M K'., The Wapthpr MONDAY, JULY 19, 1966 raneeet o< D. B. PAGE SDKTEEN lEtt^ning i|»rald Otasr. vorr edN 'tenl«Ph' |i|it;pM and 17 courses In graduate edu­ summer seaston Aug. t Aug. * RANGE Cdai aoaay aa Gary R. Lehrman of 106 Garth 27 on the main oannwe. Colleges Offer cation. .AND Mgh la Tea. About Town ltd. haa been accepted for grad­ Teacher Issue, School Site Classea for the five-week Six ed|Katton oounNS, each uate study at the UnfveraKy of Summer Terms term wlU begin Aug. 8 and end c a n in g three ecademlo ored- FUEL OIL Manehmeter^—A City o f FlUage Charm Haittord. He graduated from on Sept 3. Most classes will tta, are Hsted during the tospeolel the school In June with a B.A. Before School Board Today meet Monday through Friday, snssinn Thev are: Philos­ g a s o l i n e MknohMter WATB8 wMI meet (Claaalfiad Advarttatag M Pane It) PRICE SEVEN C S N lf tomotvow at tlie ItatliJi Amert- diegree. Reglatratlon for the final from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Reglstra- ophy of Bduoillon; Workshop VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 244 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 20, 196f «V i au b on BkM dfe St. Weigh- daytime summer term at the Uon hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. tn Education, Arts h Crafts; Raymond W. DuCharme of Some official opinions regard ^membara narrowed to two the k y ki wHI be ft w i 7 to 8 p.m. University c< Hartford begins dally and 9 a.m. to noon on PupU Personnel Work; Audio­ 889 Haritord Rd., wtm graduated ing the dispute between two number of poaslble eltea fpr the Saturday, July 31 at Room 118 visual Meteriale in Education; last month from the Umvereity school at the last board meet­ next Monday, July 26. 'nils B AN TLY OIL liw n A. Sheenui 81 Del- at University Hell, 200 Bloom­ Prlnciplea of Curriculum Oon- at of Hartford with a B.A. degree, teachers’ organizations may be (O.Mr\NY, INI . ing. Bummir term, the most exten­ field Ave„ West Hartford. st motion and Public School Ad- mont 81. haa acc^ed a P a ­ has accepted a position aa a forthcoming at tonight’s meet­ A brirf report on the prog- McNamara Heads Home tton aa an instructor with the sive on record, will offer 62 mlnistratton. , ;U1 MAIN .STIM'IKT teacher at Coventry High School. ing of the Board of Education reee made by Dean Frederick Two Intensive weeks of ad­ Vnlveralty at Harttord. Ho grad­ Lowe and Curtis in arranging courses In four main areas: 25 vanced study tor teachers end Persons wUMng to enroll in uated trom the school June 18 at Bennet Junior High School TKL. Manchester EmUem COub will tor an orderly transfer ot Man­ courses In arts and sciences; 6 school administrators will be the summer seaston ttiould con- LBJ Names Goldberg Itorkvill** H7r*-;i”7I wMh a &.S. degree. have a luncheon and card pa.rty at 8. chester Community College to in business; 4 graduate courses offered during the University of taot Mr. Manning at the Uni­ Superintendent of Schools the Jurisdiction ot the newly in math and romance language; Oonneotlcut’a graduate post versity, Boot U-86. ____ Membera of the Mountain Thuraday at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Alfred Rtttcr, 46 Cheater William Curtis has promised formed State Oonuntoslon on Scene Worse lawirel ChaiAer of Sweet Ade- Dr. Reservations may be made that he would attempt to ob­ Higher Education ie aleo ex­ Unea, Inc. will entertain pected to be made at tonlght’e Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at with Mrs. Ritter. tain the legal opinions of Town Counsel Irving Aronson on sev-^ meeting. Cedarcrest Hoepltal, Newing­ Other reports wtH include one ton. The g »w p Will have its ’The string section cf Man­ erai questions arising from the chester Civic Orchestra wlli passage of Public Act 289 which on extension ot the driver ed­ Ambassador regular meeting Thursday at 8 New ucation program at the high In Viet N am B.m. at East Hartford High have its Unal summer rehearsal is ” an act concerning the right of teachers' representatives to school and one on introduction 8^001. tonlgM at 7:46 at Mott’s Oom- muntty HaU. negotiate with boards of edu­ of a foreign language into the SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)— Defense Secretary cation." These questions have curricula ot the 7th and 8th Robert S. McNamara said today the Vietnamese situ­ Mrs. John Rieg, regent of Or- grades at the two Junior high ford Pariah, DAR, will pour at a Stephen Johns of 260 Green­ reportedly already been put in ation has deteriorated in many aspects in the last IS writing for Aronson with the schools. stiver lea and sale Thursday wood Dr. la studying in the months, but the picture is not all black. Then he headed from 1:30 to t p.m. at the Gov. wind seminar department at the reque.st that he submit his an­ Selection Jonathan TrumbuH House, Leb­ Berkshire Music Center, Tangle- swers before the time of the home from his five-day survey to report to President wood, Lenox, Mass. meeting. ----------------------------------- f’JohnsMi. anon. Mrs. Herbert W. Robb W a * r« a* and Miss Jeesamine Smith wlU One outcome of Aronson's re­ McNamara said nothing In a serve aa guides on conducted M in Ellen Sostman of 14 Haw­ ply may be its effect upon a re­ news conference statement Surprising tours of the house. The public thorne St. has been named to cently held referendum among near a$ State News about expectations that this re­ Is InvMed. The sale wiU be con­ the dean’s list at Butler Uni­ teachers on the question of port wlU form the basis for a ducted in Wadsworth stable, versity, Indianapcrfis, Ind. for which organization- the Man­ your sisable Increase tn U.S. military moved from Hertford to Leba­ the second semester of the 1964- chester Education Association telephone Two Bandits strength In Viet Nam. In Capital 2 non In 1964 and housing many 66 coUege year. or the Manchester Fedreation of " I can only tell you that our Teachers, APL-CIO —would rep­ relics of RevotuUonary times. recommendations wlH be di­ WASHINGTON (AP)— Members of Orford Parish de­ resent them In negotiations with Get $40,000, rected toward fulflHIng the oom- alring tranapoitation to the 2 ECHS Students the board. In that referendum, FREE mltment of our nation to eup- President Johnson named event may .contact Mrs. Rieg. the MEA won a decided victory port the people of Viet Nam in Supreme Court Justice A r­ and, as a result, has renewed F irst their fight to win their inde­ thur J. Goldberg today to Attend Institute its demands for recognition as DELIVERY m o r e P R IC K _ Slug Teller Mlaa Emily Kissnem of 237 tow pendence,” he said. be the new U.S. ambassa­ Spruce 8t. will represent the the exclusive bargaining agent .HIGHQUA.UD . N a tio n a l An apparent attempt to as- Ladlea Aid and Lutheran Worn- Two East Catholic High for the teachers. Your order tor drag needs NEW HAVEN (API- saselnate U.S. Ambassador dor to the United Nations. WIDE VARlW PIUS In a quickly arranged cere­ en’a Missionary League of School students are among 160 A report on the availability and cosmetics will be taken Stores Two bandits fled with an Maxwell D. Taylor, a savage 2ilon Bvangelical Lutheran of a section of Globe Hollow for battle at a garrison post near mony in tbe White House rose students from 16 states partici­ care of immediately. j f i l g r e e n S T A M P S I. OtHSxh Wednesday and 'Ihurs. use as a site for the construc­ estimated 436,000 to 440,- the Camhodlan frontier, and a garden the President, with day at an international con­ pating in the 18th annual Jour­ tion of an elementary school for 000 today after forcing a second Viet Cong attack on the Goldberg at his side, named his vention of the Missionary nalism Institute at the Catholic the Spring St.-Gardner St. area teller to open the Westville U.S. 1st Infantry Division’s 2nd choice to succeed the late Adlai E. Stevenson. League in San Diego, Oalif. University of America, Wash- is expected to be rendered by branch of the General Brigade at Bien Hoa were “The Lord Is My Light” is the In^on, D.C. town planning director Joseph U ^ s d d o jn l, among developments of the day. Goldberg said in a short talk theme of the oonv^ion. The . TTie two are Wesley Gryk of Tamsky. Tamsky had been ask­ Prescription Pharmacy Bank and Trust Co. and Four suspects, including, two that the message of Stevenson r league Is an auxiliary organi­ 60 Forest St., a junior at the ed to obtain further information 901 M A IN ST.— 643-5321 hitting him over the head. boys, were rej^rted arrested to the world must continue — zation of the Lutheran Church, school who is a page editor of on the tract after the board The teller, 20-year-old Konald after discovery and disarming man’s andent supplication to Missouri Synod. "Echo,” the school newspaper: Noimon, told police he woe ac' of a bomb pianted at the en­ "grant us peace.” and Mary Jane Dooley of South coated by the two Negroes in trance to a stadium w hen Tay­ He promised to attempt to Windsor, a senior who will be work clothes aa he parked his lor and senior Vietnameile otH- Twin silent sentries take off from Cape Kennedy bring “ the rule of law to rela­ editor-in-chief o f the newspaper oar In a lot in the rear of the clala were attending a unity day toward space outposts over 69,000 miles from tions between the various na­ next year.
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