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KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS B ERNICE PAUAHI B1 SHOP ESTATE Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA BULK RATE OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS U.S. POSTAGE PAID 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500 Honolulu, Hawai'i Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813-5249 Permit No. 298 Ke'anae loan fund Na Koa live recipient an early Hawaiian tradi- Roots" video · participant in suc- tions and strive for teaches about tra- ; cessful loan fund lokabi. ditional rural val- program. ues. pages 1()'1l page 12 page 20 OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS Volume lune Eleven, (June) Number 1994 Six a al• la 66TH E LIVING WATER OF OHA " It's a wrap Legislature finishes on mixed note for Hawaiians by Patrick Johnston The 1994 Legislature wrapped up it bu ine s May 2, passing some important bill for Hawaiian . rejecting many other, and, in the confu- sion of the final da , nearly forgetting to sign legislation critical for the cleanup of Kaho'olawe. Highlighting the session was passage of Se nate Bill 2261 , legislation authorizing OHA to issue revenue bonds to raise monies for projects for native Hawaiians. (See story page 4.) "The potential for thi i amazing." ay Tru ( e Fren h) De 010. Chairman of OHA' lobby team. "It gives OHA the ability to leverage its money by floating tax-free bonds. This is really exciting." A. Frenchy DeSoto (OHA ' s lobby team includes Trustees Abraham Aiona and Kina'u Kamali'i.) Ceremonies heralding the return of the island of Kaho'olawe began with 100 blows of the AI 0 passed - although just barely - wa a bill that creates a trust pu, or conch shell. Photo by Jeff Clark fun d fo r receipt of funds from the fe deral government for the rehabili- tation of Kaho'olawe. It also provides money for the operation of the Kaho'olawe Island Re erve Commission, and appropriates funds to complete negotiations on a memorandum of understanding with the u.s. hands over Kaho'olawe nited States avy. by Jeff Clark and the Protect Kaho ' olawe Noa Emmett Aluli, longtime Senate Bill 3012 got "lost" in the confusion of the final day of the A few strokes of the pen, and 'Ohana, Hawaiians and non- leader of the Protect Kaho'olawe se ion and was not decked in time for fin a l continued 0 11 page 6 the is land of Kaho'olawe was Hawaiians, politicians and grass- ' Ohana (PKO) and current chair- transferred to the tate of Hawai' i roots activ ists , VIPs a nd man of the Kaho'olawe Island after 53 year of control by the maka'ainana - and to reaffirm the Reserve Commission, acknowl- U.S. avy. link between the people and the edged "the families of those who The May 7 signing, made at ocean. have gone before us, the families Palauea B each on Maui amid Kekuhi Kanahele and Kaipo of those who have lent their sup- chant, ritual, song and prayer, was Farias c hanted " Ko ' ihonua a port. ... This special day is very easy. Getting to that point, how- Kaho'olawe," the epic genealogy meaningful for all of us because ever, took many years and much of K aho'olawe. It heralds " the we have joined ... in a partnership personal energy and sacrifice by day to return the island / The day that will begin to heal our spirit, many Hawaiians and supporters. to return the ancestral influence / our soul, our 'aina . ... I wish to "We've come full circle," said .. A steadfast land for the thank all those who worked so OHA housing officer Stephen Hawaiians / ... Forever in the hard to get us this far." Morse, who was among the nine heavens of Kane / Forever in the Aluli also thanked the PKO, who made the daring fust landing sea of Kana] oa. " who he characterized as "the guys on Kaho' olawe back in 1976. " Ho ' omau ka mana'o 0 na with the dirty backs, the guys " My happiness and joy is tem- Kupuna, ola!" A. Frenchy who have been o ut there, and pered by the monumental work DeSoto, who was instrumental in they're still out there, ... the guys that faces us. Kaho'olawe is back the island's return, said later. who have been arrested so many but let's not forget there's still " That means perpetuate the times for putting their 'okole on thousands of houseless thought of the kupuna, and the the line and being barred from Hawaiians. Kaho'olawe is just the kupuna's mana'o was to restore Kaho' olawe or other military tip." the land, and with the land, the bases, the guys who had really Prior to the signing of the deed culture and everything that is popularized this issue. Not only by Gov. John Waihe'e and Hawaiian. Ho'omau is 'keep the guys, let me tell you, but Deputy Assistant Secretary of the going.' That is basically the entire some very strong women along Navy Bill Cassidy, more than a concept of what is happening in the way - we wish to remember thou sand people stood on the Hawai'i today, sovereignty and them also." beach and grasped a rope whose all of it." Aluli said the memorandum of ends extended into the kai. This Dignitaries presented ho'okupu understanding between the state The cri mson colored 'apapane: one of the living jewels kaula (rope) ceremony served to of ko'a (coral), 'awa, 'uala, 'ulu, and Navy on cleanup and access link kupuna and keiki, the Navy that adorn Hawaiian forests. Painting by Patrick Ching and kalo. continued on page 13 ' 'Ao'ao 'Elua (Page 2) Iune (June) 1994 Call the Education culture and politics. Groups or The workshop included an OHA's Housmg Division to the individuals may reque t copies of overview and discussion of Federal Home Loan Bank of The Education Division has the booklet by calling the Public Law 101-601 (NAGPRA) Seattle has been recommended been busy preparing for' Aha OHA Education Divi ion at 594-1912 by Tim McKeown, NAGPRA for approval. The division asked 'Opio, OHA' youth legi lature, during regular busine hours. coordinator in Washington, D.C. , for $500,000 to plan and develop which will be held June 12-1 . a well as a tour of selected col- a kupuna housing project in Newsline The week-long re idential pro- NAGPRA lection areas at Bishop Museum, Waimanalo. Housing officer conducted by museum staff. Stephen Morse is waiting for the at 594- workshop bank's final approval, but is char- Repre entatives from Hawaiian Operation 'Ohana acteristically optimistic. "Maybe organizations met last month at we'll build orne houses this 1979 for a The Operation 'Ohana open Bishop Museum for a one-day year," he say. house originally scheduled for workshop organized by OHA's this month has been postponed 24-hour, Land and Natural Resources divi- until July. Hawaiians who have Grants sion on the Native American registered with Operation 'Ohana June 24 is the deadline to apply Graves Protection and up to date but who haven 't received a copy for the next cycle of OHA grants. Repatriation Act. NAGPRA was of the newsletter should call 594- Applications must be postmarked enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1960 or 594-1961. or received in OHA's Honolulu recording 1990 and has been the legal ba is office or one of its neighbor for nearly four years of effort to island offices by that date. return Hawaiian ancestral Once completed applications onOHA remains from acr-o the are received, they will undergo a Mainland and in Hawai ' i. The review process. Applicants will meetings gram give Hawaiian high chool return and reburial of na 'iwi be notified within 120 days of the junior hand -on experience in kiipuna however is only one deadline whether or not they will the workings of government. aspect of AGPRA. The law be funded. scheduled. The division recently published al 0 addres es the appropriate Application packets and more return of acred and cultural pat- a booklet titled About Native Housing information are available from Hawaiians, which gives a brief rimonial objects, and this was the OHA offices, or by calling 594- description of Hawaiian history, gathering's topic of discussion. The grant request made by 1964. OHA BOARD OF TR OHA's Colburn, featured in new book, layton Bee Chainnan & Trustee, O'ahu "walks the talk" as expert mediator Abraham Aiona Vice-Chair & Trustee, Maui Moanike ala A.kaka When Talk orks proftie 12 ueee ful mediator in the Trustee. Hawai'; nited Stale ho ha e applied their kill in conflict re 0- Rowena Akana lution to erve their eommunitie. Featured in thi new Trustee-At-Large book, among uch notables as former U.S. President A. Frenchy DeSoto Jimmy Carter, is OHA economic development officer Trustee-At-Large Kina'u Boyd Kamali'i Linda Colburn.
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