Aar 1943-1945

Aar 1943-1945

~:..':~__ ':::; ,,,!IIill "i, ••<t,.,.~ !',\ , • 1 : ....::- .;.>~~.~. '.. '~':. ~ ,_ '.", '. -'" ", "i.­ I,,: ',' r' , e, (' " " ' :: '::'''..~~:~:.~ j JANUARY 43 thru DPX:mm;;;R 45 , _I' ' :, C\J -, \.­ , ,'-,.' """ , , " --""";"':' ',' .~!. '::: ~, , < C' • " ", ..., " On,"".... ·~. ~~X ,',:" ". ',:::::., ' , " -, ' , '. .' '. ~ '>-.-~', , ...~ . TlIIS DOCUMENT JS ',THE PROBERftOF, AND saOJJLD 'BE, RE,TORitED"ro, I \ - .. ,....... ' , - -~ ./' .' '(;;J':,,' ~''','" THECLASSIFII1' DOCU},.'EN'J.' SECTION, 'ItmiLIGE~E ,DIVISJ:ON, ,B-2" :. "'- .. .,.' , , ' " ", .. '. (., :BUILDING T-5, (T-17S2). .. ' .... ~, , ....-,..... , . '.... /' .:...., ...... , .. ;.1"-.'.".' ..... ,­ ..... ,....'.. ", .'"- " ....... .. ,; ~,' ........ ./0..... " .' .' , .';"""~ ,..~. ) .. ' .........'. ":..: , ' '" .:: " , .~ ~,.~ , if.EAD QUAI ~T:r:;RS • 781ST TA:: B.[I.,? 2\LION Car.1P Cal:qboll, K.::ntuclcy 12 February 1946 S~~J=CT= unit Histo~J. II -)- '"',r TO Co:,:t.ilandinc c·ul1cral, oi."l..J... ~ J , Tenn. period Coverod: 1 Janua::'y 1916 - 19 Fobruar-y 1916. PleT I SUl''IT'I[U~Y Ci:::.'ct:lar '!l65, Hqs., 2nd Al~!.lY, dated 31 Decenber 19,::5, author­ iZdd tIl,; L'Gd1lction of strength of a tank battalio:l by 0::10 medium ta~l;~ c Od:i&l1Y. This OhlJI' also s]0cifiec1 tha'~, this cOL::)any 'i'lOuld bo COl~:)a::w IIC;I. Tlith t:1.0 elhlinatiOll of co::a:oany IIC Il the personnel in the: CO~.lp:J.n~r viore: tr-aIlsferJd to tl:e other conpanios of the batta­ lion br-ill:.Ll;::; Ecarlquarturs, Ab=..o and. D07, CO!:lpanies up to T/O St::"O(;i:0t~1. COH1)a.cy !tEn; by order- of 2nd ~\.:''']jlY, nas designated to bo tho heav~T ta:'ll~ cO:.l~'c:.ny, co~x)ar,y itA" to be; tl1c ii:ediulll tank conpany, am'!. conpany "DII tiL; liC;)l"C tan;~ c O}_~lpe.ny 0 Hcadqua:'.:'tors and servicc COLl~' anies T{.3;:lalY'~.:J(--l. as usu<::.l. TrainLl':::; C:~ uriir: Jci:H'.Gl'y OI,lphas iZGd tall~;: ([rivin:; (.me. uain~.Jenance, ascul~bl:.r a:lcl ::1O;,i211C2.o. tur" cf >.:,h(.' subl_~ac:1L'.8 2~1.m a:1d carbine, and .30 and .50 calib0:'.C ;~ac:l::":.O :,:un. ;;.tL12t~. cs and 0 ricnto.tion were also stressed. '.:itl: t~L lO-\1e:...~i.:lg cf the -';..S .TI. :points to 45 in January addi­ tional s~Jccialist3 ~,!8rO ]_ost to til...- battalicn. Th0 loss of trained au·::,m.;_otivc a~1d ta~l~~ :'.lO,:;ll8.nics scriolwly lw.ndicap:pod the training ~ of tto ba-~talicn. EV017 cffo:;:t waG made te obtai:1 train(Jd 10_aintcm­ I anc(; ~,lQll as :cc-:-J 8.COdents but fo..,;; ',\Tore; socure(i. All available Cluotas ~ vmro fill('c~ for' _:.cm to attcm~ schools to bo tl"'ainocJ. as s?ocialists, :0 but th(; ilI!~G~~ia t 0 y~,:~od l"el :aLlUG. ullfi'110d. t' Dur:i.r:~~~ Jr:.nu8TY 19'~I) sPQcial vocatlor~al trc.inine:: schools yvoro il1iti3'-i~06, cli.-:;ibL; to i:~ll,lOn v;hosc A.3.~:. scores ,:ore 5 points Ul1lLr tl1i_ l~isch2.rG0 scores. '1.'hos,:; ;.-~(;n vJCrc ,given the.; opportlmity to :par ~iCj)o. to in a"1 on th,~ job trainin(.,; proGl'an for the rOlilain<ior of tiLi::: tL:,--, in t~hJ Arl.l:r. :2; __ • ',VCI'O placed in jobs in thu battalic'li a~'l(!_ tho post i~:~stalla tions foI' t ra injng il1 such oc cupations as truc:.: triv,.;rs, :.)lli"lb\J~s, cal-pentcls, surgical helpers, clergy­ !.J.\JJ:l assista:"1ts, e:tc. In ad.C.itio"1 ·~o this on the job-training, traininG cl'J.ss\Js W'JI'C COll(~uct0d within t~,-u battal ion uncl(;r I c~ E officel~ l"J(;lSOnncl ·~o assist ~,l\Jn ',lith U.S.A.iT.I. courses. General COU1'SOS in :-ath, T.I~s-L;or~T, and political Science i,r8l"'0 also conducted. DUl~ing J&l1uary tho batt!li ion lost 12 O:l'fi cers, :3 ':Jarrant officers anc~ 140 E.Mo thru (liscl1ar::;o and :rocuivod 23 officors, 2 "[arrant Officers, 2nd 87 S.~. as replaco@onts. ~- 4th ~0bruary 1946 the battalion received ordors for inactiv­ a-cion as of 19 :8';.; ~)l~t~ary 19,:1:6 per order from second Army. During the l~,eri(x: 4th F·,oruary 1946 &ncl 19 Fcbru&r y 19<16 tho 781st Tank Battalion turl1GCL i~1 all PI'OlJ''')l'ty; closod all records and transfcred all persorm:;:!.. T>e bull~ of O:'::-ficer Ijcrsonnel wore transfored to the 5th Inf­ antry Division and 656 TC.l:.k Destroyer Battalion of' camp campboll, / KO~ltucky and the E"I:. to 6::56th Tan:~ Destroyer B.:.:.ttalion and the 5th Ij·fantry Division of C,-~'J.] C8.::ilp'ocll, K~ntucl-.:y. on 19th F:,bruury 19<16 tho 781st TJ_:'1:~ :S.,ttalion was inactivated and officially put out of businoss 'oY Lt. col. HAffi:tY L. 2::nPTE, JRk ~r..6A -who ovor thI'oJc years ago had activated it.. _ /J '1 ts"'~< Ii". -?I cA~ ~~~, ~ H. L. KErNE, JR. =</~7~ ~~~~k~;aValry _ __ ....~::'\t40~;.,~ ....-~.,~,' .-..:;;: .. "~ • .- ... • HEADQU;G{ TEns 7813'r T}'_~·'.l.= BNrTALION COS,lP canpbel]., K:;ntucl:y 12 February 1946 T'ART II A~'jARDS PliTC?LE HEAHTS T/5 .jOSCllh J. Huya, 33 297 603) for wourlds received in action 20 ~ra:t1..UaTy 1945 in Ger::,1811Y, per War Depart11ent order, The Adjutant GCLlo:;"o.l Office, Fil3 AGPJ)-}{ 201 Huya, Josoph J .. , daJced 4 January 1946. private First class Gonaro QUintana, 17 106 886, for wounds recoiv3d in action 5 Ja~uary 1945 i~ =uro~ean Area, per 'Jar Depart­ l:J18nt order, T.io ACijutant General office, F~le AGPD-TI 201 Q,uintana, Gena7o, dated 9 January 19~6. privateI:'i~'st class lIe.lory r=. ~Ta::viel1, 36 527 081, for wounds received i~ act:.on 13 ~~arch 19s,5 in Europoan Aroa, per 'Iar Depart­ Lerlt order, The Adjtt~ant General office, ::Ti18 A:J.PD-R 201 ~'a::;;:well, Har:;.'y 11., dated 31 JaI:.uary 19<16. Cpl. :·oYiisg:covm, Jr., 12107 187, (Deceased) per General order #147, 19<'~5, Hqs· 7th ArhlY, for action in Gorillany on 8. April 19,1:5. • ~ • t ... • HEADQ,UX(TEnS 781S'r TA~"L: BN1'TALIOl~ CffilP carnpboll J K,?lltucky 12 February 1946 I'ART II A~'lARDS P1rt:'?LE HEAETS T/5 ;Josoph J. Huya, 33 297 603, for wounds received in action 20 ~ral'.uary 1945 in Ger:C,lal1Y, per War Depart:ment order, The Adjutant GCL~o:':'~1.1 office, Fi13 AGPl)-H 201 Huya, Joseph J., da"ced 4 January 1946. private First class GOl1aro QUintana, 17 106 886, for wounds received in action 5 January 1945 in zuropean Area, per ~Jar Depart­ 11ent order, Tb.e Adjutant General Office, :!?"::'le AGT'D-TI 201 Quintana, Gena~o, dated g'January 19~6 .. private Fil'st class n2.rry 1=. ~T.a:~)dell, 36 52? 081, for wounds receivec1 in act:.on 13 rarch 19~5 in European Area, per'Jar Depart­ l~ent order, The Adjn'~ant General Office, Fi18 AJ.PD-R 201 ~TaJ;:1,\Tell, Har:;:'~T !l1., datod 31 January 19'16. cp::'. =~o:rl.is~roV'm, Jr., 12 167 187, (Decoased) per General order #147, 19(;;5, Hqs' 7th ArrJ.Y, for action in GorIl1any on 8. April 19,15 .. • • J , HEAD~UART:-snS • 781ST T.A.~-~= BATTALIOlT • caraIl CaIapbell, I(entucky 15 February 1946 7CJ1S~'----.~"_~T~ Ri=:'':::'L'ION ('OT u'~ ")T;"~r L - '11.. .,.. -C' J~- LT J __ ' J.. ....:1..--:l..:. .. .J.. • .1 ... _.l J, ~ l{. 0249865 cav. ~~ountain Lakes, J. J. (B8. ttaiion. COi.,]j}l3.~~d.ur) =-..AJ JEROEE F. S~ TI'E 0337376 Inf. r=innoapolis, Minn (BUttaJ_ion E::. 0) :AJ. JOHN 3:. sr~xn~s 03'77420 Inf. colULlbia, S. Co (Battalion s-3) CAPT. Er::m P. CURTTIT 0305553 Inf. BaltiLlore, leary-land Cgattal.ion S-2) CAT->T :~THIJEY J-Je ~ ...4.?,--::::~"'IT_:S :oav. Hazard, Kentucky (Battalion 3-4) Ck"'JT G::1:0HGE IT. EI~LIS 01287848 In! • T~ntGbello, calif. (Battalion COlJill. 0; lsc.;:' LT vVAR.ltE1T C. E1LSTII.AM: 01015109 Inf. Ale::::and ria, Virginia (Battalion S-l) 2ND Lri'. 70f:REST r. WOODS 01019'776 CUV. Floral pal"k, l~. Y. (Battalion Liason 0) HEADQUART3RS COJVfPM'T; 1ST L'1' JOS='~~'E C. B03CH 01017540 cav. p:;ta, rissouri (colilpany ca~JI.1andor) 1 ST LT liOB:I:RT L. Gtn:..LEY 05327:37 F.A. san Antonio, Texas (Assault platoon Leader) 21;;D LT STO:"3S TKPLZTm' 01018478 cav. union Grove, :F. C. (corJ.pan:T Offi cer) 21TD LT AR'Y'JJT, ~ -. RIL3Y, J:!1. 01185884 F.A.. Inglewood, colorado (con:P1;iuy officer) 2ND :r,rJ: AUTRY I!. ECL~ZR 02006705 cav. san Antonio, Texas (coEl)any Offi ce.r) 2ND LT FR3D T,T. TILL 02028898" cay. ~-ilford, Delaware (co~ ipan~' officer) 1ST LT J.LUSS ::=. HOBDTSOF 0101700G, cav.~ Le.xington, ~Tentucky (D. S. Genoral lrOs]ital) SERVICE COFPAJ'TY CAPT IC?B-~Hrl' HZ;TDERSOJ:'~" JR. 03 47743 cay,. pittsburg, pennsylvania (company COllJLlaIlder) ·CAPT Jl~:ES H. HAffi"EY 0101.0594 cav.. Bell, california (Battalion l':ainto) 1ST LT JOSEPH .F. LUBY 0347743 Inf. Troy, pew york (coLlpany officer) 1ST IT JOSJ:~"E BOBIC 0520242 Inf. Grand .Rapids, ~'fich. (cor,lpany officer) C.W.O. H1C~LEY I. TOLLEFSOlT TI\1-21'266'82 ,pierpont, S. D. (En. personnel 0) T'i.O.J.G. LO:.rD n. J;:ELLY W-2~794~ wayne, Fichigan (Asst. BIl. :caint. 0) ~1.0.J .,G. CIIA:-.I.ES II. C.h7AI:AGH W-2123281 clinton, Iowa (Asst.

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