US 20140261026A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0261026 A1 McClure et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 18, 2014 (54) COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR (52) U.S. Cl. MAKING PUTTY TRANSFER BOOKS CPC ..................................... B4IM 5/025 (2013.01) USPC ............................................. 101/35; 101/492 (71) Applicant: CRAYOLA LLC, Easton, PA (US) (57) ABSTRACT (72) Inventors: David McClure, Roanoke, VA (US); The present invention provides kits and methods for selec Keith Ketchman Rosemont IL (US); tively transferringaportion of an image from a substrate (e.g., Michael Craig Sciota, PA (US) s paper) to a dough (e.g., Silly Putty R) comprising pressing the s s dough onto an image printed on the Substrate. The image comprises transferable ink and non-transferable ink. At least (73) Assignee: Crayola LLC, Easton, PA (US) a portion of the image comprising transferable ink transfers from the substrate to the dough and the non-transferable ink (21) Appl. No.: 13/800,780 does not transfer from the substrate to the dough. The dough can be used to reveal an image that was “hidden within the (22) Filed: Mar 13, 2013 visible image printed on the substrate. The present invention also provides methods for making a Substrate with an image Publication Classification comprising transferable ink (e.g., cold-set web ink) and non transferable ink (e.g., sheet-fed offset ink) printed thereon, (51) Int. Cl. comprising using a sheet-fed offset press to print the image B4LM 5/025 (2006.01) onto the substrate. US 2014/0261026 A1 Sep. 18, 2014 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR substrate to the dough. When the dough is lifted off the MAKING PUTTY TRANSFER BOOKS Substrate and pressed onto a second Substrate, the transferable ink is transferred from the dough to the second substrate. In FIELD OF THE INVENTION particular embodiments, the dough can be used to reveal an image that was “hidden' within the visible image printed on 0001. The present invention relates generally to kits and the substrate. methods for transferring an image from a substrate to a 0007 Another embodiment of the present invention pro dough. In particular, the present invention relates to kits and vides a kit comprising at least one Substrate (e.g., paper), methods for using a dough to selectively transfer a portion of wherein at least one image is printed on each Substrate, and an image from one Substrate to another. each image comprises transferable ink and non-transferable ink. According to preferred embodiments, the kit further BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION comprises one or more pieces of dough (e.g., Silly Putty(R). 0002 There are many different types of printing processes 0008 Another embodiment of the present invention pro that are used to print ink-based images onto Substrates. Such vides a method for making a substrate with transferable and as paper. Three types of presses that are well-known for non-transferable inks printed thereon, the method comprising large-volume printing include sheet-fed offset presses, heat using a sheet-fed offset press to print an image onto a Surface set offset presses, and cold-set web presses. Due to the vast of the Substrate, the image comprising transferable ink and differences among these presses, inks are specially developed non-transferable ink. The transferable ink preferably com for each type of press. Thus, cold-set web inks are used with prises one or more cold-set web inks and the non-transferable cold-set web presses, sheet-fed offset inks are used with ink preferably comprises one or more sheet-fed or heat-set sheet-fed offset presses, and heat-set offset inks are used with web inks. heat-set offset presses. 0003 Cold-set web inks have comparably high mineral oil DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION content, low resin content, and low viscosity compared to 0009 Embodiments of the present invention provide kits sheet-fed offset and heat-set offset inks. Cold-set web inks are and methods for selectively transferring a portion of a printed designed to dry by absorption onto paper and by air. On the image from a Substrate to a dough, such as Silly Putty(R), and contrary, the inks for sheet-fed offset presses and heat-set from the dough to another Substrate. The applicants have offset presses are petroleum oil-based or vegetable/soy oil discovered that a sheet-fed offset press can be used to print based and have resins and driers built in to ensure the inks both cold-set web inks, which are transferable onto dough, cure to a hardened state. Sheet-fed presses typically have IR and sheet-fed offset inks, which are not transferable onto or UV driers, and heat-set presses typically have natural/ dough, onto the same Substrate. propane gas drying units that help cure the ink. The inks for 0010. The kits and methods described herein are particu sheet-fed offset and heat-set web offset are designed to cure, larly suitable for use by children. The dough can be used to preferably completely, either during the printing process or reveal an image that was “hidden' within the visible image through oxidation and chemical reactions soon thereafter. printed on the Substrate. After the user presses the dough onto Cold-set presses and inks are much different. Generally, cold the image, only a portion of the visible image (the “hidden set printing does not require built-in driers for curing the ink, image') transfers onto the dough. The image on the dough can as cold-set inks are developed to dry by absorption onto paper then be transferred onto a second substrate by pressing the and by air. dough onto the second Substrate, so that the hidden image 0004 Cold-set web presses are generally considered to from the first substrate can be seen. For example, the visible provide lower quality printing (e.g., lower resolution) incom image on the Substrate may comprise an artistic design, and parison to sheet-fed offset and heat-set offset presses. The the portion of the image that is transferable off of the substrate Viscosities of inks used with sheet-fed presses are typically onto the dough may be a shape or figure, such as a heart or much higher in comparison to cold-set web inks, and can cartoon character, that is hidden within the artistic design. A therefore print with much higher resolution. Lower viscosity user can therefore enjoy the “secret reveal capabilities of the inks tend to expand too much on the Substrate to provide the present invention by using the dough to find out what image is level of resolution provided by sheet-fed presses and inks. hidden within the design. Heat-set web offset presses provide similar quality printing as 0011. In order to provide these “secret reveal' capabilities, sheet-fed offset presses, but are typically used for higher the image printed on the Substrate comprises two different Volume runs. Heat-set web inks often have silicone in them, types of ink—one that is transferable onto the dough, and one and are developed specifically for the type of substrate that that is not transferable onto the dough. The portion of the will be printed. image that is transferable onto the dough, and then onto a 0005. There remains a need for new printing systems that second Substrate, comprises transferable ink, whereas the can provide novel consumer products with creative end uses. portion of the image that is not transferable comprises non transferable ink. According to preferred embodiments, a user SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION will not be able to tell by looking at the image which portions 0006 An embodiment of the present invention provides a are transferable and which are not, i.e., the user will not be method for selectively transferringaportion of an image from able to discern the transferable, hidden image within the a Substrate (e.g., paper) to a dough (e.g., a putty, Such as Silly visible image. Putty(R) comprising pressing the dough onto an image printed 0012. According to an embodiment of the present inven on the substrate. The image comprises both transferable ink tion, a method for transferring an image comprises pressing a and non-transferable ink. At least a portion of the image dough onto an image printed on a Substrate, the image com comprising transferable ink transfers from the substrate to the prising transferable ink and non-transferable ink. Upon press dough and the non-transferable ink does not transfer from the ing the dough onto the image, at least a portion of the image US 2014/0261026 A1 Sep. 18, 2014 comprising transferable ink transfers from the substrate to the ink, and that is transferable from a substrate (preferably dough. Preferably, the entire portion of the image comprising paper) to a dough when a user presses the dough onto the transferable ink transfers from the substrate to the dough. The substrate with sufficient force to cause the transferable ink to non-transferable ink does not transfer from the substrate to transfer onto the dough. According to preferred embodi the dough, and is therefore not visible on the dough and not ments, the transferable ink comprises or consists of one or transferable to the second substrate. When the dough is lifted more cold-set web inks that are commonly used in the art for off the surface of the substrate and pressed onto a second printing with cold-set web presses. substrate, the transferable ink is transferred from the dough to 0017. “Non-transferable ink” is ink that is not transferable the second substrate.
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