·~ ..,. Ill No.3 September, 1981 Three New Academicians Elected, Take Oath UP Head Talks on Serious The Academicians in their acade­ mic gowns moved in to another (Page 2) Shortage of Scientists room, after the scientific meet, for the investiture of the new Acade­ micians at the PICC in the evening of July 9. UP President Edgard a The Academy's 3rd Annual Angara keynoted the affair. (His Scientific Meeting was held July 9, address is published elsewhere in at the PICC. Briefly, the scientific this issue- ed.) sessions on chemical, biological and The new Academicians took social sciences follow: their oath before the Science Mi­ • Newly-elected Academician nister Melecio S. Magno, himself Dr. Julian Banzon talked on the an Academician. They are: coconut as a renewable source of 1. Julian A. Banzon, a holder of energy. He related how an energy B.S. in Biophysical Chemistry, Iowa inventory of the coconut tree was State University, USA in 1940. conducted. The test, he said, show­ 2. Amanda M. Dalisay who ob­ ed that the coconut tree can pro­ tained his B.S.A. from UP College vide both food and fuel and need of Agriculture, an M.A. in Econo­ no replanting for over fifty years. mics, in 1942 and his Ph.D. in Eco­ Dr. Julian Banzon, Ph.D. (middle) and nomics - both at Harvard Univer­ • Dr. Alfredo V. Lagmay dis­ Amando Dalisay, Ph.D., at right as they take cussed "Experimental Disensitiza­ their oath as Academician before Minister· sity, U.S.A. tion to Anger-Producing Stimuli" Melecio S. Magno, Ph.D., Academician. 3. Clare R. Baltazar, who holds a According to him the test under­ B.S.A. Entomology from the UP taken revealed that deep relaxa­ (To page 6) tion can control anger, even hatred and greed. The subjects used ins­ NAST Visitor Gives Lecture Series on Agricultural Chemistry truments to monitor responses to Prof. Ralph Louis Wain, an ag The NAST visitor is an honorary various anger stimuli. These include cultural chemistry expert, will give pmfessor of chemistry at the Uni­ biofeedback enccophalograph and a series of lecture in U.P. Diliman versity of Kent and emeritus pro­ autogen feedback demograph and and Los Banos and at the P. J. fessor in the University of London. digital integrator and waveform Garcia Memorial Hall, on Pedro Gil He is one time director of the Agri­ analyzer. and Taft Ave. the new home of the cultural Research Council Unit on The Chromosal Divergence in National Academy of Science and Plant Growth Substances and Sys­ Three Natural Populations of Technology, the sponsoring agency. tematic Fungicides. Corchorus Olitorius Linn was Dr. Wain is a fellow of the Royal The lecture series program - read by Dr. Joventino D. Soriano. Society of London, with which the o The Hormonal Control of Plant • Social Sciences. Dr. Jose En­ NAST inked an agreement on colla­ Growth at NSRC Conference carnacion discussed the Relative boration in December last year. His Room, U.P. Diliman, Quezon Contribution of Mixed Variables visit is in effect a part of se~id agree­ City ......September 4, 3 p.m. to the Variation of a Regressand. ment. Agricultural chemistry is his o Chemical Aspects of Crop Pro­ Later that afternoon, the Dairy expertise, including chemical con- tection at the Entomology Lec­ of Olivia Salamanca, M.D. 1889- . trol of plant growth and chemical ture Hall, U.P. Los Banos, La- 1913 was presented by Dr. Encar­ aspects of crop protection. nacion Alzona. (To page 6) RP Needs 400 Research Scientists and Technologists Per Million People Address delivered at the National Academy of Science and Technology's Investiture of the Academicians at the PI CC July 9 by President Edgardo Angara (at right) of the University of the Philippines. The Filipino scientific communi­ New Republic. ty is our country's foothold on the I need not remind y_ou how es­ 21st century. It is also the founda­ sential the support of science is. tion of our efforts just to catch up And how overriding is our need for with the present age. It is quite evi­ power capable of applying science dent that in this technological era, and its methods to practical prob­ our country's economic progress lems. and national stability must rely on The development of science and that technology to our needs and technological advance. That simply its practical application in techno­ resources, and for the solution of means an adequate number and logy are the first and foremost con­ our problems. type of trained scientists available cern of government everywhere. To for the industrial and other needs a developing country like the Phil­ When we refer to science in rela­ of the Philippines. ippines, scientific development and tion to national development, we Figures shown to me indicate technological advance are even ur­ are referring to people and not just that there are less than a hundred/ gent. They are crucial, not only to to disembodied theories. We are active research scientists with doc­ national growth, but to our capa­ stressing the need for a quantity toral degrees who are involved in city to grow. Technology has de­ and type of scientific manpower the Natural Sciences and Mathema­ monstrated its ability to telescope sufficient for scientists to take root in our society. If we want to join tics. That means less than 2 Ph. D's economic progress and leaf-frog the ranks of the developing coun­ for every million Filipinos in the over certain painful stages in econo­ tries, the training of the required country today. If we multiply that mic development. number of scientists and techno­ figure 4 - to take in scientists and The Report of the Independent logists is the first goal we must technologists in other fields - that Commission on International Deve­ achieve, resolutely and at once. To gives us only 8 Ph. D's for every lopment Issues concludes that a attain that objective, however, re­ million Filipinos. country can benefit from addition- quires a singular force and central The UNESCO, I understand has al technology only if it can absorb direction which. science in our recommended that for viable and and adapt what it has already re­ country presently lacks. There is self-sustaining scientific underta­ ceived. More, it is also necessary also no concerted effo·rt to glamorize kings for countries like the Philip­ that it provides "the 'welcoming' public opinion behind the need for pines, we need about 400 research structure which can connect up sciences so that government and scientists and technologists for every new technology to old societies". private industry can be influenced /million of the population. But when we speak of the ability to allocate adequate funds for a That we do not have that num­ to absorb and adapt new techno­ rational science policy. There is ber of scientific manpower at pre­ logy or of establishing a "welcom­ therefore a need to educate the sent and that there seems to be no ing structure", we are really refer­ public on the importance of science. central direction and unified oro­ ring to the scientific manpower A public indifference that bor­ gram to attain that desired pool of that is trained to understand the ders on ignorance has made science, scientists and technologists, poses a theoretical basis of the latest tech­ clear and present danqer to the nology and capable of adapting (To page 6) I Page 2 ACADEMY NEWS Ia I From left are: Fr. Miguel Valera, S.J., Ph.D., who gave the invocation; Dr. Alfredo C. Santos, Dr. phil., National Scientist; President Edgardo Angara, UP; Paulo C. Campos, M.D., Acada· mician; Minister Malacia S. Magno, Ph.D., Academician; Fa del Mundo, M.D., National Scientist; Alfredo V. lagmay, Ph.D. Academician and Car­ men Velasquez, Ph.D., Academician. The rest of the Academicians in their colorful uniform academic gowns at the Investiture of the New Academi­ cians held July 9 at the PICC. • at the investiture of the new Academicians ACADEMY NEWS Page 3 Chemical Sciences. From left are: Dr. Alfredo C. Santos, Dr. phil. national scientist, chaired the chemieal sciences body: Julian Banzon, Ph.D., newly-elected Academician who read his piece on 'The Coconut As a Renewable Energy Source", Gen. Florencio Medina, Ph.D. (honoris causa); Ibarra Cruz, Ph.D. and Elias Ca­ napi all discussants. The Scientific Sessions in Pictures Biological Sciences. Chaired by Carmen C. Velasquez, Ph.D., Academician extreme left, with Joventino Soriano, Ph.D., Acade­ mician who presented the paper "Chromosomal Divergence in Three Natural Populations of Corchorus 0/itorius Linn". To his right is Adoracion T. Arafiez, Ph.D., discussant. Page 4 ACADEMY NEWS Alfredo V. lagmay, Ph.D., Academician at the rostrum pre­ At the table are F.G. David, Ph.D. and Edwin T. Decenteceo, senting his paper titled "Experimental Disensitization to Anger­ Ph.D. who served as discussants. Producing Stimuli". Social Science. Jose Encarnacion, Jr., Ph.D., Academician With him in photo are from left: Burton Oiiate, Ph.D.; Tito A. reading his paper "Relative Contribution of Mixed Variables to Mijares, Ph.D., Academician; Teodoro Agoncillo, Ph.D. (honoris the Variation of a Regressand". causa) Academician and who chaired social sciences group, Dr. Encarnacion and Cristina Parel, Ph.D. The Diary of Olivia Salamanca, M.D., (1889-1913 was read From left: Anacleta Villacorta-Agoncillo, M.D.; Dr. Agoncillo; by Encarnacion Alzona, Ph.D., Academician. Dr. Alzona and Fe del Mundo, M.D., Academician. ACADEMY NEWS Page 5 NAST VISITOR ... DE GUZMAN SPEAKS ON TISSUE CULTURE (from p. 1) AT BANGLADESH WORKSHOP guna ....
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