Sheffield Neighborhood News May / June 2009 1 Sheffield Neighborhood News Published by the Sheffield Neighborhood Association www.sheffieldneighborhood.org May / June 2009 41st Sheffield Garden Walk and Festival set for July 18-19 Photo for BY LAURY LEWIS tact our advertising manager, Paula Arnett, at 773-348- 5512 or [email protected] for details. ark your calendar for the 41st annual Sheffield Garden Walk and Festival on July SNN Be a Patron 18-19. More than 100 Sheffield neighbor- The enclosed participation form also provides an op- by [email protected] by Mhood gardens will be open for your enjoy- portunity for you to become a Garden Walk Patron and ment. There will again this year be a juried division for attend the June 5 Patrons’ Party. For as little as $50, you gardens that are spectacular and represent excellent can help support our neighborhood, receive a listing in gardening techniques by their owners. The winners the Garden Walk Guidebook and receive an attractive will receive cash prizes and a plaque. Master Gardener gift. See the article below for details. Laury Lewis and Jeannie Lawson will head this major undertaking again this year. The garden competition Tell Your Friends will be judged by several noted gardening personalities. The suggested donation this year will be $6 from noon There will be food and beverages from local estab- to 3 pm and $10 from 3 pm to closing on both days. lishments. Coors Brewing will again be our major spon- Gardens will be open from noon to 5:30 pm both days A garden competition will again be part of the excitement of sor and will provide Coors Light and Coors Banquet as the Sheffield Garden Walk and Festival. and Kids’ Corner will run from noon to 5 pm each day. well as Blue Moon. Allison Spriggs will be organizing Your 2009 Sheffield Garden Walk and Festival the restaurants. Local restaurants Robinson’s Ribs, the 773-472-8380. She will hold classes for potential guides Planning Committee is working to bring you another Local Option and Quang Noodle will be present as before the Garden Walk. fine neighborhood fundraising event that funds the SNA well as St. Vincent DePaul providing excellent food. and contributes significantly to neighborhood beau- The Kids’ Corner area on Kenmore will be filled Rusted Root, Poi Dog Pondering and Cowboy Mouth to tification, local parks, local schools and many other with family attractions once more. There will be pony Headline on the Main Stage fine neighborhood charities. Come celebrate our 41st rides, a petting zoo, face painting, a mini-Ferris Wheel, First-class entertainment will be the theme of the 2009 annual Garden Walk! theatrical and musical performances and the ever-pop- Garden Walk and Festival. Through the hard work of Dan Laury Lewis is Co-Chairman of the 2009 Sheffield Gar- ular Pig Train. Admission to Kids’ Corner is free and the Hermann, Bryan Robson and Malcolm Lambe, we have den Walk and Festival. attractions will be reasonably priced. Laurie Bombrows- landed three very popular bands for the weekend, quite ki will be in charge of this crowd-pleasing production. simply the best line-up ever. The Sheffield Neighborhood Association Architectural tours become more popular each Saturday night’s closers will be Rusted Root and invites you to become a Patron of the year. They add to the appreciation of our neighbor- Cowboy Mouth and Sunday’s final act will be Poi Dog hood’s rich historical heritage. Polly Kelly, a Sheffield Pondering. We’ll have more entertainment highlights for 2009 GARDEN WALK AND FESTIVAL resident since the early 1960’s and co-founder of the you in the next issue of SNN. In the meantime, check our and attend the 2009 PATRONS’ PARTY Garden Walk, will lead this effort. If you would like website at www.sheffieldgardenwalk.com for updates. Friday, June 5, 2009 6-8 pm to help Polly give tours this year, please call her at at the home of Show Off Your Garden Get ready to rock! The wide array of gardens in our neighborhood has Marena Swenson he Sheffield Garden Walk and Festival will earned Sheffield the title of “Garden District of Chicago.” 844 W. Belden have another great group of bands at the We encourage everyone to display their gardens this year, whether an entire plot or just the front, side, deck or back- main stage this year as we continue our Patrons are asked to bring a favorite appetizer. tradition of mixing national and regional yard. To include your garden, please fill out and return T the participation form enclosed in this issue. For more in- Beer, wine, soft drinks, great neighbors and acts with local performers. Our headliner set is filled a wonderful home will be provided. out for both Saturday and Sunday. We are delighted formation, please contact Garden Search chairman Laury to announce that appearing for the first time at the Lewis at [email protected]. The deadline to have your Garden Walk on Saturday at 8 pm will be Rusted garden listed in the Garden Walk Guidebook is June 12. Donation levels per household are: Root, a roots-rock band from Pittsburgh that is a favorite of local WXRT listeners. You may know their Please Volunteer $200 $100 $50 song. “Send Me on my Way,” that was featured in the The Sheffield Garden Walk and Festival relies entirely on volunteers for management and staffing. We need your movie, “Ice Age.” Back from their 2007 Garden Walk Attendees will receive an SNA green cap electric performance will be local favorite Poi Dog help to staff the gates, sell tickets, dispense beverages, give architectural tours or assist at Kids’ Corner. Please fill and one complimentary gift bag per house- Pondering to headline Sunday night. Funkadesi, a hold with goodies and coupons from local local renowned world music group, will open for Poi out the enclosed participation form if you’d like to help Dog at 6 pm on Sunday. this year or visit our website at www.sheffieldgardenwalk. business establishments. Current paid SNA We are also fortunate to have Garden Walk com for additional information. membership is required to attend. favorite Cowboy Mouth returning as a Saturday co- headliner, hitting the stage at 6 pm. In addition, local Sponsorships and Advertising Available For more information, to host a future favorites Hello Dave will join us on Sunday at 3:30 Would your business benefit from appearing on the offi- Patrons’ Party or inquire/contribute to the gift pm. School of Rock will also be back to open the cial Sheffield Garden Walk and Festival poster, in our ads seen throughout Chicago, on the Garden Walk website? bag, please contact Paula Arnett at 773-572- stage on Sunday at 12:15 pm. We will inform you of 6525 or [email protected]. the balance of the music lineup in the next edition of For more information, please contact Tom Lawson at tom. [email protected]. SNN and we look forward to seeing everyone at the st main stage during the Garden Walk. In addition, become an advertiser in the Garden Please join us as we kick off our 41 Annual —Dan Herrmann, SNA Board of Directors Walk Guidebook. Reach thousands of attendees and Garden Walk! neighborhood residents for a value-packed amount. Con- Plans to spotlight Local merchants Community DePaul to unveil Armitage-Halsted offer new options safety master plan for 3 landmark district 4 for wine and beer 5 update 6 Lincoln Park campus 2 Sheffield Neighborhood News May / June 2009 ‘Tis the season for sidewalk cafes PLANNING REPORT idewalk cafes are now in season. The follow- ing neighborhood restaurants have applied Brown Line renovation update and will begin their sidewalk cafes now; Starbucks, McGee’s, Italian Ice (Metropo- BY JUDITH LAUTH CASEY see the CTA’s meeting notice printed elsewhere in this S issue. lis), Tarantino’s, Ja’ Grill, Ethan’s, Sai Cafe, Athenian Room, Glascott’s, Argo Tea, Piattini, Hanabi, John’s rown Line Task Force The CTA has completed or nearly completed reno- Place and Webster’s Wine Bar. City regulations may The CTA anticipates knowing soon whether vation work on the majority of its Brown Line stations: be found at www.cityofchicago.org/businessaffairs; there are financially viable options to extend Kimball, Kedzie, Francisco, Rockwell, Western, Damen, click on Business Home Page, then select the Side- Bcanopy length to cover eight cars at Fullerton Montrose, Irving Park, Addison, Southport, Diversey, Ar- walk Cafe Permits icon. Please contact your local and Belmont. Longer canopies, along with other ameni- mitage, Sedgwick, Chicago, and most recently Paulina. Alderman’s office or the Sheffield Neighborhood ties such as high-end materials, were excised from the Wellington will remain closed through the end of July. Association (773-929-9255) should you have any CTA’s original plans to meet its budget for the renovation. Like Fullerton, Belmont should be completed by the questions or compliance issues. The old Fullerton platform had a canopy that extended end of this year. over four cars, but the new canopy will extend only over The Brown Line Renovation construction schedule, two cars even though the platforms now are longer to ac- including street closures and obstructions, is available Moving to the music commodate eight-car trains on the Brown Line. (The Red at www.ctabrownline.com. Street closures and ob- he Spring Program of the Lincoln Park Com- Line already was running eight-car trains.) structions related to the Brown Line renovation also are munity Research Initiative will examine the The CTA has requested bids for the security cameras available on the 43rd Ward website, www.chicago43rd.
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