american chamber of commerce in hungary VOICEVol III. Issue 11, march 2013 BuDa pest vS. thE cOuNtRyside And thE demogRaphIc time bomb MORE INSIDE: Education that serves society Innovation – you can’t do it alone 3 contents 4 introduction 15-19 COVEr STORY 30 AmchAm nEwS Dear Members and Friends… capital vs. countryside New board, new president 5 PEoPLE 31 AmchAm nEwS the glass half full 20-21 COVEr STORY hungarian tax system: 6 PEoPLE the demographic time bomb Swedish taxes with traveling at the speed Ethiopian wages of google 22-23 Lifestyle AmchAm nEwS 7 PEople andrás török’s Budapest 32 adding value, boosting Innovation – you can’t confidence do it alone 24-25 focuS 8 AnALYSiS Education that serves society 33 chAmbEr cornEr Will the largest grow larger? providing a reasoned voice 26 AmchAm nEwS 91-11 AnALYSiS Business news roundup hungary ‘not an island’ 36-37 AmchAm nEwS New members on board 12-13 AnALisys AMCHAm NewS hungary moves deeper 27 38-41 AmchAm nEwS into recession Shifting toward growth photo coverage 14 AnALYSiS 28-29 AmchAm NewS BSE saw a drastic drop in 42 AmchAm nEwS turnover in 2012 a cooperative approach to tax cEO’s note Voice is published on behalf of the American Chamber of Commerce by Absolut Media Zrt., Madách Trade Center, 1075 Budapest, Madách Imre út 13-14., Building A, 8th floor Editor-in-chief: ROBIN MARSHALL ([email protected]) • Contributors: GABRIELLA LOVAS, ROBIN MARSHALL, ANDRÁS TÖRÖK Photography: András HAJnal, LÁZár TodoroFF • Design: ABSOLUT DESIGN STÚDIÓ ([email protected]) • Art director: Tamás TárCZY • CEO: TAMÁS BOTKA Advertising: ABSOLUT MEDIA Zrt. ([email protected]) • Sales and Marketing: BALÁZS ROMÁN ([email protected]) Product Director: Ágnes balla • Subscriptions: [email protected] • Printing: Absolut Print Kft. Websites: www.amedia.hu, www.bbj.hu For AmCham Content: ZSÓFIA JUHÁSZ ([email protected] + 36 1 266-9880/360) Advertising: CSILLA PÁL ([email protected] +36 1 266-9880/319) HU ISSN 2062-1817 VOICE american chamber of commerce in hungary Introduction people 5 Dear Members and Friends, Q&a welcome back Eszter Szabó and Mark Hetényi. With innovation in the focal point, we It is extremely gratifying to work with such a have a lot to contribute to this exciting the glass half full talented group of people comprising our board. challenge given the depth and breadth of by robin mArShALL our membership. Hence, it is a topic we will In March, AmCham will hold its traditional dedicate time to; what can AmCham further strategic meeting, the so-called “Woods do to help innovation become synonymous The annual meeting saw meeting,” where the board members and with the name of this country? the presentation of the committee chairs will delve into issues for our annual Dr. Iván Völgyes plan going-forward. The board has decided to continue forward another successful project and will ask its Award, which is made As you are likely aware, the government members to share their opinions regarding the to recognize outstanding has recently finalized its National R&D and Hungarian business climate through its annual efforts to promote Innovation Strategy 2020. It was satisfying Investment and Business Climate Survey to see that it has adopted several of the scheduled for March. Every member’s opinion Hungarian-American initiatives put forth by our Innovation counts and is most appreciated! I am optimistic business relations. This Committee. AmCham participated at about the future. Maybe not everything will go year’s winner was Dr. an innovation roundtable discussion on as we would like, but there are many areas in Photo: István Nagyapáti István Photo: February 14, in the Hungarian Academy of which we can make a solid contribution. I invite Charles A Huebner, hank you for the opportunity Sciences. The panel discussion centered on you to join me in this effort. As they say in the Q: What, in your opinion, is the a former President of to be the next president of what the key players in the economy – local Navy, “All hands on board.” There is always single biggest challenge to doing PreviouS winners AmCham Hungary, AmCham. I feel honored to serve and European governments, private industry, room to get involved and help make AmCham business in hungary today? of thE IváN vöLgyes aWard and Voice grabbed the T and look forward to helping this education and advocacy – can do via an even stronger organization. a: The single biggest challenge is to wonderful organization grow. collaboration to move innovation forward. focus people on opportunities that exist 2005 Péter Hegedűs chance to ask him a few Additionally, let me welcome our two newest The tone of the meeting was positive as the Hope to see you at an event soon, in spite of the economic difficulties in 2006 Lajos Sápi 2007 Ambassador András Simonyi key questions. board members: Edina Heal (see an interview participants were all focusing on the benefits Hungary, Europe and the U.S. 2008 Thomas Ramsey, Consul General with Edina on page 6), and Andrea Juhos, and of cooperation (see more on page 32). Willy Benkő It is very important to convince Hungarians 2009 László Czirják that the glass is half full, not half empty. 2010 István Gyarmati Q: What surprises you most 2011 Marcel Szabó about business in hungary? a: AmCham Member’s Board Q: Looking forward, what is The most surprising thing about hungary’s biggest opportunity? time needed to solve problems and consequent business in Hungary is the somewhat slower President First ViCe President seCond ViCe President seCretAry treAsurer a: William David Dr. andrea péter To focus on innovation and the costs for the customer and owner; adaptation by the leading layer of society to BENkő g. yOuNg JáDI Fáth development of services and products (2) The increase in efficiency of health leading the education and development of NéMEth GDF SUEZ Rózsakert Amrop Kohl- bpv Jádi Energia that capitalizes on Hungary’s innate administration and reduction in the cost of the middle and lower classes in changing Medical Center mann & Young Németh Holding Ügyvédi Iroda Hungary Zrt. capabilities and resources. Hungary has a serving people as the population ages, and as their approach to business. It is important 1026, Budapest, Eszter utca 6/b, 1051 Budapest, 2440 Gábor Áron u. 1022 Budapest long history of innovation such as matches new diagnostic and healing procedures are to remember that the purpose of business is 74-78. Vörösmarty Százhalombatta, tér 4. Csenterics u. 8. (Irinyi), ballpoint pens (Biro), telephone successfully introduced; to create customers, in which a key element [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Phone: +36 1 225 7350 Phone: +36 1 391-0950 Phone: +36 1 429 4000 Phone: +36 23 502 400 exchanges, carburetors, the first Ford auto (3) The development of new energy sources, is marketing: who wants to buy what, why fax: +36 1 391 0951 fax: +36 1 429 4001 assembly lines, computers, BASIC soft such as thermal waters, and their applications; and where and for how much? In the U.S., BoArd MeMBers At lArge ware programs, the start of e-mail and the (4) Capitalizing on Liszt Ferenc airport’s the Business Roundtable, an association Norbert Edina Márk László FOgaRaSI hEaL hEtéNyI gyöRgy internet, the hydrogen bomb, prevention advantages of being able to reach every major of the top 250 chairmen, focuses on how Morgan Stanley Cisco Systems of blood poisoning, Nuance-Recognita’s city of Europe in 1 hour and 40 minutes with society can affect constructive growth in the Hungary Google Flextronics Hungary Analytics Ltd. 1077 Budapest, International 1123 Budapest, Dragon dictating programs and many the delivery of products during the night, such country and what it has to do to accomplish 1095 Budapest, Wesselényi u. 1183 Buda- Csörsz utca 45. Lechner Ödön 16/A. pest, Hangár other unique products. Near term as outstanding vegetables and other services; that in terms of education, government fasor 8. utca 5-37 opportunities include, to name a few: (5) The development of health tourism, administration, taxation and support of [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Phone: +36 1 881 4113 Phone: +36 1 888 0501 Phone: +36 30 677 5029 Phone: +36 1 225 4658 (1) The rapid development of computer, iPhone capitalizing on the healing effects of thermal social training and development. Hungary fax: +36 1 881-3700 fax: +36 1 225 4611 and iPad applications, internet services and waters, expanding on the exiting and growing has an official administrative systems that BoArd MeMBers At lArge ChieF exeCutiVe oFFiCer their use in increasing efficiency, reducing the dental care business. is 40% larger than most fellow EU countries andrea Frank Eszter péter JuhOS kLauSz III. SzaBó DávID (according to The Economist), which has to be dramatically reduced but in such a way LHH Magya- Telenor Ma- GE AmCham DR. charles a huebner: CV and cItation rország, Career gyarország Zrt. 1138 Bp., 1051 that the administrators are cared for – a Consultants Kft. 2045 Török- Duna Tower, Budapest, Charles Huebner has done a great deal for Hungarian-American commercial relations since the change in the system in 1990 as 1021 Budapest, bálint, Pannon Népfürdő utca Szent István an investment adviser, an investment banker and the first representative of the American Hungarian Enterprise Fund. He is a significant challenge. It is a change that has Ötvös János út 1. 22. B-C. épület tér 11. committed member of AmCham, and a past President. He has been very active as a philanthropist and fundraiser for a number of u.
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