Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 25 AUGUST 1976 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Special Adjournment [25 AuGUST 1976] Electoral District of Lockyer 5 WEDNESDAY, 25 AUGUST 1976 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton, Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. CLAYFIELD AND PORT CURTIS BY-ELECTIONS RETURN OF WRITS Mr. SPEAKER: I have to inform the House that my writs issued on 27 April 1976 for the election of members to serve in the Legislative Assembly for the electoral districts of Clayfield and Port Curtis have been returned to me with certificates endorsed thereon by the returning officers of the election on 29 May 1976 of Ivan Milton Brown, Esquire, and William George Prest, Esquire, to serve as such members respect­ ively. MEMBERS SWORN Mr. Brown and Mr. Prest were intro­ duced, took the oath of allegiance, and subscribed the roll. ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF LOCKYER RESIGNATION OF MEMBER Mr. SPEAKER: I have to inform the House that I have received the following letter from the Honourable Sir Gordon William Wesley Chalk, member for the electoral district of Lockyer in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland- "Treasurer of Queensland, "12th August, 1976. "Dear Mr. Speaker, "I hereby tender my resignation as the elected representative of the State Elec­ torate of Lockyer, such resignation to be effective as from m1dnight tonight (12th August). "I would like to express to you my sincere thanks for the many courtesies you have extended to me from time to time, and such expression also applies to all Officials of Parliament. "To the Honourable the Premier, Ministers of the Crown, the Leader of the Opposition and ail Members of the House, I extend my good wishes and trust that future deliberations which take place within this Chamber are such that they prove beneficial to this State and its people. "Finally might I say that I will always value the friendships I have made over my twenty-nine years of Parliamentary Jife, and I look forward to renewing such friendships from time to time as oppor­ tunity presents. "Yours faithfully, "Gordon Chalk. "Honourable J. E. H. Houghton, M.L.A., "Speaker, "Parli&ment House, "Brisbane". 6 Report on Investigation, &c. [25 AUGUST 1976] Ministerial Statements SEAT DECLARED VACANT MINISTERIAL STATEMENTS Hon. J. B.JELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah CHANGES IN MINISTRY -Premier): I move- Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah "That the seat in this House for the -Premier) (11.10 a.m.): I desire to inform electoral district of Lockyer hath become the House that, on 13 August 1976, His and is now vacant by reason of the resigna­ Excellency the Governor- tion of the said Sir Gordon William Wesley Chalk." (a) accepted the resignation tendered by- The Honourable Sir Gordon William Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) (11.6 Wesley Chalk, K.B.E., LL.D., as a a.m.): As you know, Mr. Speaker, I am not Member of the Executive Council of a social snob-that is one of the reasons Queensland, effective on and after 13 I am not in the A.L.P.-and consequently August 1976; I avoid as I would a pestilence all big social functions. However, I received an invitation (b) accepted the resignations tendered from a gentleman whose name I forget­ by- his name does not matter, but he sent his The Honourable Sir Gordon William address-to a testimonial dinner to be held Wesley Chalk, K.B.E., LL.D., as Deputy for Sir Gordon Chalk next Thursday week. Premier and Treasurer of Queensland; It is a black-tie affair, and although black­ The Honourable William Edward Knox, tie affairs are my pet abomination, I feel so as Minister for Justice and Attorney­ highly about the work that Sir Gordon Chalk General of Queensland; did in this Chamber that I decided to accept the invitation and forwarded my $25. And I The Honourable Alien Maxwell Hodges, want to make it perfectly clear that I will as Minister for Police of Queensland; send another $25 if I am allowed to speak The Honourable Thomas Guy Newbery, at that function and tell the workers of as Minister for Tourism and Marine Queensland of the great work that Sir Gordon Services of Queensland; Chalk did for railwaymen in the five or six The Honourable William Daniel Lickiss, years that he was Minister for Transport. Q.G.M., as Minister for Survey, Valua­ He did more for railwaymen when he was tion, Urban and Regional Affairs of Minister for Transport than his A.L.P. pre­ Queensland, decessors did in the 50 years before that. effective on and after 13 August 1976; I do not think that that section of his (c) appointed- ministerial life should be overshadowed by the very fine job he did as Treasurer. John Ward Greenwood, Esquire, B.A., As Treasurer, he was dealing with money LL.B., to be a Member of the Executive and with men in the upper echelon of finance, Council of Queensland; but as .:'vlinister for Transport he was deal­ (d) appointed- ing with real dinky-die workers who slaved The Honourable William Edward Knox, in the Railway Department. I was in that to be Deputy Premier and Treasurer of department for many years and it has not Queensland; been any good since I left it. As a railway­ man-a man who held every official posi­ The Honourable Alien Maxwell Hodges, tion in the Australian Railways Union other to be Minister for Tourism and Marine than a paid position-! place on record my Services of Queensland; tribute and my deep regard and respect for The Honourable Thomas Guy Newbery, Sir Gordon, who was probably one of the to be Minister for Police of Queensland; best Ministers for Transport that this State The Honourable William Daniel Lickiss, ever had. Q.G.M., to be Minister for Justice and Motion (Mr Bjelke-Petersen) agreed to. Attorney-General of Queensland; The Honourable John Ward Green­ REPORT ON INVESTIGATION BY wood, B.A., LL.B., to be Minister for P ARLIA"Iv1ENTARY COMMISSIONER Survey and Valuation of Queensland. FOR ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTIGA­ I lay upon the table of the House a copy TIONS of the Queensland Government Gazette Mr. SPEAKER: I have to report that I Extraordinary of 13 August 1976 containing have received from the Parliamentary Com­ the relevant notifications. missioner for Administrative Investigations Whereupon the honourable gentleman his report upon the investigation of the laid the Queensland Government Gazette administrative action of the Public Service Extraordinary on the table. Board in recommending the dismissal of three teachers. LEADER OF THE HoUSE I lay the report on the table and ask that copies be distributed to all honourable mem­ Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah bers. -Premier) (11.13 a.m.): I desire to inform the House that arrangements have been Whereupon the report was laid on the table. made, as you, Mr. Speaker, have been Papers [25 AUGUST 1976] Papers 7 informed, that the Honourable T. G. New­ Explosives Act 1952-1975. bery, M.L.A., Minister for Police, will Grammar Schools Act 1975 and the undertake the duties of Leader of the House Local Bodies' Loans Guarantee Act for the balance of this Parliament. 1923-1975. Honourable members will be aware that The Rural Training Schools Act of 1965. the responsibilities of this office have been ably and diligently attended to since its The Newstead House Trust Act of 1939. inception by the Honourable A. M. Hedges, Co-operative Housing Societies Act M.L.A., Minister for Tourism and Marine 1958-1974. Services. Mr. Hedges has decided to relin­ quish the position and I am sure I speak State Housing Act 1945-1974. for all members on both sides of the House Fisheries Act 1957-1974. when I say that his efforts have resulted in Art Unions Regulation Act 1964-1974. the better dispatch of parliamentary business and that his co-ordination of House matters Art Unions and Amusements Act 1976. has produced a more efficient Parliament. Collections Act 1966-1975. We all thank him most sincerely for his District Courts Act 1967-1972. contribution in this regard. Jury Act 1929-1976. I am confident that Mr. Newbery will Magistrates Courts Act 1921-1976. receive the same co-operation and assistance from all honourable members now that he The Supreme Court Act of 1921. has assumed this post, and I tmst that our Regulations under- combined efforts will result in further improved and speedier Parliamentary pro­ Children's Services Act 1965-1974. ceedings, if that is possible. Harbours Act 1955-1976. Queensland Marine Act 1958-1975. PAPERS The Canals Acts, 1958 to 1960. The following papers were laid on the Rural Fires Act 1946-1975. table, and ordered to be printed:- Health Act 1937-1976. Reports- Hospitals Act 1936-1976. Public Accountants Registration Board, Grammar Schools Act 1975. for the period 1 January 197 5 to 31 December 1975. Building Societies Act 1886--1976. Board of Trustees of the Queensland Appeal Costs Fund Act 1973. Museum, for the year ended 31 Art Unions and Amusements Act 1976. December 1975. Auctioneers and Agents Act 1971-1975. The following papers were laid on the Companies Act 1961-1975. table:- Co-operative and Other Socic![c:s Act Proclamations under- 1967-1974. Acquisition of Land Act 1967-1969 and Invasion of Priv::tcy Act 1971-1976. the State and Regional Planning and Development, Public Works Organiza­ Liquor Act 1912-1975. tion and Environmental Control Act Valuation of Land Act 1944-1975. 1971-1974. Valuers Registration Act 1965-1974. Harbours Act 1955-1976. By-laws under- Queensland Marine Act 1958-1975.
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