United Nations S/ PV.7802 Security Council Provisional Seventy-first year 7802nd meeting Monday, 7 November 2016, 10 a.m. New York President: Mr. Ndiaye/Mr. Ciss ............................. (Senegal) Members: Angola. Mr. Gaspar Martins China ......................................... Mr. Liu Jieyi Egypt ......................................... Mr. Aboulata France ........................................ Mr. Delattre Japan ......................................... Mr. Bessho Malaysia ...................................... Mr. Ibrahim New Zealand ................................... Mr. Van Bohemen Russian Federation ............................... Mr. Iliichev Spain ......................................... Mr. Ybáñez Ukraine ....................................... Mr. Klimkin/Mr. Vitrenko United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .. Mr. Rycroft United States of America .......................... Ms. Power Uruguay ....................................... Mr. Rosselli Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) ................... Mr.Ramírez Carreño Agenda Maintenance of international peace and security Peace operations facing asymmetrical threats Letter dated 27 October 2016 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Senegal to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (S/2016/927) This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the translation of speeches delivered in other languages. The final text will be printed in the Official Records of the Security Council. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-0506 ([email protected]). Corrected records will be reissued electronically on the Official Document System of the United Nations (http://documents.un.org). 16-36375 (E) *1636375* S/PV.7802 Maintenance of international peace and security 07/11/2016 The meeting was called to order at 10.10 a.m. The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda. Adoption of the agenda I wish to draw the attention of Council members The agenda was adopted. to document S/2016/927, which contains a letter dated 27 October 2016 from the Chargé d’affaires ad interim Maintenance of international peace and security of the Permanent Mission of Senegal addressed to the Peace operations facing asymmetrical threats Secretary-General, transmitting a concept paper on the item under consideration. Letter dated 27 October 2016 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of I now give the floor to the Deputy Secretary- Senegal to the United Nations addressed to the General. Secretary-General (S/2016/927) The Deputy Secretary-General: I thank the The President (spoke in French): I wish to warmly Government of Senegal for organizing this timely and welcome the Deputy Secretary-General, Ministers and important meeting. other representatives present in the Security Council Today, our peace operations increasingly face Chamber. Their presence today underscores the asymmetric threats from violent extremists and importance of the subject matter under discussion. terrorist groups. The casualty figures in Mali are a In accordance with rule 37 of the Council’s stark and tragic reflection of that. It is a sad fact that provisional rules of procedure, I invite the our peacekeepers are now being specifically targeted representatives of Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, by violent extremists and terrorists. Yesterday again, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, the our peacekeepers in Mali came under attack. One of Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia, them died, seven others were wounded, and two Malian Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Indonesia, the civilians were also killed by the unknown assailants. Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, The Secretary-General condemns this vicious acts, Lithuania, Maldives, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, the underlining that such attacks targeting United Nations Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, peacekeepers may constitute war crimes under Poland, the Republic of Korea, South Africa, the Syrian international law. Arab Republic, Thailand and Turkey to participate in If United Nations peace operations are to be able this meeting. to work safely and carry out their mandates in today’s In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s complex conflicts, they must develop strategies to face provisional rules of procedure, I invite the following these new conditions. The fundamental question is briefers to participate in this meeting: Ms. Michaëlle how they can do so. Today’s discussion could be very Jean, Secretary-General of the International helpful in answering that question, and we thank you, Organization of la Francophonie; Mr. Yury Fedotov, Sir, for this initiative. Executive Director of the United Nations Office on We should first recall that the High-level Drugs and Crime; Mr. Jean-Paul Laborde, Executive Independent Panel on Peace Operations emphasized that Director of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive United Nations troops should not undertake military Directorate; and Mr. Arthur Boutellis, Director of the counter-terrorism operations. One conclusion could be Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations. that peacekeeping operations should not be mandated In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s to militarily defeat violent extremist and terrorist provisional rules of procedure, I invite the following groups. However, terrorists and violent extremists are a to participate in this meeting: His Excellency Mr. Joao reality in many contemporary conflicts — a reality that Vale de Almeida, Head of the Delegation of the European has to be dealt with. These destructive and dangerous Union to the United Nations; His Excellency Mr. Tanou forces make conflicts even more intractable. They Koné, Permanent Observer of the Economic Community thrive on impunity and governance failures. They of West African States to the United Nations; and His exploit deep-rooted grievances. These factors in turn Excellency Mr. Téte António, Permanent Observer of are fertile ground for violent extremism and terrorism the African Union to the United Nations. to grow further. 2/77 16-36375 07/11/2016 Maintenance of international peace and security S/PV.7802 This is the context in which the United Nations and the rule of law, so as to avoid perpetuating drivers often must operate. In response, our action and footprint of conflict and extremism in the first place. have to be more nimble and comprehensive, and we Thirdly, we must fully take into account how need more flexible support arrangements. We will need and when the United Nations can support national more sophisticated and more predictable uniformed and regional efforts to prevent violent extremism and capabilities to strengthen mobility, responsiveness and terrorism. In his Plan of Action to Prevent Violent a deeper understanding of the operating environment. Extremism, the Secretary-General indicated the need Developing our intelligence and analysis capacity to integrate the prevention of violent extremism in will be critical in that pursuit. We will also need to peace operations, both in terms of mandates and the adjust how we conduct our core tasks, including our relevant activities of the United Nations country good offices, our capacity-building, our community teams. The General Assembly has called on Member engagement and stabilization measures — all the tools States to implement the recommendations of the Plan that are available to the United Nations. of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism as they apply Further, the political objectives of our peacekeeping to the national context. When requested, the United operations need to be clearly defined and communicated. Nations is ready to support such efforts at the national We must find new and creative ways of achieving level. We are providing technical assistance in areas political goals in situations where some parties are such as criminal justice, border controls, kidnapping not speaking partners or willing participants, and we for ransom, dealing with foreign terrorist fighters and must devise strategies to build coalitions and support the financing of terrorism. We are also supporting youth engagement and skills development. And we are around political objectives at the local, national and encouraging Member States to exchange information regional levels. among themselves, as well as expertise and resources, I see three priorities for preparing our operations to in order to strengthen international cooperation on face asymmetric threats. countering terrorism. One important tool to provide all-United Nations strategic assistance is the integrated First and primarily, we must do all we can to assistance for countering terrorism initiative for the ensure the safety and security of our personnel. This Group of Five for the Sahel, mandated by the Council means greater situational awareness, analysis and force in 2014. protection measures. We are already doing that in Mali, but we need to do more. We must, for instance, utilize I would like to conclude with a final reflection. The new technologies and deploy uniformed units with United Nations is an Organization of States, but it is built-in, robust self-protection tools. also an Organization of normative values. We work for the peoples of the world. Our
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