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Index A Antituberculosis, 15, 23 Accidental contamination, 262 Apoptosis, 202, 267 Accumulation, 301 Arene, 20, 21, 62 Aceruloplasminemia, 103 Arsenic (As), 137, 246, 260, 269, 284, 297, Acute exposure, 263 302, 305 Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia (APL), 201 Arsenic compounds, 201 Adequate intakes, 98 Arsenicosis, 269 Adverse effects, 113, 124 Arsenic pollution, 302 Adverse Reactions to Metal Debris (ARMD), Arsenic toxicity, 302 74, 78, 82, 85 Arsenic trioxide, 242 Albumin, 279 Arsenious oxide\; As2O3, 242, 247 Allicin, 308 Arsenite, 302 Allium sativum, 242, 250 Arsphenamine, 198 Aluminium, 283 Arthroplasty, 79, 80 Alzheimer’s disease, 106 Aseptic Lymphocyte-dominant Aminolevulinic acid dehydrogenase, 310 Vasculitis-Associated Lesion (ALVAL), Aneurysm, 153 74, 85 Anopheles, 167 Atharvaveda, 258 Anthropogenic activities, 298 Atherosclerosis, 304 Anthropogenic processes, 299 ATP7A-related distal motor neuropathy, 102 Anthropogenic sources, 299 Ayurveda, 237–241, 247–249, 251, 252, 254, Antibacterial, 12, 17, 22, 28, 113–115, 117, 260 119, 120, 122 Ayurvedic pharmaceutics, 239–241 Anticancer, 17, 21, 25, 26, 28, 52, 54–57, 59, 63 B Anticancer agent, 203, 300 Background concentrations, 271 Antidotes, 240, 241, 249, 254 Bacterial resistance, 130 Antifungal, 17 Behavioral dysfunctions, 298 Antimalarial, 17, 27 Benincasa hispida, 242 Antimalarial drugs, 171 Bhasma, 196, 237, 238, 243–245, 252, 253 Antimicrobial agents, 130 Bioaccumulation, 308 Antimicrobials, 131, 132 Biochemical pathways, 305 Antimony, 202 Biofilms, 18 Antimutagenic agent, 203 Biological half-life, 301 Antioxidant, 197, 251, 297 Biomarker, 264 Antioxidant enzymes, 301, 304 Biomedical implications, 297 Antioxidant system, 267 Bleomycin, 199 Antiparasitic, 22 Borax, 241, 242, 253 Antiprotozoan, 17 Boron, 253 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 321 M. Rai et al. (eds.), Biomedical Applications of Metals, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74814-6 322 Index Brachytherapy, 15, 55 Coronary stenting, 153 Brain–computer interfaces, 154 Corrosion, 154 Cow’s urine, 241, 242, 252, 253 C Cross-links, 268 Cadmium (Cd), 266, 282, 297, 299, 300, 305 Cuproproteins, 310 Calcium homeostasis, 271 Curcuma longa, 242, 251 Cancer, 107, 201, 280 Cyclopentadienyl, 52, 57 Cancer therapy, 156, 158 Carboplatin, 157, 159, 215 D Carcinogen, 266–268, 280, 287, 297 Defibrillators, 154 Carcinogenesis, 267, 269, 284 Deficiency, 100 Carcinogenicity, 83, 302 Delaunay, 79 Cardiac pacemakers, 154, 155 D-aminolevulinic acid (d-ALA), 307 Cardiomyopathy, 82 Dental high noble alloys, 154 Cardiovascular diseases, 104 Detoxified, 238, 241 Carotenes, 308 Diabetes, 107 Carotenoids, 308 Diabetes mellitus, 156 Carriers, 9 Diagnostic medical imaging, 199 Casiopeínas, 225 Diseases, 113, 115–117, 119, 125 Casiopein, 227 Dismutation, 134 Cassia fistula, 245, 249 Dithiocarbamates, 14 Catalase, 267 DNA adducts, 270 Catalytic, 57 DNA damage, 268, 305, 306, 311 Catalytic drugs, 54 DNA hypermethylation, 270 Cell lysis, 271 DNA repair, 307 Celltoxicity, 202 DNA repair system, 305 Cellular redox homoeostasis, 311 Drug delivery, 157 Centella asiatica, 250 Central Nervous System (CNS), 298 E Ceruloplasmin, 100 E-cadherin, 301 Charaka Samhita, 97, 238, 259, 260 Electrode encapsulation, 155 Chelating agents, 237, 239, 240, 249, 252, 254 Elemental hexagon, 262 Chelation therapy, 239, 240, 250, 254 Endemic Tyrolean infantile cirrhosis, 106 Chemical mimic, 264 Environment, 113, 114, 123 Chemokine, 223 Environmental impact, 142 Chemotherapy, 156, 201 Epigenetic mechanisms, 281 Chinese herbal medicines, 261 Essential metals, 130, 238 Chromium, 268, 286 Excess, 100 Chromium-DNA adducts, 268 Exposure, 207 Chronic exposure, 263 Chrysotherapy, 23, 24 F Cisplatin, 4–7, 156, 157, 202, 214, 216 Fenton reactions, 268, 305 Cisplatinum, 214 Fertility, 303 Citrus limon, 251 Filariasis, 300 Cobalt-60, 202 Flavonoids, 307 Cochlear implant, 154 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 300 Cofactor, 300, 308 Foreign body reaction, 155 Colloidal, 113, 115, 117, 125 Free radical scavenger, 267 Contaminated environment, 262 Copper, 96, 136, 197, 202, 244, 260, 310 G Copper toxicosis, 105, 106 Gallium, 137 Copper transporters, 99 Gauripasan, 242, 247 Copper uptake, 311 Gene silencing, 281 Coriandrum sativum, 244, 250 Genetical dysfunctions, 303 Index 323 Genotoxicity, 267 Ion-transporters, 297 Genotoxin, 312 Iron, cobalt, and nickel complexes, 180 Gluconic acid, 253 Iron, 244, 260 Glucose biosensor, 156 Iron chelating activity, 249 Glutathione, 215, 216, 252, 307 Iron complexes, 222 Gold, 197, 260 Iron pyrite, 242 Gold complexes, 179 Ischemic heart disease, 153 Gold preparations, 243 Guglielmi detachable coils, 153 K Gymnema sylvestre, 242 Keratosis, 269 H L Haber-Weiss reactions, 268 Lead (Pb), 245, 260, 263, 281, 297, 298, 303 “Half-sandwich”, 52, 57 Lead-induced toxicity, 306 Haratala, 246 Lead poisoning, 303 Health concerns, 261 Lioplatin, 158 Heat shock proteins, 304 Lipid Peroxidation (LPO), 264, 268, 301, 302 Heavy metal(oid)s, 259 Lobaplatin, 156, 215 Heavy metals, 260, 297, 298, 312 Loha, 260 Heme synthesis, 265 Hepatotoxicity, 267 M Heptaplatin, 156, 215 Macrophages, 278 Herbomineral/metals/nonmetals, 238 Malaria, 167 Herbomineral formulations, 239 Manhashila Bhasmas, 246 Hip resurfacing, 76, 77 MAPKs, 204 HIV, 27 Marana, 238 Holistic medicines, 259 Marana- incinerated ash, 238 Honey, 242, 244, 248, 253 Medical devices, 113, 114 Honey, ghee, cow’s milk, garlic, coriander, Medicinal copper, 248 turmeric, and coconut, 240 Medicinal Gold preparations, 248 Huangdi Neijing, 259 Medicinal herbs, 207 Human body, 114, 117, 118, 124 Medicinal Iron preparations, 244, 248 Human health, 259, 262 Medicinal Lead preparations, 245 Human toxicity, 142 Medicinal Zinc preparations, 245 Hunter-Russell syndrome, 304 MeHg-induced toxicity, 310 Hyper-accumulators, 261 Menke’s Disease (MD), 102 Hypermethylation, 281, 286, 287 Mercurial compounds, 243 Hypomethylation, 270, 281, 288 Mercury (Hg), 138, 260, 270, 278, 288, 297, Hypothalamic–pituitary axis, 303 304, 307 Hypoxia, 60 Mercury intoxication, 307 Metal, 178, 196, 278 I Metal binding, 251 Idiopathic copper toxicosis, 106 Metal-binding enzymes, 311 Imaging, 56, 58, 60 Metal chelators, 183, 251 Indian Ayurveda, 258 Metal complexes, 199 Indian childhood cirrhosis, 106 Metal complexes of quinoline, 179 Indian medicine, 205 Metal elements, 129 Indian subcontinent, 260 Metal homeostasis, 262 Industrial release, 299 Metallic preparations, 238 Infertility, 297 Metalloantimalarials, 178 Intentional addition, 262 Metalloenzymes, 195 International Agency for Research on Cancer Metallo-estrogen, 283 (IARC), 301 Metalloids, 278 Ionic, 113, 116, 121, 125 Metallonucleases, 223 324 Index Metallo-pharmacology, 237 Oxaliplatin, 157, 215 Metalloproteins, 195 Oxidative damage, 264 Metallosis, 85 Oxidative deterioration, 298 Metallothionein, 216, 266, 308 Oxidative phosphorylation, 305 Metallothionin, 267 Oxidative stress, 264, 268–270, 298, 302 Metal pharmacology, 242 Metal toxicity, 134, 238, 262 P Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Pancha mahabhutas, 259 (MRSA), 133 Pesticides, 299 Microbial biofilms, 131 Phenols, 252 Microelectrode arrays, 154 Phosphines, 18, 26 Minamata disease, 304 Photoactivation, 217 Mitochondrial function, 299 Phycocyanobilin, 308 Modern drugs, 208 Phytochemicals, 297, 307 Molecular fingerprints, 260 “Piano stool”, 52, 54, 62 MoM, 73–75 Pigmentation, 269 MoM hip implant, 76 Plasmodium, 167 MoMHR, 77 Platinum, 152, 201, 203 MoM implants, 78, 80, 81 Plerixafor, 223 Momordica charantia, 242, 247–249 Polyamines, 14 Monitoring and control system, 271 Polyneuropathy, 84 Moringa Oliefera, 251 Polynuclear compounds, 8 Multidrug-resistant bacteria, 131 Polyphenols, 307 Mutagenesis, 271, 298, 305 Polypyridines, 12, 18, 30, 31 Myocardial infarction, 304 Polypyridyl, 54, 56, 59, 64 Probes, 56, 58 N Protein staining, 56 Naag, 242, 245 Pseudotumor, 86, 89 Nano, 239 Pt(IV) complexes, 10 Nanocarrier, 158 Puta, 239 Nanoparticles, 113–115, 119, 120, 125, 239 Nanostructured electrodes, 155 Q Nanozymes, 159 Quality assessment, 271 Nedaplatin, 156, 215 Quality control, 272 Nephrotoxicity, 267 Neurodegenerative disorders, 266 R Neurotoxic, 270 Radiotherapy, 201 Neurotoxicity, 266, 302 Rasa aushadhi, 243 Neurotoxicity/neurodegeneration, 297 Rasashastra, 238, 260 Neurotransmitters, 301 Rasayana, 238 N-heterocyclic carbene, 18, 55 Raupya, 241, 244 Nickel, 287 Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS), 298 Non-essential metals, 238 Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), 138, 155, 159, 298 O Realgar, 246 Occipital Horn Syndrome (OHS), 103 Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), 98 Oncogenic risk, 270 Redistilled cow’s urine, 253 Opportunistic bacteria, 131 Redox homeostasis, 267 Organometallic compounds, 185 Remote neural interfaces, 155 Organosulfur compounds, 250 Renal disease, 301 Orpiment, 246 Renal effects, 85 Osmotic fragility, 308 Reproductory systems, 297 Osteoporosis, 266, 301 Rheumatoid arthritis, 23 Index 325 Ruthenium, 203 Toxic landscape, 261 Ruthenium complexes, 218 Tracking, 61 Ruthenium CQ complexes, 179 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 258 Traditional Medicine (TM), 258 S Transition elements, 297 Safe drugs, 272 Transition metals, 278 Selenium, 203, 288, 311 Transplatin, 6, 8 Selenoproteins, 311 Transport, 298 Selenosis, 312 Tridosha, 259 Sensitization, 271 Triphala, 241, 242, 248, 252 Sensors, 56, 156 Tubular necrosis, 267 Siddha, 260 Side effects, 261 U Signaling, 305 U.S. National Toxicology Program, 301 Silver, 113–125, 137, 260 Unani, 260 Silver preparations, 244 Unwholesome diet, 247, 248

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