6_PREKAS2_Layout 1 31/12/2013 9:04 πμ Page 1 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 13, No 2, pp. 69-82 Copyright @ 2013 MAA Printed in Greece. All rights reserved. ThE AnATOmY Of A COmplEx ASTROnOmiCAl phEnOmEnOn DESCRibED in ThE ODYSSEY St. p. papamarinopoulos1, p. preka-papadema2, p. Antonopoulos3*, h. mitropetrou1, A.Tsironi1 and p. mitropetros2 1University of Patras, Department of Geology, 26504 Rio Patras, Greece 2University of Athens, Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanism, Faculty of Physics, 15784 Athens, Greece 3University of Patras, Department of Physics, 26504 Rio Patras, Greece Received; 1/6/2012 Corresponding author:[email protected] Accepted: 28/11/2012 AbSTRACT An intense meteor shower is described as dove’s feathers falling down during the Telemachus’ arrival in Ithaca mentioned by the Homeric epic. Additionally, in the next days, there are some other descriptions which are regarded from us as meteor activity (bolides, a meteorite, many erupted meteors in the atmosphere, and a glimmering in the sky due to intense dust). In accordance with the proposed by us new astronomical dating of Odysseus’ return to Ithaca (25 October 1207 B.C.), this meteor shower occurred in the last days of October 1207 B.C. The radiant point was near to Pleiades nebula of Taurus constellation. Consequently, two astronomical phenomena (a solar eclipse and a meteor shower) were hidden in the two Theoclymenus’ prophecies, marking clearly, the Odysseus’s return to Ithaca. KEYWORDS: Homer’s Odyssey; Theoclymenus’ prophecy; Meteor Shower 6_PREKAS2_Layout 1 31/12/2013 9:04 πμ Page 2 70 St. P. PAPAMAriNoPouloS et al 1. inTRODuCTiOn the solar disk by 75%. This date is in agreement with the appearance of planet A number of authors have considered Venus at eastward horizon according to the different astronomical aspects, facts and Homeric text. allusions in the Homeric Epics (Theodosiou Also, the authors referred an additional et al. 2011). Among them, a solar eclipse is lunar eclipse (52%) observed in the Ionian described in the passage Od.20.356-357 Islands in the 15th of October 1207 B.C. characterizing the day and the time of Moreover, they examined the presentation suitors killing according to Heraclitus of of the reported constellations in the epic Pontus (Allegories, 75, 1, 1-9, 3). This and found that Bootes did not set at all in astronomical phenomenon is hidden in the the nights of October 1207 B.C. As a prophet Theoclymenus’ words and it is consequence it could be observed all the consistent with the ancients’ concept about night in the NW to NE from all the latitudes the myth’s nature. The latter, means, that of the Mediterranean Sea inside or outside ‘the physical science is natural logos hidden of it. deeply within myths and secret theology’ as However, this prophecy is not the only mentioned by Ploutarchus (Fragmenta 157). one existing in the Odyssey. There is Theoclymenus was not an everyday another one associated again with person. In Homeric text is characterized Theoclymenus. The latter’s analysis is θεοειδής (godlike). He was the grand son explained as a phenomenon occurred of the first prophet of the ancient Greece during the Telemachus’ arrival in Ithaca named Melampous (Μελάμπους). His (Od. 15, 525-534). If the second father was the prophet Polyphides Theoclymenus’ prophecy, as it appears in (Πολυφείδης) of Mandios (Μάντιος) which the text in connection with the suitors was a son of Melampus. Melamponides described a solar eclipse why wouldn’t the (Μελαμπονίδες) were the most famous first Theoclymenus’ prophecy, as it appears prophets of ancient Greece (Stagiritis A. in Homer’s text in connection to 1815). They lived in Pylos and Argos. Telemachus’ arrival have described another Theoclymenus killed somebody and was a one astronomical phenomenon too? fugitive. Telemachus met him in Pylos and In this paper we examined this the famous prophet asked him to be possibility. We do that using the Starry transported by him. Night 6 Pro Plus software for the related Many modern researchers as Schoch calculations. Starry Night’s (2006) (1926), Papamarinopoulos (2008), Baikouzis algorithms take into account the axial & Magnasco (2008) proposed that the precession of Earth (precession of the referred eclipse hidden in the equinoxes) in order to correctly represent the Theoclymenus’ prophecy was the Total celestial sphere of the past. It can accept any Solar Eclipse of April 16th 1178 B.C. date from 4713 B.C. to 10000 A.D. to show a However, all these authors had ignored valid graphical representation of what the other significant diagnostic information sky looks like from any location on Earth. mentioned by the Homeric epic. In order to avoid the problems resulting Papamarinopoulos et al. (2012) taking into from historical calendar changes, another account all the detailed description by the astronomical time concept is used, the Julian epic proposed a new date. The referred Day, which gives us a method of “absolute” eclipse was the annular solar eclipse of 30th dating of an event which corresponds to a of October 1207 B.C. (Julian Day/JD date of the Julian calendar or to another in 1280869) observed in Ionian Islands as a a extrapolated Gregorian calendar. partial one, with significant obscuration of 6_PREKAS2_Layout 1 31/12/2013 9:04 πμ Page 3 the ANAtoMy of A CoMPlex AStroNoMiCAl PheNoMeNoN DeSCribeD iN the oDySSey 71 2. AppROACh AnD mEThODOlOgY 557). And, secondly, he entered into the hut 2.1 Telemachus’ return to Ithaca and finding Odysseus and some shepherds just its astronomical dating after waking up setting the fire to make breakfast because ‘αμ’ ηοί’, at dawn Telemachus, Odysseus son, traveled to (Od.16,1-2) and ‘αίψα γαρ ηώς ήλθεν Pylos and to Sparta in order to select εύθρονος’, for soon came fairthroned Dawn information about his father fate from kings (Od.15,493-500). Nestor and Menelaus respectively. When he Consequently Telemachus’ arrival to prepared his ship to travel from Pylos back ithaca took place before sunrise on the 28th of to Ithaca, the famous prophet October 1207 B.C. Theoclymenus met Telemachus and asked him to be transported by him to Ithaca (Od. 2.2 First Theoclymenus’ prophecy 15, 224-281) because was a fugitive accused for the killing of a man in Argos. According When Telemachus, Theoclymenus and to the epic, Theoclymenus, Telemachus and the sailors finished their breakfast and his company returned to Ithaca three days before the ship’s departure to go to the afterOdysseus’ arrival to Ithaca and two days town’s main port, a description of a rare before the suitors killing. phenomenon is mentioned in the passages Based on the dating of Odysseus’ return Od.15, 525-528: (Papamarinopoulos et al. 2012) on the 25th of October 1207 B.C. (JD 1280864), ‘ὣς ἄρα οἱ εἰπόντι ἐπέπτατο δεξιὸς Telemachus’ arrival occurred on the 28th of ὄρνις, κίρκος, Ἀπόλλωνος ταχὺς October 1207 B.C (JD 1280867). The ship ἄγγελος: ἐν δὲ πόδεσσι τίλλε πέλειαν anchored in a ‘secret’ bay before sunrise ἔχων, κατὰ δὲ πτερὰ χεῦεν ἔραζε (Od.15,493-500, Od.15,556-557, Od.16,1-2) μεσσηγὺς νηός τε καὶ αὐτοῦ because Telemachus was hidden knowing Τηλεμάχοιο.’ that the suitors wished to kill him. He informed it by Athena (Od.15,27-42). She indicated him to shipping by night (νυκτὶ δ’ ‘even as he spoke a bird flew forth upon the ὁμῶς πλείειν), arrived in a secret bay and right, a hawk, the swift messenger of Apollo. in his talons he held a dove, and was plucking went to his farm in order to pass his night her and shedding the feathers down on the (ἔνθα δὲ νύκτ’ ἀέσαι). The same conclusion ground midway between the ship and for the night is obtained by the information telemachus himself.’ that Telemachus’ departure was happened in the night (Od. 2,357, Od, 2, 385-390) and his arrival in Pylos was in the morning (Od., However, the word talons do not exist in 2,434, Od, 3, 1-5). In the contrary, the Homeric text. What it exists is in Greek Telemachus’ arrival from Pylos was in the the word ‘πόδεσσι’. The latter does not morning (Od. 15,182-221, Od, 15, 292-300); mean talons but only feet. In the ancient thus his arrival in Ithaca was in the night. Greek text Homer actually describes the They spend some time to cast anchor and following: ἐν δὲ πόδεσσι τίλλε πέλειαν to have a breakfast near to the ship. Then, ἔχων, but the interpreter says ‘he held a Telemachus sent, prophet Theoclymenus dove’. There is a significant difference and his sailors in the town by ship, while he between ‘has’ and ‘held’ especially because went to his farm. As Telemachus arrived, in Homer does not mention talons and instead the hut’s farm he met, firstly, in the farm’s of it uses feet. What Homer says to the yard, outside of the hut, the shepherds still reader is that the wild predatory bird having sleeping near to countless pigs (Od.15, 556- 6_PREKAS2_Layout 1 31/12/2013 9:04 πμ Page 4 72 St. P. PAPAMAriNoPouloS et al the dove (πέλεια) in his feet and he does not say holding the dove with its talons. ‘then theoclymenus called him apart from We also wonder how it is possible for a his companions, and clasped his hand, and predatory bird to fly and simultaneously to spoke, and addressed him: pluck its victim. Nature teaches that the “telemachus, surely not without a god's wild birds grab the victim, from above, with warrant has this bird flown forth upon our their talons, they transfer it in their place right, for i knew, as i looked upon him, that and as they kill, in their nest, its feathers are he was a bird of omen.
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