MATTERSEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 5th December 2018 at 7:30pm in the All Saints Church Hall, Mattersey Present:- Cllrs. Kendall, (Chair), Hunt, Doughty, Saint, Walker, Wilson, Dist Cllr Gray, Cty Cllr Taylor, 4 members of the public, A. Haddon (clerk), 12/18/147 To receive apologies for absence No apologies were received. 12/18/148 To consider co-option of new Member Elaine Skelton was co-opted unopposed and signed her declaration of office. 12/18/149 To receive any new declarations of interest or dispensation requests Cllr Doughty declared a pecuniary interest in planning application 18/01411/RES and took no part in discussions on this matter. The meeting was suspended to allow for members of the public to participate 12/18/150 Public Forum • Residents commented on planning applications – 18/01416/FUL expressing concern about the volume of traffic on the unmade road and ecology issues. • Increase in traffic on Broomfield Lane, there had been 105 vehicle movements on the road in 1 month. • Queried the updating of the Parish Council website • Arrangements for the refreshments for the Tree Lighting event The meeting was resumed. With the permission of the meeting the agenda items relating to Planning were moved up the order 12/18/151 Planning Applications a. 18/01416/FUL Convert existing agricultural barns into 3 dwellings and construct new access at Mattersey Grange Farm, Broomfield Lane, Mattersey Thorpe. Concern was expressed over the volume of traffic on the Lane. Historically there had expected to have been access to the Agricultural store via Ranskill Road but this had not come to fruition. The design and access statement was inaccurate. Resolved: To highlight the vehicular access on the Lane and request an alternative access to Ranskill Road or that a section 106 agreement be requested in order to bring it up to adoptable standard and resurfaced. That the owl and bat survey be repeated by an independent assessment. There were no objections to the design or the principle of the development apart from those raised. b. 18/01411/RES Approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 17 no. detached dwellings at Manor Farm, Breck Lane, Mattersey Thorpe. The Neighbourhood Plan had emphasised the need for ‘affordable houses’ and it was hoped that this development would not be for overpriced accommodation. Resolved: To remind the planning authority that the outline consent indicated that there would be a 5 metre road widening but this did not appear to be repeated in this application. No objections were raised. c. Street naming and numbering – Grain Lodge, Foundation Farm, Main St, Mattersey Resolved: That no objections be raised. d. 18/01518/HSE Erect single storey front extension, rear porch and carry out internal and external alterations at Priory Lodge, Abbey Road, Mattersey Resolved: That no objections be raised. Late applications received after issue of agenda 1. 18/01522/FUL Erect 4 detached dwellings and garages and construct new access, land North of 4 Thorpe Road, Mattersey The site had been recognised within the Neighbourhood Plan. Page 1 of 3 Initials ………… Resolved: To object to the introduction of a second access onto the road. This could be accommodated by rotating the joint garage plots 2 and 3 to run parallel to Thorpe Road. This would also increase the sight splay for the footpath which is regularly used by children. The hedge to be maintained apart from the one access. 2. 18/01471/HSE Single storey infill extension, convert existing garage at Wildgoose Farm House, Carr Road, Mattersey. Resolved: That no objections be made. 12/18/152 To receive reports from County & District Councillors District Cllr Michael Gray reported on the following issues: • Disappointed that no Police had attended the meeting. Jason Fellowes was once again Beat Manager. • Unitary Authority consultation – the majority of the District Council appeared to be against the proposal. • He had no community grant monies left 12/18/153 To approve Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th November 2018 Resolved: That the minutes be approved with one amendment on page 3 which referred to Hall View instead of Retford Road. 12/18/154 To receive reports on items in the minutes, for information only 11/18/129 Remembrance Day – the event had far outweighed expectations. Thanks were expressed to everyone who assisted, particularly Mr & Mrs Hunt and family and Mr & Mrs Bloomfield. 11/18/130 Speedwatch – there were 3 volunteers and the Police had been in contact to arrange training. 12/18/155 Cemetery It was resolved to authorise the tree inspection at the cheapest quote. 12/18/156 Millennium Green Trust The inspection report had been received. The work to the entrance had proved a great success and received many favourable comments during the recent event. 12/18/157 To receive a report on Neighbourhood Plan The Inspector had raised a few questions to the Planning Authority and their decision was still awaited. Payment for the Hall hire amounting to £16 was authorised. 12/18/158 Fracking update The latest liaison group meeting had been postponed. 12/18/159 Highways and Speeding issues It appeared that a speed survey had been put in place during the last few days although no communication had been received. Other Highways issued remained outstanding and the clerk had taken the matter up with Head of Highways. 12/18/160 To receive a report on the Notts Association of Local Council’s AGM The clerk had attended the meeting and gave a summary of the talk given by Gary Wood, Head of Highways at Notts County Council. 12/18/161 To consider a response to Nottinghamshire CC Fair Access Protocol It appeared that this had merely been updated to match existing legislation so no response was really necessary. 12/18/162 To consider a nomination to Bassetlaw Achievers Awards No nominations were made. 12/18/163 To decide on funding contribution to landscaping old changing room site A price had been received but it was resolved to approach the Community payback scheme to ascertain if this was work which they could undertake. Cty Cllr Taylor entered the meeting Page 2 of 3 Initials ………… 12/18/164 To update Action Plan and consider future projects Suggestions were made regarding more community events e.g. firework display, lego club. Further work included a review of footpaths, cemetery upgrade and highways issues. 12/18/165 Report by Cty Cllr Taylor • Applications for the Local Improvement Scheme were now open • Notts County Council had purchased Via as a strategic decision • Unitary Authority will be discussed at the next full Council meeting where it will be decided whether to progress the debate and investigate further costings. The Chairman indicated that the recent consultation with Parish Councils had been unsatisfactory as there had been no information on finance implications so it was not possible to make any sort of judgement on the pros and cons. • There had been progress on two issues raised by the Parish Council regarding Highways 12/18/166 Correspondence a) Childminder training courses b) Rural Conference re Local Plan 17th January at Retford Town Hall 5.30pm – clerk & Chair to attend c) Parish Council website portal d) NALC executive bulletin e) Parish Forum 18th February at Retford Town Hall – clerk to attend 12/18/167 Correspondence received after agenda was printed None received 12/18/168 Finance a) To authorise expenditure: Date Payee & Purpose Amount VAT Power 1/11- 30/11 Salary & Admin 380.56 - LGA1972s111 30/11/2018 Hall Hire 80.00 - LGA1972s111 30/11/2018 Remembrance flags 13.00 - S137 30/11/2018 Christmas tree 50.00 - S137 30/11/2018 Pest Control 50.00 - CO1977 5/12/2018 Grit Bin 155.00 - Highways Act Resolved: Payments authorised. b) To receive a report on the current financial status and reconciliation of accounts Resolved: Noted. c) To consider budget suggestions for 2019-20 Allowances to be made for a grant for Millennium Green Trust, cemetery survey, community events. 12/18/169 To determine the contents for the next meeting of Idle Talk • Request ideas for community events • New Councillor 12/18/170 Members reports and exchange of information on matters of concern • Request a letter be sent to the owner of the hedge requiring cutting back since Highways do not appear to have taken any action 12/18/171 To confirm the next meeting Resolved: To amend the next meeting date to Friday 4th January 2019 at 7.30pm. Signed ....................................................................... Date ........................... (Chairman) Chairman) Page 3 of 3 Initials ………… .
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