The Atlantean Conspiracy By Eric Dubay [email protected] www.myspace.com/sheeplerevolt http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/ Sections PRESIDENTIAL BLOODLINES THE ILLUMINATI'S NEW WORLD ORDER BIG BROTHER SURVEILLANCE SOCIETY FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS THE SECRET SOCIETY NETWORK #THE FREEMASONS #THE ILLUMINATI #THE COMMITTEE OF 300 #SKULL AND BONES #BOHEMIAN GROVE #THE FEDERAL RESERVE #THE ROUND TABLE #THE RIIA AND CFR #CIA #THE BILDERBERG GROUP #THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION FALSE-FLAG OPERATIONS FORCED GOVERNMENT INDOCTRINATION CAMPS THE HEALTH CONSPIRACY BROTHERHOOD SYMBOLOGY UNITED STATES INCORPORATED OCCULT NUMEROLOGY 911 NUMEROLOGY AND SYMBOLOGY CALENDRICAL TIME MANIPULATION CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS AND THE NEW WORLD THE RELIGIOUS CONSPIRACY ASTROTHEOLOGY JESUS SANTA MITHRA AND THE MUSHROOM ATLANTIS ALIENS AND DEMONS Presidential Bloodlines Bush Clinton Kerry Gore Clinton - Dole The Windsor-Bush Bloodline The French Line The British Line The Merovingians The Ancient Line Divine Right to Rule The Illuminati's New World Order Conspiracy or Agenda? Conspiray? In this “modern” age? So What's the Big Picture? Illuminati Structure World Government Under the UN Hidden in Plain Sight Unity in Globalism? The First Steps for Globalism Globalist Think-Tanks H.G. Wells Knew All About It Programming the Peasants to Accept the Agenda The Fabian Society FDR's Great Seal of the New World Order The Birth of the UN Orwell's 1984 How Can a World Government Maintain Cohesion? Can the Enforcers be Kept Loyal? The People Will Love Being Slaves The End of Nation States Whistleblower Killed Brzezinski's Dream Making Way for the New World Order Another Whistleblower Killed Bush Senior Loves It The WTO, 3 rd Pillar of the NWO All We Need is The Right Major Crisis Brzezinski's Grand Chessboard Gary Hart - 911 a Chance for a NWO David Rockefeller Pope John Paul II Convenient Half Truths home... Big Brother Surveillance Society One Cohesive Unit Preconditioning Children National ID Cards Tracking Cell Phones and Cars Snoop Society and RFID chips Will You Take “The Mark”? FEMA Concentration Camps Halliburton Building Prison Camps The Civilian Inmate Labor Program FEMA's First Practice Run FEMA's Power Merging the Police and Military Don't Take Our Guns, We're American... SWAT - Teaching the Slaves The Secret Society Network The Illusion of Change Sworn to Destroy the US The Illuminati Recent US Presidents Who Controls the Media? Who Controls the Corporations? Who Controls the Governments? Banking Elites Churchill Knew Path to Dictatorship in the US JFK Asks for Help in Alerting the American People The Free Masons Fraternal Philanthropy.....you've got the Blues Masonry Goes a Long Way Back The Degrees Fraternity Within A Fraternity Getting Ahead Beyond the 33rd Some Names to Consider The Freemasonic Monopoly Some Recent Plots... Could The Masons Be Involved? The American (Masonic?) Revolution 13 of 39 13 The Statue of Liberty...I mean Isis The 4 th of July Isis and the Greenback $ home... Ancient Symbology in Washington and Other Places Where is Osiris' Penis? Ley Lines They're Serious about Sirius Virgo The Federal Triangle Masonic Mudras The “I love you” “Devil” Horns The Horns - Big with Politicians Why the Blood Oathes? Obedience to Who? Albert Pike and the Three Wars The Illuminati Expansion of the Illuminated Ones Conceal and Control The Carrot of Concealed Mystery John Robinson's Exposure of the Illuminati The Illuminati's Control of Freemasonry The Committee of 300 Fortunes from Opium Dr. John Coleman Ex- MI6 Some Committee of 300 Members The Dream of Totalitarian Control More Pre-conditioning Skull and Bones Men of Influence Successful Bonesmen Intelligence Bonesmen The Tomb George Herbert Walker Prescott Bush and the Nazi War Machine The Bush Fortune from the Third Reich Fighting and Funding the Reich Money for the Bolsheviks George Herbert Walker Bush – Groomed for the Illuminati Playing Both Sides Frauds-R-Us Bohemian Grove The Owl Get Your Rocks Off at the Grove Occult Rituals Grovers Include... home... The Annual Good Ol' Boy Get Together The Federal Reserve Centralizing Financial Control Economic Hitmen Financing War Jefferson's Warning Jackson – Bankers a “Den of Vipers” Rothschild’s Manipulation begins and Lincoln is Assassinated President Garfield – Shot After Speaking Out Against the Banking Establishment President McKinley – Supporter of the Gold Standard is Shot The Jekyll Island Meetings The Fed Was Made to Look Official Power Arm of the Rothschilds The Federal Reserve Act – Controlled Opposition Depressions Will Be Scientifically Created Congressman Louis T. McFadden – Anti Fed Activist – Strange Death Complete Control – Ability to Create Inflation / Deflation Fire Sales JFK's Silver Certificates Weren't Popular Money Out of Thin Air The IMF....Mission Impossible and Get Smart The Round Table Cecil Rhodes – Extension of British Rule Throughout the World The Rhodes Will, Rothschild and Lord Milner What does the Round Table Control? The RIIA & CFR Making the CFR and RIIA Seem Independent Who Designed the UN? Isn't the CFR Part of the Government? CFR - Ending Nations and Racial and Ethnic Loyalties....for Peace....and Business CFR Membership A Who's Who of Big Business and the Media Mum, There's CFR All Over the Whitehouse! I'll Get Some Soap... CFR owns all the horses The Incremental Dictatorship CIA CFR Births the CIA Operation Paperclip – Recycling Nazi War Criminals Operation Mocking Bird – CIA Propaganda Iran – 1953 - Operation AJAX Operation Success – CIA in Guatemala CIA Methods home... Laos – The Secret War CIA's World Wide Reign of Terror The Birth of Al – Qaeda and the Taliban Al Qaeda – The [Data] Base The Bilderberg Group The Tri-lateral Plan Who's At Bilderberg? Why Haven't I Heard of Them? The Trilateral Commission The Men Behind the Trilateral Commission Who's a Trilateral Member? Implementation of Trilateral Goals The Trilateral Commission's Birth Trilaterals in the Clinton – Bush Years False-Flag Operations Hitler's View What's a False Flag? Problem – Reaction – Solution How it Works The Lusitania and World War I The Bait Summary of the Lusitania Incident World War 1 Great for Bankers Pearl Harbor and World War II The Players Prior Knowledge of the Attack Fulfilling “Our Policy” World War II – Infighting? Preparing for the Attack A – Bomb Dropped After Japanese Surrender The Next Phase – The Cold War and the UN Not the First or Last Time home... Operation Northwoods Plans to Use Terror For Political Gain Kennedy Opposes Northwoods The Gulf of Tonkin and the Vietnam War Plan 34A Another Attack or Skewed Intelligence? Skewed Intelligence or Plain Lies? Oklahoma City Bombing Bury the Evidence for “National Security” The Patsy Bombs Inside the Building Too? The Media's About-Turn Contradictions Impossible What About the Bomb Squad? Furthering The Anti – Terrorism Agenda More Oddities Hiding the Evidence 9/11 Plane Crash / Collapse - History is Made 3 Times! How Did They Collapse? Thermite Cutter Charges Bombs in the Buildings Siesmic Spikes and Squibs Building 7 – Nothing to See Here! “ Pull It”... that's not the only thing you've been pulling Larry . Oops, Bad Timing! Not Bad for a Newbie Pilot Where Did Flight 77 Go? Another Magic Aeroplane The Official Excuse and My Pet Goat Bush – Bin Laden Connection The Carlyle Group Al Qaeda,The Taliban and Halliburton NORAD Hijack Drills -1999 The PNAC Document - 2000 Boeing Pentagon Crash Exercise - 2000 FBI Told to “Back off Al Qaeda” Sudanese Ordered to “Back Off” Osama Grooming Bin Laden Intelligence Warnings and Osama Holidaying in Dubai An Insurance Policy and More Warnings home... Prior Warnings and “Put” options. Cancelled Flights FEMA Ready on the 10th NORAD Stood Down Despite Warnings Cheney “...the orders still stand” Where Are the Hijackers? I Get By With A Little Help from My Friends... 3 Qurans and a Strip Club The CIA – ISI Connection Which Osama? Bush Restricts Investigations Mohammed Atta Trained at the Defense Language School Quid Pro Quo “ Let Us Not Tolerate Outrageous Conspiracy Theories” Media Manipulation Who Gives Us Our “Information”? AOL Time Warner Murdoch's NewsCorp Info Whores The Washington Post Keeping the Masses Dumb Fuzz It Up, Spin it... The Hegelian Dialectic – Controling Both Sides Opposames Setting The Agenda Just Let Me Control Television Mind Games and the “Media” Forced Government Indoctrination Camps (a.k.a. school) The Centralization of Education No Child Left Behind William Harris's “subsumption of the individual” The Evolution of Social Control Philanthropy – A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing The Changing Goals of Education Education to “destroy Western Civilization Education for World Citizens Rockefeller / Carnegie's Socialism Through Education & the Reece Committee Outcomes Based Learning The Problem with OBE The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America American Education....sorry, I mean Indoctrination Producing Servants of the System What Does Public Education Really Teach? Left Brain Lock-In The Big Picture of Public Education Then And Now Dr Seuss home... The Health Conspiracy Why All the Cancer? Alkaline Environment – A Cure For Cancer The Big Pharma Cover - Up Invented Diseases Medical Freedom Pasteur's Germ Theory For Further Research Fluoride The Effects of Fluoride Why the Flouride Then? Chemical Goodies for the Kids Vaccines Who Makes Them? SIDS or Vaccine Related? What's In The Vaccines? Effects of Vaccines Dosing Up With Mercury Autism Then And Now Live Viral Vaccines AIDS Kissinger and Litton Bionetics... and Bioweapons Dr. Gallo's
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