Note on the smaller mammals of the Hester Malan Nature Reserve, Springbok, Namaqualand R.C. Dieckmann A survey of the smaller mammals of the Hester Malan Comparatively little information is available on the small Nature Reserve resulted in a checklist as well as mammals of Namaqualand, the most arid region of the information on the habitat in which the mammals Cape Province. The most comprehensive survey so far occurred. Of the 38 species listed, 31 were collected or undertaken was that of Shortridge (1942) at the end of seen in the Reserve and seven on the neighbouring 1936 and beginning of 1937. In addition, Davis (1974) gives farms and surrounding district. the distribution of some insectivores and rodents of the S. Afr. J. Zoot. 14: 85-89 (1979) region. The present paper lists the findings of a survey 'n Opname is gemaak van die kleiner soogdlere wat in conducted in the Hester Malan Nature Reserve, with the die Hester Malan Natuurreservaat aangetref word en het aim of drawing up a checklist of the small mammals found . there. ) gelei tot die saamstel van 'n spesielys. Inligting oor die 0 1 habitat van die soogdiere is ook verkry. Van die 38 0 spesies in die Iys genoteer, word 'n totaal van 31 in die Physiography 2 d Reservaat aangetref. Hierbenewens is 'n verdere sewe The Hester Malan Nature Reserve is located some 15 km e 0 0 t spesies op naburige plase en omliggende distrik east of Springbok (29 34' S, 17 57' E). It lies in the a d waargeneem. Namaqualand Broken veld and covers an area of about ( r S.-Afr. Tydskr. Oierk. 14 85-89 (1979) 4600 ha (Acocks, 1975; van der Westhuizen,pers. comm.}. e h s The physiography consists of typical dome-shaped and i l broken granite kopjes with a wide valley inbetween. The b u sandy plain in the south of the Reserve lies at an altitude P e ranging from 880 m to 930 m. This contrasts sharply with h t the largest part of the Reserve which consists of high y b kopjes which gradually change into a plateau to the north d at an altitude of 1070-1100 m (Rosch 1977). Carolusberg, e t n the highest point of the kopjes in the Reserve, is 1346 m a r above sea level. g e The very shallow Namaqualand soils are a light reddish c n brown sand to light sandy loam and are covered in some e c i parts by a thin layer of white quartz pebbles or gravel (van l r der Merwe, 1940). e d The Reserve is situated in the intermediate area between n u the winter and summer rainfall regions (Rosch, 1977). The y climate is hot and dry, characterized by sparse and erratic a w rainfall and great daily and monthly temperature e t fluctuations. For a detailed description of the physio­ a G graphy of the Reserve, see Rosch (1977). t e n i b Vegetation a S The most striking features of the Namaqualand vegetation y b are the seasonal variations in the ephemeral plant R.C. Dieckmann d population densities and composition. These ephemera Is, e Mammal Research Institute. University of Pretoria. c u Pretoria 0002 such as Dimorphotheca po(vptera, Osteospernum d o amplecteus, O. hyoceroides and Arctotisjastuosa form an r p Accepted 25 October 1978 important part of the vegetation in the Reserve in the e R 86 S.-Afr. Tydskr. Dierk. 14. nr. 2 (1979) winter season and their leaves, flowers and seeds are an FAMILY SORICIDAE important food source for the resident mammals. On the Crocidura cyanea southern plain, the sparse ground cover is dominated by Reddish-grey musk shrew / Rooigrys skeerbek. succulent mesembreanthemum and Zygophyllum One specimen was trapped in a rock crevice while two were retrofractum shrubs. On the kopje plateaux the ground collected in the Conservator's house. cover is more dense and the vegetation consists of Ruschia robusta. Leipoldtia paucif7ora. Eriocephalus ericoides. ORDER CHIROPTERA Galenia africana and Osteospernum sinautum. The FAMILY RHINOLOPHIDAE vegetation on the kopje slopes is dominated by taller Rhin%phus clivosus shrubs such as Diospyros ramulosa. Rhus undulata and Geoffroy's horseshoe bat/Geoffroyse vlermuis. Didelta spinosa with perennial grasses being more Specimens were collected from a temporary roosting site in abundant here than on the plain. the Conservator's carport. No natural roosting places were found. Methods Insectivores and rodents were collected by means of ORDER PRIMATES masonite tunnel traps, for details of construction see FAMILY CERCOPITHECIDAE Meester (1970), medium 'Havahart' (Ossining, New York) Papio ursinus traps and snap traps (Victors and Museum specials). All Chacma baboon/Kaapse bobbejaan. traps were baited with a fresh mixture of peanut butter, Ocasionally seen on the highest kopjes in the Reserve. oatmeal, golden syrup and sunflower oil. Hares and They are non-resident and very shy. Regarded as vermin dassies were shot with ,22 calibre rifle. Study skins were by surrounding sheep farmers. Recorded feeding on fruit made of all the specimens collected and deposited in the of Diospyros ramulosa. Transvaal Museum and the Mammal Research Institute. In addition, sight records and data kindly supplied by the ORDER CARNIVORA Nature Conservator, were used where specimens of a FAMILY PROTELIDAE particular species were not collected. Prote/es cristatus Identification was facilitated by consulting the Aardwolf/ Maanhaarjakkals. Smithsonian Institution's Mammals of Africa - (Meester This species is rarely seen because of its nocturnal habits. & Setzer, 1971) as well as Smithers' Mammals of Botswana Their middens were located in an area of about 100 ha in (1971) and Rautenbach and Nel (1975). the Reserve. Their meat is regarded as a delicacy by people ) 0 in surrounding areas which probably limits numbers 1 0 outside the Reserve. 2 Results d e t The following mammals were collected or recorded in the FAMILY FELIDAE a d Reserve and surrounding district during the period April Felis caraca/ ( r 1976 to July 1977. The localities of species recorded Caracal/ Rooikat. e h outside the Reserve are given. A specimen had been drowned in a reservoir behind the s i l Conservator's house and two animals were seen during a b ORDER INSECTIVORA u game count. Not abundant. Sometimes killed by P FAMILY MACROSCELIDIDAE e neighbouring farmers. h Macroscelides proboscideus t y Short-eared elephant shrew / Kortoor-klaasneus. Fe/is /ybica b Some specimens were trapped on hard sandy ground with d Cape wild cat/Vaalboskat. e t sparse shrub cover on the southern plain in the Reserve. Frequently seen during the day on the kopje slopes where n a They were also caught near low rocky outcrops where their they keep to dense cover among rocks and shrubs. r g indistinct runways could be seen in the leaf debris of shru bs e c and occasionally in Otomys unisulcatus runways. FAMILY CANIDAE n e Shortridge (1942) also found them sheltering in "karoo Otocyon mega/otis c i l Otomyinae warrens". They also use gerbil or other rodent Bat-eared fox/ Bakoorjakkals. r e burrows and rock crevices for cover. Widespread in the Reserve. A group of eight animals d n inhabited the southern sandy plain and surrounding u E/ephantu/us eduardi y kopjes. They had an extensive system of burrows on the a Cape Elephant shrew / Kaapse-klaasneus. plain and could frequently be seen foraging during the day, w e Trapped on the slopes of rocky kopjes where they tend to t particularly during overcast weather. a keep to the cover of overhanging shrubs and rocks. They G t can often be seen dashing from rock to rock during the day. Vu/pus chama e n Not trapped as frequently as M. proboscideus. Cape fox (Silver jackal)/ Silwerjakkals. i b Very rare. One specimen was killed by a "Coyote getter" set a S Elephantu/us rupestris for feral dogs (Canis familiaris). There is a record of one y b Rock elephant shrew / Klip-klaasneus. other sighting by the Conservator. d Found in a similar habitat as E. eduardi and habits appear e c u to be shared as well. One specimen was trapped at the same Canis mesome/as d o trap site as M. proboscideus near the base of a rocky Black-backed jackal/ Rooijakkals. r p outcrop. This species is regarded as vermin in the surrounding e R s. Afr. J. Zoo!. 14, no. 2 (1979) 87 sheep-farming area and is relentlessly persecuted. They are Klipspringer / Klipbok. therefore rare in the vicinity of the Reserve, although Abundant on the kopjes where their middens are specimens have recently been sighted on the neighbouring commonly seen. Probably less abundant outside the farm Goechab (van der Westhuizen, pers. comm.). Reserve as they are still shot for their meat. FAMILY MUSTELIDAE Sylvicapra grimmia Mellivora capensis Common duiker/Gewone (Grys) Duiker. Honey badger/ Ratel. In this area the species has a brown colour. They are very Two specimens were seen in the Reserve by P. Norten shy but are frequently seen during twilight hours on the (pers. comm.). shrub-covered plateaux and plains. They lie up in dense cover during the day. Ictonyx striatus (Cape) Striped polecat/ Kaapse stinkmuishond. Raphicerus campestris Their burrows are common on the southern plain. They Steenbok. are frequently seen on the roads at night and appear to be Not found in the Reserve but have been sighted on the the most common roadkill species in the district. A neighbouring farms and occur commonly in specimen was trapped in a "Havahart" trap set in an Bushmanland. Otomys unisulcatus runway. ORDER LAGOMORPHA FAMILY VIVERRIDAE FAMILY LEPORIDAE Genetta genetta ct.
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