5V. \T 1 '** - THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, APRIL 6,1937 18 l* * w" -\ Come to BARGAINS IN ALL STORES * V FREE MOVING PICTURES 10 a. m. - -12 noon - - 2 p. m. - - 4 p. m. AT PARAMOUNT AND CAPITOL THEATRES (All merchants have free tickets for visitors) #< FREE FARM CLINIC • ' i: ». STREET BAND CONCERTS Entertainment and Value for Everyone Sponsored by Bismarck Junior Association of Commerce route is feasible under commercial Eugene Schacht, Richard Iverson, Loren Vettle, Joe Parks, Robert Gun* aviation conditions. Stepping Up for a Tall Story Loren Vettle and Robert Gunness and ness, Earl Graffam and Ralph Might, LINDBERGH STEERS A problem of transportation as old one Cub, Jimmie Smith, received his completed 10 additional electlves for as Europe bothered Colonel Lindbergh Nations Fear Duce Uon badge. which they were awarded Golden ar­ in Zagreb on the last stretch of his Six of the boys, Richard Iverson, rows. experimental flight, Just as it did on PLANE FDR LONDON the first stretch when he and kin. Lindbergh, took off from their home f in Kent, Feb. 1. Colonel and Wife on Last Leg of Jutting up in the middle of Europe, the mountainous Alps which blocked Flight Survey of England- ancient armies were to the flying France and Britain May Try to tion organised new militia bodies to colonel a serious obstacle to operation reinforce troops striving to break the * India Route of an airline between Engine, Asia Line Up Balkans Against semi-circle of insurgent lines near Finney's Drug Store •A Minor or India. Madrid. Men drilled in most of the iondon, Apr. 6.—(*")—Col. and Mrs. His flight indicated that he be­ Mussolini important government-held commun­ WILL BE FULL OP Cbarles A. Lindbergh charted a lieves the only possible course for an ities throughout Spain. comae for London Tuesday from Zag­ airliner Is to go around the Alps and (By the Anuria ted Press) A Panamanian mineral boat, the reb, Yugoslavia, skirting the Alpine his courses were laid around both Great Britain and Ranee were re­ Andra, said to have been chartered barrier on the last leg of what was sides of the formidable range. ported ready Tuesday to try to line by a British company, was reported believed to have been a survey for a On the outward flight, he took the up the Balkans against Italy If sunk by an Insurgent cruiser in the n«w commercial skyway route from westward course through Ranee and Premier Mussolini moves to quit the Bay of Biscay. ngland to India. Italy. international "hands off Spain'" Insurgent-held Algeciras, near 'Although Colonel Lindbergh has Returning, he planned to fly the agreement. Gibraltar, was subjected to a gov apt said why he new thousands of easterly way from Zagreb to Vienna That plan was recounted by an° in­ erament air bombing. dues over commercially uncharted if weather permitted formed Paris souroe as the Spanish Report Successes routes under the most adverse condi­ Insurgents, friendly to Italy, claimed On the Cordoba front, in the south, BARGAINS tions. aerial observers declared the If you do favors for Mends, they new important successes on the the government reported new suc­ flight was conclusive proof of a car­ will never forgive you 4or it.—Gene northern fronit. Their commander cesses pointed toward the Penarroya dinal point: An England-India air Fowler, author. asserted 2,000 government soldiers had coal fields, FYom Andujar, east of been killed In recent fighting for Cordoba, came a report that 1,500 .WATCH OUR WINDOWS Durango and Bilbao. men, women and children—slowly The possibility Italy might quit the starving as they clung to the top of FOR SUGGESTIONS 27-nation non-intervention accord a mountain called Ell Cabezo (the was raised by an Italian spokesman summit)—had been kept from capit­ as the outgrowth of authoritative Ita­ ulating by two desperate insurgent lian charges that France 'had "flag­ officers who set up a "reign of ter­ # 0 0f ror." Insurgents struck twice in rantly violated" it allowing aid to be Badajoz province, on the southwest. sent to the Madrid-Valencia govern­ The government at Valencia an we'll have some special values ment. nounced the arrest of four young Britain and Prance would act to nephews by marriage of Gen. Fran­ " for Isolate the Balkans from Italy only as a "last resort" the Paris source said, cisco Franco, the insurgent com­ Here's a Tip as they are not anxious to attempt a mander. for espionage. The govern­ major political realignment In Europe. ment also reported a German "reign Although all the nations in the of terror" in the Canary -islands, to DOLLAR DAY non-intervention accord have already which It had relegated Franco prior •«* jw.. • agreed to atop movement of volun­ to the start of his July rebellion. teers to Spain, the lind and naval patrol scheme for making the plan Achievement Awards 1 fully effective has not been put Into Summer Enjoyment See them in'our windows effect—and its success depends on Given Club Members Italy's elaboration. Make an extra room of your porch. Make it into a See them in our store The Insurgent suocesses in north­ First achievement awards were pre­ SUN PARLOR or a SLEEPING PORCH (remember ern Spain brought a "final ultlma- sented to members of the recently- k* ' t how .badly you-wanted one last summer?). We'll help twn^ 'from Insurgent Oenv Btnllfo ortf«31tted CUb pack N& • at a meet­ you do it inexpensively. When Robert Wadlow, IB, was Interviewed In bis Omaha hotel Mola to the Basque defenders of the ing held Monday evening in the Pres­ room, the girl reporter had to climb i stepladder to get up to his coastal city of Bilbao. He warned byterian church here. level, tor the < young Alton, 111., giant stands 8 feet 7 inches tall— them to "surrender or suffer literal Wolf badges were presented to Lor- and is still growing. Robert bad just signed a contract to appeir destruction1 of the provlnoe" (the pro ren Vettle, John Morton, Joe Parks, We also make the following Lenhart's Drag Store with a circus, working six weeks in New York, Brooklyn, and Bos­ vinoe of Viacaya). Robert Gunness, Earl Graffam, James Mola's men were within sight of one McDonald, Huey Harless, Myron At­ BUILT-IN FIXTURES The Rexall Store ton only, in a "dignified" act objective, the strategic town of kinson and Ralph Might Durango. Their commanders said in The Bear badges were given to KITCHEN CABINETS 500 Broadway Bismarck, N. D. habitants of that town and of Bilbao EXTRA WINDOWS AND DOORS were fleeing. London to Bubble Over Organise New Militia TAKE A STROLL THROUGH MEDICINE CABINETS The Madrid-Valencia adminlstra PEACOCK ALLEY. All manufactured in our shop here In Bismarck. SPECIAL FOR DOLLAR DAY In Welcoming New King WHY NOT GET YOUR SCREENS REPAIRED NOW? London, April 8—(JP)—London is censed up to midnight but on occa­ •«u* planning so much coronation gsyety sion are granted extension of liquor 2^ *1°° the famous old chimney pots are likely service rights up to 2 p. m. More than fifty to tremble. Also open to the public will be such I'S Old Style Lager Beer The cry of "The King, the King, God entertainments as a coronation cos Anne Glass and Carpenter Shop Bless Him," will be heard throughout tume ball at Royal Albert hall on >14 Broadway Phone 90S 1 -We Serve London in night-long revelry. It is May IS. There will be processions and FREE DUTCH LUNCH estimated that at least 350,000 extra pageantry and the court of Queen barrels of beer will be required for Elisabeth will be represented by des­ 'Satarday Afternoon this toasting of the king's health, cendants of courtiers of those days. The street merriment the night of Prominent hosts and hostesses are ROOSEVELT BAR May 12 Is expected to surpass any­ co-operating with the Overseas league formerly Bigg's lace thing before realised. and the various empire societies in lit 4th St ft. D. West End restaurants have been providing entertainment for overseas preparing for weeks. Several new ones visitors. fmmmmm have opened. Ships As Hotels Special coronation supper-cabaret Ocean liners, moored in the Thames, SPECIALS SIlBISM«a programs have been devised; special will cut their own brilliant lighting menus prepared. eOtting a table May pattern at night, and give further tfXSI 12 is going to be difficult. scope for private parties and celebra­ There is a police campaign at the tions. Hotels will be packed to over­ & We can't sell cars for $1.00, but we can same time to "clean up" London be­ flowing, London has 124)00 bedrooms out*! fore the coronation. Shady haunts in first-class hotels and 300,000 bed­ 0 offer some real are being checked up. rooms in smaller hotels and boarding Bottle party clubs, where drinking houses. Bonham Brothers can continue; all night, are being Special trains to be used ss over­ watched closely. These clubs, which night hotels will ring the city. JEWELERS sign up members and dispense liquor As varied a selection of visitors who by the bottle, are outside the licensing will share In this gayety would be laws' scope. difficult to find. There will be Indian potentates and scarlet-clad Northwest SATURDAY, APRIL 10 Extension of licensed drinking hours, Mounted police, Australian soldiers in for both pubs and restaurants, mean­ wide-brimmed campaign hats and 1933 ONtamobile 8 Coupe ..$375.00 while is being urged. Normal licens­ kilted Highlanders.
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