JAVA FULL STACK DEVELOPER TRAINING By Nirvana Enterprises 1 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242 [email protected] www.nirvanaenterprises.com About the Course This is a full stack web development (Java IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web course using Angular, Spring Boot, and Server. The course will also give you ex- Spring Security Frameworks. You will pertise in MongoDB, and Docker so you be using Angular (Frontend Framework), can build, test, and deploy applications TypeScript Basics, Angular CLI(To create quickly using containers. The Course in- Angular projects), Spring Boot (REST API cludes 3 industry level practice projects, Framework), Spring (Dependency Man- and interview preparation, and extreme agement), Spring Security (Authentica- coding practices. This prepares you for tion and Authorization - Basic and JWT), your next Fortune 500 company project BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (depen- as a Full Stack Java Developer. dencies management), Node (npm), Vi- sual Studio Code (TypeScript IDE), Eclipse 2 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242 [email protected] www.nirvanaenterprises.com Key Course Highlights Concept & Logic development Learn Core Java, Advanced Java, with 160 Hours of Training by SpringBoot, HTML, CSS, Javas- Experts cript, Bootstrap & MongoDB 3 Industry-level projects on Core Develop Cloud Native Applica- Java, Testing, Automation, AWS, tion - on AWS Cloud Angular, MongoDB & Docker Earn a Certificate in Java Full Architecture & SDLC - Microser- Stack Development on success- vices & DevOps ful completion of the program Guaranteed Placement within Cloud Platform & Deployment - months of successful comple- AWS Cloud, Docker & Jenkins tion of the program 3 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242 [email protected] www.nirvanaenterprises.com Learning Outcomes Develop a working application on Build cloud-native application by Shopping Cart for ECommerce and seeding the code to Cloud (SCM), in Healthcare using full stack with like AWS. You will also learn using Agile Methodologies. You will build github to manage the incremental a real time project using Spring Boot development process for SpringBoot Data JPA & H2 database wherein applications both via git command same project will be leveraged for line and using STS IDE. This course learning all the modules in an in- will also cover the complex integra- cremental manner. You will imple- tion between kafka and Mongo DB. ment internationalisation feature for Automate the process using CI/CD RESTful Services. pipelines. from GitLab. Develop skills & mindset of an Auto- Use DevOps tools to drive develop- mation Engineer, UI Developer, Java ers and Ops team. Create, deploy Developer leading to a Full Stack and run applications uisng container Developer. Implement Spring best like Docker, Jenkins and others. You practices on real-world projects and will learn the basics of Docker Net- in your career. You will understand working - HOST, BRIDGE and NONE, and implement Spring Boot actua- best practices in creating Docker Im- tor and Spring Boot admin features ages for Java applications - Improve for RESTful Services. You will learn Caching of Docker Images and cre- to secure the connection between ate Multi Stage Docker Builds. Use frontend and backend using TLS. Docker to containerise and run Java You will learn to use POSTMAN for Spring Boot Microservices. request testing. Learn to develop the front-end us- Develop robust application us- ing Angular Components and inte- ing Spring Boot and Microservices. grate it with the rest of the appli- You will be introduced to building cation. Angular is a complete front great RESTful APIs with Spring Boot end framework with a wide range of and learn to use Spring Security to features. Spring Boot is an awesome configure Basic Authentication and framework to build RESTful API and JWT, to to solve the challenges of Microservices. Let’s combine these connecting an Angular Frontend to frameworks and create an awesome a RESTful API, and connecting REST full stack web application. API to JPA/Hibernate with Spring Boot. 4 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242 [email protected] www.nirvanaenterprises.com Candidate Testimonials Manish Ladekar Solutions Consultant CCSF (City & County of San Francisco) “ Nirvana’s training program is very practical, precise and detailed in areas of UI,“ REST API, and DevOps. Thank you for developing such a brilliant training program. Kim Dong Angular Full Stack Developer City of New York (DoITT) “ The training program is top-notch. The instructor is very patient and goes at length by constructing real industry scenarios and design the practice sessions accordingly. The trainer has been“ a good mentor to me through out the training program and even post-completion. Minjing Chen Consultant Facebook, Inc. “ I like how easy it was to begin the training program without any prior knowledge in many areas. The learning curve was easier as the program“ works wonderfully for any- one who has no prior knowledge in programming. Hemal Barot Full Stack Developer Capital One Bank “ I spent hours on Udemy and other learning platforms, trying to master Full Stack Train- ings. However, this training program has comprehensive material for Java,“ Angular, DevOps which is a must-have for any Full Stack Developer in today’s world. 21 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242 [email protected] www.nirvanaenterprises.com Technologies 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > Core Java Mongo DB HTML Adv. Java Java Script > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10 > Angular Bootstrap JSON AJAX Spring > 11 > 12 > 13 > 14 > 15 Hibernate Spring Boot Web Services Projects Interviews 5 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242 [email protected] www.nirvanaenterprises.com Tools 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > Eclipse STS Debugging Maven Log4J > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10 > JUnit JIRA Putty Jenkins Docker > 11 > 12 > 13 > 14 > 15 GIT PostMan Apache POI Itext VS Code 6 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242 [email protected] www.nirvanaenterprises.com Core Java Core Java refers to a collection of librar- Core Java is the part of Java program- ies rather than just the programming lan- ming language that is used for creating guage. It’s the purest form of Java pri- or developing a general-purpose appli- marily used for development of general cation. Core java programming covers desktop applications. Simply speaking, the swings, socket, awt, thread concept, it refers to the subset of Java SE tech- collection object and classes. It uses only nologies which consists of both general one tier architecture that is why it is called purpose API’s and special purpose API’s. as ‘stand alone’ application. Without Core It provides the core functionality of Java Java no one can develop any advanced with the deep knowledge of the Java lan- java applications. guage itself. Course Curriculum Lesson 1 - Basics History and Introduction to Java, C v/s C++ V/s Java, Features of Java, JDK, JRE, JVM, Installation, Setting Path, JVM arcitecture, Structure of Java Program, Main method, Packages, Comments, Primitive Data- types, Non Primitive Datatypes, Variables, Output Statement, Sample Program, Ex- ecution, Input Statement, Type Casting, More Pro- grams, Eclipse Installation. Lesson 2 - Tokens Keywords, Identifiers, Naming Conventions, Con- stants, Operators Lesson 3 - Statements Conditional / Branching Statements - if, if-else, else if ladder, nested if, switch Looping / Iterative Statements - for, for-each, while, do-while Termination Statements - continue, break, return Lesson 4 - Programs on Statements Lesson 5 - Arrays Arrays Introduction, Single dimensional, Two dimen- sional, Sorting(Bubble and Selection), Searching(Lin- ear and Binary), Strings(Charecter array), Meth- ods, Math methods 7 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242 [email protected] www.nirvanaenterprises.com Lesson 6 - Object Ori- Class and Object ented Features Variables - local variales, global variables, static vari- able, non static varible, final variable, Methods, static method, non static method, userdefined, pre defined, final method, abstract method, default method, recur- sion method Constructor and types, this keyword, static keyword Message Passing, Call by value, Call By Reference Inheritence and Types, super keyword, Aggregation Polymorphism - Method Overloading, Method Over- riding, Encapsulation Access Modifiers - public, private, default, protected Abstraction, Abstract Class, Interfaces, Inner Classes, Dynamic Binding, Object Class, Object Cloning, Com- mand Line arguments Lesson 7 - String Buffer, String Builder, Wrapper Classes Lesson 8 - Exception Exceptions, Types, try,catch,finally, throw, throws, Handling custom exceptions, nested exceptions, final v/s finally v/s finalise Lesson 9 - Multi Thread- Threading, Life cycle of thread, thread creation, thread ing methods, multi threading, deamon thread, syncroni- zation Lesson 10 - Input and FileOutputStream, FileInputStream, FileWriter, Output FileReader, BufferdReader, BufferedWriter, PrintWrit- er, File, StringWriter, StringReader, CharArrayReader, CharArrayWriter, DataInputStream, DataOutput- Stream, Serialization, Deserialzation Lesson 11 - Regular Ex- pressions Lesson 12 - Collections Collections Introduction List - ArrayList, Linked List, Queue, Stack, Vector Set - HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet Map - HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, HashT- able Comparable Comparator Properities 8 Java Full Stack Developer
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