Tavmjdomaris sveti Chairman’s COLUMN Zvirfaso mkiTxvelo, dameTanxmebiT, metad sapasuxismgebloa saTaveSi edge im uwyebas, romelic icavs inteleqtualur sakuTrebas _ qveynisTvis yvelaze Rirebul aqtivs warsulSi, awmyosa da momavalSi. kidev ufro sapasuxismgebloa, roca es qveyana saqarTveloa _ saxelmwifo, romlisTvisac inteleq tualuri sa­ kuTrebis yvela obieqtis dacva Tanabar mniSvnelobas atarebs; qveyana, romelsac istoriulad aqvs udidesi inteleqtualuri aqtivi da mudmivi swrafva siaxlisa da inovaciisaken. saerTaSoriso eqspertebi adastureben, rom dRevandel msoflioSi msxvili kompaniebis qonebis 60­70%­s ara materialuri, aramed inteleqtualuri Dear Reader, aqtivebi (patentebi, sasaqonlo niSnebi, nou­hau da As you may agree, it is a great responsibility to lead the sxv.) Seadgens. arc is aris siaxle, rom Tanamedrove agency that protects intellectual property – the most valuable msoflio ekonomikaSi, mkacri konkurenciis pirobebSi, asset for any country from the point of view of past, present gansakuTrebul warmatebas aRweven inovaciur teq­ and future. The fact that this country is Georgia makes my job nologiebze orientirebuli kompaniebi (Microsoft, Apple even more responsible; the country where protection of all ob- da a.S.). inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis sfero yvela jects of intellectual property is equally important; the country Cvenganis cxovrebis nawilia. zogi qmnis inteleq­ with the greatest historical intellectual asset and a constant tualur sakuTrebis obieqts _ `produqts~, zogi ki strive for novelty and innovation. moixmars mas. Cveni movaleobaa am procesis kanonierad It has been confirmed by intellectual experts that intellectu- da saerTaSorisod miRebuli wesebiT warmarTvis uz­ al assets (patents, trademarks, know-how and etc.) as opposed runvelyofa. to material ones make up 60-70% of property of major com- damoukidebel saqarTveloSi inteleqtualuri sa­ panies in the contemporary world. It is a common knowledge kuTrebis dacvas ukve 20­wliani istoria aqvs. am drois that in today’s toughly competitive world economy, companies ganmavlobaSi bevri ram Seicvala, gaumjobesda, bevri based on innovative technologies are the ones that achieve par- ram viswavleT Cvenc da sazogadoebamac, Tumca samuSao ticular success (Apple, Microsoft, etc.). All fields of intellectual kidev Zalian bevria. IP , property are part of our everyday lives. Some create an object perioduli Jurnali ` saqarTvelo~ romelsac Cven of intellectual property – a product, while others consume it. It axla gTavazobT, miznis miRwevaSi unda dagvexmaros. is our obligation to ensure that the process is conducted in a SesaZloa vinmesTvis es iyos kidev erTi axali Jurnali, CvenTvis ki es aris Cveni qveynis yvelaze Rirebuli aqti­ legal manner and in compliance of international rules. vis _ inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis, sazogadoebisTvis Protection of intellectual property rights in independent wardgenisa da masze sajaro dis kusiis saSualeba. Georgia already dates back to almost 20 years ago. Throughout JurnalSi mkiTxveli gaecnoba inteleqtualuri the period there have been many changes and improvements. sakuTrebis sferoSi mimdinare siaxleebs da kidev This has been a great learning experience both for us and the erTxel gaiTavisebs, rom gamogonebis, sasaqonlo society but still, there is a lot of work to be done. niSnis, saavtoro uflebisa Tu inteleqtualuri IP Georgia periodical magazine offered by us should help sakuTrebis nebismieri sxva obieqtis dacva, sa­ us achieve our goal.Some may view it as yet another magazine zogadoebisaTvis am sferoSi maTi uflebebis Sesaxeb but for us this is a place where we publicly present and discuss informaciis miwodeba da, zogadad, sferos ganviTa­ one of the most valuable assets of our country – intellectual reba aucilebeli winapirobaa civilizebul msoflioSi property. qveynis srulyofili integraciisaTvis. es aris Jurnali, Its readers will learn about recent developments in the field sadac gaixsenebT da kidev erTxel iamayebT Cveni of intellectual property and will realize once more that protec- istoriuli inteleqtualuri simdidriT. sxvadasxva tion of invention, trade mark, copyrights, or any other object rubrikaSi SexvdebiT sazogadoebisTvis cnobil sa­ of intellectual property, keeping public informed about their in- xeebs, gaecnobiT maT mosazrebebs inteleqtualuri tellectual property rights and the development of intellectual sakuTrebis sferoSi mimdinare siaxleebisa da arsebuli property in general is a necessary precondition for a complete problematikis Sesaxeb, miiRebT pasuxebs am sferoSi integration in a civilized world. This is a magazine where you xSirad dasmul kiTxvebze. can remember and be proud, yet again, of our historic intellec- Jurnalis pirveli nomris gamosvlis TariRi _ 26 tual wealth. In different rubrics of the magazine you will meet aprili inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis msoflio dRea. famous people, read their opinions about recent developments `IP saqarTvelos“ pirveli nomeri da misi mTavari Temac in the field of intellectual property and current issues; you will swored am dRes eZRvneba. also find answers to frequently asked questions about intel- lectual property. The date of publication of the first issue of IP Georgia is April 26, the World Intellectual Property Day. Therefore, this is- sue focuses on the World Intellectual Property Day as the main theme. 1 mTavari redaqtori EDITOR-IN-CHIEF qeTevan bojgua Ketevan Bojgua aRmasrulebeli redaqtori EXecUTIVE EDITOR elene qemaSvili Elene Kemashvili nomerze muSaobdnen AUTHORS eliso jariaSvili, lika beraia, Eliso Jariashvili, Lika Beraia, sofo kvintraZe, zviad maTiaSvili Sophie Kvintradze, Zviad Matiashvili Mmowveuli avtorebi GUEST AUTHORS lado gurgeniZe, gigi TevzaZe, daviT defi, Lado Gurgenidze, Gigi Tevzadze, David Dephy, rusudan fetviaSvili, kote jandieri, Rusudan Petviashvili, Kote Jandieri, daviT sayvareliZe, zurab bubuteiSvili, David Sakvarelidze, Zurab Bubuteishvili, Zaza Shengelia, Nodar Davituri, zaza Sengelia, nodar daviTuri, Virginie Cossoul, Aleksandre Kvitashvili, virjini kosuli, aleqsandre kvitaSvili, David Lortkipanidze, Nestan Kvinikadze daviT lorTqifaniZe, nestan kvinikaZe Targmani TRANSLATION ana metreveli Ana Metreveli foto PHOTO vano ficxelauri Vano Pitskhelauri Rvinis fotosesia WINE SESSION ana qavTaraZe Ana Kavtaradze teqnikuri redaqtorebi TecHNICAL EDITING nino cuxiSvili, nino bebriSvili Nino Tsukhishvili, Nino Bebrishvili koreqtori CORRecTOR lali Wanturia Lali Chanturia dizaini da dakabadoneba DESIGN AND LAYOUT Teona kereseliZe Teona Kereselidze poligra iuli jgu i PGOLY RAPHY TEAM mixeil meCitiSvili, arsen lomiZe, lali doliZe Mikheil Mechitishvili, Arsen Lomidze, Lali Dolidze gansakuTrebuli madloba SPecIAL THANKS TO saarqivo fotoebis mowodebisTvis: For providing archival photos: The National Archive of erovnul arqivs, saqarTvelos Teatris, musikis, Georgia, Georgian State Museum of Theatre, Music, kinosa da qoreografiis saxelmwifo muzeums, Cinema and Choreography, Family of Tengiz Abuladze, Tengiz abulaZis ojaxs, nino suxiSvils, Nino Sukhishvili, Companies: “Lagidze”, “Sarajishvili” kompania `laRiZis wylebs~, kompania `sarajiSvils~ TanamSromlobisTvis: iueseids, evrokavSiris For cooperation: USAID, EU delegation in Georgia, warmomadgenlobas saqarTveloSi, “Tbilvino”, “Teliani Valley”rgia `TbilRvinos~, `Teliani vels~ ISSN 2298–0121 UDK (uak) 347.771+347.78+7.078+7.067](47922) I-83 2 am nomerSi IN ISSUE qarTveli xedvis inovatorebi GEORGIAN VISIONARY INNOVATORS xedvis inovatorebi – sazRvrebs miRma da dinebis winaaRmdeg daviT sarajiSvili VISIONARY INNOVators – Beyond 4 42 DAVID SARAJISHVILI BORDERS AND AGAINST THE FLOW niko firosmani ilia WavWavaZe 56 NIKO PIROSMANI ILIA CHAVCHAVADZE 6 nino ramiSvili da iliko suxiSvili Tengiz abulaZe 72 NINO RAMISHVILI AND ILIKO TENGIZ ABULADZE 16 SUKHISHVILI ivane javaxiSvili meliton balanCivaZe IVANE JAVAKHISHVILI 30 78 MELITON BALANCHIVADZE 10 65 20 68 25 76 34 46 82 50 84 60 10 50 65 84 3 xedvis inovatorebi – sazRvrebs miRma da dinebis winaaRmdeg nebismieri gamogonebis, aRmoCenisa Tu inovaciis ukan, romelmac milionebis cxovreba Secvala, erTi adamianis istoria dgas _ niWis, am­ biciis, intuiciis, sakuTari Tavis rwmenis, axlis Ziebisa da dinebis winaaRmdeg moqmedebis istoria. am adamianebs ar eSiniaT ocnebis, gamowvevas uc­ VISIONARY INNOVATORS xadeben status­kvos, ar kmayofildebian sxvis mi­ er miRweuli awmyoTi da TviTon qmnian momavals. – BEYOND BORDERS AND isini xedvis inovatorebi arian. AGAINST THE FLOW wels, inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis msoflio dRe swored am adamianebs eZRvneba. am TariRs Behind every invention, discovery and/or innovation msoflio inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis organi­ that changed lives of millions of people, there is a story of zacia (WIPO), 2001 wlidan, yoveli wlis 26 aprils one person; a story of a talent, ambition, intuition, self- confidence, search for something new and going against aRniSnavs. es im konvenciis ZalaSi Sesvlis dRea, the flow. These people are not afraid to dream, they chal- romliTac ismo daarsda, misi aRniSvnis mTavar lenge the status quo, they are never satisfied with the mizans ki nebismieri adamianis cxovrebaze intele­ present that someone else has created and create the qtualuri sakuTrebis gavlenis xazgasma warmoad­ future by themselves. These people are visionary innova- gens. wels am dRis gmirebi inteleqtualuri sa­ tors. kuTrebis yvelaze inovatori mesakuTreebi, xed­ These people are celebrated by the World Intellectual vis inovatorebi arian. Property Day, annually observed on April 26 by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) since 2001. pikaso da stiv jobsi, mails devisi da Tomas ed­ April 26 is the day when
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