require a entertainment sports culture with the supportive environment from coach, team, Development Zone culture and its laser and the larger school or organization, as well focus on developing youth into Better as access to important role models. That is Athletes, Better People. where organizational culture comes in. A PCA defines culture as “The way WE do youth or high school sports program whose things HERE.” But almost all the emphasis culture honors the identity of a Triple- is typically put on the “way” things get done Impact Competitor provides much of the at the expense of considering the “we” who social support needed to encourage youth to do them. Leaders in sports and beyond can become Elevaters. align the “we” – the collection of individual Our mission of Better Athletes, Better teammates – with the desired team culture. People will then be fulfilled if athlete The key is to define the identity of the Elevaters grow up to become citizens who person that each team member can become look to elevate our society. That is why PCA within a positive, supportive culture. is so intent on helping our school and youth Once teammates have an identity to sports organization partners help the youth which they aspire, they try to live up to who are their “we” learn “how” to “do” what they think “a person like that” does in things “here” on our planet. challenging situations. This often leads to a virtuous cycle of identity and culture. PCA prepares youth coaches to assume the identity of a Double-Goal Coach, Jim Thompson striving for wins and the more important Founder & CEO goal of teaching life lessons through sports. We ask student-athletes to aspire to be a Triple-Impact Competitor, exerting impact by improving oneself, teammates, and their Positive Coaching Alliance Momentum Spring 2017 // p. 3 BIG IMPACT, ONE WORKSHOP AT A TIME The massive gathering PAPÁS POSITIVOS, ATLETAS FELICES PAPÁS POSITIVOS, ATLETAS FELICES PAPÁS POSITIVOS, ATLETAS FELICES shown above was just one of Chapters throughout the U.S., Papás Positivos,culture Atletas Felices:practices, and Cómo los padres de “Segunda Meta” forman triunfadores para la vida a través del deporte 2,500 live group workshops was a thriving partnership with Los deportesaccumulated juveniles pueden ser una maravillosa wisdom experiencia compartida and entre padre y atleta. Pero hay veces que domina una mentalidad de ganar a toda costa, que genera LA84 Foundation that delivered estrés,estrés, tensióntensiónexperience yy frustración,frustración, tantotanto parapara padres, padres,from comocomo parapara 100-plus hijos.hijos. PCA held over the last year En el libro Coach de Doble Meta, JimJim Thompson,Thompson, fundadorfundador dede Positive Coaching Alliance (la(la AlianzaAlianza dede EntrenamientoEntrenamiento PositivoPositivo oo PCAPCA porpor sussus siglassiglas enen inglés)inglés) explicóexplicó laslas dosdos in partnership with roughly resources reaching 20,000-plus metas de lostop deportes juveniles:athletes, ganar en el marcador, coaches, y la segunda, y más importante meta, usar los deportes para enseñar lecciones de vida. Ahora en Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices, ThompsonThompson nosnos dada unauna guíaguía yy herramientasherramientas prácticasprácticas yy fácilesfáciles dede usarusar parapara queque loslos 1,000 schools and youth sports children primarily in under- padres mantenganacademicians, un enfoque de “Segunda Meta” andy puedan: leaders •• aprovechar los miles de momentos de enseñanza que los deportes juveniles generangeneran yy queque sirvensirven parapara enseñarenseñar yy reforzarreforzar rasgosrasgos dede caráctercarácter positivospositivos organizations. PCA Trainer Ray served communities. on the PCA National •• colaborar colaborar eficazmenteeficazmente concon elel entrenadorentrenador dede sussus hijoshijos Beyond delivering •• apoyar Advisory a su hijo o hija – tanto enBoard. casa como en las gradas – para que dé lo mejor Lokar facilitated this workshop de sí, dentro y fuera de la cancha •• resolver resolver efectivamenteefectivamente loslos problemasproblemas comunescomunes aa loslos queque sese enfrentanenfrentan loslos padrespadres for 600 student-athletes at the workshops, PCA also concon hijoshijos queque practicanpractican Among deportesdeportes the greatest Cuando los deportes juveniles se realizan correctamente, se convierten en una especie Por Jim Thompson Por Jim Thompson Por Jim Thompson Los Angeles area’s La Canada continuously improves and de salón virtual,innovations en el que se construye el carácter within y se imparten leccionesthe de vida. Papás Positivos, Atletas Felices eses unun mapamapa queque orientaorienta aa loslos padrespadres dede familiafamilia alal recorrerrecorrer eseese caminocamino sinuososinuoso queque sese presentapresenta cuandocuando sussus hijoshijos emprendenemprenden unun deporte.deporte. ¡No¡No vayasvayas alal High School. innovates every component juegojuego sinsin él!él!last year was PCA’s first All the student-athletes were of its partnerships, including Jim Thompsonrelease of Spanish-language JimJim ThompsonThompson fundófundó Positive Coaching Alliance enen 19981998 enen lala UniversidadUniversidad dede Stanford.Stanford. equipped to become a Triple- print and electronic resources Ha escrito nuevematerials libros, incluyendo Eleva(right) tu juego: conviértete in en theun Competidor de Triple ImpactoImpacto.. JimJim eses MiembroMiembro dede Ashoka,Ashoka, yy tantotanto élél comocomo PCAPCA recibieronrecibieron elel premiopremio inauinau-- gural ETHOS (“Ética de los Deportes”) del Instituto para Deportes, Leyes y Ética en la Impact Competitor, impacting that reinforce the core training Universidadtranslation de Santa Clara en 2013. of PCA Founder Positive Coaching Alliance sport on three levels by curriculum for youth and high Positive CoachingJim Alliance Thompson’s (www.PositiveCoach.org)(www.PositiveCoach.org) eses unun movimientomovimientobook, queque buscabusca hacerhacer del deporte una Zona de Desarrollo™ enen lala queque sese desarrollendesarrollen Mejores Atletas, Mejores Balance Sports Publishing Balance Sports Publishing Balance Sports Publishing school sports coaches, parents, Personas.. PCAPCAPositive estáestá causandocausando unauna Sports revoluciónrevolución enen EstadosEstados Parenting Unidos,Unidos, alal brindarbrindar solucionessoluciones. aa working to improve themselves, loslos problemasproblemas másmás complejoscomplejos queque sese presentanpresentan enen loslos deportes juveniles. Para más información: teammates, and their sport student-athletes, and leaders. [email protected] ó 1-866-725-0024. as a whole. Also highlighting All resources comprise research- Facebook.com/PositiveCoachingAlliance @PositiveCoachUS the last year for based sport and educational , one of 17 local psychology, organizational p. 4 // Positive Coaching Alliance Momentum Spring 2017 Not only does PCA innovate, but so do the schools and youth sports organizations that partner with PCA to provide workshops and other resources. For example, Wisconsin’s Neenah Soccer Club helps the youth athletes they serve through an essay contest, in which players explain how their coaches embody the Double-Goal Coach® approach of striving for wins and the more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports. NSC President Marti Coan, Coach Andy Zeigert, and essay-writer/soccer player Ashley Zachar are all winners! p. 5 PCA had a record year for media reach, starting a second year of FOX Sports Supports partnership during the Super Bowl with a 20-second public service announcement (PSA). FOX Sports Supports covered the cost of production and airtime, placing PCA in a sweet spot between the end of Lady Gaga’s halftime show and the start of the second half. The Patriots broke records in that second half, but here are even more meaningful stats. positivecoach.org/our-super-bowl-spot p. 6 // Positive Coaching Alliance Momentum Spring 2017 The Daniels Fund, a long-time PCA supporter, underwrote ’s “Dare to Chill” video. Created in conjunction with Boulder- based social change agency Fearless Unlimited, the sports parenting satire drew 276,000 Facebook views in its first month. To view, visit positivecoach.org and search for Fearless. Department store chain Boston Store melded its Green Bay Packers sponsorship with funding for 20 PCA workshops for MPS. Packers star Micah Hyde co-led a workshop at this Riverside University High School kick-off event, highlighted in Boston Store TV ads during Packers coverage. CBS EcoMedia brought Boston Store and PCA together. To view, visit positivecoach.org and search for EcoMedia. A Twitter exchange and resulting phone call with @MichaelHaake in response to a FOX Sports Supports PSA featuring PCA National Advisory Board Member and FOX Sports soccer analyst Alexi Lalas prompted Michael to use his position
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