PUNCHES AND CHISELS Punches and Chisels The anvil end on heads of Snap-on® punches and chisels are machined to a modified parabolic curve. This design directs the striking force to the center of the tool head to allow slow metal displacement. The parabolic curve controls mushrooming to reduce chipping and splitting. Heads should be re-dressed to their original shape with hand files as necessary. The tough steel alloy is machined and differentially heat treated for optimum performance. The hardness of the striking head is reduced to help toughness and add qualities that result in a slower mushrooming of the striking surface. PPC250BK Punch and Chisel Set. PPC100AK Punch and Chisel Set. ncludes 24 pcs. in KB2179 kit bag: Includes 10 pcs. in KB2175 kit bag: PPC1A PPC106A PPC205A PPC820B PPC812B PPC828B PPC15B PPC3A PPC108A PPC206A PPC824B PPC816B PPC12B PPC19B PPC250BK PPC4A PPC110A PPC208A PPC12B PPC820B PPC13B PPC103A PPC112 PPC210A PPC14B PPC824B PPC14B PPC104A PPC203A PPC812B PPC15B PPC100AK PPC105A PPC204A PPC816B PPC19B PPCD70BK Punch and Chisel Set. PPC210BK Punch and Chisel Set. Includes 7 pcs. in KB2183 kit bag: Includes 22 pcs. in KB2178 kit bag: PPC103A PPC106A PPC110A PPC1A PPC105A PPC204A PPC816B PPC104A PPC107A PPC5A PPC106A PPC205A PPC820B PPC105A PPC108A PPC3A PPC108A PPC206A PPC824B PPC210BK PPC4A PPC110A PPC208A PPC828B PPC103A PPC112 PPC210A PPCD70BK PPC104A PPC203A PPC812B PPCS60BK Punch and Chisel Set. Includes 6 pcs. in KB2185 kit bag: PPC715BK Punch and Chisel Set. PPC203A PPC205A PPC208A Includes 16 pcs. in KB2182 kit bag: PPC204A PPC206A PPC210A PPC1A PPC104A PPC203A PPC208A PPC3A PPC105A PPC204A PPC812B PPC4A PPC106A PPC205A PPC816B PPC715BK PPC103A PPC108A PPC206A PPC820B PPCS60BK PPC50AK Punch and Chisel Set. PPC710BK Punch and Chisel Set. Includes 5 pcs. in KB2173 kit bag: Includes 11 pcs. in KB2181 kit bag: PPC812B PPC820B PPC828B PPC1A PPC105A PPC205A PPC816B PPC816B PPC824B PPC4A PPC106A PPC206A PPC820B PPC103A PPC203A PPC812B PPC710ABK PPC50AK PPSD120BK Punch and Chisel Set. PPCM60BK Punch and Chisel Set. Includes 12 pcs. in KB2187 kit bag: Includes 6 pcs. in KB2189 kit bag: PPC103A PPC106A PPC203A PPC206A PPCM103B PPCM104B PPCM105B PPC104A PPC108A PPC204A PPC208A PPCM106B PPCM107B PPCM108B PPC105A PPC110A PPC205A PPC210A PPSD120BK PPCM60BK Hex Point / Edge, Length, Stock No. Hex Point/ Length, Stock No. Size, in. in. (mm) in. (mm) Size, in. Edge, in. in. Punch and Chisel PPC1A Flat Chisels PPC808A 1/4 1/4 5 2 5/8 Accessories Chisel Gauge PPC812B 5/16 3/8 5 1/2 PPC816B 7/16 1/2 6 PPC5A 1 5 1 6 15/16 PPC820B /2 /8 6 /2 Punch/Chisel Holder PPC824B 5/8 3/4 7 1/4 Center Punches PPC3A 5/16 1/8 5 PPC828B 11/16 7/8 8 PPC4A 7/16 3/16 6 PPC832B 7/8 1 9 PPC6B 5/8 5/16 7 BPPC1878* 7/8 1 18 PPC714B 9/16 5/32 14 Long Flat Pin Punches PPC103A 9/32 3/32 4 7/32 Chisels 1 5 PPC104A 5/16 1/8 4 3/4 PPC820LB /2 /8 16 PPC105A 3/8 5/32 5 PPC106A 3/8 3/16 5 1/4 PPC107A 3/8 7/32 5 1/4 Half Round PPC108A 7/16 1/4 5 3/4 Nose Cape PPC110A 1/2 5/16 5 1/4 Chisels PPC12B 3/8 5/16 6 PPC112 9/16 3/8 5 1/4 Metric Pin Punches PPCM103B 5/16 (3) (154.2) PPCM104B 5/16 (4) (154.2) PPCM105B 3/8 (5) (154.2) Cape Chisels PPC13B 5/16 1/4 5 5/8 PPCM106B 3/8 (6) (154.2) PPCM107B 3/8 (7) (154.2) 3 5 PPCM108B 7/16 (8) (154.2) PPC14B /8 /16 6 Starter Punches PPC203A 5/16 3/32 5 1/2 3 1 3 Diamond Point PPC204A /8 /8 5 /4 Chisels PPC15B 7/16 7/32 6 PPC205A 3/8 5/32 6 PPC206A 7/16 3/16 6 1/4 PPC208A 1/2 1/4 6 3/4 PPC19B 3/8 1/8 5 3/4 PPC210A 9/16 5/16 7 1/4 *Blue-Point® 170 www.snapon.czwww.snapon.com/handtools PUNCHES AND CHISELS PPVP70BK Midget PPRG80 Roll Pin Punch Guide Set. Punch and Chisel Set. s Companion tool for the PPR708K roll Includes 7 pcs. in KB2188 kit bag: pin punch set PPC402A PPC404A s Provides faster, safer pin installation PPC408B PPC407B s Pin guide is a vinyl sleeve uniting PPC403A PPC405A pin and punch to achieve perfect PPC406B alignment during installation s Ideal for pin installation in tight quarters PPVP70BK PPLT40AK Drift Pin Punch Set. where two hands cant reach PPRG80 s Eliminates the need to start pin with hammer Includes 4 pcs. in KB2174 kit bag: before applying punch PPC905B PPC908B s Helps avoid hitting fingers with hammer PPC910B PPC912B s Use with Snap-on& roll pin punches PPR2 thru PPR8 (1/16" to )*-,. s Can also be used with Snap-on pin punches PPC103A thru LP30A Drift Pin Punch Set. PPC108A (3/32" to )/4") and long pin punches PPC104LA thru Includes 3 pcs. in KB2177 kit bag: PPC108LA (1/8" to )*-,.2 1210B 1512B 1816B LP30A PPB30AK Bronze Punch Set. PPR708BK Roll Pin Punch Set. Includes 3 pcs. in KB2171 kit bag: Includes 8 pcs. in KB2186 kit bag: PPB408A PPB612A PPB816A PPR2 PPR4 PPR7 PPR2-1/2 PPR5 PPR8 PPR3 PPR6 PPBL30AK Bronze Punch Set. Includes 3 pcs. in KB2172 kit bag: PPB1012A PPB1226A PPB826A PPR708BK PPB20AK Bronze )apered Punch Set. Includes 2 pcs. in KB2170 kit bag: PPCL60BK Long Pin Punch Set. PPB1012A PPB1414A Includes 6 pcs. in KB2184 kit bag: PPBL30AK PPC104LA PPC106LA PPC108LA PPC105LA PPC107LB PPC110LA Hex Point/ Length, Stock No. Size, in. Edge, in. in. Drift Pin Punches PPC905B 3/8 5/32 8 PPC908B 7/16 1/4 8 1/2 1 5 PPCL60BK PPC910B /2 /16 9 PPC912B 9/16 3/8 9 1/2 1210B 5/8 5/16 12 Stock No. Hex Point/ Length, Size, in. Edge, in. in. 1512B 3/4 3/8 15 1 5 Roll Pin Punches PPR2 /16 3 /32 1816B 7/8 1/2 18 PPR2-1/2 5/64 3 1/2 Bronze Pin Punches PPR3 3/32 3 29/32 PPB408A 1/4 4 PPR4 1/8 4 1/4 PPR5 5/32 4 5/8 3 PPR6 3/16 5 PPB612A /8 6 PPR7 7/32 5 3/8 1 3 Bronze Drift Punches PPR8 /4 5 /4 PPB816A 1/2 8 PPR10 5/16 6 1/8 3 1 PPR12 /8 6 /8 PPB826A 13/16 8 PPR14 7/16 6 1/8 PPR16 1/2 6 1/8 PPB1226A 13/16 12 Long Pin Punches PPC104LA 5/16 1/8 5 5/16 Bronze .apered Punches PPC105LA 3/8 5/32 6 1/2 PPB1001A 5/8 3/8 8 PPC106LA 3/8 3/16 7 1/16 3 PPC107LB 3/8 7/32 7 5/8 PPB1012A /8 10 PPC108LA 7/16 1/4 8 3/16 7 PPC110LA 1/2 5/16 8 3/4 PPB1414A /16 14 Midget Punches and PPC402A 9/32 1/16 3 Bronze Round Punch Chisels Pin Punch PPC403A 9/32 1/8 3 1/4 PPB1002A 3/4 10 Pin Punch PPC404A 9/32 3/32 3 5/8 Center Punch PPC405A 9/32 1/16 3 3/4 Starter Punch PPC408B 5/16 4 1/8 Flat Chisel WARNING PPC406B 9/32 3/16 3 7/8 r5SETHEPROPERPUNCHORCHISEL FORTHEJOB Cape Chisel r$ONOTUSEPUNCHESORCHISELSHAVINGCHIPPEDOR PPC407B 9/32 5/32 4 Cape Chisel MUSHROOMEDENDDRESSTOORIGINAL SHAPEWITHAHANDkLE r(AMMERHEADDIAMETER SHOULDBEAPPROXIMATELY uLARGERTHANHEADOFPUNCHORCHISEL www.snapon.czr2EADSAFETYPRECAUTIONSONPAGESTO 171 PUNCHES AND CHISELS Soft Grip s Ergonomic soft grip handle provides a powerful grip, improves the thermical sensation in cold work environments and reduces strike vibration s Semi-spherical striking area controls mushrooming to help reduce PCSG812 PPSG103 chipping and splitting s Cutting edges on chisels are hand ground to consistently !roduce a quality edge s Black oxide coated PPCSG710 s Manufactured from special alloy steel that is differentially PPSG4 Set PPSG203 heat treated to increase durability Contains: Stock No. Description Point/Edge, in. Length, in. PCSG812 Flat Chisel 3/8 6 1/8 s PCSG816 Flat Chisel 1/2 6 1/8 s PCSG820 Flat Chisel 5/8 6 1/8 s PPSG4 Center Punch 3/16 6 1/8 s PPSG103 Pin Punch 3/32 6 1/8 s PPSG105 Pin Punch 5/32 6 1/2 s PPSG106 Pin Punch 3/16 6 1/2 s PPSG203 Starter Punch 3/32 6 1/8 s PPSG205 Starter Punch 5/32 6 1/8 s PPSG206 Starter Punch 3/16 6 1/8 s PPCSG710 PPC14LB Oval Bearing Race Punches Gasket Punch Set s High-alloy steel makes these tools ideal for stubborn bearing races PGH8A Gasket Punch Set. PPC6LB 7/16" hex stock, 7/16" x 15/64" oval point, 6" long. Cuts holes in gaskets and other soft PPC10LB 1/2" hex stock, 1/2" x 17/64" oval point, 10" long. materials. Includes 5 3/8" long PPC14LB 9/16" hex stock, 9/16" x 19/64" oval point, 14" long. mandrel and ten punches: 1/4", PPC20LB 9/16" hex stock, 5/8" x 5/16" oval point, 20" long. 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", 1/2", 9/16", 5/8", PPC704BK Punch Set. Includes PPC6LB thru (()#$*B (4 pcs). 3/4", 7/8", and 1" in a storage case. PGH8A GA1 Bushing Cutter "rans#er Punch Set GA1 Bushing Cutter (7 1/4" long). DPFT528A 0ransfer s Made of 1/2" octagonal stock with a 7/16" x 1/8" bit Punch SetBlu e-Point.
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