S.C.C. File No.: 29272 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA (ON APPEAL FROM THE COURT OF APPEAL OF QUEBEC) BETWEEN: JACQUES CHAOULLI AND GEORGE ZELIOTIS Appellants (Appellants) -and- ATTORNEY GENERAL OF QUEBEC Respondent (Respondent) - and - ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA Respondent (Mis-en-cause) - and- ATTORNEY GENERAL OF BRITISH COLl)MBIA, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ONTARIO, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MANITOBA, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NEW BRUNSWICK, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF SASKATCHEWAN, AUGUSTIN ROY, SENATOR MICHAEL KIRBY, SENATOR MARJORY LEBRETON, SENATOR CATHERINE CALLBECK, SENATOR JOAN COOK, SENATOR JANE CORDY, SENATOR JOYCE FAIRBAIRN, SENATOR WILBERT KEON, SENATOR LUCIE PEPIN, SENATOR BRENDA ROBERTSON AND SENATOR DOUGLAS ROCHE, THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND THE CANADIAN ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATION, CANADIAN LABOUR CONGRESS, CHARTER COMMITTEE ON POVERTY ISSUES AND THE CANADIAN HEALTH COALITION, CAMBIE SURGERIES CORPORATION, FALSE CREEK SURGICAL CENTRE INC., DELBROOK SURGICAL CENTRE INC., OKANAGAN PLASTIC SURGERY CENTRE INC., SPECIALTY MRI CLINICS INC., FRASER VALLEY MRI LTD., IMAGE ONE MRI CLINIC INC., MCCALLUM SURGICAL CENTRE LIMITED, 4111044 CANADA INC., SOUTH FRASER SURGICAL CENTRE INC., VICTORIA SURGERY LTD., KAMLOOPS SURGERY CENTRE LTD., VALLEY COSMETIC SURGERY ASSOCIATES INC., SURGICAL CENTRES INC., THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATION AND THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ANESTHESIOLOGISTS SOCIETY Interveners FACTUM OF THE INTERVENERS CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND THE CANADIAN ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATION BORDEN LADNER GERYAIS LLP World Exchange Plaza 1100- 100 Queen St. Ottawa, Ontario KIP lJ9 Guy Pratte/Freya Kristjanson Tel: (613) 237-5160/(416) 367-6388 ·- - ------------------- ~~~- Fax: (613) 230-8842/(416) 361-7053 Net: gp~atte/[email protected] Solicitors for the Interveners, The Canadian Medical Association and The Canadian Orthopaedic Association - l1 - AND TO: JACQUES CHAOULLI AND TO: BERGERON, GAUDREAU, 21, Jasper Avenue LAPORTE Ville Mont-Royal, Quebec 167, rue Notre Dame de !'Ile H3P !JS Gatineau, Quebec JSX 3T3 Richard Gaudreau Tel.: (514) 738-2377 Tel: (819) 770-7928 Fax: (514) 738-4062 Fax: (819) 770-1424 Appellant, self-represented Agent for the Appellant, Jacques Chaoulli AND TO: TRUDEL & JOHNSTON AND TO: MCCARTHYTETRAULTLLP 85, de la Commune Est, 3e etage 1400 - 40 Elgin Street Montreal, Quebec Ottawa, Ontario H2Y !JI K!R5K6 Philippe H. Trudel Colin S. Baxter Bruce W. Johnston Tel.: (613) 238-2000 Tel.: (514) 871-8385 Fax: (613) 238-9836 Fax: (514) 871-8800 Counsel for the Appellant, Agent for the Appellant, George Zeliotis George Zeliotis AND TO: BERNARD, ROY ET AND TO: NOEL & ASSOCIES ASSOCIES 111, rue Champlain 8.01 - I, rue Notre-Dame Est Hull, Quebec Montreal, Quebec H2Y IB6 JSX 3Rl Robert Monette Sylvie Roussel Tel.: (514) 393-2336 Tel.: (819) 771-7393 Fax: (514) 873-7074 Fax: (819) 771-5397 Counsel for the Respondent, Agent for the Respondent, Attorney General of Quebec Attorney General of Quebec AND TO: COTE, MARCOUX & JOY AL AND TO: D' AURA Y, AUBRY, Complexe Guy Favreau, Tour Est LEBLANC & ASSOCIES 200, boul. Rene-Levesque 0. 2 7 5, rue Sparks 5 etage Ottawa, Ontario Montreal, Quebec H2Z IX4 KIA OHS Andre L'Esperance Jean-Marc Aubry, Q.C. Tel: (514) 283-3525 Tel.: (613) 957-4663 Fax: (514) 283-3856 Fax: (613) 952-6006 Counsel for the Respondent, Agent for the Respondent, Attorney General of Canada Attorney General of Canada - 111 - AND TO: MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY AND TO: BURKE-ROBERTSON GENERAL Barristers and Solicitors Legal Services Branch 70 Gloucester Street 6"' Floor, Sussex Building Ottawa, Ontario K2P OA2 P.O. Box 9280 Stn Prov Govt I 00 I Douglas Street Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J7 George H. Copley, Q.C. Robert E. Houston, Q.C. Tel: (250) 356-8875 Tel: (613) 236-9665 Fax: (250) 356-9154 Fax: (613) 235-4430 Counsel for the Intervener, Agent for the Intervener, Attorney General of British Attorney General of British Columbia Columbia AND TO: ATTORNEY GENERAL OF AND TO: BURKE-ROBERTSON ONTARIO Barristers and Solicitors 720 Bay Street, 4"' Floor 70 Gloucester Street Toronto, Ontario MSG 2Kl Ottawa, Ontario K2P OA2 Janet E. Minor Robert E. Houston, Q.C. Shaun Nalatsuru Tel: (613) 236-9665 Tel: (416) 326-4137 Fax: (613) 235-4430 Fax: (416) 326-4015 Counsel for the Intervener, Agent for the Intervener, Attorney General of Ontario Attorney General of Ontario AND TO: ATTORNEY GENERAL OF AND TO: GOWLING LAFLEUR MANITOBA HENDERSON LLP Department of Justice 2600-160 Elgin Street 1205-405 Broadway P.O. Box 466, Stn. "D" Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3L6 Ottawa, Ontario KIP IC3 Henry S. Brown, Q,C. Tel: (204) 945-0679 Tel: (613) 233-1781 Fax: (204) 945-0053 Fax: (613) 563-9869 Agent for the Intervener, Attorney General of Manitoba - IV - AND TO: ATTORNEY GENERAL OF AND TO: GOWLING LAFLEUR NEW BRUNSWICK HENDERSON LLP P.O. Box 6000, Room444 2600-160 Elgin Street 670 King St., Centennial Building P.O. Box 466, Stn. "D" Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5HI Ottawa, Ontario KIP IC3 Gabriel Bourgeois, Q.C. Henry S. Brown, Q.C. Tel: (506) 453-3606 Tel: (613) 233-1781 Fax: (506) 453-3275 Fax: (613) 563-9869 Counsel for the Intervener, Agent for the Intervener, Attorney General of New Attorney General of New Brunswick Brunswick AND TO: ATTORNEY GENERAL OF AND TO: GOWLING LAFLEUR SASKATCHEWAN HENDERSON LLP Constitutional Law Branch 2600-160 Elgin Street 8th Floor - Scarth Street P.O. Box 466, Stn. "D" Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3V7 Ottawa, Ontario KIP IC3 Henry S. Brown, Q.C. Tel: (306) 787-8385 Tel: (613) 233-1781 Fax: (306) 787-9111 Fax: (613) 563-9869 Agent for the Intervener, Attorney General of Saskatchewan AND TO: AUGUSTIN ROY AND TO: BERGERON, GAUDREAU, LAPORTE I 67, rue Notre Dame de l'ile Gatineau, Quebec J8X 3T3 Richard Gaudreau Tel: (8 I 9) 770-7928 Fax: (819) 770-1424 Agent for the Intervener, Augustin Roy AND TO: LERNERSLLP AND TO: GOWLING LAFLEUR 2400 - 130 Adelaide Street West HENDERSON LLP Toronto , Ontario M5H 3P5 2600-160 Elgin Street P.O. Box 466, Stn. "D" Ottawa, Ontario KIP IC3 Earl A. Cberniak, Q.C. Brian A. Crane, Q.C. Tel: (416) 867-3076 Tel: (613) 233-1781 Fax: (416) 867-9192 Fax: (613) 563-9869 Counsel for the Interveners, Agents for the Interveners, Senator Michael Kirby, Senator Senator Michael Kirby, Senator Marjory Lebreton, Senator Marjory Lebreton, Senator Catherine Callbeck, Senator Joan Catherine Callbeck, Senator Joan Cook, Senator Jane Cordy, Senator Cook, Senator Jane Cordy, Senator Joyce Fairbairn, Senator Wilbert Joyce Fairbairn, Senator Wilbert Keon, Senator Lucie Pepin, Keon, Senator Lucie Pepin, Senator Brenda Robertson and Senator Brenda Robertson and Senator Douglas Roche Senator Douglas Roche AND TO: SACK GOLDBLATT AND TO: BURKE-ROBERTSON MITCHELL Barristers and Solicitors 20 Dundas Street West 70 Gloucester Street Suite I 130, P.O. Box 180 Ottawa, Ontario K2P OA2 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2G8 Steven Shrybman Robert E. Houston, Q.C. Tel: (416) 977-6070 Tel: (613) 236-9665 Fax: (416) 591-7333 Fax: (613) 235-4430 Counsel for the Intervener, Agent for the Intervener, Canadian Labour Congress Canadian Labour Congress AND TO: UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA AND TO: LANG MICHENER P.O. Box 2400, Station CSC 300-50 O'Connor Street Victoria, British Columbia Ottawa, Ontario KIP 6L2 V8W3H7 Martha Jackman Marie-France Major Tel: (250) 721-8181 Tel: (613) 232-7171 Fax: (250) 721-8146 Fax: (613) 231-3196 Counsel for the Interveners, Agent for the Interveners, Charter Committee on Poverty Charter Committee on Poverty Issues and the Canadian Health Issues and the Canadian Health Coalition Coalition AND TO: BLAKE, CASSELS & AND TO: BLAKE, CASSELS & GRAYDONLLP GRAYDONLLP Suite 2600, Three Bentall Centre World Exchange Plaza 595 Burrard Street, 20th Floor, 45 O'Connor P. 0 Box 49314 Ottawa, Ontario KIPIA4 Vancouver, B. C. V7X IL3 Marvin R.V. Storrow, Q.C. Gordon K. Cameron Tel: (604) 631-3300 Tel: (613) 788-2222 Fax: (604) 631-3309 Fax: (613) 7882247 Counsel for the Interveners, Agent for the Interveners, Cambie Surgeries Corporation, Cambie Surgeries Corporation, False Creek Surgical Centre Inc., False Creek Surgical Centre Inc., Delbrook Surgical Centre Inc., Delbrook Surgical Centre Inc., Okanagan Plastic Surgery Centre Okanagan Plastic Surgery Centre Inc., Specialty MRI Clinics Inc., Inc., Specialty MRI Clinics Inc., Fraser Valley MRI Ltd., Image Fraser Valley MRI Ltd., Image One MRI Clinic Inc., McCallum One MRI Clinic Inc., McCallum - VI - Surgical Centre Limited Surgical Centre Limited and and 4111044 Canada Inc., South Fraser 4111044 Canada Inc., South Surgical Centre Inc., Victoria Fraser Surgical Centre Inc., Surgery Ltd., Kamloops Surgery Victoria Surgery Ltd., Kamloops Centre Ltd., Valley Cosmetic Surgery Centre Ltd., Valley Surgery Associates Inc., Surgical Cosmetic Surgery Associates Centres Inc., the British Columbia Inc., Surgical Centres Inc., the Orthopaedic Association British Columbia Orthopaedic and Association the British Columbia and Anesthesiologists Society the British Columbia Anesthesiologists Society TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: FACTS ............................................................................................................................. I I. Overview ................................................................................................................................. I 2. CMNCOA's Interest in the Appeal ........................................................................................ 2 3. CMA/COA's Position on the Facts ......................................................................................... 3 PART II: QUESTIONS IN ISSUE ................................................................................................
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