■' toortl) meric a it. Vol. LXV. \%VSFZ?Z,ZS!i.V&.m'aAa-\ jELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 12, 1919. jT/?"i No. 7. aoDfriBnontw. aiJbrrtisrmentB. LOCAL AFFAIRS office for which the examination is an- nounced. Full information concerning the of the examination can NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK requirements be secured from the postmaster at Ells- Hound lost Freedom notice worth Falls, or from the United States Portland Auto show civil service commission, Washington, Insurance statements D. Burrill National bank C. E II Baker—Optometrist Andrew P Jordan—Barber The auxiliary boat Alexis I. duPont, J A Haynes—Cash and carry built by the Ellsworth Foundry & Ma- Probate notice—Clarissa H. Tracy et als ** chine from —Harriet 8 Emery et als Works, will sail to-day South- Legislative notice—Inland fisheries k game west Harbor, where she has been receiv- 'At this Bank small receive Burrill National bank—Real estate for sale depositors ing the finishing touches. Dr. E. H. Baker w ill take the trip on her to Jacksonville, the same courteous consideration of our 8CHEDULE OF MAIL8 Fla., returning immediately by rail. Hd AT ELLSWORTH POSTOPPICK. expects to be away about three weeks. officers and employees as those having In effect, Nov. 11, 1918. Uapt. John Peterson will go as far as Bos- ton as pilot. Hit Accounts. MAILS RECEIVED. larger Week There was a large attendance at the Day9. and efficient service to From West—6.47 a m; 4.81 p m. Roosevelt memorial exercises at the Prompt From East—11.11, a m; 6.24 p m. Unitarian church Sunday afternoon. EVERY MAILS CLOSE AT POSTOPPFCR Rev. Ashley A. Smith, pastor of the depositor. Universalist church of elo- Going West— 10.40 a m; 5.50 p m. Bangor, paid Accounts invited. Going East—6.15 a m; 8.55 p m. quent tribute to Col. Roosevelt. Miss Checking Erva Giles was soloist, with Mrs. A. A. Registered mail should be at half Bank with us. postoffice Fickett at the organ. Mr. Smith also an hour before mail closes. preached an inspiring sermon at the same church forenoon. WEATHER IN KLLSWORTH. Sunday The firemen were For Week Kudina at Midnight Tuesday, called out Friday [ HJST Feb. 11, 1919. evening for a fire at the store of Frank A. Rideout, on State street. The store has | From observations taken at the powei qXEllswortoMaiwe station of the l’ar Harbor & Union Rivei been closed during the illness of Mr. Power in Ellsworth. Co., Precipitation Rideout, but a fire was kept in it to pre- given in inches for the twenty-four hours ending at midnight.J vent goods from freezing. The lire caught Weather Precip- the woodwork back of the stove, and 11c Hot Temperature conditions itation White Beans, la., Stuff, bottle, 9c spread to the ceiling. The damage to the The best quality It’s made from red pepper ? lam 12 m forenoon afternoon building is comparatively small, but Wed 29 — 36— snow.fair snow.fair 05 40c Egg Plums, can, 35c damage from smoke and water is con- Climax Tea, Thun* 21— 32— fair clear Tea is lower They are new goods siderable. Fri 20 — 32— clear clear Damson Plums, 35c .Sat 10- ai— fair fair 28c These are for one El’s worth Climax Coffee, Try one can busy days it to .Sun 11— 2x— cloudy cloudy We expect go higher Dr. now head of the Mon 18— 30— clear clear boy, George Parcher, Hebe, 16 oz. can, 13c San Francisco with Toes 12— 26— marine hospital, eight Libbey's Spaghetti, can, 10c It cat* down your milk bill clear clear It’s a 15c can surgeons, two pharmacists and fifty-three Ji Pekoe 1 lb. At the is Orange, Tea, 42c 1 employees. present hospital pkg., F. E. 8ilvy has taken the agency for the Tomatoes, 23c We sell high grade tea at lower pricesthan filled to its 180 patients, with Snperba Chevrolet car. capacity, are best tomatoes packed our ,j They competitors thirty pitients in other hospitals. A new L. H. Cushman is his Dont run a store it costs more than it s worth visiting daughter, burden has added bill, you __ recently been requiring Mrs. A. C. in Orono. Lyon, the hospital staff to examine all soldiers There will be a cooked-food Bale at the and sailors discharged from the army or Methodist * parsonage Saturday afternoon, navy who make claims under the war risk j (V <J .A.* HAYNES A at 2 o’clock. insurance law. At a cost of f232,500 the For the meeting of the Unitarian club hospital, which is maintained by the ^r*CashondCar^|j*Grocer^^^^^wort}^*~r next Monday evening, a mock trial is on United States Public Health Service, is the program. erecting four frame temporary ward build- ings and two small permanent structures Mrs. Edward Ayer and son Glen, of for attendants and A I will be away about three weeks Dexter, were in Ellsworth to attend the surgeons’ quarters. bill is now before During my absence, repair work sent funeral of John P. Eldridge. Congress appropriating to Ellsworth. *15 Oak St., will be f750,000 for permanent buildings. Dr. Ruble M., wife of Adalbert Bunker, OBITUARY. in which Mr. Eldridge was held, and the * promptly attended to as usual. Parcher hopes the new temporary build- died last at her home on the circles in the life of Ellsworth of Wednesday be many ings will ready for occupancy next JOHN P. ELDRIDGE. Edward H. Baker road, which he was a and in which he will Surry aged twenty-six years. June; part Few men will be more missed from the bearers were GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST The senior class of the high school will be so greatly missed. The members of the Odd Fellows lodge —R. B. Telephone 14*1-11 give a reception to the juniors at Hancock Plans to bring a marked improvement in business, social and fraternal life of Ells- j J. Dr. G. S. Hag-* hall Friday evening, Feb. 28. theexpress service throughout the country, worth than John P. Eldridge, who passed Holmes, Royal Goodwin, have been announced by A. H. Sawyer, erthy and W. A. Alexander. A. THOMPSON Andrew P. Jordan has moved his bar- away last Friday forenoon at his home on local of the American Rail- ber to his home on Church representative friends realized 119 MAIN STREET shop street, Oak street. Though his way Co. A “Better Service Cam- Portland Auto Show the house, almost the Express the seriousness and the of his F’lr®, Marine orsd Tripp opposite hopelessness j Automobile Insurance paign” will be undertaken by the 135,000 show of the Congregational chapel. condition for some weeks past, few' knew The annual auto Portland men and women employed in the express Automobile Dealers association will be Reproaonting H. W. Dunn and wife will leave to- how rapidly he had failed in the short for the <*f the Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Co. business, purpose raising his staged in Portland March 3 to 8. It will morrow for a business and pleasure trip to time he had been confined to home, standards of packing, wrapping and mark- successful events of OF HARTFORD, CONN. Massachusetts and Rhode Island. They and the community was unprepared for surpass bygone years, ing express shipments. The drive for in view ot the for a banner will be away about two weeks. the news of his death. prospects started this week in every and city Johu P. was born in Dexter season of motoring during 1919, neither Nokomis Kebekah will observe Eldridge lodge town in the country. It will com- C. C. BURRILL & January 7,1853, and as a Doy learned the time nor money will be spared. SON children’s night to-morrow evening, at prise a campaign of education and trade of tinsmith. As an expert at the —KstabilKlied 7.30. All Kebekahs and their children are 1807— appeal among express employees simul- trade, he came to Ellsworth in 1877, and COMING EVENTS. invited. There will be games and refresh- ; w'ith a effort to taneously widespread into a with the late meats. entered partnership FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE secure tke co-operation of the Feb. 8 shipping Charles Perry, opening a tinware shop Monday, 17, p. m., at Board of There will be a same K 1 " '' 1 1 special meeting of Wi- public aiong the lines. No new 698 f the L ading companies of this and foreign countries and stove store, later adding the plumb- Trade hall, Massachusetts avenue, vurna encampment next Monday evening, packing or marking rules have been Mass — Lamoine adopt- ing business. After a few years with Mr. Cambridge, reanion. when the patriarchal and golden rule de- ed for the but drivers campaign, express Perry, he purchased his partner’s interest. Tickets, 50 cents. grees will be worked on a large class. and receiving clerks will be instructed Later for a few years he took into partner- Wednesday evening, Feb. 19, at Metho- Banquet at 6.30. hereafter to insist, firmly but courteously, ship Seth Kichardson, but for much the dist vestry—Everybody’s birthday party. There will be a large of that the rules already in force be strictly gathering greater part of his more than forty years’ Feb. at Hancock adherred to. The chief of the Friday evening, $1, Knights of Pythias in Ellsworth this purpose had been in residence here, Mr. Eldridge hall—Washington Birthday party, under s when a class from Seal campaign is to check the waste of time, evening, large a SCRIBE FOR THE AMERICAN business alone, firmly establishing auspices of Nokomis Rebekp.h lodge.
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