/ / PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1971 Average Dally Net Press Ran The Weather For Hie Week Ended IpanrljMtfr lEwfnittg Clear and windy tonight; Ai«n4,ltn lows in the 30s. Tomorrow sun­ iianrljPHtpr iEuptittin Brralh ny, continued windy; high near 60. Little chance at any rain 15,695 throughout. Manchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXX, NO. 173 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1971 (dnaatfled Advertiitng o« Fege 21) PRICE FIFrBBN CENTS it takes two hands , 1 U.S. Bombers Hit Seale Trial Antiaircraft Sites Interrupted Two Bodies Found Buried to handle a Whopper By Outburst By PETER COWBN In North Vietnam Ascoclated Press Writer By GEORGE ESPBR NEW HAVEN (AP) — Site Pardue Once Owned Associated Press Writer A key prosecution witness at the SAIGON (AP)—A flight of American fighter-bomb- kidnap-murdcr trial or stack BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) ers attacked North Vietnamese antiaircraft batteries Panthers Bobby Seaie and Er. —^Two unidentified bodies, 125 miles south of Hanoi Thursday after the Commu- Huggins shouted angry cri found buried on property • ' • • nists fired on a reconnaissance plane apparently at- ^ ^ e ^ formerly owned by bank tempting to photograph a MIG air base, U:«. military ination^Sui^rior court Friday, robbery suspect James P. spokesmen said. George Sams Jr., a former Pardue, were taken for au­ it was the fifth so-called pro- mand announced during all of member of the Bl^k Panther topsies to the Baltimore tectlve reaction strike inside 1970. All have been In retaliation party, shouted criticism of Seale, North Vietnam this week, the for attacks on U.S. reconnals- the party’s naUonal chairman; I city morgue Thursday as • • 2 most In a five-day period since sance planes flying over the attorney Charles R. Garry, the the FBI prepared to check the American halt In the bomb- North or radar indications that lawyer who was cross-examin­ dental records from Mis­ ing of the North on Nov. 1, 1968. the North Vietnamese were ing him, and 'the Panthers in souri in an effort to identi­ The command earlier this week about to fire surface-to-air mis- general. fy them. American planes operat- The outburst came after more ’The FBI said it was invest!-' reaction strikes over North Viet­ ing over North Vietnam or the than an hour of questioning by gating the posslbiUty that the nam, and two raids against an- ^ja^ent LaoUan panhandle, Garry, who tried to show that bodies are those of Pardue’s tlalrcraft defenses in Laos, just Sams was Irrational and had a father, John Russell Pardue Sr., across the North Vietnamese history of violence. and his grandmother, Daisy Link border. State’s Atty. Arnold Markle ob­ Pardue. TTie strike Thursday was 185 3 jected to questions 12 times dur­ James Pardue and his broth­ miles north of the demilitarized Viet Pullout’ ing a 70-minute period, and each er, John R. Pardue Jr., were zone, the deepest in North Viet­ objection was upheld by Judge indicted in a 1970 bank robbery BUR6ER nam since last November, a Harold M. Mulvey. and series of bombings in Dan­ spokesman for the U.S. Com­ Runs A head Sams, who has pleaded guilty bury, Oonn. mand said. to second-degree murder in the Several carrier-based Navy ’The bodies—which remained slaying of Alex Racktey and fighter-bombers escorting the unidentified Thursday—^were bad O f T im etable turned state’s evidence, was unarmed RA6 reconnaissance ly decomposed but were deflnite- asked by Garry at one point it plane fired five radar-homing SAIGON (AP) — The U.S. ly those a man and a woman, it was his "purpose and aim to the iFHI said. announced the help*Uirpro^c<lu^ ^en'lfyou They were found in a stripped- d ) face-ttt^ ^iMile-SAM-HBltes have to manufacture evidence.’’ down trailer, buried under the two-ton concrete slab floorli^' of £Uid antiaircraft guns which American troop cutbacks in (8m Page Blglit) fired at the reconnaissance South Vietnam, a week ahead of a small tool shed. The site over­ looks Chesapeake Bay east of plane and the escorts. President Nixon’s timetable. Of- A spokesman for the com- „ Lusby In Southern Maryland. • • • . mand said two anUalrcraft post- m ^ John Pardue Sr. was last seen • tlons were knocked out and all ^ is'nno men nh ^s'?*** In Missouri in November, 1969. of the Navy planes returned “ **®‘*"*1 Suspect James Pardue Jr. has been in­ safely after evading SAMs and t was sched- dicted in connecUon with a bemk other anUalrpraft fire. The ^ begin May 1 but the robbery in Missouri that month. Navy escorts-P4 Phantoms, A6 command j o u n c e d the stand- R ecovering ’The FBI said that information intruders and A7 Corsairs- Battalion, 1st developed during investigation were from the carriers Kitty Regiment, 1st Marine of bank robberies in Missouri Hawk and Hancock on the ’Ton- redeployment to In Hartford and OonnecUcut led to the recov­ kin Gulf. Camp Pendleton, Calif., to re- ery of the bodies. An FBI agent ’The MIG base, Quan Lang, is rest of the division. De- WETOERSFIELD------------------------- (AP)—With------ ------ FBI agents and Maryland State Police watch as a from grave. Police said the bodies were found on in New Haven, Conn, said in- 48 miles northwest of the city of P®^***’® we battalion cuts the their suspect slowly regaining trailer containing unidentified bodies is pulled land formerly owned by James Pardue. (AP Photo) vestigaUons of the robberies had Vlnh. strength in Vietnam by his health in a Hartford hospital, revealed there was a missing “It’s a MIG base, known to "'®"- police here continued early BYl- persons complaint on the two e l-. have MIG aircraft,’’ said a com- command edso an- day morning to ponder the Iden- der Pardues in Missouri, where mand spokesman. "Our reports jounced, as part of the seventh tlty of the man they say held they Uved. A do not indicate any MIGs were round, the stand-down of Marine el^ t persons hostage in a bold Washington Protest An FBI agen here silao said Involved In the action." Attack Squadron 225, which has —but bungled—attempt at bank the FBI would drop out of the It was the 28th protective ^20 men. -’ITie unit will go to the robbery Wednesday night, case once identification was reaction strike reported Inside Marine Air Station at El ’Toro, Officially, police said all they made—but he added that posi­ North Vietnam this year, four CsU*. knew of him was that his name tive identifications wEun’t likely times as many as the U.S. Com- The remaining 14,600 Marines Is Richard Wllswi and that his Viet Veterans Discard Medals until dental records were re- will be out of Vietnam by the age is 26. By BROOKS JACKSON wlth the aid of two crutches as a on the west front of the Csq>ltoI looked on from above them on hna iv>»n ®"** June. They said they were still Informed sources said It was cheking out whether he might Associated PreM Writer result of wounds he said he suf- followed a brief and peaceful the Capitol steps. cc^ ld torfed er^ m ^ hoe- decided to phase out the 1st Ma- be Richard Gary Wilson, 26, fered in Vietnam. march from the veteran’s en- Among those discarding their „ , , - P after — Before the medal turnbacks campment site the Mail medals was Alex Munsell of . rine Regiment right away be- who was released from the At- WASHINGTON (AP) cm being found incompetent to stand Secretary cause t^ p s h lp s ‘are available Uca "corre'cUOT^ ^Facility "in Several hundred angry and began, Mrs. Evelyn Carrasqull- three blocks away. New York City who said he was veterans a Worid w i^'l veter^^^f^in f T i!*® robbery N®- St®te l®Bt Friday af- dissenting Vietnam Veter- '^erto^^RlTlk "lh o T ^ n “ w:^ foir-diS“^ ^ g n “'ta Washing- Devens, Mass., who served In brother Jcdui, 28, remained Under Nixon’s Umetable, the ter serving a term for parole * . ,,r . t^®«° B*®®" wnose son was in critical condition Friay mom- O f State Sets sixUi phase of cutbacks was vlolaUon. Against the War lined kmed in Vietnam Feb. 8, 1968, ton, a ^lude to masrive anU- France. In critical condition Friday scheduled to end next Friday, The suspect, who was shot by up on the steps o f the U.S. addressed the crowd saying "I war planned by other i^ other was P ^ l W ipers nj^^nlng at a Bridgeport hospi- April 30, with the authorized a police sharpshooter at the Capitol today and tossed '"'*** "°*^-*^^*u a°"'piirk*^Pou*c«. nero-oatit tal, where he was taken when a Mideast Visit U.S. strength reduced to 284,000 home of a bank vice president awav their bronze stars '*'*^®*’ *^® ‘*‘®‘*- ^ ’ 5 ® ! ^ ’ “ fB n g u ^ e d Service g^ot him during men. ’The sources said the total Wednesday night, was sUIl In pomhat infantry hadires’ "But,” she said, "its time to e®Um®t®d that 7TO to ^ Uj® Cross, a Sliver Star, and a gUgge^ gggape attempt during WASHINGTON (AP)— would actually drop to between Hartford Hospital recovering g®t out and stop the war now.’’ Protestoie marched single file B ^ e St^ he^d he e^ed ^ ^ bank rob ^ Secretary of State. William 274,000 and 269,000 by then, or from a gunshot wound In his symbols of gjjg carrying a U.S. flag, a 1® a microphone where e^h ^R® serri^ 'i^th a Special ^^,jgj_ ,j^g gijootlng happened P Rogers announced to- to 16,000 below the target head.
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