Progress in Nutrition 2017; Vol. 19, N. 4: 477-483 DOI: 10.23751/pn.v19i4.5200 © Mattioli 1885 Original article Evaluation of microbial potential, sensory and nutritional quality of mangoes following gamma irradiation Roheena Abdullah, Maryam Suman, Shagufta Naz, Mehwish Iqtedar, Afshan Kaleem, Mahwish Aftab Department of Biotechnology Lahore College for women university, Lahore, Pakistan - E-mail: [email protected] Summary. Foodborne diseases pose a widespread threat to human health and they are an important cause of reduced economic productivity. The postharvest diseases are considered worldwide as the major issue for postharvest facilities. Although there are various methods to decrease postharvest losses, consumers are look- ing for agricultural product free of chemicals. In the present study impact of gamma radiations on microflora, sensory and nutritional quality of mango cultivar chaunsa was evaluated. The samples was subjected to various irradiation doses (0.25, 0.5 and 1.25) and stored at refrigerated temperature. Sensory, microbiological and proximate analysis was estimated on weekly intervals for the treated and control samples. The microbial flora eliminated to maximum extent at dose 0.5 kGy without any significant change in sensory properties. How- ever, prominent sensory changes were observed at dose >1 kGy. Proximate analysis showed 0.5kGy does not cause any significant changes in moisture, ash, fat, fiber and protein content. So, 0.5kGy was found optimum for chaunsa that increase the shelf-life up to 7 days without causing any damage to fruit. Key words: gamma irradiation, safety, quality, mango Introduction include harvesting mango at improper maturity, inva- sive field handling, mechanical injury, fruit softening, Mango (Mangifera indica) is a fruit crop which and decay of mango due to pest or disease damage (2). belongs to the family of Anacardiaceae, it is the second Different post-harvest preservation techniques have most significant fruit mostly cultivated in the tropical been reported which involves hot water treatment, and sub-tropical regions of the world (1). It has be- cold water treatment, chemical treatment or a combi- come a foremost fruit crop of Asia, where the mango nation of these (2). The chemical application on man- is commonly known as the king of fruits. It contains goes is prohibited in U.S.A. So alternative methods to amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acid, minerals, organ- control pathogens were investigated (5). ic acid, proteins and vitamin C. The annual estimated Several investigations were made to find out a global production of mango is over 25-million tonnes. save and appropriate way to decrease the post-harvest Mostly, over-ripening and rotting by microorganisms loses and to increase the shelf life of certain fruits and or insects decreases the shelf-life of mangoes (3). It vegetables, in addition to improve the nutritive value has been reported that surface of mango is usually sus- of the product. Gamma radiation was considered to tained by significant amount of microbial load, includ- be the most suitable process. Gamma irradiation uses ing several species of bacteria, fungi and yeasts (4). The ionizing radiations to change or break the DNA of losses of mango fruit usually occurs due to post harvest pests making them germ-free. The gamma rays which losses of mango. The most frequent post-harvest losses are used for food processing are usually from cobalt-60 478 R. Abdullah, M. Suman, S. Naz, M. Iqtedar (Co-60) or cesium-137 (Ce-137). The gamma radia- Proximate Analysis tions have been legally authorized by United States (6). It is helpful in extending shelf life of some veg- Determination of crude fiber, protein moisture and ash etable and fruits by minimizing damage due to several content bacteria, fungi and molds. Subsequently, the product Crude fiber, protein, moisture and ash content was which is irradiated can be accessible for a greater time, determined according AOAC (2005) official methods nevertheless conserving pleasant and attractive sensory (11). qualities for a long time than non-irradiated manufac- Determination of carbohydrates and energy value: Ac- tured goods (7). cording to Muller and Tobin (1980) the total carbo- hydrate content value was determined (12). Accord- ing to Mukhtar et al. (2010) the total energy was Materials and Methods calculated (9). Statistical analysis: The results obtained were analyzed Sample collection, packaging, gamma radiation treatment by Costat version 6.4 using completely randomized and storage block design and mean values were compared using The mango cultivar Chaunsa was collected from lo- Duncan’s New Multiple Range test at p ≤ 0.05 with cal market of Lahore. The fruits samples were divided five replicates. The mean square error of replicates into two groups; experimental and control. All the from mean value was also calculated. samples were weighed before subjecting to gamma irradiation, packaged in polythene bags, and labeled. The experimental group was subjected to gamma radi- Results and Discussion ation at Pakistan Radiation Services (PARAS) Lahore, Pakistan using Cobalt-60. After irradiation fruit were Sensory evaluation of chaunsa stored in refrigerated conditions and were evaluated Mango cultivar Chaunsa was irradiated at 0.25, 0.50 at 7 day interval for physical, microbial and proximate and 1.25 kGy. The low doses showed better results analysis (8). Fruits of both groups were subjected to than that of higher doses in case of sensory evalua- sensory evaluation to determine fruit color, texture and tion (Table1). At 0.5kGy Chaunsa showed no change visual defects. in color and texture throughout 21 days. The brown- ing of the peel and pulp was produced at doses >1kGy Determination of microbial flora probably it was due to increased activity of enzymes For microbial flora determination serial dilution meth- such as polyphenoloxidase and phenylalanine ammo- od was used (4). Each sample was washed with 100 nium lyase (PAL). Irradiation stimulates production ml of sterilized saline water. Different dilutions were of phenolic compounds and increased the activity of prepared from this wash. 0.1 ml of each dilution was PAL resulting in browning of fruits (13). The brown- transferred to the petriplates containing Nutrient agar, ing and necrotic decay of the tissue might be also re- MacConkey agar, Salmonella Shigella Agar and potato lated with the stress conditions induced in the mango dextrose agar. Plates containing Nutrient agar, Mac- at high irradiation doses (14). Textural softening is a Conkey agar and SS agar were incubated at 37°C for worthy indicator of shelf-life potential. Pectin degrad- 24 h. However, PDA plates were incubated at 30°C ing enzymes such as pectin methyl esterase, polyga- for 3-4 days for the growth of fungal colonies. After lacturonase, rhamnogalacturonase, and lyase have been specific time total viable bacterial and fungal count was known to be very effective in fruit-tissue softening calculated (9-10). The API-20E test kit was used for (15). Irradiation changed the synthesis of these en- the identification of enteric bacteria. Fungal species zymes and hence saved the texture of the fruits (16). were identified on the basis of micro and macroscopic The results in the present study indicate that shelf life characteristics. in Chaunsa was extended about 7 days at 0.5kGy. Evaluation of microbial potential, sensory and nutritional quality of mangoes following gamma irradiation 479 Table 1. Sensory evaluation of control and irradiated samples of Chaunsa Days of Sensory Radiation doses (kGy) storage characters 1st Control 0.25 0.5 1.25 Mango cultivar Chaunsa Chaunsa Chaunsa Chaunsa Texture Hard Hard Hard Hard Color No color change No color change No color change No color change Visual defects No blistering No blistering No blistering blistering with black spot with black spot with black spot started 7th Control 0.25 0.5 1.25 Mango cultivar Chaunsa Chaunsa Chaunsa Chaunsa Texture Soft Hard Hard Soft Color No color change Yellowish brown No color change Browning Visual defects No blistering No blistering No blistering blistering with black spot with black spot with black spot started 14th Control 0.25 0.5 1.25 Variety Chaunsa Chaunsa Chaunsa Chaunsa Texture Soft Hard Hard Soft Color No color change Yellowish brown No color change Browning Visual defects No blistering No blistering No blistering blistering with black spot with black spot with black spot started 21st Control 0.25 0.5 1.25 Mango cultivar Chaunsa Chaunsa Chaunsa Chaunsa Texture Soft Hard Hard Soft Color Yellowish brown Browning No color change Brownish black Visual defects blistering with blistering No blistering blistering black spot w/black spot w/ black spot w/ black spots Microbial analysis diation. This might be due to reason irradiation cause radiolysis of H2O molecules by the ionizing radiation Enumeration of microbes on nutrient agar which produces free radicals, destroying the DNA in The effect of gamma irradiation on the total viable addition to other organelles in microorganisms, thus count of bacteria on the Chaunsa was evaluated (Fig. inactivating or eliminating the microorganism (17). 1a). During the first week of analysis, chaunsa cultivar kept at refrigerated temperature showed that total vi- Enumeration of microbes on MacConkey agar able count was reduced from 1.80×105 to 9.0×104 cfu/ The Figure 1b depicted the effect of gamma irradiation ml at 0.5kGy. However, samples treated with 1.25kGy on the gram negative bacterial count of control and irra- dose had 5.2×104 total viable count on first day of diated samples (0.25, 0.5, and 1.25kGy. During the first analysis which was lesser than control. Viable count week of analysis, Chaunsa cultivar kept at refrigerated of bacteria in control on 14th day was increased up temperature showed that total viable bacterial count to 2.10×105 which decayed on 21st day. However, 0.5 was reduced from 3.4×104 to 0.9×104 cfu/ml at 0.5kGy.
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