DOCUMENT RESUME ED 360 972 IR 054 650 TITLE More Mysteries. INSTITUTION Library of Congress, Washington,D.C. National Library Service for the Blind andPhysically Handicapped. REPORT NO ISBN-0-8444-0763-1 PUB DATE 92 NOTE 172p. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies; Audiodisks; *Audiotape Recordings; Authors; *Blindness; *Braille;Government Libraries; Large Type Materials; NonprintMedia; *Novels; *Short Stories; *TalkingBooks IDENTIFIERS *Detective Stories; Library ofCongress; *Mysteries (Literature) ABSTRACT This document is a guide to selecteddetective and mystery stories produced after thepublication of the 1982 bibliography "Mysteries." All books listedare available on cassette or in braille in the network library collectionsprovided by the National Library Service for theBlind and Physically Handicapped of the Library of Congress. In additionto this largn-print edition, the bibliography is availableon disc and braille formats. This edition contains approximately 700 titles availableon cassette and in braille, while the disc edition listsonly cassettes, and the braille edition, only braille. Books availableon flexible disk are cited at the end of the annotation of thecassette version. The bibliography is divided into 2 Prol;fic Authorssection, for authors with more than six titles listed, and OtherAuthors section, a short stories section and a section for multiple authors. Each citation containsa short summary of the plot. An order formfor the cited items is included. An alphabetical index isalso provided. (SLD) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRSare the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** ISBN 0-8444-07631 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION More OtI(ce of Educahonsl Research andImprovement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproducedas received I rom the person or organization originating 0 P Minor changes have been made toimprove reproduction quality E.:Mysteries Points of view or ()preens staled 5 thisdocu. ment do no1 neCesSardy represent official OEM POSIlsOn or policy 0 LIJ National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped The Library of Congress r rr R sl!;11 t l'.; ! 1. Washington 1992 Library of Congress Cata1oging-in-Publication Data Library of Congress. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. More mysteries / National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, the Library of Congress. p. cm. Includes indexes. ISBN 0-8444-0763-1 ---- Z663.119.M67 1992 I. Blind--Books and reading--Bibliography.2. Talking books-- Bibliography.3. Detective and mystery stories--Bibliography. I. Title. Z5346.L5 1992 [HV1721] 016.823'0872--dc20 92-30160 CIP BEST COPY AVAILABLE Contents Introduction v Elmore Leonard Cassettes 15 Prolific Authors Braille 16 Robert Barnard John D. MacDonald Cassettes 1 Cassettes 17 Simon Brett Braille 18 Cassettes 2 Braille 3 Charlotte MacLeod Cassettes 18 Agatha Christie Braille 19 Cassettes 3 Braille 5 J.J. Marric Cassettes 19 Robin Cook Braille 20 Cassettes 5 Braille 6 William Marshall Cassettes 20 Amanda Cross Braille 21 Cassettes 6 Braille 7 Ed McBain Cassettes 22 Peter Dickinson Braille 24 Cassettes 7 Braille 8 Ralph McInerny Cassettes 24 Dick Francis Braille 25 Cassettes 9 Braille 10 Margaret Millar Cassettes 26 Sue Grafton Braille 27 Cassettes 11 Braille 12 Robert B. Parker Cassettes 27 Martha Grimes Braille 28 Cassettes 13 Braille 14 Hugh Pentecost Cassettes 29 William X. Kienzle Braille 29 Cassettes 14 iii Contents Ellis Peters Multiple Authors Cassettes 30 Cassettes 106 Braille 32 Braille 107 Bill Pronzini Other Bibliographies 109 Cassettes 32 Braille 33 Index Cassettes 110 Ruth Rendell Braille 142 Cassettes 34 Braille 34 Order Form 159 Lawrence Sanders Cassettes 35 Braille 36 Georges Simenon Cassettes 36 Braille 37 Rex Stout Cassettes 37 Braille 38 Margaret Truman Cassettes 38 Braille 39 Phyllis A. Whitney Cassettes 40 Braille 41 Other Authors Cassettes 42 Braille 83 Short Stor ies Single Author Cassettes 103 Braille 105 iv Introduction More Mysteries is a guide to selected and Andrew Vachss are both lawyers; detective 'and mystery stories produced Vachss at one time was director of a maxi- after the publication of the 1982 bibliogra- mum security institution. phy Mysteries. All books listed are avail- Other writers turn to mysteries as a able on cassette or in braille in the net- diversion from academic work. Amanda work library collections provided by the Cross, creator of Kate Fansler, the profes- National Library Service for the Blind and sorial amateur detective, is a professor of Physically Handicapped, Library of Con- English literature named Carolyn gress. Heilbrun. Ralph McInerney is a professor This bibliography is available in large- of medieval philosophy and Martha print, disc, and braille formats. The large- Grimes, of English literature. Dorothy L. print edition contains approximately 700 Sayers's background as a medievalist titles available on cassette and in braille. showed when Lord Peter Wimsey pro- The disc edition lists only cassettes; the posed marriage in Latin at the end of braille edition lists only braille. In the Gaudy Night. Umberto Eco incorporates large-print and disc editions, books avail- his concerns as a semiotician in,o the able on flexible disc are cited at the end of fabric of his novels. Margaret Truman the annotation of the cassette version. was working on a book about the White Mysteries attract a wide variety of House when it occurred to her that she people as readers and as writers. At the would rather use the White House as a most basic level is the lure of a puzzle. setting for a murder mystery. Agatha Christie confessed that she en- Some authors are so prolific that their joyed planning her mysteries much more writing would have left little time for than writing them. William Marshall has other professions. Georges Simenon and pointed out that mysteries provide the John Creasey each wrote more than 500 opportunity to visit various levels of soci- novels. Both used a variety of pseud- ety. In many other types of fiction the onyms with Creasey creating a different action takes place in a narrow social set- name to sign to each of his detective ting. An investigator, however, is free to series. Agatha Christie jokingly compared travel through various levels of society her output to that of a sausage factory. and ask questions along the way. Perhaps the most powerful draw of the In many cases the background of the mystery is the personality of the detective, author adds authenticity to the portrait. whose life frequently goes on beyond that Many mystery writers have eperience of the author. John Creasey, under the with police work and strive for a realistic name J.J. Marric, created Inspector portrait to counter the shoot-'em-up Gideon. Since Creasey's death a new cliché. Joseph Wambaugh and Dorothy Manic has risen to the challenge of con- Uhnak are both former detectives. He tinuing Gideon's adventures. Robert B. served on the Los Angeles police force, Parker took the four chapters that she, on the New York City police force. Raymond Chandler had written of Poodle P.D. James was a civil servant in the Springs and completed the Philip Marlowe criminal department of the British Depart- novel. Later Parker decided to write a ment of Home Affairs. John Mortimer Philip Marlowe tale of his own, Introduction Perchance to Dream, a sequel to The Big Sleep. This bibliography is divided into three sections. The Prolific Authors section covers authors who have more than six titles listed. Titles are first separated for author, then arranged alphabetically by title under headings for cassette and braille. If an author writes about a par- ticular detective, the name of that charac- ter is provided. In the Other Authors section, books are separated by medium, then arranged alphabetically by author. The Short Stories section is divided be- tween collections by a single author and anthologies by multiple authors, then by medium and title. To locate books, check under the appropriate medium in either the table of contents or the alphabetical au- thor-title index. To order books, fill out the order form at the back of the bibliography and send it to your cooperating library. Book numbers are separated according the media. Flex- ible-disc numbers have a separate listing. vi Prolific Authors Robert Barnard Corpse in a Gilded Cap RC 22002 Detectives: Perry Trethowan and Others narrated by David Palmer 2 cassettes A satiric murder entertainment that com- Cassettes ments on the British class system. A At Death's Door RC 29317 lower-class English couple, Perce and narrated by John Horton Elsie, somehow inherit a palatial mansion and a title. Perce insists he wants to sell 2 cassettes A famous novelist lies old, ill, and help- the estate despite his family's conflicting less upstairs in his house. One day his ideas of what to do with Chetton Hall. illegitimate daughter, the product of a When Perce is found murdered after his liaison with an actress, arrives researching sixtieth birthday party, everyone in the a vitriolic biography of her mother. The family is considered a suspect. 1984. actress comes to thwart the biography, and Death and the Chaste Apprentice is found dead. Some strong language. RC 32554 narrated by George Patterson 1988. Bodies RC 25356 2 cassettes narrated by James DeLotel Des Capper, landlord of the Saracen's Head Inn near London, is a less-than- 1 cassette sterling character, what with spying on In the Soho studio of Bodies magazine are found four corpses: a photographer, his guests and intruding on intimate moments. The annual Ketterick Arts Festival has assistant, an actress-student, and a young bodybuilder. Superintendent Perry filled the inn with opera singers, actors, and musicians, and when murder occurs, Trethowan of the London police has diffi- culty finding a motive for the murders, but detective Charlie Peace finds dark and a few leads point to star muscle-man surprising secrets.
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