Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies ; 2020 (2):24–44 Zhiju Yang and Chuan Yue* A Comparative Measurement Study of Web Tracking on Mobile and Desktop Environments Abstract: Web measurement is a powerful approach to 1 Introduction studying various tracking practices that may compro- mise the privacy of millions of users. Researchers have Web tracking is frequently performed over the Internet built several measurement frameworks and performed by various trackers to collect the information of users’ a few studies to measure web tracking on the desk- browsing activities for various purposes including per- top environment. However, little is known about web sonalized advertisement, targeted attacks, and surveil- tracking on the mobile environment, and no tool is lance [12, 21, 32]. Traditionally, stateful HTTP cook- readily available for performing a comparative measure- ies are used as the dominant technique to track online ment study on mobile and desktop environments. In this users [27]. In recent years, advanced stateful tracking work, we built a framework called WTPatrol that allows techniques such as Flash cookies and advanced stateless us and other researchers to perform web tracking mea- tracking techniques such as browser or device finger- surement on both mobile and desktop environments. printing have also become very popular over the Inter- Using WTPatrol, we performed the first comparative net [1, 3, 24, 30]. User privacy has been keeping com- measurement study of web tracking on 23,310 websites promised by trackers that utilize these techniques. that have both mobile version and desktop version web- Web measurement is a powerful approach to study- pages. We conducted an in-depth comparison of the web ing online tracking practices and techniques. Re- tracking practices of those websites between mobile and searchers have built several measurement frameworks desktop environments from two perspectives: web track- and performed a few studies to measure web tracking on ing based on JavaScript APIs and web tracking based the desktop environment [2, 11, 19, 21]. However, almost on HTTP cookies. Overall, we found that mobile web all the existing measurement studies were performed on tracking has its unique characteristics especially due to the desktop environment. Little is known about web mobile-specific trackers, and it has become increasingly tracking on the mobile environment, and no tool is read- as prevalent as desktop web tracking. However, the po- ily available for performing a comparative measurement tential impact of mobile web tracking is more severe study on mobile and desktop environments. To the best than that of desktop web tracking because a user may of our knowledge, only Eubank et al. [13] measured the use a mobile device frequently in different places and role played by HTTP cookies and JavaScript in mobile be continuously tracked. We further gave some sugges- web tracking on 500 websites. tions to web users, developers, and researchers to defend Measuring web tracking specifically on the mobile against web tracking. environment is necessary and important because of the Keywords: Web tracking, measurement, user privacy, following reasons. First, mobile web browsing has been mobile, JavaScript API booming and overtaking the desktop web browsing over the years [35]. Second, web tracking measurement on the DOI 10.2478/popets-2020-0016 Received 2019-08-31; revised 2019-12-15; accepted 2019-12-16. desktop environment cannot represent the complete web tracking practices because many websites have mobile- specific versions which could have different tracking practices. Third, certain web techniques such as plu- gin support are implemented differently between mo- bile and desktop browsers, which could lead to web tracking practice differences. Fourth, many web tech- niques and events such as those device sensor related Zhiju Yang: Colorado School of Mines, E-mail: zhi- ones are mobile-specific, and can also be leveraged for [email protected] tracking mobile web users. Therefore, measuring mo- *Corresponding Author: Chuan Yue: Colorado School of bile web tracking by simply using a desktop browser to Mines, E-mail: [email protected] A Comparative Measurement Study of Web Tracking on Mobile and Desktop Environments 25 mimic a mobile browser may lead to inaccurate results sites that have both mobile version and desktop version as we verified in an experiment (Section 3). webpages; (3) we conducted an in-depth comparison of In this work, we built a framework called WTPa- web tracking practices of those websites between mo- trol that allows us and other researchers to perform bile and desktop environments from the perspectives of web tracking measurement on both mobile and desk- JavaScript APIs and HTTP cookies; (4) we gave some top environments. WTPatrol consists of three modules: suggestions to web users, developers, and researchers to automation driver which serves to automatically control defend against web tracking. the crawling behavior of a browser, WTPatrol browser Section 2 reviews the related work. Section 3 de- extension which instruments a browser for detecting scribes the design of our WTPatrol measurement frame- a variety of web tracking practices, and data analyzer work. Section 4 presents our data collection, dataset, which analyzes and compares web tracking related data and tracker definition. Section 5 presents and analyzes collected from mobile and desktop websites. our measurement results. Section 6 gives our sugges- Using WTPatrol, we performed the first compara- tions. Section 7 concludes this paper. tive measurement study of web tracking on 23,310 web- sites that have both mobile version and desktop version webpages. We conducted an in-depth comparison of web 2 Related Work tracking practices of those websites between mobile and desktop environments from two perspectives: tracking Web tracking compromises the privacy of users by asso- based on JavaScript APIs and based on HTTP cookies. ciating their identities with their browsing activities on From the perspective of JavaScript APIs, we in to- different websites. In this section, we review the studies tal identified 5,835 different trackers 1 and found that on investigating the effectiveness of web tracking tech- (1) 762 (13.1%) trackers are mobile-specific because niques, and the studies on measuring the adoption of they only appeared on mobile websites, (2)1,783 (30.6%) different web tracking techniques in the wild. trackers are desktop-specific because they only appeared on desktop websites, and (3) 3,290 (56.3%) trackers ap- peared on both mobile and desktop websites. From the 2.1 Effectiveness of Web Tracking perspective of HTTP cookies, we in total identified 5,574 different trackers and found that (1) 695 (12.5%) track- Techniques ers are mobile-specific because they only placed cook- ies on mobile websites, (2) 1,536 (27.6%) trackers are In general, there are two types of web tracking tech- desktop-specific because they only placed cookies on niques: stateful and stateless. In term of stateful tech- desktop websites, and (3) 3,343 (59.9%) trackers placed niques, a tracking website usually generates some unique cookies on both mobile and desktop websites. Overall, identifiers, saves them to users’ machines, and tracks we found that mobile web tracking has its unique char- users when the identifiers are carried back. In con- acteristics especially due to mobile-specific trackers, and trast, stateless techniques are usually fingerprinting- it has become increasingly as prevalent as desktop web based, and a tracking website derives unique user iden- tracking in terms of the overall volume of trackers. How- tifiers or fingerprints from the attributes of browsers, ever, the potential impact of mobile web tracking is operating systems, and/or devices. more severe than that of desktop web tracking because HTTP cookies are the oldest stateful tracking tech- a user may use a mobile device frequently in different niques [17], but recent studies such as the one per- places and be continuously tracked. formed by Roesner et al. [27] showed that they are still Our paper makes the following major contribu- widely used on many websites. In addition to HTTP tions: (1) we built a web tracking measurement frame- cookies, many advanced stateful web tracking tech- work, WTPatrol, that allows researchers to perform web niques have also widely appeared over the years. For ex- tracking measurement studies on both mobile and desk- ample, supercookies are Adobe Flash files, HTTP Etag top environments; (2) we performed the first compara- is an HTTP response header field, and HTML5 local tive measurement study of web tracking on 23,310 web- storage is a browser’s local storage for large data ob- jects; they can all be used to store stateful information at the client-side and track web users [1, 3, 24, 30]. Due to the awareness of privacy issues caused 1 A tracker in this paper is identified at the granularity of the by stateful techniques and the capability for privacy- fully qualified domain name (FQDN) [50]. A Comparative Measurement Study of Web Tracking on Mobile and Desktop Environments 26 conscious users to disable such techniques, more web- OpenWPM-Mobile which still runs on a desktop envi- sites have started to use stateless web tracking tech- ronment; they found a significant overlap between track- niques such as browser fingerprinting. Browser finger- ing scripts and scripts accessing mobile sensor data. printing identifies unique web browsers based on their Lerner et al. [19] analyzed
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