40 0 [(28), ]VERY FINE CV 1,050.00 UNITED STATES 41 0 [(28), ]F-VF CV 1,050.00 42 0 [(28), ]thin, VERY FINE CV 1,050.00 POSTMASTERS' PROVISIONALS 43 0 [(28A), ]nibbed perfs at top, VERY FINE 1 0 [(9X1e), ]F-VF CV 950.00 (PF Cert) CV 3,500.00 44 0 [(28b), ]VERY FINE CV 2,300.00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 45 0 [(28b), ]tiny corner crease ending in tiny 2 * [(1),] faults & toned, FINE, og CV 6,500.00 tear, VERY FINE (PF Cert) CV 2,300.00 3 0 [(2), ]blue cancel, VERY FINE (PF Cert0 CV 900.00 46 * [(29), ]FINE, og CV 5,500.00 4 0 [(2), ]green cancel, VERY FINE CV 3,850.00 47 0 [(29), ]SUPERB, PF Cert CV 400.00 5 0 [(2), ]red grid cancel, VERY FINE CV 925.00 48 0 [(29), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 400.00 6 0 [(7), ]plate #3, surface scrape, VERY FINE 49 * [(30), ]VERY FINE, og CV 1,250.00 (PF Cert) CV 400.00 50 0 [(30A), ]straddle pane copy, EXTREMELY 7 * [(8), ]blue cancel, VERY FINE (PF Cert) CV 2,325.00 FINE (PF Cert) CV 300.00 8 0 [(8A), ]VERY FINE CV 850.00 51 0 [(31), ]VERY FINE CV 1,200.00 9 0 [(9), ]EXTREMELY FINE (PSE Cert grade 52 0 [(31), ]VERY FINE CV 1,200.00 "XF, 90") CV 225.00 53 0 [(31), ]F-VF CV 1,200.00 10 0 [(9), ]strip of 3, VERY FINE-EXTREMELY 54 0 [(31), ]FINE CV 1,200.00 FINE CV 350.00 55 0 [(31), ]one short perf at left, VERY FINE CV 1,200.00 11 0 [(10, 10A), ]VERY FINE CV 360.00 56 * [(32), ]VERY FINE, regummed CV 2,150.00 12 * [(10), ]large portion sheet margin at left, cut in bottom right, FINE, full og, NH(Scott 57 * [(32), ]small stain spot removed, VERY value for hinged) CV 4,000.00 FINE, no gum (PF Cert) CV 2,150.00 13 * [(10A), ]FINE-VERY FINE, no gum CV 1,600.00 58 0 [(34), ]a couple tiny faults, blue cancel, VERY FINE (APS cert) 14 0 [(10A), ]pair, VERY FINE CV 550.00 CV 2,200.00 15 0 [(11), ]huge margins ( APS Cert) CV 0.00 59 0 [(36, 36B), ] blue cancel on #36, VERY FINE CV 635.00 16 * [(11A), ]strip of 4, VERY FINE, og CV 1,500.00 60 0 [(36, 36B), ]9 stamps, F-VF CV 2,725.00 17 * [(11A),] 2 extra frame lines at left, VERY FINE, no gum Scott 375.00 61 0 [(36), ]nibbed perfs, green cancel (unpriced), VERY FINE CV 3,500.00 18 0 [(12), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 700.00 62 0 [(37), ]VERY FINE CV 400.00 19 * [(13), ]light tone at top, small marginal tear, VERY FINE, no gum CV 8,500.00 63 0 [(37a), ]pair, red cancel, F-VF (PF cert) CV 1,025.00 20 0 [(13), ]SUPERB CV 900.00 64 * [(38), ]F-VF, no gum CV 800.00 21 0 [(13), ]EXTREMELY FINE (PF Cert) CV 900.00 65 0 [(38), ]red cancel, EXTREMELY FINE CV 475.00 22 0 [(14-15), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 320.00 66 0 [(38), ]pair tied to piece, red grid cancel, VERY FINE CV 1,050.00 23 0 [(14), ]SUPERB (PF Cert) CV 160.00 67 * [(39), ]F-VF, regummed CV 1,100.00 24 0 [(15), ]SUPERB (PF Cert) CV 160.00 68 0 [(39), ]F-VF CV 11,000.00 25 CV [(15), on cover to Canada,] VERY FINE CV 1,160.00 69 0 [(40), ]VERY FINE, ungummed as issued CV 575.00 26 0 [(16), ]2 small marginal creases, EXTREMELY FINE (PSE Cert) CV 1,650.00 70 * [(42), ]VERY FINE, ungummed as issued CV 1,200.00 27 0 [(17), ]pair, EXTREMELY FINE CV 575.00 71 * [(42), ]VERY FINE, ungummed as issued CV 1,200.00 28 0 [(18), ]"faint soiling", VERY FINE, no gum 72 0 [(62B), ]VERY FINE CV 1,600.00 (PF Cert) CV 800.00 73 0 [(63, 63b),] #63 with red cancel, F-VF CV 915.00 29 * [(20), ]plate #12, small tear at bottom, 74 * [(64) PSE cert reads "genuine mint og with VERY FINE, no gum (PSE Cert) CV 1,100.00 a few perforation faults at the top" very rare mint stamp CV 14,000.00 30 0 [(21), ]VERY FINE (PF Cert) CV 1,800.00 75 * [(65), ]SUPERB, og (PF cert) CV 125.00 31 0 [(22), ]VERY FINE CV 500.00 76 * [(64),] FINE, no gum CV 5,000.00 32 0 [(23), ]VERY FINE CV 900.00 77 ES [(65E15h), ]the stamp formerly known as 33 0 [(23), ]VERY FINE CV 900.00 [\#56, ]VERY FINE, og CV 250.00 34 0 [(25A), ]VERY FINE CV 900.00 78 PR [(65P5), ]pair, VERY FINE (PSE cert) CV 1,000.00 35 0 [(27), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 1,600.00 79 PR [(66TC6), ]VERY FINE, og (PF cert) CV 2,000.00 36 0 [(27), ]EXTREMELY FINE (PF Cert) CV 1,600.00 80 0 [(67), ]red cancel, VERY FINE CV 910.00 37 0 [(27), ]VERY FINE CV 1,600.00 81 0 [(67), ]VERY FINE CV 850.00 38 0 [(27), ]VERY FINE CV 1,600.00 82 0 [(67), ]VERY FINE CV 850.00 39 * [(28),] PSAG reads "Genuine unused with part original gum". One of the rarest mint 83 0 [(67a), ]VERY FINE CV 1,100.00 United States stamps with a clean PSAG 84 0 [(67Aa, ]VERY FINE CV 1,100.00 certificate CV 60,000.00 customcatalogba.frx 85 0 [(67b), ]small faults, VERY FINE (PF cert) CV 4,000.00 131 0 [(85E), ]a few short perfs, VERY FINE (APS Cert) 86 * [(68-69), ]#69 re-gummed, F-VF, no gum CV 1,100.00 CV 2,500.00 87 0 [(68-69, 71-72, 73), ]VERY FINE CV 1,015.00 132 0 [(86-89), ]F-VF CV 1,027.00 88 * [(68),] VERY FINE, og CV 1,000.00 133 * [(87), ]VERY FINE, og CV 1,750.00 89 * [(68), ]FINE-VERY FINE, og CV 2,750.00 134 * [(88),] FINE, og CV 1,000.00 90 0 [(70-71),] #71 fancy cancel, VERY FINE CV 455.00 135 * [(88), ]FINE, slightly disturbed og, PSE Cert CV 1,000.00 91 0 [(70, 70b), ]VERY FINE CV 1,150.00 136 * [(89), ]FINE, no gum CV 2,100.00 92 0 [(70/78), ]7 stamps, FINE CV 2,450.00 137 0 [(89), ]with the "Tag" flaw, EXTREMELY FINE (PF Cert) CV 350.00 93 0 [(70), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 300.00 138 0 [(90-91), ]red cancels, F-VF CV 1,250.00 94 0 [(70), ]VERY FINE CV 300.00 139 * [(90), ]FINE-VERY FINE, og CV 4,750.00 95 0 [(70a), ]EXTREMELY FINE (PF cert) CV 325.00 140 * [(90),] small faults, F-VF, og CV 4,750.00 96 0 [(70b), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 850.00 141 0 [(90), ]EXTREMELY FINE (PF Cert for the 97 0 [(70b), ]VERY FINE CV 850.00 pair from which this stamp came) CV 400.00 98 0 [(70b), ]VERY FINE CV 850.00 142 0 [(90), ]VERY FINE CV 400.00 99 0 [(70c), ]thins, VERY FINE (Weiss cert) CV 2,250.00 143 * [(91), ]FINE, no gum CV 4,500.00 100 0 [(70d), ]VERY FINE CV 3,000.00 144 * [(91),] FINE, full og, [[Very rare mint stamp]]CV 12,500.00 101 * [(71),] repaired, looks F-VF, og CV 2,750.00 145 * [(91), ]FINE, regummed CV 4,500.00 102 0 [(71), ]supplementary mail cancel, 146 * [(95), ]VERY FINE, no gum CV 1,300.00 EXTREMELY FINE (PF cert) CV 265.00 147 * [(96), ]VERY FINE, no gum CV 900.00 103 0 [(71), ]red cancel, VERY FINE CV 225.00 148 0 [(97), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 260.00 104 0 [(72), ]VERY FINE CV 600.00 149 * [(98), ]FINE, og CV 4,250.00 105 0 [(72), ]VERY FINE CV 600.00 150 * [(99), ]FINE, no gum CV 3,250.00 106 0 [(72), ]red cancel, F-VF CV 725.00 151 * [(99), ]tear at right, one pulled perf, FINE, 107 * [(73), ]EXTREMELY FINE (PF Cert) CV 65.00 og, 2016 PF Cert CV 8,500.00 108 * [(73), ]VERY FINE, og CV 375.00 152 0 [(99), ]red cancel, VERY FINE CV 1,800.00 109 *0 [(73), ]12 stamps, 1 mint og, 2 unused & 9 153 0 [(99), ]red & black cancel, VERY FINE CV 1,800.00 used, F-VF CV 1,240.00 154 0 [(99), ]VERY FINE CV 1,650.00 110 CV [(73), nine covers,] VERY FINE CV 765.00 155 0 [(99), ]reperfed at bottom, VERY FINE CV 1,600.00 111 0 [(74TC6), ]short perf & reperfed at right, New York Duplex cancel, ex-Wagshal, 156 0 [(99), ]straight edge, F-VF CV 1,600.00 F-VF, (PF cert & PSE cert) CV 15,000.00 157 0 [(100), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 950.00 112 0 [(75-77), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 750.00 158 0 [(100), ]fancy cancel, VERY FINE CV 950.00 113 * [(75), ]VERY FINE, regummed CV 2,200.00 159 0 [(100), ]short perf, VERY FINE CV 950.00 114 0 [(75), ]dark red brown, EXTREMELY FINE 160 * [(101), ]repaired corner, F-VF, og CV 14,500.00 (PF cert) CV 450.00 161 * [(103), ]VERY FINE, og (PF Cert) CV 3,500.00 115 0 [(76-78), ]F-VF CV 650.00 162 0 [(112-119), ]VERY FINE CV 1,787.00 116 0 [(76a), ]red cancel, EXTREMELY FINE 163 0 [(112-117, 119), ]VERY FINE CV 937.00 (PSE cert) CV 450.00 164 0 [(112-117, 119), ]VERY FINE CV 937.00 117 * [(77), ]FINE, og CV 4,750.00 165 0 [(112-114, 116-117, 119 & 121),] F-VF, or 118 * [(77),] reperfed, no faults, FINE, og CV 4,750.00 better CV 1,162.00 119 0 [(78 {10}), ]and shades, FINE-VERY FINE CV 3,500.00 166 OP [(112), block of 3 on piece,] VERY FINE CV 450.00 120 0 [(78), ]5 stamps, different shades, 1 mint, 167 CV [(112), single on cover,] VERY FINE CV 280.00 og CV 4,150.00 168 * [(115), ]VERY FINE, og CV 2,750.00 121 * [(78a), ]a few light tone spots, VERY FINE, og, NH (PF cert) CV 2,900.00 169 * [(115), ]VERY FINE, no gum CV 950.00 122 0 [(78b), ]VERY FINE (PSE cert) CV 445.00 170 * [(115),] VERY FINE, no gum CV 950.00 123 0 [(78c), ]small faults, F-VF (PSE cert) CV 20,000.00 171 * [(115), ]F-VF, og CV 2,750.00 124 0 [(83), ]short perf, VERY FINE CV 1,100.00 172 * [(115), ]F-VF, no gum CV 950.00 125 0 [(84), ]small crease, VERY FINE (PF cert) CV 4,500.00 173 * [(115), ]tiny natural inclusion, VERY FINE, og CV 2,750.00 126 0 [(85), ]VERY FINE (PF Cert) CV 1,050.00 174 * [(115), ]offset on gum, FINE, og CV 2,750.00 127 * [(85B),] FINE, no gum [[Rare Unused Stamp]] CV 6,750.00 175 * [(116), ]EXTREMELY FINE, no gum CV 750.00 128 * [(85B), ]crease, tone, FINE, full og, 2005 176 * [(117), ]VERY FINE, og CV 1,900.00 PF Cert CV 17,500.00 177 * [(117), ]F-VF, most og CV 1,900.00 129 0 [(85B), ]F-VF CV 1,200.00 178 * [(117), ]F-VF, og CV 1,900.00 130 0 [(85C), ]a few short perfs, F-VF (PSE Cert) CV 3,500.00 179 * [(118),] FINE, regummed CV 3,500.00 customcatalogba.frx 180 0 [(118), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 850.00 226 * [(154), ]VERY FINE, no gum CV 2,750.00 181 * [(119 ({2})], F-VF, regummed CV 2,400.00 227 * [(154), ]FINE, no gum CV 2,750.00 182 0 [(119), ]SUPERB (PF Cert) CV 210.00 228 * [(155), ]jumbo, EXTREMELY FINE, no gum CV 1,900.00 183 0 [(120), ]EXTREMELY FINE, PF Cert CV 650.00 229 0 [(155), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 350.00 184 0 [(120), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 650.00 230 0 [(156-163, 165-166, 178-179), ]VERY FINE CV 954.00 185 0 [(120), ]EXTREMELY FINE CV 650.00 231
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