MAINE, JULY 19. 1906. [ ENTEBID AM BKCO.XD I PORTLAND, THURSDAY, I CULM MAIL MATTES, J PRICE FIVE CENTS. SUMMER RESIDENTS. BASIN POINT SOLD Merriconeag House WANT BETTER ROADS. FOR DEVELOPMENT. Merriconeag' House BU8TIN8 ISLAND 13 EXERCI8ED BEAUTIFUL 80UTH HARP8WELL OVER iSouth South Harpswell, Me. CONDITION OF PROPERTY CHANGE3 HAND8. Harpswell, Me. 3TREET8 THERE. GEO. W. GEO. W. Some Immediate Development Work CAMPBELL, Jr.. Prop. CAMPBELL. Jr.. Prop. A Mass Meeting May Be Called and May Be Expected. Drastic Measures Adopted. The western portion of the South Bustins Island, July 19, 1906—The Harps well peninsula, which has long summer residents here are very been known as Basin Point, has been much exercised over the condition sold to Jacob H. Henley of Bruns- of their streets. It Is said that the wick. The plot comprises about roads are In a deplorable state and twenty acres of well graded slop- the town has not done, and will not ing grass land backed up by flr and do for anything their improvement, spruce woods and has long been con although they have been repeatedly sldered a very favorable site for a requested to do so. The state of hotel or some fine cottages. Just mind of the people may be imagined what It Is proposed to do with It has when the not statement is made that ft been made public, but the Breeze lady cannot walk on the streets for Is In a position to state that early after a action days shower, without getting will be taken by the owner and her shoes covered with mud and dur- others who are said to be in- a directly ing rain, they have gone down In terested, though their names do not the mud which fills the streets, over appear. The property was of their bought rubbers. Once this season, the Charles W. Bailey whose homestead town started to do a little on one is on the place. street, but residents say that the men left the spot they worked on. In a much worse condition than before it MERRIC0NEA6 was touched. The HOUSE. facts of the case I. are set forth by the complainants as EXTRAODINARY RU8H AT THI8 follows: Bustins island pays the HOTEL town or Free port probably between 18 CAUSING WIDE- four and five hundred dollars each SPREAD COMMENT. year In taxes. In the last tea years, the town has, according to the remon- Many Distinguished GueaU Here strants, expended only You can a or eighty-five ■Who Were Fortunate .in Book- take boat steamer to of Casco dollors on the streets, and this is ab- any part Bay solutely all the benefit the island has ing Early. from in front of The received for Merriconeag. fifteen or more years. In The Merriconeag House, under the one to October. occupied street, the trees and proprietorship of Col. Geo. \V. Camp- Open June stumps are still standing for rods, bell. Jr., has always been recognized Modern and one it Thoroughly of the Resorts of making impassible. It has reached as the leading house of the Bay, for Popular the point now, where the summer what is considered the most desirable Maine. room has a clear view of the ocean. Private residents feel Every that they have a griev- summer resort business; but this boat ance and do not season and beach and rooms propose to remain it has gone far and away landing float, bathing idle in the dressing SCENES AT THE MERRICONEAQ'S SUPERB LOCATION. matter. A quiet canvass is ahead of the most sanguine anticipa- at the foot of the made lawn. room seats 100. being among tbe cottage own- tions of Col. Campbell, and as he sits Dining At ers, and it is said that so in his the Merriconeag are seen the most entrancing views of the Bay, the far every office and looks over the situa- of and most vivid one has been found more than tion with Plenty Amusement Recreation. sunsets, the finest yachts in Casco Bay. Here are wafted the willing hundreds of applications Rates, breezes to share in the expense of him and gentlest and here are the mo3t even and comfort-giving tempera- bringing facing absolutely no rooms Room Plana* Booklets etc. on tures. tbe island's demands before the town to had Application. Surf and rocks on one side—bathing beach and boats on the other. be before September except for officers in so a a Floor Plans and" Rates on application to W. South positive manner that few days at a time, to say he Is George Campbell, Jr., will be GEORGE W. Jr. Harpswell, Me. they forced to act. While It seriously troubled by the fact that so CAMPBELL, has not been fully settled what course qB.-Qh valuable business has to be will be South fdllowed, {he majority are 4ff£ntfd away Irum South well Harpswell, Maine- said Harps to favor having, the town in- is putting it mildly. It Is too early dicted, while some to feef'tbat it would say much of what the future may be better to make a tost case and bring forth, but it is to be refuse to sincerely pay taxes on grounds of hoped that the course of events dur- The equity, affirming that they have re- ing the coming winter and Store with Small Profits ceived spring Big practically no benefit or re- will place in Mr. Campbell's hands turn for amounts already paid. It is the hotel he needs and needs at proposed to call a meeting of cottage onca. owners, settle the Now upon en- is the method, A of Time family party gage counsel, and do consisting Judge everything and Mrs. John J. Ryan, Miss Bessie necessary to give this Island what It Ryan, Mrs. M. Howard, Misses B. and most needs, what it is entitled and to, M. Howard and Messrs Jack and El- what so far, It has not had, good bridge Howard are on a few IRA roads. days trip to CLARK to P. and & Quebec Anne 0. St. de Beaupre Buy from Cottage which they are expected today. Complete arrangements for the party SOUTH HARPSWELL. Including chartered drawing-room car over the Maine Central Railroad and A VARIED Furniture. ACCOUNT OF THE HAP- also all hotel accommodations en One Price PENING3 AT THE FAMOUS route were made by Col. Campbell by Cash. and POINT. telegraph personal work, before Spot they left the hotel. Misses M. Foley We have several and K. Buckley, who are also guests Gentle Ocean Breezes bargains Keep Every- here had seats for the trip. Mr. Wil- one Cool. Newsy Notes By Ths liam Ryan remained at the hotel dur- ing the absence of his father's that Stroller. party. will pay you A most appreciative audience lis- Clothiers, A line saddle pony owned by the Hatters, tened to the complete concert Pinkham stables Is In great demand pro- gram rendered Commander Ceo. among the young It has been by H. to people. Stevens with his almost used Sunday evening mag investigate. constantly by some of nlflcent Victor the younger guests of the graphophone. The ma- Merricon- chine was Furnishers, eag House. placed on the hotel veran- da and all the guest* availed them- we Mr. Osceola Currier has Remember will be to have his steam selves of the opportunity to hear It. pleased launch. Seminole, in commission and Many of the records were grand opera she is In trim for again spinning selections. Mr. Stevens has over call and our about the Bay. Mr. Currier noth- you inspect Three 26 and is three hundred here, the whole outfit goods. Floors, 28 ing If not and al- MonymentSq. accommodating, he having been carefully packed a ways has of by plenty company on board New York house and down his craft. shipped by express. He also rendered several R. S. Davis Co., Portland, have all selections on Friday night at the con- the latest cert Tolman, Bradford Furniture designs In summer cottage at Hamilton's hall which was ar- Co., fittings.—Adv. ranged by Col. Campbell and given In aid of 17 and 17 1-2 Preble St. Miss Grace Eastman of Mattapan. the Ladles society of the Meth- Mass. will visit odist church. R. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. S. DAVIS Dealers In • • • CO., Lubee the first two weeks of August. Com. Stevens and his daughter, Mrs. A. W. Sander and New and Second-Hand Furniture, Antique Goods of all Master Austin Lubee held a jolly child took a COMPLETE carnival with his side trip to Rlverton Park HOMEFURNISHERS, kinds bought and sold. Also Auctioneers and Appralssrs. little friends Mon- Tuesday. day, the occasion being his sixth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Cheney of Cor. Exchange and Federal Sts. birthday. Morrlsvllle, Vt., are stopping at the hotel. Mr. F. A. Wrisley of Boston has Mr. Cheney Is clerk of the F.I. HASKELL, Pre*. secured an order from Mr. Arthur House of Representatives of that state. Palmer for the Installation of two oil outfits each consisting of a tank, Mr. and Mrs. John Leal with their pump and guages. Mr. Is a daughters. Mlaa Leal and Miss Doro- Wrisley A new and of I«eal of much Admired attrac- no means "aa Rood a* Souvenirs new," Casco travelling salesman for a manu- thy Plalnfleld. N. under large J., arrived tion In the lobby la the Ionic framed Dr. Fourtln's Bay. factory with headquarters at Fort here a few daya ago from Harrison skillful attendance he aet of *lewa to Is Wayne.
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