ORGANIZE ORGANIZE BASEBALL BASEBALL CHEERING THE COWL CHEERING It's here because it's true, not true because it's here. VOL. 3. No. 27.—Six Pages PROVIDENCE COLLEGE. PROVIDENCE. R. I.. MAY 13. 1938 5c a Copy LIGHTNING STRIKES TREE Brown Game NEAR GUZMAN HALL Seniors Conduct Annual Poll; A blinding flash and an almost sim• Saturday Will ultaneous jarring report interrupted classes and laboratories on the cam• Close Series pus at about three o'clock Tuesday Graduation Activities Listed afternoon, as lightning struck one of the large trees just to the left of the walk leading from Sophomore Lane Friars Favored to Clinch to Guzman Hall SENIOR EXAM Title in Hendricken Shearing off a thick, fifteen-foot Dr. H. Taylor SCHEDULE Seniors Vote Field Clash long slab of the tree trunk the bolt caused a momentary suspension of ac• tivity in Harkins Hall, as all eyes June Speaker MONDAY. MAY 16 On Classmates Thi baseball warriors of Providence went to the windows to see what had 2:00 to 4:00 College and Brown will cross bats been hit. Sociology 302 for the second time this year when Two schoolboys passing through the Princeton Professor to TUESDAY, MAY 17 Select Moge, Ploski, Ken- they meet at Hendricken Field to• College grounds close to the tree at Give Address at Exer• 11:00 to 1:00 ney and Brine for morrow. The contest which will be the time were frightened out of six• Religion 401 the last of this year's city champion• teen months growth by the flash and cises June 9 2:00 to 4:00 Leading Posts ship series, marks the second time report They could not be interviewed Philosophy 402 that a Brown University baseball on how it feels to have lightning Dr. Hugh Stott Taylor of Prince• WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 William B. Moge was named the squad has appeared on the Providence strike almost at ones feet, for they 2:00 to 4:00 College diamond were seen leaving the Campus in un• ton University will be the speaker at most versatile of the Seniors, Leo S. the graduation exercises June 9. the Biology 402 The encounter is one of great im• ceremonious haste before the noise Ploski, the best athlete. Bernard M. of the thunder clap had died out It complete program of commencement Political Science 402 Kenney the wittiest, and Philip Brine portance for the Friars, as a victory activities revealed yesterday over Jack Kelleher's forces would is expected that, by this time, they Philosophy 411 the most conscientious in a Senior poll clinch the city title for the Black will have emerged from under the Providence College's sixteenth Com• THURSDAY, MAY 19 conducted during the past week by and White and would assure them of bed. mencement Week will begin on Sun• 2:M to 4:00 The Cowl. Likes and dislikes among at least a deadlock for the intrastate day. June 5. with Baccalaureate ex• English 301 the Seniors were uncovered in the crown The Friars, by virtue of a ercises, and will continue on Monday History 406 balloting which closed Wednesday decisive 7-1 verdict over the Bruins with the customary senior reception Business 403 noon in their previous tilt, are conceded an to the third year men. on Tuesday Cowl Receives with Alumni Day. on Wednesday with English 311 Moge, a ranking Senior and a mem• excellent chance of making it two Mathematics 401 ber of the Varsity football and base• Class Day activities and reception of ball squads, received nearly three graduates parents, and on Thursday FRIDAY. MAY 20 Kwasniewski To Pitch Honor Rating 2:00 to 4:00 times as many votes as his nearest with Commencement activities which rival, T. Casey Moher. president of The Bears, limited to five hits by will close the week Chemistry 401 Providences ace sophomore hurler, Physics 301 the Friars Club Dignitaries to Attend Joe Kwasniewski. will be given an- A. C. P. Designates Cowl SATURDAY, MAY 21 Ploski Outstanding Athlete othe rchance to solve the husky right The one-hundred and thirty-two The fourth year men selected Leo As Excellent in Papers recipients of degrees, constituting the 8:30 to 10:30 bander's slants Kwasniewski. who Chemistry' 402 Ploski as the most outstanding ath• also holds a win over Rhode Island of Its Class largest of the sixteen classes to grad• lete in the Class. The three-letter uate from Providence College, and All examinations will be held in man received more votes than any oth• State will be sent to the firing line auditorium by Coach Art Quirk in an attempt to fifteen graduates of the Extension er Senior in the entire contest Bene• put Brown out of the race for city "First Class Honor Rating—Excel• School, will be addressed by Dr. Hugh Examinations in courses not listed dict Polak, captain of last year's foot• and State honors lent'—that is the rating accorded The Stott Taylor, distinguished Catholic here will be arranged by individual ball eleven, and John 'Wink Crow• Cotwl by the Associated Collegiate chairman of Princeton University s professors ley, varsity baseball captain, were The Friars will face the offerings Press critical service, according to named second and third respectively. of either veteran Vin Devaney or department of chemistry, on the morn• Seniors must watch official bulle• notification received at the office of ing of graduation day. June 9 Dr tin boards for any changes in this Bernard Kenney. a student in the sophomore Em Mowry Devaney has The Cowl this week The Association been hampered by an ailing arm and Taylors topic will be Catholic Edu• schedule school of Arts, is considered the wit• is now preparing certificates of award, cation and Democracy Father Dillon tiest member of his class, with Ray• has not pitched in competition since which are expected to be delivered the Bears' meeting with Holy Cross will open the exercises at 10 mond Taylor and T. Casey Moher as about June 1. in the morning with greetings to the his runners-up Philip Brine, a pre- on May 1. Mowry worked in last legal student and honor man. was Saturday's Providence-Brown tilt, en• Each year the Associated Collegiate graduates from the college He will Seniors Receive Press offers to the hundreds of col• be followed by Governor Robert E named the most conscientious of the tering the contest in the sixth frame Class William G. Beaudro. associate and holding the Friars hitless for lege papers availing themselves of Its Quinn and Mayor James E. Dunne 1 who will extend the greetings of the editor of The Cowl and The Veritas, three anr one-third innings. services a complete analysis of their 1938 Veritas and Michael Massad both cum laude vork. made oy a boc t\l of udges State and Municipal governments Dr The rest of the starting Bruin line- | Taylor will follow students were tied for second place. up will probably be the same as that The letter which accompanied the Distribution of Long- Graham Most Representative which faced Providence in the initial announcement expressed said. "The Baccalaureate Address meeting, namely: Wright. Hicks Bro- scores are never flattering You have Baccalaureate Sunday will begin Awaited Annual Begun As the Senior most representative kaw. and Pietrusza in the infield; and been told the truth as the judges see with a solemn high Mass at which Late Thursday of Providence College, the Seniors it, for we are convinced that we can the Rev. Jeremiah T. Fitzgerald. OP . selected John A. Graham, a ranking Captain Paul Welch. Chuck Harkins student in the School of Arts and and Cad Arrendell in the outer gard• help you only by being absolutely vice president of Providence College honest." co-editor of The Veritas Thomas W. ens Eeither Floyd Hinckley or Sig- will officiate Assisting him will be Eager Seniors, after a week and Durnin secretary of the Class and an loch will work behind the plate. Sixty-ninc publications fell into the Rev John B. Reese. OP. student a half of uneasy waiting, learned honor man. came second in the bal• Providence College and Villanova same classification as The Cowl— chaplain, who will be deacon, and Wednesday afternoon that Veritas, loting John H. Fanning, editor of will engage in what should be one weekly, serving an enrollment of 500 Rev. John T. McGregor. OP. senior their yearbook, had arrived at the The Alembic, assistant editor of The of the most interesting diamond bat• to 900—this year Of these, only nine moderator, who will be sub-deacon College Distribution of the issue, Cowl, and a ranking Senior was se• tles witnessed in Rhode Island this attained All-American Honors, the The Seniors will then be addressed second publication of an annual was lected as the one who has accom• year when the Wildcats invade Hend• only rating higher than First Class by Father Dillon who will deliver resumed last year begain late yester• plished the most for Providence Col• ricken Field on Sunday The Villa- Twenty-seven papers were rated First the Baccalaureate address day afternoon lege. Graham was second in this con• ovans. who were rained out in their Class: 29, Second Class: and four Aram P. Jarret. Woonsocket. R I. Comment of the few Seniors who test. Third Class. A total of 445 papers had seen the book at press time was first scheduled appearance with the who will graduate with the distinction Timothy R. Crawley, varsity debat• Friars, will come to town boasting was judged.
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