COUNCIL FILE NO. /~ ~ IJ1f5 COUNCIL DISTRICT NO. 13 APPROVAL FOR ACCELERATED PROCESSING DIRECT TO CITY COUNCIL The attached Council File may be processed directly -to Council pursuant to the procedure approved June 26, 1990, (CF 83-1 075-S1) without being referred to the Public Works Committee because the action on the file checked below is deemed to be · routine and/or administrative in nature: _} A. Future Street Acceptance. _} B. Quitclaim of Easement(s). _} C. Dedication of Easement(s). _} D. Release of Restriction(s) . ...K.} E. Request for Star in Hollywood Walk of Fame. _} F. Brass Plaque(s) in San Pedro Sport Walk. _} G. Resolution to Vacate or Ordinance submitted in response to Council action. _} H. Approval of plans/specifications submitted by Los Angeles County Flood Control District. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL FOR ACCELERATED PROCESSING: APPROVED DISAPPROVED* Council Office of the District Public Works Committee Chairperson *DISAPPROVED FILES WILL BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Please return to Council Index Section, Room 615 City Hall City Clerk Processing: Date ____ notice and report copy mailed to interested parties advising of Council date for this item . Date ____ scheduled in Council. AFTER COUNCIL ACTION: ____} Send copy of adopted report to the Real Estate Section, Development Services Division, Bureau of Engineering (Mail Stop No. 515) for further processing. ____}Other: PLEASE DO NOT DETACH THIS APPROVAL SHEET FROM THE COUNCIL FILE ACCELERATED REVIEW PROCESS - E Office of the City Engineer Los Angeles California To the Honorable Council lAY 16 Ofthe City of Los Angeles Honorable Members: C. D. No. 13 SUBJECT: Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street- Walk of Fame Additional Name in Terrazzo Sidewalk~ PATRICIA HEATON RECOMMENDATIONS: A. That the City Council, designate Location No. 27f as shown on Sheet 14 of Plan D-13 788 for the Hollywood Walk of Fame for the installation of the name of Patricia Heaton at 6533 Hollywood Boulevard. B. Inform the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce of the Council's action on this matter. C. That this report be adopted prior to the date of the ceremony on May 22, 2012. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT: No General Fund Impact. All cost paid by permittee. TRANSMITTALS: 1. Unnumbered communication dated March 30, 2012, from the Hollywood Historic Trust of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, biographical information and excerpts from the minutes of the Chamber's meeting with recommendations. City Council - 2- C. D. No. 13 DISCUSSION: The Walk of Fame Committee of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has submitted a request for insertion into the Hollywood Walk of Fame the name of Patricia Heaton. The ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 11:30 a.m. The communicant's request is in accordance with City Council action of October 18, 1978, under Council File No. 78-3949. Following the Council's action of approval, and upon proper application and payment of the required fee, an installation permit can be secured at 201 N. Figueroa Street 3rd Floor, Counter 23. Respectfully submitted, ~ co, P.E. Central Distric ngmeer Bureau of Engineering pkt:wof.Ol (213) 482-7030 cc: Construction Services Center, Counter 23 Bureau of Street Services Administration ~OllVWOOD WALK 0!= !=AM~ STAR POINTS EAST March 30, 2012 Mr. Gary Lee Moore Public Works Engineering Att: Lemuel Paco 201 N. Figueroa St. 3rd Floor, M.S. 503 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Fax 213 482-7007 Dear Mr. Moore: The Walk of Fame Committee of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has approved the below listed name for insertion into the Hollywood Walk of Fame: PATRICIA HEATON (Category-TELEVISION)- Requested star location to be 6533 Hollywood Blvd. south side of the street, in front of The Hudson Apartments. The star for PATRICIA HEATON will be situated between the stars of CLYDE COOK (26F), to the east and MORTON GOULD which is numbered (27F) to the west. According to sheet # 14 plan 13788, PATRICIA HEATON'S star is number 27f. The dedication ceremony is scheduled for Monday May 14, 2012 at 11:30 a.m. Thank you for your cooperation in this request. I look forward to a response from your office soon. If you have questions call me at (323) 468-1376. The following materials are enclosed: PATRICIA HEATON's bio and Board of Director's Minutes. Sincere! AnaM ez Vice Pre · ent, Media Relations/ Producer Hollywo d Walk of Fame cc: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Darin Cohen Carmine Goglia Councilman Eric Garcetti Ralph Pipes Winson Seta Sally Castro Leron Gubler Sgt. Lamont J errett Top End Constructors Inspector Andrews Martinez Ana. From: Seto, Winson [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 10:51 AM To: Martinez, Ana; Sarah Fuller; Cece Yorke Subject: Re: PATRICIA HEATON Sarah and CeCc, can you guys confirm this is the 1no~t recent bio for Patt~r? P;1tricia Heaton 13iography Patricia Heaton slats as Frankie Heck~ an O\'Ctstressed wife and mother of 3 who w·orks tirelessly to maintain her family, and her sanitr, on a daily basis - in Warner Bros. Tcledsion's hit corncdy "The Ivliddle." A sol.id performer on ABC's Wednesday night<x-apple-data-dctecto.rs:/ /0> comedy block, the series has earned itself a third seascm, thanks a great deal in part to Patricia's performance, which has garnered rave rcvie\vS from both ctirics and viewers throughout the season. Heaton is perhaps best knmvn for her role as Debra Barone on the m.vard-winning series "Everybody Loves Raynmnd." She won t\vo Enuny(f{) A>vards for the role and >vas nominated :seven times. In addition to her Emmy(){l wins, Heaton is also the recipient of the Best Comedy Actress A \Vard ftorn the ·viewers for Quality Television, a Screen Actors Guild Award and three nominations in the Best Actress category for her work on ''H.. aymond." Recent tdcv-jsion credits include starring opposite Kchey Gmmmcr in l•'OX's critically acclaimed comedy series "Back to You." She also starred in the Hallmark Hall of Fame filtTl, "Front of the Class!' l-Icr other television credits include a recurring role on the popular series "thirtysomething," prominent roles in\he series "Room for ·.rwo," "Someone Like I\·fe" and ''\"X' omen of the House," as well as the CBS television films "A ·rown Without Christmas" and "l'vfuade in the \"X/oods." On stage, Heaton J:eceivcd praise and a Lortd Award nomination for her role as Stella in the Second Stage production of "The Scene," a pby by Theresa Rebeck. Patricia recently premiered "VcrsaLlks," an eight-part web serie~ starring herself and created by her husband Dav-id Hunt. Running onlVIyDamnChannd.com.<http:I/MyDamnChannel.com./>, th.is series marks Patrici~1's first foray into the growing wotld of \veb series, I-leaton produced and starred in the TNT/Fourboys Films production ''The Engagement lung." She also starred in the 'TNT/Neil Simon production of "The Goodbye Girl" and ABC's "The Path to 9/ 1·t ." Her feature ftlm credits me. 1 une 1 '""'I'l.\' en1mrs . o f. an ..I nv1s1). 'll e l'1an,J\·f " "11JCCt. h oven," "NI ew I \ ge, " an·d "<.C,)pace Jam. " Tn addition to her acting and producing credits, Heaton is a bestselling author whose book '']\Iothedwod and Hollywood- How to Get a Job Like J'vtine" was on the New '{otk Times best-sellers list. In 2001, I--:Tcaton co .. ·founded FourBoys Fihns, a production company \Vhich she runs with her husband David Hunt. l''ourBoys recent productions include "'I11e Engagement Ring" for TNT and t:he documentary featuxe film "The Bitutninous Coal Queens of Pennsylvania." FomBoys Films also produced the ctitically acclaimed Elm ""\mazing (:;.race," directed by f'vfichael i\pted, in conjunction with Bristol Buy Productions. J-Ieaton was born in Bay Village, Ohio. H.er birth date is tvfarch 4. 1 Martinez, Ana From: Sarah Fuller [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 1:17 PM To: Martinez, Ana; Seto, Winson; Cece Yorke Subject: RE: PATRICIA HEATON Here';; a blurb on her charity work: Heaton is very active in a number uf charity organi7.ations. She hns long supported Big Brothets/Big Sister, and was a Big Sister herself in her 20s in NY. She has \Votked \vith the TS Alliance for nearly a decade, participating in thcix annual fundraiser, "Comedy for a Cure" to r:1ise money for research and treatment for Tubero-us Sclerosis. She supports the Ligh(house I\.fcd.ical :Mission and recently travelled to Sierra Leone with the relief organization. And she has spent time preparing care packages for out troops overseas with Operation Gmtitude. She also gives generously to Reece's lhinbmv, an organization that: assists in the adoption of children with Dmvn Syndrome and other special needs. \Vill get you some early career info asap. Thanks, Sarah Fuller ~Vice President TRUE PUBLIC RELATIONS 6725 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 470 Los Angeles, CA 90028 PUBLICriY- I\iA._RKETING ~ BRANDING 32.3/957-0730 - phone 323/957-0731 - fax [email protected] Ibis e-mail and any attached files are intended for the 11arned addressee only. It contains information >..vhi.ch may be confidential and legally privileged and also protected by copyright. You may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you received it jn error please notify the sender ilrunediately and then delete it from your system. -----Original Mcssage----- r:rom: IVIartinez, Ana [mailto:[email protected]! Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 12:20 PM To: Scto, Winson; S<tt:ah Fuller; Cecc Yorke Subject: RE: PATRICIA HEATON I \Vill need mo.re and how she got started as \'/ell as her charities \vhich I forgot to mention.
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