STATE OF OREGON VOTERS' PAMPHLET GENERAL ELECTION November 2, 1976 Complied and Distributed by CLAY MYERS Secretary of State This Voters' Pamphlet Is the personal property of the recipient elector to assist him at the Polls. (ORS 255.025(3)). See page 2 for Voter Instructions and recent election law changes. 2 _______________ Official Voters' Pamphlet INFORMATION STATEMENT The material contained in the Voters' Pamphlet is Written either by the candidate or by designated political committee, by supporters or opponents of ballot measures and by statutorily appointed committees. The Secretary of State then compiles and publishes the statements supplied by the candidates or organizations. Candidates and committees not submitting Voters' Pamphlet material by the legal deadline or who choose not to purchase space are not allocated space in this publication, Each household in the state will receive one Voters' Pamphlet to be shared by all voting members of the household. Additional copies of the Pamphlet are available at the Post Office, Courthouses and other public buildings. VOTER REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS NAME CHANGES You must be registered by October 2, 1976, to have your If your name has changed within 60 days before an election name printed in the poll book. and you have not re-registered, you may vote by presenting proof of the name change to the Election Board at your precinct. YOU MAY REGISTER TO VOTE IF: 1. You are a citizen of the United States 2. You will be 18 or older on election day VOTING BY ABSENTEE BALLOT 3. You are a resident of Oregon YOUMAY APPLY FORAN ABSENTEE BALLOT IF: 4. You may register to vote if you meet the first three 1. You are a registered voter qualifications; however, you must be a resident of 2. You live more than 15 miles from your polling place Oregon 30 days before you may vote. 3. You will be unable for any reason to attend the election 4. 'You are a "service voter". "Service voter" means a YOU MUST RE-REGISTER IF: citizen of the state of Oregon absent from his place of 1. Your address changes residence and serving in the Armed Forces or Merchant 2. Your name changes Marine of the United States, or temporarily residing outside the United States and the District of Columbia. 3. You change political party affiliation REGISTRATION WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ELECTION YOU MAY APPLY FOR AN ABSENTEE BALLOT If you fail to register or re-register more than 30 days prior BY: to an election and you are otherwise qualifjed to vote, you 1. Submitting an application to the County Clerk within may register and vote by obtaining a Clerk's Certificate. A 60 days preceding the election. Clerk's Certificate is obtained by completing a voter 2. The application must include: registration form and delivering it either in person or by • Your signature mail to the County Clerk. If the Clerk receives your • Your address and precinct number registration form within five days of the election, you must obtain the Certificate in person from the Clerk's office. • Statement explaining your inability to attend the Present the Clerk's Certificate at your precinct on election election day. Presentation of the Certificate will entitle you to vote • Address to which ballot will be mailed at your designated precinct. The Election ~ard will write your name in the poll book and this will allow you to vote. YOU MUST RETURN THE VOTED ABSENTEE BAL­ Your name will appear in the poll book for the next election LOT TO THE COUNTY CLERK NOT LATER THAN 8 at which you are entitled to vote. P.M. OF ELECTION DAY. THE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THE VOTERS' PAMPHLET IS WRITTEN BY THE CANDIDATES, BY COMMITTEES, AND BY SUPPORTERS OR OPPONENTS OF BALLOT MEASURES. UNDER OREGON LAW THE SECRETARY OF STATE COMPILES AND PUBLISHES THE STATEMENTS SUPPLIED TO HIM. (See back of book for a list of candidates including those who chose not to buy space in this pamphlet.) GeMralElection, Nowmber 2, 1{!76 3 At the General Election of 1976 the electors of Benton County will cast their votes on the equipment illustrated below. This page is inserted into the Voters' Pamphlet as an aid to those of you who will be using this equipment for the first time. HOW TO VOTE A PUNCH CARD BALLOT SPECIAL NOT£: IF YOU MAKE A MISTAICE. RETURN YOUR CARO ANO GET ANOTHER. STEP(j) INSUT THl IALLOT CAlli AU THE WAY INTO TH( DlVIC(. If SU•E THE TWO SLOTS IN THl SIUI OF YOUR CA~D FIT DOWN OVU THl TWO I'INS. TA~l TH( PUNCH ATTACHED TO TH( DlVICl AND I"Uf«:H fHilOUGoH THl IALLOf CAIO lOR CAHOIOAfU OF YO\Itl CHOICE. HOLD 'UNCH VUTICL£ fSTRAIGHT UI'J. 00 HOT US£ PJN 01 'lNCII. -- THf llACK S~T IN fHf VOTING CIICll SHOWS YOU HAVf IECOIOIO YOUI von. STEP@ AFTER. VOTING, WITHDRAW THE BALLOT CARD AND FOLD THE LONG STUB OVER THE VOTED PORTION. THE PRINTED SURFACE OF THE CARD MUST BE ON THE INSIDE. WRITE-IN INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTE FOR A PERSON NOT ON THE BAlLOT, REMOVE THIS CARD FROM THE VOTING DEVICE AND PLACE ON A FLAT SUR· FACE. WRITE IN FULl OFFtCE TITLE AND CANDIDATE NAME. ----· .... 4 Official Voters' Pam[!_hlet The following list of districts, and precincts within those districts, is provided to help you identify the state senator and state representative candidates for whom you may vote. Find your precinct number or name in the left columiL It will identify your representative, senatorial or congressional districts in the columns on the right. If you have any questions about which candidates you are eligible to vote for at the general election, please call your county clerk. PRECINCTS, ELECTORAL DISTRICTS, POLLING PLACES BENTON County Precincts State State u.s. Precincts State State u.s. and Rep. Sen. Cong. and Rep. Sen. Cong. Polling Places Dist. Dist. Dist. Polling Places Dist. Dist. Dist. Precinct 101 35 18 1 Precinct 125 35 18 1 Lincoln Sehool Corvallis H.S, Precinct 102 35 18 1 Precinct 126 35 18 1 Adams Sehool Corvallis Woman's Club Precinct 103 35 18 1 Precinct 127 35 18 1 OSU Memorial Union Gill Coliseum Precinct 104 35 18 1 Precinct 128 36 19 1 St. Mary's Gym Hoover Sehool Precinct 105 35 18 1 Precinct 130 34 18 1 First Baptist Church Wren Community Hall Precinct 106 35 18 1 Precinct 131 34 18 1 Christian Church Suburban Christian Church Precinct 107 35 18 1 Precinct 132 34 18 1 Franklin Sehool Mary's River 3range Hall Precinct 108 35 18 1 Precinct 133 34 18 1 Grant Ave. Baptist Church . I.O.O.F. Hall Precinct 109 35 18 1 Precinct 134 36 19 1 Highland View Jr. H.S. Fairmount School Precinct 110 35 18 1 Precinct 135 36 19 1 Church of Christ Oak Grove Sehool Precinct 111 35 18 1 Precinct 136 36 19 1 St. Mary's Gym Benton Co. Fairgrounds Precinct 112 35 18 1 Precinct 137 38 2 1 Episcopal Church Alsea Grange Hall Precinct 113 35 18 1 Precinct 138 34 18 1 Harding Sehool Bl~tt Sehool Precinct 114 35 18 1 Precinct 139 36 19 1 Jefferson Sehool Children's Farm Home Chapel Precinct 115 35 18 1 Precinct 140 34 18 4 Assembly of God Church American Legion Hall, Monroe Precinct 116 35 18 1 Precinct 141 34 18 1 Garfield Sehool Willamette Grange Hall Precinct 117 35 18 1 Precinct 142 36 19 1 Cheldelin Jr. H.S. Crescent Valley H.S. Precinct 118 35 18 1 Precinct 143 36 19 1 Hoover Sehool North Albany Sehool Precinct 119 35 18 1 Precinct 144 36 19 1 Washington Sehool Fir Grove School Precinct l20 35 18 1 Precinct145 35 18 1 Withycombe Hall Suburban Christian Church Precinct 121 35 18 1 Precinct146 35 18 1 Christian Church Adams Sehool Precinct 122 35 18 1 Precinct 147 35 18 1 Armed Svcs. Reserve Ctr. Lincoln School Precinct 123 35 18 1 Precinct 148 36 19 1 Grace Lutheran Church Adair Officers Club Precinct 124 35 18 1 Wilson School · GeneralElection,November2,1976 Measure No.1 Measure No. 1 Validates Inadvertently Superseddt Validates Inadvertently Supert!ded Statutory Amendments Statutory Amendments Referred to the Electorate of Oregon by the 1975 Legisla­ ture to be voted on at the General Election, November 2, , Argument in FavO' 1976. By Joint Legislative Committee )esignated Pursuant to ORS 255.~ Explanation Ballot Measure # 1 is a minor consitutional amend­ ment written to streamline the legislati~ process and save By Committee Designated Pursuant to ORS 254.210 tax dollars. PRESENT LAW: The last Act signed by the Governor The courts have interpreted the Constitution to say becomes the law. The last Act repeals, or changes all that when more than one Act amendsthe same section of previous Acts signed by the Governor on the same existing law only the last Act signed b' the Governor takes subject regardless of whether the Governor or Legisla­ effect. Ballot Measure #1 will conct this problem by ture wanted the previous Acts to take effect. allowing each Act to take. effect unle& its purpose conflicts. PROPOSED CHANGE: If there is a conflict in purpose of a The Legislature endeavors to ci!Ilbine bills that deal portion of two or more legislative acts, the portions that with the same section of existing la" However, because we are not in conflict in each of the acts will become law, have two separate houses (Senate a1d House of Represent­ and of the portions that do conflict, the language used atives) involved in the legislatve process, this task in the Act last signed by the Governor shall control.
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