Click on www.saladovillagevoice.com for Election Results Salado VVillageillage VVoiceoice Vol. XXX, Number 25 Thursday, November 8, 2007 254/947-5321 fax 254/947-9479 www.saladovillagevoice.com 50¢ Gathering Empty Bowl set returns to Salado For the 46th year in a for Family Relief row on the second week- end of November thou- Salado area potters and organizations,” said Relief sands will make their way restaurants are teaming up Fund president Leigh to the annual Salado Scot- for the Empty Bowl Proj- Drake. tish Clan Gathering and ect to benefit the Salado Among the churches Highland Games to cele- Family Relief Fund 11 that have contributed regu- brate the heritage of some a.m.-2 p.m. Nov. 10 at the larly to the Relief Fund are of Texas’s earliest settlers, Salado Civic Center. the First Baptist Church of the Scots. For just $12, you can Salado, First United Meth- This family-friendly purchase a hand made odist Church of Salado, fundraiser for the Cen- bowl by area potters, fill Presbyterian Church of tral Texas Area Museum it with soup provided by Salado, Salado Church of kicks off with a geneal- area restaurants and help Christ, St. Joseph’s Epis- ogy workshop on Nov. 9, support the Salado Family copal and St. Stephen’s at 10 a.m. with Highland Relief Fund. Or, you can Catholic Church. Games (including the fa- buy just the soup for $6 per The SFRF is most mous caber toss and kid’s person. well-known for its annual games), Highland Dance, Local potters Titia Christmas drive, which and the Pipe and Drum Arledge, of Mud Pies Pot- will serve over 100 stu- competition hosted by tery, has worked with pot- dents in the Salado school the World Champion St. ters from around the area to system. Thomas Episcopal School provide the handmade pot- Since forming, the Fund Band, of Houston. tery bowls for the event. has helped families in the Scottish clan organi- The Empty Bowl Proj- area in a variety of ways, zations from across the ect comes at a great time including temporary assis- nation will help families for the Salado Family tance for medicines, rent, reconnect with their heri- Relief Fund. clothing, food and other tage and a good time will The Relief Fund pro- necessities. be had by all with enter- vided back-to-school The board works closely tainers performing on the vouchers good for cloth- with school personnel, event grounds and at two ing and school supplies at such as the secretaries, special events, a Ceilidh Temple Wal-Mart to over administrators, counselors (pronounced kaylee) and Highland dance is part of the games competition 100 Salado students. and teachers. To qualify for the back- The Fund has estab- an evening Tattoo on the require separate tickets). vice road on the West side College Hill. to-school vouchers, stu- lished a school supply bank historic ruins of Salado The Central Texas Area of I-35, across the highway More information is dents had to be on the free at the school, administered College. Museum and College Hill from the Stagecoach Inn. available on the Central or reduced lunch programs by the Communities in Tickets for the gath- are behind the Stage- The Highland Games Texas Area Museum web- at Salado ISD. Schools workers. The Fund ering and games are $10 coach Inn to the East of will be held this year at site at www.ctam-salado. e “W have been so lucky also ensures that children Saturday, $8 Sunday, and I-35 while the Robertson the Stagecoach Inn by the org or call (254)947-5232. to have support from the get a hot meal by working children under 12 are $3 Ranch, site of the Scottish creek while the Ceilidh area churches and civic with cafeteria staff. (The Tattoo and Ceilidh Gathering is on the ser- and Tattoo will be held on Aldermen set TxDOT public meeting on SH201 slated Nov. 13 budget meeting The Texas Depart- is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. preliminary alignment al- press their views. Persons the meetings. TxDOT will ment of Transportation Nov. 13 at Salado Interme- ternatives. The purpose interested in attending make every reasonable ef- 5 p.m. Nov. 8 (TxDOT) will conduct diate School located at 550 of these November public the meetings who have fort to accommodate these Salado Board of Alder- two public meetings for Thomas Arnold Road, in meetings is to give the special communication needs. men will attend a Board the proposed extension of Salado. The second pub- public an opportunity to or accommodation needs Verbal and written Workshop at 5 p.m. Nov. 8 State Highway (SH) 201 lic meeting is scheduled view and comment on the are encouraged to con- comments regarding the at the Municipal Building, from SH 195 in Killeen for 6:30 p.m. Nov. 15 at proposed project’s need tact Karie Brown at (254) proposed project are re- 301 N. Stagecoach Rd. to IH 35 near Salado, Bell the Harker Heights High and purpose and the pre- 867-2743 as soon as pos- quested. The board will meet in County, Texas. For the School located at 1001 FM liminary alignment alter- sible so arrangements can Comments may be pre- regular session at 6:30 p.m. public’s convenience and 2410, in Harker Heights. natives, including the al- be made. Since the meet- sented either at the meet- Nov. 15 at the Municipal to maximize public partic- In March 2007, Tx- ternative of no action. ings will be conducted in ings or in writing after the Building. The board will ipation; TxDOT will hold DOT presented the pro- These public meetings English, any requests for meetings. discuss the voluntary an- two separate public meet- posed project to the pub- are open to the public and language interpreters or Written statements may nexation of the Country ings, covering the same lic. Comments received all interested citizens are other special communica- be submitted to Mr. Henry Boy property at this meet- information. since then have allowed invited to attend either of tion needs should be made R. Richardson Jr., ing. The first public meeting TxDOT to develop several these meetings and ex- at least one week prior to Both meetings are open to the public. INSIDE The Complete Works of William Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Paid CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2B Shakespeare (Abridged) Permit No. 50 CLASSIFIEDS 1C Salado, TX 76571 FORUM 2A continues its run at the Salado OFF THE RECORD 2A Silver Spur Theater on Royal St. Subscribe SHOPPING MAP 6B Today Rooted in Salado SPORTS 4A Performances are Nov. 9-10. Since 1979 254/947-5321 Page 2A, SALADO Village Voice, November 8, 2007 Did special Fort Worth election impact Craddick’s FORUMFORUM future? Next Guv race might surprise everyone (Please note: The Editorial Page An Open Exchange of Ideas in your Salado Village Voice is com- Off the pleted on Monday of each week, so returns from Tuesday’s general Record election are regrettably not part of by Ken Clapp today’s “Off The Record’s” political review.) poverty’s hunger-pangs are nothing * * * * * more than a necessary phase in the “war Readers are urged to c­hec­k yester- on obesity!” day’s elec­tion returns from Fort Worth * * * * and see who won the spec­ial House GUBERNATORIAL PUZZLE elec­tion held to replac­e 20 year GOP While we’re playing the politic­al “What veteran Anna Mowery who resigned if?” game - let’s puzzle over the next rac­e in August. for Governor (2010) that’s already c­ollec­t- The vac­anc­y drew six Republic­ans ing partic­ipants, supporters - and more and one Democ­rat, and was the first importantly - money. Several “high pro- House elec­tion following the c­lose of file” c­ontestants are in the mix, inc­luding the 80th session, and might give polit- Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, c­onsidered ic­al observers an inside look at the the leading c­andidate; Senator Kay Hutc­hi- future of House Speaker Tom Crad- son, planning to retire in ‘09 (or earlier) to dic­k (R-Midland), who just barely seek the job she’s always wanted. survived a “session ending” rebellion And don’t forget old “Landslide” Perry The Children’s Crusade -- Socializing Medicine from within his own ranks. who’s enjoying his tour as the longest serv- Readers will rec­all that Craddic­k ing Governor in Texas History - 10 years, held on by taking over the podium and playing c­oy about a third term. That Democ­rats are altogether too modest and gavel during the final days of the is, when he’s not flirting with GOP power in the c­laims they make for the SCHIP “insurrec­tion” and through c­rafty jug- brokers about a Veepster-job, or some c­hildren’s health-insuranc­e program. Rich gling of House Rules dec­lared he had other reasonably high federal sinec­ure. They talk only about what it does to c­over the “absolute power” to dec­ide who Among Democ­rats there’s Kinky needy families with uninsured kids, but Lowry gets to speak and who doesn’t. Friedman who’s muddying the water with never about all the wondrous things it c­an The wiley autoc­rat held on until threats to jump ship and bec­ome “inde- do for middle-c­lass families with their the offic­ial “sine die” with parting pendent” (translated - “spoiler”), plus a own private insuranc­e.
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