Commercial Airplane 727 Group Service Bulletin Number: 727-57-0112 Revision Transmittal Sheet Date: September 2, 1970 Revision 5: July 31, 1997 ATA System: 5712 SUBJECT: WINGS - RIB UPPER CHORD AT BL 70.5 - INSPECTION, MODIFICATION, AND REPAIR This revision includes all pages of the service bulletin. COMPLIANCE INFORMATION RELATED TO THIS REVISION No more work is necessary on airplanes changed by Revision 4 of this service bulletin. More work is necessary on Group 1 airplanes changed by Revisions 2 or 3, Part V of the Accomplishment Instructions of this service bulletin. On Group 1 Airplanes with the Major Repair/Preventive Modification installed, it is necessary to make an inspection at BL 70.5 for a repair strap. If a strap is not installed, it is necessary to make an inspection of the frame for cracks. SUMMARY This revision is sent to tell operators that new kits are available for Group 1 and 2 Airplanes. The drawings used to install the kits are sent with this revision (the drawings have been revised since the release of Notice of Status Change 3). The format used to show the removal of parts and installation of the kits has changed. Also repairs, that operators have requested, are included, and the compliance information has been clarified. This revision is sent to tell the 727 airplane operators that this service bulletin has been identified by the 727 Structures Working Group (SWG), and the structural change and inspection given in this service bulletin are recommended to be included on applicable 727 airplanes. The change and inspection given in this service bulletin must be included at the times given in the Description and Accomplishment Instructions. As a result of the Aging Fleet Conference held by the FAA, the 727 SWG was made and included 727 airline operators from a large part of the high time 727 fleet, persons from the Boeing Company, and monitors from the FAA. The SWG examined the structural changes and inspections given in applicable Boeing service bulletins. A selection of these service bulletins was made that contain structural changes and inspections that are important to the continued structural airworthiness of 727 airplanes. The structural changes given in these service bulletins are recommended to be included, and the inspections are recommended to be a part of the regularly scheduled maintenance on applicable 727 airplanes. The data given in Notice of Status Change 727-57-0112 NSC 1, 2 and 3 are included in this revision. Paragraph I.A., Effectivity, shows changes of airplane operators. Each operator should examine the Effectivity paragraph for changes. Vertical lines are put on the left edge of each page, except in Paragraph I.A., Effectivity, to show the location of important changes. Pages with a revision number and date, but no vertical lines, have no important changes. REVISION HISTORY Initial Release: September 2, 1970 Revision 1: April 23, 1976 Revision 2: May 19,1988 Revision 3: December 21, 1989 Revision 4: October 29, 1992 Revision 5: July 31, 1997 BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP P.O. BOX 3707 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98124-2207 Commercial Airplane 727 Group Service Bulletin Number: 727-57-0112 Summary Date: September 2, 1970 Revision 5: July 31, 1997 ATA System: 5712 SUBJECT: WINGS - RIB UPPER CHORD AT BL 70.5 - INSPECTION, MODIFICATION, AND REPAIR BACKGROUND If no cracks are found, increase the hole diameter, cold work the hole, and install a new fastener in six The Structures Working Group (SWG) has places. Continue the inspection at regularly examined the structural change and inspection in scheduled times as given in the Accomplishment this service bulletin, and recommends that the Instructions, Part II.A.2, or B.1, Inspection. The change and inspection be included on 727 approved time between one inspection and the airplanes. subsequent inspection must not be more than 14,000 flights. To stop the inspection given in this During a 727 primary fatigue test at Boeing, two service bulletin, do the preventive modification or cracks were found in the upper vertical flange of the large repair. wing-to-body rib upper chord at Body Station 760. One crack in the rib upper chord was between the If cracks are found, make a change to the rib upper two aft fastener holes of the frame at Body Station chord as given in this service bulletin. 760.95. The other crack in the rib upper chord was immediately aft of the lower fastener hole in the EFFECTIVITY frame. All 727 airplanes, divided into 2 groups. To increase the fatigue life of the rib chord and to reduce the risk of repair and maintenance not MANPOWER scheduled, make the change given in this service bulletin. See Service Bulletin ACTION (PRR 24791-R and PRR 24803-R) MATERIAL INFORMATION As recommended by the 727 SWG, make the Boeing supplied kits and Operator supplied Parts. Preventive Modification or Large Repair structural Refer to Paragraph I.G., Material - Price and change given in the Accomplishment Instructions at Availability. or before the airplane collects a total of 60,000 flights, and make the inspection given in the Accomplishment Instructions, Part II.A.1, Inspection, at or before the airplane collects a total of 14,000 flights, or within 3,000 flights, whichever occurs later. BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP P.O. BOX 3707 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98124-2207 Summary Page 1 of 2 BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 727-57-0112 STA 970 STA 870 STA 760.95 STA 660 INSPECT 6 FASTENER HOLES IN WING−TO−BODY RIB UPPER CHORD INSTALL PREVENTIVE MODIFICATION OR REPAIR R44683 Sep 2/70 REV 5: Jul 31/97 Summary Page 2 of 2 Commercial Airplane 727 Group Service Bulletin Number: 727-57-0112 Date: September 2, 1970 Revision 5: July 31, 1997 ATA System: 5712 SUBJECT: WINGS - RIB UPPER CHORD AT BL 70.5 - INSPECTION, MODIFICATION, AND REPAIR I. PLANNING INFORMATION A. Effectivity 1. Airplanes Refer to Service Bulletin Index Document D6-9825, Part 3 for Airplane Variable Number, Line Number, and Serial Number data. IDENTIFICATION BY CUSTOMER, CUSTOMER CODE, GROUP AND VARIABLE NUMBER A.J. WALTER AVIATION LTD (AJW) 1 E0210 E3343 ACES (ACE) 1 E3781 E3783 QA633 QB619 QD031 QD504 2 QD904 ADC AIRLINES (ADN) 1 QA517 QA521 AECA AIRLINES (AED) 1 E0341 AERO CONTROLS, INC (AEO) 1 QA415 QA418 QA422 AERO COSTA RICA (AOR) 1 E0305 AERO PERU (PER) 1 E3286-E3288 QA040 QD607 2 QD685 AERO REPUBLICA (REU) 1 E3146 E3149 AERO UNION (AUC) 1 E0328 AEROCAR AVIATION CORPORATION (AAH) 1 QA872 QA874 QA917 Sep 2/70 727-57-0112 REV 5: Jul 31/97 Page 1 of 163 BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 727-57-0112 AEROEJECUTIVO (AEJ) 1 E0404 E0423 QA225 QA608 QA611 QA628 QA632 QD001 QD004 QD007-QD012 AEROLINEAS ARGENTINAS (ARG) 1 E3222 QD603 AEROLINEAS CARGUERAS S.A. (AEROCAR) (CRQ) 1 E3071 E3575 AEROLINEAS INTERNACIONALES (MXC) 1 E0325 E0334 QA129 AEROMEXPRESS (MEX) 2 QD972 AERON EQUITIES CORP (AAV) 1 E3148 QA618 QA622 AEROSUCRE S.A. (SUS) 1 E0346 E3221 E3402 QA021 AEROSUR S.A. (REO) 1 E0312 E0332 E0345 AGASSI ENTERPRISES (AGA) 1 E3420 AIMS LTD (MES) 1 E0212 AIR ALFA (ALV) 1 QB102 AIR ALGERIE (ALG) 1 QA574-QA576 QB451-QB458 AIR ATLANTIC NIGERIA LTD (NGE) 1 E0041 AIR COLOMBIA (CLM) 1 E3519 AIR DABIA (DBI) 1 QA701 AIR FRANCE (AFA) 1 QA562 2 QD764-QD765 AIR GABON S.A. (GBN) 2 QD763 AIR JAMAICA (JAM) 2 QD282-QD283 AIR NACOIA LDA (NAO) 1 E5114 QA871 Sep 2/70 727-57-0112 REV 5: Jul 31/97 2 BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 727-57-0112 AIR SLOVAKIA (SLO) 1 QB103-QB104 AIR TRANSPORT OFFICE (TOZ) 1 QA501 AIR 4000 INC (FTO) 1 QA333 AIRCRAFT MANAGEMENT COMPANY LTD (AMI) 1 E3509 AL-ANWA EST. (SVE) 2 QD407 AL-ATHEER EST (ALN) 1 E3410 ALLCANADA EXPRESS LTD. (EXM) 1 E3652 2 QD662-QD663 ALLEGRO AIR (AEG) 1 QA675 QA902 QA906 AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC. (AAL) 1 QA114 QA119-QA120 QA123-QA124 QA136 QA142-QA149 QA158-QA199 QA854 QA856-QA869 QB801-QB810 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS, INC. (CKF) 1 E0336 E5050 QA107-QA109 QA111-QA113 QA117 QA132 QA135 QA139 QA155 QA157 QA705 AMERICAN TRANS AIR (AAT) 1 QA374-QA376 QA378 QA928 QB066-QB068 QB618 QB620-QB623 QB625-QB628 QD702 QD791 2 QD683 QD951-QD952 AMERICANA DE AVIATION S. A. (AMY) 1 E3751 QB305 AMERIJET INTERNATIONAL, INC. (AMJ) 1 E0344 E3028 E3145 E5161 E5403 QA336 QA727 QA875 QA886 2 QD206 QD211-QD212 QD781 AMWAY CORPORATION (AMA) 1 E3681 ANGOLA AIR CHARTER (AOH) 1 E0333 ANSETT AUSTRALIA (ANS) 1 QD034 QD040 2 QD043-QD046 Sep 2/70 727-57-0112 REV 5: Jul 31/97 3 BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 727-57-0112 ARIANA AFGAN AIRLINES CO., LTD (AFG) 1 E5410 E5424 2 QD767-QD768 ARRIVA AIR INTERNATIONAL (ARV) 1 QA002 ASIAN EXPRESS AIRLINES (EXZ) 2 QL007 ATASCO USA, INC. (ATJ) 1 E0032 QB301-QB304 AVENSA (AVN) 1 E0034 E0036 E3072 E3244 E3246 E3248 E3511 E3654 QA036 QA039 QA042-QA043 QA853 QD121 QD124-QD126 QD444 AVIANCA (AVI) 1 QA572 QD553-QD554 AVIATION CAPITAL CORPORATION (ACD) 1 E0039 AVIATION LEASING GROUP (ALW) 1 E0317 AVIATION PROFESSIONAL CORP (PRP) 1 QA630-QA631 AVIOGENEX AIR TRANSPORT (AVG) 1 QD191-QD192 QD518 AZERBAIJAN AIRLINES (BAKU) (AHY) 1 QA211-QA212 BAHRIAN AMRI FLIGHT (BHR) 1 QD451 BAKRIE AVIATION INC. (FES) 1 E3346 BELGIAN AIR FORCE (BLG) 1 E5351-E5352 BIN MAHFOOZ AVIATION (BMV) 1 QA566-QA567 BLENHEIM AVIATION (BLM) 1 QD305 BRADLEY AIR SERVICES/FIRST AIR (BRS) 1 E3065 E5112 E5141 E5482 QA614 2 QD207 QD210 C-S AVIATION SERVICES INC. (CSV) 1 E0302-E0303 E0307 E0315 E0320 E0326 Sep 2/70 727-57-0112 REV 5: Jul 31/97 4 BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 727-57-0112 CAPITAL CARGO AIRLINES (CCA) 1 QA371 QD087 QD701 CAPRICORN FLIGHTS (CPR) 1 E3075 E3520 CARNIVAL AIR (CVL) 1 QA636 QA641 QD304 2 QD822-QD823 QD953 CHINESE AIR FORCE (CAF) 1 E3506 E3512 E5409 E5435 CIS AIR HOLDINGS, LTD.
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