a) - MANCHESTER HERALD Monday Nov U IW -u Cigarette, not heater, Courtroom artist caused fatal house fire # '**1 has work on trial . p a g e ? ... p a g e 11 ChiHy tonight; Manchester, Conn. sunny Wednesday Tuesday. Nov. 13, 1984 — see page 2 UJaurteatFr BmlJt Single copy: 25C Gandhi O’Neill picks calls elections woman for By Neal RoM>ins United Press International N^5^ r NEW DELHI. India - Prime high court Minister Rajiv Gandhi today United States called gmeral elections for Dec. 2» in a bid to win popular support for his rule over the world's largest By Mark A. Dupuis democracy. United Press International Announcernent of the elections HARTFORD — Gov. William A. — which had been expected — O'Neill, in a histurir exercise of came «ily two weeks after Gandhi tradition, said today he will was appointed prime minister in nominate Associate Supreme the wake of the assassination of his Court Justice Ellen A Peters to mother by two of her Sikh become the first woman t-hief bodyguards Oct. 31. justice of the state's highest court. The Election Commission said O'Neill .said Peters, a German the polls would be held on Dec. M immigrant who has servi-d on tiH' throughout the country and also on UPt photo Supreme Court since 1978. “will Dec. 27 if another day is needed .to add a new dimension to our complete voting in the world's Student of shuttles Supreme Court" as its first female second most populous nation. chief justice. Under the Indian constitution, Third-grader Danny Fogolini studies his student enthusiasm for their school O'Neill wrote the co-chairmen of the election must be held before manual diligently, hoping to be one of the Legislature's Judiciary Com­ work. Meanwhile, the real shuttle mittee di.sclo.sing his intention to Jan. 19 — n when the current the first in teacher Norman Paulsen’s five-year term of parliament astronauts prepared for retrieval of a nominate Peters to succeed John Now; famons MariboroBed expires. (right) class to blast into space. Paulsen second wayward satellite. Story on page A. Speziale. who w-ill leave the high designed the model shuttle to increase 4. court next week to return to Political observers believe private practice aodMarflboroLiglils Gandhi wanted to hold the elec­ Peters said in a. statement that ELLEN A PETERS tions as soon as possible to take she was "delighted and deeply- . an historic choice areaboavailaUein advantage of an outpouring of honored" in being nominated by- sentiment for his slain mother Christensen quits as chief O'Neill. "1 pledge my.self with all Gandhi scattered his mother's justice's position "but ivrtainly the energies at my disposal to none more qualified than Judge a eomeniod new 2S^ pack. ashes over the Himalayan moun­ vindicate the trust that has been tains Sunday. Peters." shown in me," she said. She was •"Her knowledge of the law. Hm* The Election Commission said named to the Supreme Court as an the polls would be open in all of of district fire department thoroughness • of her work, tht' associate justice in 1978 by the late faime.ss of her delibt'rations. the India's 22 states except for Punjab Gov. Ella T. Grasso. Peters w-as and .Assam. Bv Alex GIrelll Asked 11 plans to build a district depth of her opiniuns and her Herald Reporter the first woman named to the dedication to our .system of justice Both States’ are currently being firehouse in the Buckland area had court, which dates back to 1711. administered under federal rule. anything to do with his decision, certainly- qualify her for this John Christensen has resigned Christensen responded that there If confirmed by the l,egislature. position as the highest ranking In the northern state of Punjab. effective Dec. 31 as chief of the Peters will be the first woman Sikh extremist killings of hundreds is “more than one issue and they jurist in Connecticut," O'Neill said Eighth Utilities District Fire are intertwined." chief justice and head of the state in a statement of people led to the army's June Department Judicial Department, w-hich in­ attack on the Sikh's Golden Tern-, Joyner said today he was not Peters, of West Hartford, gradu-, "I have a different set of cludes Connecticut's trial and ated with honors from Swarthmorc pie at Amritsar, leaving 600 dead, prepared to say who might replace appellate court systems mostly Sikhs. priorities from the district Board Christensen as 'chief. Joyner College in Pennsylvania and holds of Directors." Christensen -said makes the appointment, subject to In choosing Peters, O'Neill stuck a law degree from Yale Univer­ In Assam, religious rioting in today- of his resignation. confirmation by the district with a state tradition of appointing sity. She was admitttHi to the state February and March 1983 left an He said that while he does not directors. the senior justice on the Supreme bar in 1957 Court as chief justice. estimated 4.000 people dead — disagree with the substance of The directors have not been Peters was appointed as an mostly' Bengali itnmigranls from programs the directors want to officially informed of the resigna­ O'Neill said in a .statement that assistant professor of law at Yale neighboring Bangladesh. carry out. he takes issue with the tion and will not be until they meet he considered “a number of highly in 1956 and later became a lull Gandhi held meetings today with methods being used to achieve Monday. Christensen said he will qualified individuals" for the chief professor. foreign ministo' ofCicials to review- them. submit his letter of resignation strained relations with neighbor­ Christensen declined to elabo­ along with his routine fire depart­ ing countries. rate on his objections. He said it ment report. The discussions took place as a would have a divisive effect on the Christensen said he dissuaded Gammoh^ building Supreme Court judge launched an fire department if he made his- First Assistant Chief Frank Mor- official investigation into the Oct. objections public in detaif. davsky from resigning along with 31 assassination of Indira Gandhi Christensen told fellow officers him. He said he felt continuity by two of her Sikh bodyguards. of his decision at a meeting on would suffer if both left at once. lost as shelter site The new prime minister's first Sunday and informed members of JOHN CHRISTENSEN The second a.ssistant fire chief, major policy speech to the nation the fire department at a meeting ... cites disagreements next in the line of command, is By Sarah E. Hall * long lime, and I havea semi-enipty Monday night was generally well Monday night. About SO of the Harold Topliff. Next in the line of Herald Reporter receiv^ by Western diplomats. department's 100 members at­ cordial." building there that I want to do Gandhi pledged to follow his command after Topliff is Paul tended the Monday meeting b^ Christensen said that when he Gworek. third assistant fire chief. 0, ,p, mother's policy of non-alignment cause the nunor of Christensen's told Joyner Monday night of his Christensen said he has not ruled and said “we want to develop resignation had apparently been in decision. Joyner urged him to stay out serving the fire department in closer relations with each one of circulation. on until the end of his current term some capacity. But he said he our immediate neighbors in a Christensen, chief of the dis­ in July. But Christensen said he thinks that decision should be left ""1"''5" 7 “ '«ey - . i v spirit of peace, friendship and trict's volunteer department for feels that if he stays on until July, cooperation ' entirely up to the new chief. - n s r p s ; , ? three and a half years, had decided his presence will only aggravate Thomas Landers, a volunteer India's youngest prime minister about a year ago to resign. But the situation. firefighter and a district director, followed up the rh^oric today by- when he told fellow fire officers of He said the Dec. 31 termination declined today tp comment in meeting senior officials of the his plans, they dissuaded him from 4ate will permit the new chief, detail on the resignation, partly Foreign MinistO'- including For­ quitting. whoever that is. to enter the because the directors have not eign Secretary- M.K. Rasgotra Walter Joyner, who became department smoothly. He said a been officially informed of it. He “The discussions touched spe­ president of the district this year, smooth transition would permit said he felt personally that the job cially on relations with inunediate reportedly had sought to replace him to give pass along to the new of chief was “starting to wear” on neighbors — Pakistan. Bangla- Christensen as fire chief when he chief the ideas he has had so that Christensen. desh^and Sri Lanka., and South took ofTice four months ago. But the new chief can evaluate them Landers said he had some idea . t " . " S7p"'MA<rr" "'TT Asia regional cooperation." a sources said Joyner changed his and decide what to retain and what had hrrn fminH awarded to MA( ( for Operating ils spokesman said who should replace Christensen, mind after talking with Chris­ to reject. but he declined to name anyone. India and Pakistan have fought tensen and with other officers who - - Christensen said that 1^ decided three short wars since 1917. Director Gordon Lassow. a di­ supported Christensen. to resign because of his differences rector and former district presi­ India's relations with Bangla­ Joyner said today he w-ould not with the directors, who have dent.
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