Development Opportunities Economic Contribution of the Waterbury-Oxford Airport The prepared diagram and accompanying table depict available areas for development and poten al uses. New Haven County ConnecƟ cut Detailed descrip ons including the area, exis ng topography, and the availability of u li es, among other Jobs Labor Income ($000s) Output ($000s) Jobs Labor Income ($000s) Output ($000s) characteris cs have been prepared for individual parcels and can be made available by contac ng the State. On-Airport Jobs 704 $65,311 $109,183 704 $65,311 $109,183 70 650 Opera ons and Maintenance Spending 6 $309 $840 8 $379 $1,036 670 660 650 670 650 670 670 680 690 650 Capital Spending 70 $3,800 $8,785 75 $4,100 $9,635 690 660 670 66060 660 660 670 RPZ (APPROACH) 690 Airport Tenant Spending 682 $33,721 $86,483 816 $41,450 $108,109 670 650 670 670 640 690 670 Visitor Spending 68 $2,373 $6,741 72 $2,629 $7,473 RPZ (DEPARTURE) 660 660 660 650 670 O X F O R D 670 670 AIRPORT PROPERTY LINE RPZ (APPROACH) 640 M I D D L E B U R Y 660 OFA 650 Total 1,530 $105,515 $212,032 1,675 $113,869 $235,436 670 650 670 670 690 660 660 700 RPZ (DEPARTURE)650 5E 7205B 630 620 700 630 N Larkey Rd E 5A 670 680 5D 690 690 Larkin StateSta Park Trail 12 670 710 700 5C OFA In 2010, the total economic contribu on of the Waterbury-Oxford Airport totaled 8 666 710 690 B A 720 5 te ParkPa Tr 10 Procop Rd N.E. RAMP 9 640 640 11 rk to more than 1,670 jobs and $235.4 million of output, including $113.9 million 720 6306 Jobs: Tr0 TWY "B" 710 700 ail 650 63063 of labor income, and $7.9 million in state tax revenues. The Waterbury-Oxford 660666 720 6 720 720 1,675 720 670 690 710 680 TWY "G" 700 Airport is an economic asset to New Haven County, and the State of Connec cut, 720 TWY "E" TWY "C" RWY 18-36 5,800' x 100' with full and part- me on-airport employment totaling more than 700 in 2010 and Labor Income: R100' 720 710 720 700 690 680 AWOS 720 720 670 650 an es mated 6,500 visi ng aircra . Indirectly, the Airport supports nearly 1,000 $113.9 M TWY "C" TWY "A" R500' TWY "A" TWY "H" jobs in Connec cut through its $5.0 million capital improvements and mul plier SOUTH RAMP 720 STEEP GRADE MAIN APRON 690 Total Output: 710 Juliano Rd TWY "D" 14 7107 N.W. RAMP 660 eff ects triggered by airport management, tenant, and visitor spending. It is tian Rd 710 680 3 2 650 660 $235.4 M C es mated that 50 percent of the total opera ons at Waterbury-Oxford in 2010 13 6 1 700 15 D Tarby La were for business purposes with frequent users including Bearing Distributors. State Taxes: Christian St t STEEP GRADE tiat an St 600 7 650 640 Christianhrishristianh sstian StS 2A 4 630 670 640 650 to the State of Connecticut $7.9 M 670 Christian St 660 The Economic Contribution 620 610 610 660 610 580 620 Christian St 650 650 660 Rd 650 0 500 620 650 670 660 Scale in feet 640 600 600 Parcel Current Use Recommended Use • FAA Airport Design Standards A GA Tie-down Apron Avia on – Hangars • FAR Part 77 B Wooded Avia on – Support • Federal Obliga ons C GA Tie-down Apron Avia on - Hangars • Site Topography D Open Space Non-Avia on • U lity Availability or E Wooded Non-Avia on Constraints *Numbered parcels represent exisƟ ng airport leaseholds Development Development • Ground and Airside Access Considerations • Compa ble Land Use • Environmental Impacts Airport Data LOCATION: 5 MI W of Waterbury LAT: 41° 28.77 LONG: 73° 08.13 ELEVATION: 727’ WATERBURY-OXFORD AIRPORT Runway 18-36, 5,800’x100’ (grooved asphalt) Economic Contribution and Development Opportunities Traffi c Aids Wind Sock (lighted) Segmented Circle Rota ng Beacon C & G Traffi c Pa ern Standard 1000’ AGL Fuel available: 100LL JET-A Parking: Hangars and Tiedowns Airframe service: MAJOR Powerplant service: MAJOR Bo led oxygen: NONE Bulk oxygen: NONE Instrument Approach Procedures ILS OR LOC RWY 36 RNAV (GPS) RWY 18 RNAV (GPS) RWY 36 About the Airport Business Plan Executive Summary aterbury-Oxford Airport (OXC) is a public-use, publically GA airport on 424 acres located approximately seven miles southwest of the City of Waterbury Connec cut in New Haven For more informaƟ on contact: WCounty. A small northern por on of the Airport is located within the Town of Middlebury. The Airport consists of a single 5,800 foot long asphalt runway with ILS and GPS approach capabili es, a full parallel taxiway, an air traffi c control tower, and numerous avia on support facili es. Marke ng at (860) 292-2019 Designated a GA airport in the FAA’s Na onal Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS), the primary Prepared December 2011 by: role of Waterbury-Oxford Airport is to serve general avia on corporate business and recrea onal ac vity. The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Notably, the Airport contains the highest concentra on of general avia on ac vity in the en re State of www.louisberger.com Connec cut. The Airport provides maintenance, fuel, aircra storage, and support facili es to meet the demand of corporate jet, and single- and mul -engine aircra ..
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