Library and Information Science Professionals’ Association (LISPA) [Members List] Dhemaji College: SL. No. Name of the Librarian Name and Address of the College Qualifications Contact No. Mr. Gunin Kr. Dutta Moridhal College, Dhemaji MA, BLISc. 9954368225 1 Ms Deizee Singh Pegu Silapathar Science College 2 Ms Himashree Gogoi Silapathar Science College 3 Mr. Khagen Newar Bordoloni Central College, Bordoloni, Dhemaji 9957744660 4 [email protected] Mr. Thanuram Gogoi Librarian, Dhemaji Girls College, Dist Dhemaji 9577331216 5 Mr. Sarbeswar Chutia Librarian,Sissi Borgaon College, Chowkhamting, 9859398112 P.o SissiBorgaon, Dhemaji 6 Mr. Sarbeswar Chutia Librarian,Sissi Borgaon College, Chowkhamting, 9859398112 P.o SissiBorgaon, Dhemaji 6 Ms Purnima Pegu Librarian,Silapathar Town College,P.O Silapather 9954947541 Dist. Dhemaji-787059 7 Miss Chirajun Begum Library Asstt., Sissi Borgaon College, Chowkhamting, P.o SissiBorgaon, Dhemaji 9707754352 8 Ms Bhukshita Bhuyan Library Asstt., Sissi Borgaon College, 8011667335 Chowkhamting, P.o SissiBorgaon, Dhemaji 9 Mr Moni kanta Doley Librarian, Jonai Girls College, Dist. Dhemaji- 9706608680 787060 10 Mr. Indreswar Pait Librarian, Simen Chapori College, Dhemaji 8473844246 11 Ms Rupawati Doley Library Bearer, Silapathar Town College,P.O Silapather Dist. Dhemaji-787059 12 Mr Sunil Taid Librarian Silapather College, Silapather, Dhemaji- 9954556183 [email protected] 787059 13 Rs. 800/- Ms Mithu Medok Librarian, Murkong Selek College, P.O. Jonai, 9435258556 [email protected] Dhemaji 14 R Ms Mithu Medok Librarian, Murkong Selek College, P.O. Jonai, 9435258556 [email protected] Dhemaji 14 R Kamrup : Sl. NO. Name of the Librarian Name and Address of the College Qualifications . Contact No. Dr. Badan Barman Asstt. Librarian Krishna Kanta Handiqui StateOpen P.hd 9864205166 badanbarman2gmail.com University,Patgaon,RaniGate,Guwahati 1 Lakhimpur District: Sl.No. Name of the Librarian Name and Address of the College Qualifications . Contact No. 1 Mr. Pradip Dutta Lakhimpur Kendriya Mahavidyalaya Lakhimpur – MA, BLISc 9854077196 [email protected] 2 Mrs. Runjun Baruah Lakhimpur Commerce College,North Lakhimpur – MLISc, M Phil 9957226836 787001 3 Ms Nijara Gogoi North Lakhimpur CollegeNorth Lakhimpur – 787001 3 Ms Nijara Gogoi North Lakhimpur CollegeNorth Lakhimpur – 787001 4 Mr.Nikhil Hazarika Lakhimpur Madhavdeva College, Bihpuria, Lakhimpur,Assam 5 Ms Kamala Changmai Gogoi Librarian, Bihpuria College,Bihpuria, Ward No-7, 9613004404 Lakhimpur-784161 6 Ms Hima Jyoti Deka Librarian,North Bank College, Ghilamora, 9435277807 Lakhimpur e-mail: [email protected] Sl.No. Mr.Bedabrot Bhuyan Librarian, Kherajkhat College, Deotola, 9401409509 Lakhimpur,Assam [email protected] 8 Ms Niva Moni Borah Librarian,Lakhimpur Post Graduate Training 9854321938 College, Wrd No. 6, Lakhimpur [email protected] 9 Ms Sandhani Dutta Librarian, Telahi Tuwaram Nath College, Khoga, 9707802085 Lakhimpur, Assam Mr Tankeswar Dutta Librarian, Sankardev Mahavidyalaya, P.O. Rs800/ 9854048866 Pathalipahar,Dist Lakhimpur 10 Sivasagar District: Sl.No. Name of the Librarian Name and Address of the College Qualifications . Contact No. Dr. Wakidur Rahman Demow College, Demow – 785662 MLISc, Ph.D., LL.B. 9954434401 1 [email protected] Dr. Wakidur Rahman Demow College, Demow – 785662 MLISc, Ph.D., LL.B. 9954434401 1 [email protected] Mr. Abhijit Barpujari Sibsagar Girls’ College MLISc, M Phil 2 Sibsagar – 785640 Mr. Deba Hazarika Sibsagar College, Jaysagar – 785665 MLISc 9854819987 3 Mr. Dipen Gogoi Moran College, Moran – 785670 MLISc, M Phil 9435475369 4 Mr. Pankaj Nath Gargaon College, Gargaon – 785685 MLISc, Mphil 9435525321 5 Mr. Tinku Pegu H C D G College, Nitaipukhuri-785671 MLISc, M Phil 9864892316 6 Mr. Rajendra Mohan Dev Sarma Nazira College, Nazira – 785685 M.A. BLISc., 9435646830 7 [email protected] B Ed, B. Muse Ms. Jyotika Barthakur S M D College, Charing – 785661 MLISc, M Phil 8 Ms Munmi Duarah Amguri College, Amguri 9 Ms Munmi Duarah Amguri College, Amguri 9 Ms Ila Prova Khanikor Librarian, Gelekey College, Gelekey, Sivasagar, 9508413317 Assam 785696 10 [email protected] MrPrasanta Bhattacharyya Librarian,Dikhowmukh College 9954875401 11 785664 [email protected] Ms Sangeeta Das Baruah Library Asstt. Sibsagar Girls College,Sibsagar 9435516337 12 Ms Purabi Bailung Konwar Computer Operator, . Sibsagar Commerce 9854279997 College,Sibsagar 13 Ms Arupa rani Das .Library Asstt. Sibsagar Commerce 8486055271 College,Sibsagar 14 Mr Chandan Mohan Library Asstt. Swahid Peoli Phukon College, 9864284659 785684 15 Ms Binita Saikia Librarian, Sonari Commerce College, Sonari - Rs. 200/- 9854105138 [email protected] 785690, Sivasagar 16 Ms Binita Saikia Librarian, Sonari Commerce College, Sonari - Rs. 200/- 9854105138 [email protected] 785690, Sivasagar 16 Sonitpur : Sl.No. Name of the Librarian Name and Address of the College Qualifications . Contact No. Mr. Mridul Kr. Sahariah Librarian, LGB Regional Institute of Mental Helth, MLISc.,M.Phill 9435563302 [email protected] Dist Sonitpur- 784001 1 2 Tinsukia District: SL. No. Name of the Librarian Name and Address of the College Qualifications . Contact No. Chandana Hazarika Librarian,Tinsukia Women’s College [email protected] 1 Tinsukia – 786125 Chandana Hazarika Librarian,Tinsukia Women’s College [email protected] 1 Tinsukia – 786125 Mr.Tapan Kumar Banik Librarian, Doom Dooma College, 03759240663 [email protected] Rupaisiding,Tinsukia 2 Ms Rinti Baruah Librarian,Ledo College,Tinsukia MLISc.M.Phill 9435034324 [email protected] 3 Ms Supriya Neog Librarian, Makum College, P.O. Makum Jn. Dist. MLISc 9957228744 [email protected] Tinsukia-786170 4 Ms. Manjula Baruah Librarian, Sadiya College,Chapakhowa, Dist. MLISc.M.Phill 9435410845 [email protected] Tinsukia- 786157 5 Mr Sada Nanda Nath Librarian, Tinsukia commerc e Collegre Rs.800/ 9435134476 [email protected] 6 Student Member: Sl. No. Name of the Librarian Name and Address of the College Qualifications . Contact No. Miss Sibani Dutta Bishmile Chabua, P.O. Bishmile Chabua, MLISc (e-mail: [email protected] Dist. Dibrugarh, Assam 1 (e-mail: [email protected] 9706972447 Miss Sibani Dutta Bishmile Chabua, P.O. Bishmile Chabua, MLISc (e-mail: [email protected] Dist. Dibrugarh, Assam 1 (e-mail: [email protected] 9706972447 Miss Nandita Barman Thana Road, DoomDooma, P.O. Doomdooma,Dist. MLISc [email protected] Tinsukia, Assam 2 9678735731 Miss Sulakshi Bora Moran,Seuzpur, Near Oil Well No.86, Dist MLISc [email protected] Sivasagar, Assam 3 8486941269 Miss Tano Deori Kumaranichinga, MLISc 8876138086 Dowerahchuk,Rajabhatta,Dibrugarh 4 Mr Krishna Kanta Kalita Rupapur Kalita Gaon,P.O.Demow,Dist. Sivasagar MLISc 9508515692 5 Miss Subhashree Borpatra Graham Bazar, Flood Control Room, Near MLISc S.P.Office,Dibrugarh 6 Mr Raktim Mohan Sharma Chiring Chapori,Durga Din Sing Path, MLISc Dibrugarh,Assam 7 Mr Sanjay Kumar Maurya Chiring Chapori,Durga Din Sing Path, MLISc [email protected] Dibrugarh,Assam 8 Mr Hrishikesh Gogoi C/o Hemo Gogoi, Simaluguri,Chantak, Sivasagar - MLISc 8486674688 785687 9 Mr Hrishikesh Gogoi C/o Hemo Gogoi, Simaluguri,Chantak, Sivasagar - MLISc 8486674688 785687 9 Miss Purbali Saikia Chamdoi Pather Gaon, P.O. Lahoal, MLISc [email protected] Dibrugarh,Assam 10 7399350642 Miss Nabanita Gogoi Na-Jabaka Vill&P.O. Bengenabari.P.S. Sonari,Dist MLISc [email protected] Sivasagar,Assam 11 9401933893 Ms Rimzim Gogoi Hattialli T.E. P.O. Chabua Dist. Dibrugarh 8486465793 [email protected] 12 Ms Kakumoni Gogoi K.V. Teachers Colony Q. No. 37 MLISc 9706479844 [email protected] 13 Manamee Khanikar Rajadhap, Near Judicial court, Sonari, Dist- MLISc 8720943882 [email protected] Sivasagar 14 Miss Chandrana Gogoi Oil Housing Colony, Q No D-08, Duliajan, P.O MLISc 8822147139 [email protected] Duliajan, Dibrugarh 15 Ms Kabita Das Vill Na Madhupur,P.O. Gandhia MLISc 8011568500 [email protected] Tiniali,Lakhimpur,Assam 16 Ms Nabanita Gogoi Na Jabaka Vill. &P.O. Bengenabari, P.O Sonari, MLISc 9401933893 [email protected] Dist. Sivasagar- Assam 17 Ms Nabanita Gogoi Na Jabaka Vill. &P.O. Bengenabari, P.O Sonari, MLISc 9401933893 [email protected] Dist. Sivasagar- Assam 17 Miss Asha moni Buragohain Udaypur Chowkidinghee,Dibrugarh MLISc [email protected] 18 Miss Pinku Pegu Jengraimukh, P.O. Jengraimukh, Majuli,Dist. 9435575649 [email protected] Jorhat,Assam-785105 19 Membership UGC Scale: Sl. No. Name of the Librarian Name and Address of the College Qualifications . Contact No. Dr. Wakidur Rahman Demow College, Demow – 785662 Rs.1000/- 9954434401 1 [email protected] Mr. Abhijit Barpujari Sibsagar Girls’ College Rs.1000/- 2 Sibsagar – 785640 Mr. Deba Hazarika Sibsagar College, Jaysagar – 785665 Rs.1000/- 9854819987 3 Mr. Deba Hazarika Sibsagar College, Jaysagar – 785665 Rs.1000/- 9854819987 3 Mr. Dipen Gogoi Moran College, Moran – 785670 Rs.1000/- 9435475369 4 Mr. Pankaj Nath Gargaon College, Gargaon – 785685 Rs.1000/- 9435525321 5 Mr. Tinku Pegu H C D G College, Nitaipukhuri-785671 Rs.800/- 9864892316 6 Mr. Rajendra Mohan Dev Sarma Nazira College, Nazira – 785685 Rs.1000/- 9435646830 7 [email protected] Ms. Jyotika Barthakur S M D College, Charing – 785661 Rs.1000/- 8 Ms Munmi Duarah Amguri College, Amguri Rs.1000/- 9 Chandana Hazarika Tinsukia Women’s College Rs.1000/- 10 Tinsukia – 786125 Mr. Pradip Dutta Lakhimpur Kendriya Mahavidyalaya
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