1898. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-HOUSE. '4041 NAY&--M. directed to intervene at once to stop the war in Cuba to the end and with the Allen, Cockrell, McLaurin, Rawlins, purpose of securing permanent peace and order there and establishing by Bacon, Daniel, Mallory, Roach, the free action of the people thereof a stable and independent government Bate, Harris, Mantle, Stewart, of their own in the Isiand of Cuba; and the President is hereby authorized Berry, Heitfeld, Martin. Teller, and empowered to use the land and naval forces of the United States to exe­ Butler, Jones, Ark. Mitchell, Turley, cute the purpose of this resolution. Caffery, Jones, Nev. Money, Turner, lN TBE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, Cannon, Kenney, Pasco, T!!t'P.ie, _ .Apn116, 1898. Chilton, Lindsay, Pettigrew, White. Resolved That the joint resolution from the House of Representatives Clay, McEnery, Pettus, (H. Res. 23fn entitled" Joint resolution authorizing and directing the Presi­ NOT VOTING-12. dent of the 'United St-ates to intervene to stop the war in Cuba, and for the Gorman, Murphy, Thurston, Walthall. purpose of establishing a stable and independent government of the people Hoar, Platt, N.Y. Tillman, Wellington, therein," do pass with the following Mills, Smith, Vest, Wetmore. .A.MEND.MENTS: . So the report was agreed to. Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert: First. That the people of the Island of Cuba are,.and of right ought to be, Mr. ALLISON. I move that the Senate adjourn. free and independent- Mr. ELKINS. I move that the Senate adjourn until the day [Applause]- after to-morrow. and that the Government of the United States hereby recognizes the Repubo Mr. ALLISON. I withdraw the motion for the present. lie of Cuba as the true and lawful government of that island. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The motion is withdrawn. [Applause.] ' Mr. ALLISON. I withdraw it for the reason that a. message Second. That it is the duty of the United States to demand, and the Gov· should be sent to the House before adjournment. ernment of the United States does hereby demand, that the Government Mr. HAWLEY. I raise the question of no quorum. It is nec­ of Spain at once relinquish its authority and government in the Island of Cuba. and withdraw its land and naval forces from Cuba and Lloban waters. essary to keep a quorum here. Third. That the President of the United States be, and he hereby_is, di­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. The absence of a quorum is sug­ rected and empowered to use the entire land and naval forces of the United gested, and the Secretary will call the roll. States, and to Call into the actual service of the United States the militia of the several States, to such extent as may be necessary to carry these resolu­ The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an­ tions into effect. swered to their names: Fourth. That the United States hereby disclaims any disposition or inten­ Aldrich, Davis, McMillan, Rawlins. tion to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction~, or control o>er said island except Allen, Elkins, Mallory, Roach, for the pacification thereof, and asserts 1ts determination, when that is ac­ Allison, Faulkner, Mantle, Shoup, complished, to leave the government a.nd control of the island to its people. Bacon, Foraker, Martin, Spooner, [Applause.] Baker, Gallinger, Mason, Stewart, Strike out the preamble and insert: Bate, Gear, Mitchell, Teller, "Whereastheabhorrentconditionswhichhaveexistedformorethanthree Berry, Gray, Money, Thurston. years in the Island of Cuba, so near our own borders, have shocked the moral Butler, Hanna. Morgan, Turley, sense of the people of the United States, have been a disgrace to Christian Caffery, Hansbrough, Nelson, Turner, civilization, culminating, as they have, in the destruction of a United States Cannon, Harris, Pasco, Turpie, battle ship, with 266 of 1ts officers and crew, while on a friendly visit in the Carter, Hawley, Penrose, Warren, harbor of Havana, and can not longer be endured, as has been seUorth by Chandler, Heitfeld, Pettigrew, White, the President of the United States in his message to Congress of April 11, Clark, Jones, Ark. Pettus, Wilson, 1898, upon which the action of Congress was invited: TherE'.fore." Clay, Kenney, Platt\ Conn. Wolcott. Amend the title so as to read: Oockrell, McBride, Pritcnard, "Joint resolution for the recognition of the independence of the people and Cullom, McEnery, Proctor, Republic of Cuba, demanding that the Government of Spain relinquish its Daniel, McLamm, Quay, authority and government in the Island of Cuba., and to withdraw its land The VICE-PRESIDENT. Sixty-five Senators ave answered and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters, and directing the President of the United Sta.t.es to use the land and naval forces of the United States to to their names. A quorum is present. carry these resOlutions into effect." Mr. PASCO. If the theory is that the House can not act after [Applause.l the adjournment of the Senate, in order to avoid the inconven­ Mr. DINGLEY. I move that the House concur in the Senate ience of staying here two or three hours longer, why can we not amendments to the joint resolution, with the amendment which simply take a recess? I send to the desk; an<l on that motion I mo·ve the previous ques· Mr. CULLOM. The message has gone to the other House. tion. Mr. PASCO. The Senator from Iowa suggests to me that as Mr. BAILEY. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman will-­ soon as the message is delivered we can adjourn. The SPEAKER. The Clerk wi11 read. Mr. ALLISON (at 1 o'clock and 40 minutes a. m,, Tuesday, April The Clerk read as follows: 19). I move that the Senate adjourn. I move to concur in the Senate amendments to Houso joint resolution No. The motion was agreed to; and the Senate adjourned until 12 233 with an amendment striking out in the first paragraph the words" are, o'clock meridian, Tuesday, April19, 1898. and," and also the words "and that the Government of the United States hereby recognizes the Republic of Cubans the true and lawful government of that island;" so that the first paragraph of said Senate amendment will read as follows: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. "First. That the people of the Island of Cuba of right ought to be f:tee and MONDAY, .April 18, 1898. independent." [Applause.] The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev_. Also amend the title of said joint resolution by striking out the words l!ENRY N. COUDEN. "and Republic." The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last was read and Mr. DINGLEY. On that I move the previous question. approved. Mr. BAILEY. A parliamentary inqniry. CUBA, Mr. JOHNSON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary in· A message n·om the Senate being announced, quiry. Mr. Cox, its Secretary, said: I am directed by the Senate to The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Maine demands the pre­ inform the House that the Senate has passed the joint resolution vious question. The Chair will hear the parliamentary inquiry (H. Res. 233) authorizing and directing the President of the United of the gentleman from Texas. States to intervene to stop the war in Cuba, and for the purpose Mr. BAILEY. I desire to ask the Chair wbethe1·, pending the of establishing a stable and independent government of the people motion to concur with an amendment, it is in order to make a therein, with certain amendments; in which it requests the con- motion simply to concur? currence of the House. · The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks that that motion wonld be The SPEAKER. The Chair will submit to the House, House in order, but the pending motion precedes it. resolution No. 233, with the amendments of the Senate. Mr. BAILEY. Then the vote must first- The Clerk read as follows: The SPEAKER. The vote must first be upon the motion to Joint resolution (H. Res. 23J) authorizing and directing the President of the concur in the Senate amendments with the amendment of the United States to intervene to stop the war in Cuba., and for the ptll'pose of gentleman from Maine. establishing a stable and independent government of the people therein. Mr. JOHNSON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I desire to make a Whereas the Government of Spain for three years past has been waging parliamentary inquiry. war on the Island of Cuba against a revolution by the inhabitants thereof without making any substantial progress towards the suppression of sa.id The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. revolution, and hW:! conducted the warfare in a manner contrary to th~. laJaWWSS Mr. JOHNSON of Indiana. I desire to inquire whethel' it of nations by methods inhuman and uncivilized, causing the death by starva­ would be in 01·der at this time for me to ask unanimous consent tion of more than 200,000 innocent noncombatants, the victims bein'g for the most-part helplesswom&n and children, inflicting intolerable injury to the com­ of the House to submit some remarks in antagonism to this motion, merCial interests of the United States, involving the destruction of the lives and whether it would be according to the ru1es for the House to and property of many of our citizens entailing the expenditure of millions of give its permission if it desired to do go? money in patrolling our coasts and pollcing the high seas in order to maintain our neutrality; and The SPEAKER. It would not be in order. Whereas this long series of losses, injuries, and burdens for which Spain is Mr. BROMWELL. Mr. Speaker- responsible has culminated in the destruction of the United States battle .
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