https://www.https://www//www/www https://:// facebook.ebookook https://s:// instagraminstainstagram. com/c m/ twitter.com/twtwitwitter.coit com/com KinsaleNewsKKinsaKinsaleNeweN kinsalenewskkinsalenensalsalenale kinsalenewsene Tel: 021 4774313 Web: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com Email: [email protected] Kilnagleary Business Park, Crosshaven Road, Carrigaline Phone: 021 4834478 Fax: 021 4376952 Email: [email protected] www.trucolourpaints.com 1 Charles McCarthy Insurances Ltd t/a McCarthy Insurance Group and McCarthy Financial Services are regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. 2 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com 3 Ph: 021 4772966 Email: [email protected] Web: www.kinsaletiles.com Kinsale Youth Suppoort Services (KYSS) supported by TUSLA Child & Family Agency Applications are invited for a FAMILY SUPPORT WORKER Part-Time / 20 hrs per week, initial one year fixed contract THE CANDIDATE SHOULD IDEALLY POSSESS: t ćJSE MFWFM RVBMJĕDBBUJPO QSFGFSBCMZ JO GBNJMZ XFMMCFJOH PS SFMBUFE ĕFME $BOEJEBUFT XJUI FYUYUFOTJWF SFMFWBOU XPSL FYQFSJFODF NBZ BMTP CF DPOTJEFSFE JO MJFV PG UIJJSSE MFWFM RVBMJĕDBUJPOOT t " NJOJNVN PG ZFBBSTS SFMFWBOU FYQFSJFODF XPSLJOH XJUI GBNJMJFT t (PPE GBDJMJUBUJPO SFQQPSUP JOH USBJOJOH BOE DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT t &YYDFMMFOU ,OPXMFEHF BOBOE VOEFSTUBOEJOH PG GBNJMZ XFMMCFJOH BOE CFTU QSBDUJDF JO UIF ĕFMFME This post requires an energetic, self-starter with drive and commitment. " EFUBU JMFE KPC EFTDSJQUJPO JT BWBJMBCMF BU www.kyss.ie Interested appliicants should submit a Cover Letter annd CV in support of their application to [email protected] $MPTJOH EBUF GPS SFDFJQU PG BQQMJDDBUJPOT JJT QN UI +VOF 4 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com T: 023 885 9665 087 384 9972 E: [email protected] W: www.deco-furbish.com 5 Pearse Street, Kinsale Tel:: 021 4772788 wwww.kinsaledental.ie Like us on Facebook WEST CORK CARPETS Suppliers of Quality Carpets, Vinyls, Safety Flooring, Blinds, Curtains, and more. FREE ESTIMATES WE SUPPLY & FIT IN ALL AREAS OF CORK The Miles, Clonakilty, P85 YK44 Ph: 023 8834113 www.westcorkcarpets.ie 6 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com The White House FULLY LICENCED BAR, RESTAURANT & GUESTHOUSE For Orders (Collection or Deliveries) Telephone 353 021 4772125 or Online @ www.whitehousekinsale.ie Scan here to order Tel: (021) 4772125 www.whitehouse-kinsale.ie online 7 8 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com Helton Heights, Kilmurriheen, Spur Hill, Co. Cork Call: 021 4885079 / 086 2505527 Email: [email protected] ChCheck ouo r FaFacec bookk pagge:e: wwwww.ffacacebbooo k.k cocom//laawnnmoowew rsspup rhhill INTRODUCING OUR NEW AMBROGIO ROBOT LAWNMOWERS RANGE Enjoy your SMART Garden. t$PWFSJOHBOBSFBGSPN TRN t4JNQMF&DPGSJFOEMZ t ))JHIH 1FSGPSNBODF.BYJNVN1SFDJTJPO t ""VUPU OPNPVTT &ďDJJFOUU t 4N4 BSSUU 6T6 FSF GGSJJFOEME Z Go to our website for more information: www.lawnmowerscork.ie Lawnmowers Ride-ons Robot Mowers Zero Turn Strimmers Chainsaws Hedge Trimmers Blowers Power Washer Hire 9 Blue Haven Moët Terrace & Garden Open daily 1.00pm - 9.00pm Serving Hamlets Street Food Menu Breakfast Served 8.00am - 11.30am daily Street Food Menu Served 12.00pm - 9.00pm daily Click & Collect 12.00pm - 9.00pm daily Book a table on our live bookings system on www.hamletsofkinsale.com Drinks Service to 11.30pm (subject to guidelines) NEW FOR SUMMER 2021 DESSERT TRUCK www.bluehavenkinsale.com www.hamletsofkinsale.com 021-4772209 10 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com T: 021 491 9466 E: [email protected] W: www.carrigalinefurnitureandcarpets.ie Follow us on LoL cac ted next to thhe Carrigaline Couurt HHotel 11 Please, don’t forget to shop local and support all our businesses. Stay safe 12 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com Actons Hotel, Pier Road, Kinsale T: 021 477 9900 E: [email protected] W: www.actonshotelkinsale.com 13 E Thank you to all our clients and friends for your loyal support over the past 15 months. All beauty & tanning treatments now available. For appointments please call 021 4774212 14 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com ,1'(3(1'(17%86,1(665(9,(:623(5$7,21$/$1'),1$1&,$/5(9,(:6),1$1&,$/5(6758&785,1* $66(70$1$*(0(17$&48,6,7,216$1'',6326$/60(1725,1*$&&2817,1*%22..((3,1* 3$<52//9$75(78516&/28'%$6('$&&2817$1&<62/87,216$'9,625< +353 21 4774500 Pearse Street, Kinsale LQIR#ÀW]JHUDOGDQGSDUWQHUVFRP ZZZÀW]JHUDOGDQGSDUWQHUVFRP 15 AGE 3 PLUS 10% SIBLING DISCOUNT HALF DAY €75 Bookings on www.superstarscork.com www.superstarsstageschool.com Tel: 087 7933 505 16 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com We are delighted to confirm that Kinsale Arts Weekend will go ahead on the usual second weekend of July. The 2021“must have” Kinsale Arts Weekend poster is now available to order at www.kinsaleartsweekend.com while limited stocks last. All proceeds from sales of the poster go to Kinsale Arts Weekend 2021. 17 Aggregates Ltd. Retail Centre, Milebush, Midleton, P25 PK44 • Washed Aggregates • Sand • Decorative Stone • Blocks • Screened Topsoil • Cement Delivery/ Collection Retail Centre NOW OPEN OPENING TIMES : MON - FRI 7.00 AM - 5:30 PM AND SAT 7.00 AM - 2 PM 021 4191820 0871886611 [email protected] www.ladysbridge.ie Automatic Gates CCTV Domestic Commercial Industrial SERVICING THE MUNSTER REGION Phone: 021 242 7000 Email: [email protected] Website: www.asa.ie ASA Security Ltd. is a Registered PSA and NSAI Licenced Company 18 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com 19 20 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com PhP oonnee:: 0087 7751180041 EmEmaia l:l trt [email protected] "GUFS(Spray Painted) #FGPSF t*OUFSJPS&YUFSJPS1BJOUJOH t)BOE1BJOUFE,JUDIFOT t4QSBZ1BJOUFE,JUDIFOT t$PNNFSDJBM1BJOUJOH 21 The Tyre Specialists since the Turn of the Century ƫ ƫđƫ ƫ ƫ ƫ ƫđƫ ƫđƫ ƫđƫƫđƫ ƫđƫ ƫ ƫ ƫƫƫđƫ ƫ ƫĒƫƫƫđƫƫ ..'ƫ.!!*Čƫ %*/(!ƫƫƫƫƫ 021 477 7764 Kinsale Enterprise Park, Barrack Green, Kinsale All Makes of Cars & Vans Serviced ---------- FREE N.C.T. Check ---------- FREE Collection & Delivery for servicing etc. in Kinsale area ---------- Cars N.C.T.’d for you Vans D.O.E.’d for you Damien Bowles or Adrian Wright T: 021 4700 811 M: 086 2544 297 22 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com PRE-BOOKING ESSENTIAL WWW.OYSTERHAVEN.COM 021 4770738 23 RD MINI DIGGER & MINI DUMPER HIRE Narrow access a speciality, up to three 3 ton with driver. Foundations, gardens cleared, topsoil, walls built, patios, etc. 3/4 ton mini digger - 1.6 ton mini digger - 3 ton digger 0.5 ton dumper & 750 kg dumper & 1 ton dumper hire with drivers ■ Site Clearance - Up to 20 ton machines available ■ Stone, Gravel, Sand & Topsoil Delivered ■ Man with Van Service ■ Truck with Crane (up to 2 ton lifts) ■ Recovery Truck (Cars bought for cash) ■ House Maintenance, Groundworks & Building Work Call Ray 087 207 5100 GARRY EGAN CRASH REPAIRS Ph: 087 7553984 / 021 4709554 KINSALE ENTERPRISE PARK - BARRACK GREEN - KINSALE - CORK ~ TOM KEOGH ~ ELECTRICAL SERVICES 021 477 2042 087 807 3006 Belgooly, Kinsale Email: [email protected] Commercial & Industrial Electrical Contractor www.csonline.ie Fire Alarms, Emergency Lighting & Lightning Protection Tel: 021 477 0666 Mob: 087 277 2669 PHILIP CUNNINGHAM PAINTINGPAIPAINT & DECORATING • PAPER HANGING QUALITY FLOOR SANDING & VARNISHING WORK GUARANTEED CallC Philip: 087 262 4347 TAKE THE NEXT STEP! CHIMNEY & STOVE CLEANING CALL JAMES FOR PATIOS, BRICK PAVING, STONEWORK, GARDENING ETC. BRUSH AND VACUUM 086 1799263 Call Martin Eaton SMALL LORRY LOADS OF RUBBISH REMOVED Tel: 021 4777746 Mob: 087 6441575 PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE KINSALE ADVERTISER 24 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com Michael Foran DANNY PULLIN Painting Contractor 086 3753297 Professional Painting & Decorating Floor Sanding & Varnishing Phone: 086 1798955 Horse Riding [email protected] in Kinsale @ www.pullintrees.ie 1 mile from town centre. Lessons - Trekking - Livery Exteriors & interiors • Hand painted kitchens Call Zoë on 086 8530894 Plasterboard taping & jointing Power washing • Paper hanging www.kinsale-equestrian.ie Call: 086-129-4356 MARTIN CONLON HANDYMANH AVAILABLE ELECTRICAL SHOWER REPAIR SPECIALISTS CarpenterCa • Interior Plastering • Painting PLUMBING & HEATING CallC Diarmuid: 087 120 5025 TOP QUALITY WORK M: 087 254 3434 T: 021 477 1443 C2 & VAT REGISTERED PAT O'MAHONY • Courier • Furniture Removals • House Moves/Clearance I have the van, I am your man. Contact me on 087 278 2442 Full Domestic & Commercial Service Very Reasonable Rates Call Noel: 087 9885638 25 HEDGECUTTING SERVICES Large tractor mounted hedgecutter No hedge too high CALL MARTIN HURLEY 086 889 4663 LAZ PAINTING SERVICES Interior / Exterior Construction to Maintenance, Wall Papering / Power Washing we cover it all! Call 089 24 22 848 Tel. 021 4770132 087 1756575 CHIMNEY CLEANING BRUSH & VACUUM Also Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Service. Denis O'Sullivan 021 4377315 - 086 2070086 K. Full carbon monoxide & combustion monitoring using latest digital analyser John McCarthy (Kinsale): 087 2377667 FURNITURE JONES Fully Insured & Approved RESTORATION Market Quay Structural & Cosmetic Repairs French Polishing JEWELLERY Greg: 086 084 9405 REPAIRS www.rybakrestoration.ie Whilst every care and attention is given to all advertisements published, we cannot take responsibility for the content or validity of these advertisements. If an advert has been proofed & cleared for publication by the advertiser, we cannot take responsibility for any errors. 26 T: 021 4774313 E: [email protected] W: www.kinsaleadvertiser.com KINSALE TRAILER REPAIRS KINSALE AND THE SURROUNDING AREAS Servicing and parts availableOLD HEAD, KINSALE for all brands and types of trailers. IFOR WILLIAMS, INDESPENSION, BRIAN JAMES, DOOLEY, ETC. General purpose, flat body, horse box, boat trailers & car transporters catered for, from fabrication to brakes, lights, suspensions, etc.
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